blob: f248c5fd6e099ce4070e85f326857497d41b1b9e [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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package org.ofbiz.content.openoffice;
import java.util.List;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
import org.ofbiz.base.util.Debug;
import org.ofbiz.base.util.UtilMisc;
import org.ofbiz.base.util.UtilProperties;
import org.ofbiz.base.util.UtilValidate;
* OpenOfficeWorker Class
* Note that for this to work you must start OpenOffice with a command such as the following:
* <code>soffice -accept=socket,host=localhost,port=8100;urp;</code>
public class OpenOfficeWorker{
public static final String module = OpenOfficeWorker.class.getName();
* Use OpenOffice to convert documents between types
public static XMultiComponentFactory getRemoteServer(String host, String port) throws IOException, Exception {
if (UtilValidate.isEmpty(host)) host = UtilProperties.getPropertyValue("openoffice-uno", "", "localhost");
if (UtilValidate.isEmpty(port)) port = UtilProperties.getPropertyValue("openoffice-uno", "oo.port", "8100");
XMultiComponentFactory xmulticomponentfactory = null;
XComponentContext xcomponentcontext = null;
Object objectUrlResolver = null;
XUnoUrlResolver xurlresolver = null;
Object objectInitial = null;
// Converting the document to the favoured type
try {
/* Bootstraps a component context with the jurt base components
registered. Component context to be granted to a component for running.
Arbitrary values can be retrieved from the context. */
xcomponentcontext =;
/* Gets the service manager instance to be used (or null). This method has
been added for convenience, because the service manager is a often used
object. */
xmulticomponentfactory = xcomponentcontext.getServiceManager();
/* Creates an instance of the component UnoUrlResolver which
supports the services specified by the factory. */
objectUrlResolver = xmulticomponentfactory.createInstanceWithContext("", xcomponentcontext);
// Create a new url resolver
xurlresolver = (XUnoUrlResolver) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XUnoUrlResolver.class, objectUrlResolver);
// Resolves an object that is specified as follow:
// uno:<connection description>;<protocol description>;<initial object name>
String url = "uno:socket,host=" + host + ",port=" + port + ";urp;StarOffice.ServiceManager";
objectInitial = xurlresolver.resolve(url);
// Create a service manager from the initial object
xmulticomponentfactory = (XMultiComponentFactory) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XMultiComponentFactory.class, objectInitial);
} catch (Exception e) {
// TODO: None of this works. Need a programmable start solution.
//String ooxvfb = UtilProperties.getPropertyValue("openoffice-uno", "oo.start.xvfb");
//String ooexport = UtilProperties.getPropertyValue("openoffice-uno", "oo.start.export");
// String oosoffice = UtilProperties.getPropertyValue("openoffice-uno", "oo.start.soffice");
//Process procXvfb = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(ooxvfb);
//Process procExport = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(ooexport);
Process procSoffice = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(oosoffice);
objectInitial = xurlresolver.resolve("uno:socket,host=" + host + ",port=" + port + ";urp;StarOffice.ServiceManager");
xmulticomponentfactory = (XMultiComponentFactory) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XMultiComponentFactory.class, objectInitial);
Debug.logInfo("soffice started. " + procSoffice, module);
String errMsg = "Error connecting to OpenOffice with host [" + host + "] and port [" + port + "]: " + e.toString();
Debug.logError(e, errMsg, module);
throw new IllegalArgumentException(errMsg);
return xmulticomponentfactory;
public static String listFilterNamesEvent(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) {
XMultiComponentFactory factory = null;
try {
factory = getRemoteServer("localhost", "8100");
List filterList = getFilterNames(factory);
request.setAttribute("filterList", filterList);
} catch (IOException e) {
request.setAttribute("_ERROR_MESSAGE_", e.getMessage());
return "error";
} catch (Exception e) {
request.setAttribute("_ERROR_MESSAGE_", e.getMessage());
return "error";
return "success";
public static List getFilterNames(XMultiComponentFactory xmulticomponentfactory) throws Exception {
XPropertySet xPropertySet = (XPropertySet)UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XPropertySet.class, xmulticomponentfactory);
Object oDefaultContext = xPropertySet.getPropertyValue("DefaultContext");
XComponentContext xComponentContext = (XComponentContext) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XComponentContext.class, oDefaultContext);
Object filterFactory = xmulticomponentfactory.createInstanceWithContext("", xComponentContext);
XNameAccess xNameAccess = (XNameAccess)UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XNameAccess.class, filterFactory);
String [] filterNames = xNameAccess.getElementNames();
//String [] serviceNames = filterFactory.getAvailableServiceNames();
for (int i=0; i < filterNames.length; i++) {
String s = filterNames[i];
Debug.logInfo(s, module);
if (s.toLowerCase().indexOf("filter") >= 0) {
Debug.logInfo("FILTER: " + s, module);
if (s.toLowerCase().indexOf("desktop") >= 0) {
Debug.logInfo("DESKTOP: " + s, module);
List filterNameList = UtilMisc.toListArray(filterNames);
return filterNameList;
public static void convertOODocToFile(XMultiComponentFactory xmulticomponentfactory, String fileInPath, String fileOutPath, String outputMimeType) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException, MalformedURLException, Exception {
// Converting the document to the favoured type
// Query for the XPropertySet interface.
