| <#-- |
| Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one |
| or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file |
| distributed with this work for additional information |
| regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file |
| to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the |
| "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance |
| with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at |
| |
| http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 |
| |
| Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, |
| software distributed under the License is distributed on an |
| KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the |
| specific language governing permissions and limitations |
| under the License. |
| --> |
| <#escape x as x?xml> |
| <#if orderHeader?has_content> |
| <fo:table table-layout="fixed" border-spacing="3pt"> |
| <fo:table-column column-width="3in"/> |
| <fo:table-column column-width="1in"/> |
| <fo:table-column column-width="1in"/> |
| <fo:table-column column-width="1in"/> |
| <fo:table-column column-width="1in"/> |
| <fo:table-header> |
| <fo:table-row> |
| <fo:table-cell> |
| <fo:block font-weight="bold">${uiLabelMap.OrderProduct}</fo:block> |
| </fo:table-cell> |
| <fo:table-cell><fo:block></fo:block></fo:table-cell> |
| <fo:table-cell text-align="right"> |
| <fo:block font-weight="bold">${uiLabelMap.OrderQuantity}</fo:block> |
| </fo:table-cell> |
| <fo:table-cell text-align="right"> |
| <fo:block font-weight="bold">${uiLabelMap.OrderUnitList}</fo:block> |
| </fo:table-cell> |
| <fo:table-cell text-align="right"> |
| <fo:block font-weight="bold">${uiLabelMap.OrderSubTotal}</fo:block> |
| </fo:table-cell> |
| </fo:table-row> |
| </fo:table-header> |
| <fo:table-body> |
| <#list orderItemList as orderItem> |
| <#assign orderItemType = orderItem.getRelatedOne("OrderItemType", false)!> |
| <#assign productId = orderItem.productId!> |
| <#assign remainingQuantity = (orderItem.quantity?default(0) - orderItem.cancelQuantity?default(0))> |
| <#assign itemAdjustment = Static["org.apache.ofbiz.order.order.OrderReadHelper"].getOrderItemAdjustmentsTotal(orderItem, orderAdjustments, true, false, false)> |
| <#assign internalImageUrl = Static["org.apache.ofbiz.product.imagemanagement.ImageManagementHelper"].getInternalImageUrl(request, productId!)!> |
| <fo:table-row> |
| <fo:table-cell> |
| <fo:block> |
| <#if orderItem.supplierProductId?has_content> |
| ${orderItem.supplierProductId} - ${orderItem.itemDescription!} |
| <#elseif productId??> |
| ${orderItem.productId?default("N/A")} - ${orderItem.itemDescription!} |
| <#elseif orderItemType??> |
| ${orderItemType.get("description",locale)} - ${orderItem.itemDescription!} |
| <#else> |
| ${orderItem.itemDescription!} |
| </#if> |
| </fo:block> |
| </fo:table-cell> |
| <fo:table-cell> |
| <fo:block> |
| <#if orderHeader.orderTypeId == "PURCHASE_ORDER"> |
| <#if internalImageUrl?has_content> |
| <fo:external-graphic src="${internalImageUrl}" overflow="hidden" content-width="100"/> |
| </#if> |
| </#if> |
| </fo:block> |
| </fo:table-cell> |
| <fo:table-cell text-align="right"> |
| <fo:block>${remainingQuantity}</fo:block> |
| </fo:table-cell> |
| <fo:table-cell text-align="right"> |
| <fo:block><@ofbizCurrency amount=orderItem.unitPrice isoCode=currencyUomId/></fo:block> |
| </fo:table-cell> |
| <fo:table-cell text-align="right"> |
| <fo:block> |
| <#if orderItem.statusId != "ITEM_CANCELLED"> |
| <@ofbizCurrency amount=Static["org.apache.ofbiz.order.order.OrderReadHelper"].getOrderItemSubTotal(orderItem, orderAdjustments) isoCode=currencyUomId/> |
| <#else> |
| <@ofbizCurrency amount=0.00 isoCode=currencyUomId/> |
| </#if> |
| </fo:block> |
| </fo:table-cell> |
| </fo:table-row> |
| <#if itemAdjustment != 0> |
| <fo:table-row> |
| <fo:table-cell number-columns-spanned="2"> |
| <fo:block text-indent="0.2in"> |
| <fo:inline font-style="italic">${uiLabelMap.OrderAdjustments}</fo:inline> |
| : <@ofbizCurrency amount=itemAdjustment isoCode=currencyUomId/> |
| </fo:block> |
| </fo:table-cell> |
| </fo:table-row> |
| </#if> |
| </#list> |
| <#list orderHeaderAdjustments as orderHeaderAdjustment> |
| <#assign adjustmentType = orderHeaderAdjustment.getRelatedOne("OrderAdjustmentType", false)> |
| <#assign adjustmentAmount = Static["org.apache.ofbiz.order.order.OrderReadHelper"].calcOrderAdjustment(orderHeaderAdjustment, orderSubTotal)> |
| <#if adjustmentAmount != 0> |
| <fo:table-row> |
| <fo:table-cell><fo:block></fo:block></fo:table-cell> |
| <fo:table-cell><fo:block></fo:block></fo:table-cell> |
| <fo:table-cell number-columns-spanned="2"> |
| <fo:block font-weight="bold"> |
| ${adjustmentType.get("description",locale)} : |
| <#if orderHeaderAdjustment.get("description")?has_content> |
| (${orderHeaderAdjustment.get("description")!}) |
| </#if> |
| </fo:block> |
| </fo:table-cell> |
| <fo:table-cell text-align="right"> |
| <fo:block><@ofbizCurrency amount=adjustmentAmount isoCode=currencyUomId/></fo:block> |
| </fo:table-cell> |
| </fo:table-row> |
| </#if> |
| </#list> |
| <#-- summary of order amounts --> |
| <fo:table-row> |
| <fo:table-cell><fo:block></fo:block></fo:table-cell> |
| <fo:table-cell><fo:block></fo:block></fo:table-cell> |
| <fo:table-cell number-columns-spanned="2"> |
| <fo:block font-weight="bold">${uiLabelMap.OrderItemsSubTotal}</fo:block> |
| </fo:table-cell> |
| <fo:table-cell text-align="right"> |
| <fo:block><@ofbizCurrency amount=orderSubTotal isoCode=currencyUomId/></fo:block> |
| </fo:table-cell> |
| </fo:table-row> |
| <#if otherAdjAmount != 0> |
| <fo:table-row> |
| <fo:table-cell><fo:block></fo:block></fo:table-cell> |
| <fo:table-cell><fo:block></fo:block></fo:table-cell> |
| <fo:table-cell number-columns-spanned="2"> |
| <fo:block font-weight="bold">${uiLabelMap.OrderTotalOtherOrderAdjustments}</fo:block> |
| </fo:table-cell> |
| <fo:table-cell text-align="right"> |
| <fo:block><@ofbizCurrency amount=otherAdjAmount isoCode=currencyUomId/></fo:block> |
| </fo:table-cell> |
| </fo:table-row> |
| </#if> |
| <#if shippingAmount != 0> |
| <fo:table-row> |
| <fo:table-cell><fo:block></fo:block></fo:table-cell> |
| <fo:table-cell><fo:block></fo:block></fo:table-cell> |
| <fo:table-cell number-columns-spanned="2"> |
| <fo:block font-weight="bold">${uiLabelMap.OrderTotalShippingAndHandling}</fo:block> |
| </fo:table-cell> |
| <fo:table-cell text-align="right"> |
| <fo:block><@ofbizCurrency amount=shippingAmount isoCode=currencyUomId/></fo:block> |
| </fo:table-cell> |
| </fo:table-row> |
| </#if> |
| <#if taxAmount != 0> |
| <fo:table-row> |
| <fo:table-cell><fo:block></fo:block></fo:table-cell> |
| <fo:table-cell><fo:block></fo:block></fo:table-cell> |
| <fo:table-cell number-columns-spanned="2"> |
| <fo:block font-weight="bold">${uiLabelMap.OrderTotalSalesTax}</fo:block> |
| </fo:table-cell> |
| <fo:table-cell text-align="right"> |
| <fo:block><@ofbizCurrency amount=taxAmount isoCode=currencyUomId/></fo:block> |
| </fo:table-cell> |
| </fo:table-row> |
| </#if> |
| <#if grandTotal != 0> |
| <fo:table-row> |
| <fo:table-cell><fo:block></fo:block></fo:table-cell> |
| <fo:table-cell><fo:block></fo:block></fo:table-cell> |
| <fo:table-cell number-columns-spanned="2" background-color="#EEEEEE"> |
| <fo:block font-weight="bold">${uiLabelMap.OrderTotalDue}</fo:block> |
| </fo:table-cell> |
| <fo:table-cell text-align="right"> |
| <fo:block><@ofbizCurrency amount=grandTotal isoCode=currencyUomId/></fo:block> |
| </fo:table-cell> |
| </fo:table-row> |
| </#if> |
| <#-- notes --> |
| <#if orderNotes?has_content> |
| <#if showNoteHeadingOnPDF> |
| <fo:table-row> |
| <fo:table-cell number-columns-spanned="3"> |
| <fo:block font-weight="bold">${uiLabelMap.OrderNotes}</fo:block> |
| <fo:block> |
| <fo:leader leader-length="19cm" leader-pattern="rule"/> |
| </fo:block> |
| </fo:table-cell> |
| </fo:table-row> |
| </#if> |
| <#list orderNotes as note> |
| <#if (note.internalNote?has_content) && (note.internalNote != "Y")> |
| <fo:table-row> |
| <fo:table-cell number-columns-spanned="1"> |
| <fo:block>${note.noteInfo!}</fo:block> |
| </fo:table-cell> |
| <fo:table-cell number-columns-spanned="2"> |
| <fo:block> |
| <#if note.noteParty?has_content> |
| <#assign notePartyNameResult = dispatcher.runSync("getPartyNameForDate", Static["org.apache.ofbiz.base.util.UtilMisc"].toMap("partyId", note.noteParty, "compareDate", note.noteDateTime, "lastNameFirst", "Y", "userLogin", userLogin))/> |
| ${uiLabelMap.CommonBy}: ${notePartyNameResult.fullName?default("${uiLabelMap.OrderPartyNameNotFound}")} |
| </#if> |
| </fo:block> |
| </fo:table-cell> |
| <fo:table-cell number-columns-spanned="1"> |
| <fo:block>${uiLabelMap.CommonAt}: ${note.noteDateTime?string!}</fo:block> |
| </fo:table-cell> |
| </fo:table-row> |
| </#if> |
| </#list> |
| </#if> |
| </fo:table-body> |
| </fo:table> |
| </#if> |
| </#escape> |