XPropertySet xpropertysetMultiComponentFactory = (XPropertySet) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XPropertySet.class, xmulticomponentfactory);
// Get the default context from the office server.
Object objectDefaultContext = xpropertysetMultiComponentFactory.getPropertyValue("DefaultContext");
// Query for the interface XComponentContext.
XComponentContext xcomponentcontext = (XComponentContext) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XComponentContext.class, objectDefaultContext);
/* A desktop environment contains tasks with one or more
frames in which components can be loaded. Desktop is the
environment for components which can instanciate within
frames. */
Object desktopObj = xmulticomponentfactory.createInstanceWithContext("", xcomponentcontext);
//XDesktop desktop = (XDesktop) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XDesktop.class, desktopObj);
XComponentLoader xcomponentloader = (XComponentLoader) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XComponentLoader.class, desktopObj);
// Preparing properties for loading the document
PropertyValue propertyvalue[] = new PropertyValue[ 2 ];
// Setting the flag for hidding the open document
propertyvalue[ 0 ] = new PropertyValue();
propertyvalue[ 0 ].Name = "Hidden";
propertyvalue[ 0 ].Value = Boolean.valueOf(false);
propertyvalue[ 1 ] = new PropertyValue();
propertyvalue[ 1 ].Name = "UpdateDocMode";
propertyvalue[ 1 ].Value = "1";
// Loading the wanted document
String stringUrl = convertToUrl(fileInPath, xcomponentcontext);
Debug.logInfo("stringUrl:" + stringUrl, module);
Object objectDocumentToStore = xcomponentloader.loadComponentFromURL(stringUrl, "_blank", 0, propertyvalue);
// Getting an object that will offer a simple way to store a document to a URL.
XStorable xstorable = (XStorable) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XStorable.class, objectDocumentToStore);
// Preparing properties for converting the document
propertyvalue = new PropertyValue[ 3 ];
// Setting the flag for overwriting
propertyvalue[ 0 ] = new PropertyValue();
propertyvalue[ 0 ].Name = "Overwrite";
propertyvalue[ 0 ].Value = Boolean.valueOf(true);
// Setting the filter name
// Preparing properties for converting the document
String filterName = getFilterNameFromMimeType(outputMimeType);
propertyvalue[ 1 ] = new PropertyValue();
propertyvalue[ 1 ].Name = "FilterName";
propertyvalue[ 1 ].Value = filterName;
propertyvalue[2] = new PropertyValue();
propertyvalue[2].Name = "CompressionMode";
propertyvalue[2].Value = "1";
// Storing and converting the document
//File newFile = new File(stringConvertedFile);
String stringConvertedFile = convertToUrl(fileOutPath, xcomponentcontext);
Debug.logInfo("stringConvertedFile: "+stringConvertedFile, module);
xstorable.storeToURL(stringConvertedFile, propertyvalue);
// Getting the method dispose() for closing the document
XComponent xcomponent = (XComponent) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XComponent.class, xstorable);
// Closing the converted document
public static OpenOfficeByteArrayOutputStream convertOODocByteStreamToByteStream(XMultiComponentFactory xmulticomponentfactory,
OpenOfficeByteArrayInputStream is, String inputMimeType, String outputMimeType) throws Exception {
// Query for the XPropertySet interface.
XPropertySet xpropertysetMultiComponentFactory = (XPropertySet) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XPropertySet.class, xmulticomponentfactory);
// Get the default context from the office server.
Object objectDefaultContext = xpropertysetMultiComponentFactory.getPropertyValue("DefaultContext");
// Query for the interface XComponentContext.
XComponentContext xcomponentcontext = (XComponentContext) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XComponentContext.class, objectDefaultContext);
/* A desktop environment contains tasks with one or more
frames in which components can be loaded. Desktop is the
environment for components which can instanciate within
frames. */
Object desktopObj = xmulticomponentfactory.createInstanceWithContext("", xcomponentcontext);
//XDesktop desktop = (XDesktop) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XDesktop.class, desktopObj);
XComponentLoader xcomponentloader = (XComponentLoader) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XComponentLoader.class, desktopObj);
// Preparing properties for loading the document
PropertyValue propertyvalue[] = new PropertyValue[2];
// Setting the flag for hidding the open document
propertyvalue[0] = new PropertyValue();
propertyvalue[0].Name = "Hidden";
propertyvalue[0].Value = Boolean.TRUE;
propertyvalue[1] = new PropertyValue();
propertyvalue[1].Name = "InputStream";
propertyvalue[1].Value = is;
// Loading the wanted document
Object objectDocumentToStore = xcomponentloader.loadComponentFromURL("private:stream", "_blank", 0, propertyvalue);
if (objectDocumentToStore == null) {
Debug.logError("Could not get objectDocumentToStore object from xcomponentloader.loadComponentFromURL", module);
// Getting an object that will offer a simple way to store a document to a URL.
XStorable xstorable = (XStorable) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XStorable.class, objectDocumentToStore);
if (xstorable == null) {
Debug.logError("Could not get XStorable object from UnoRuntime.queryInterface", module);
// Preparing properties for converting the document
String filterName = getFilterNameFromMimeType(outputMimeType);
propertyvalue = new PropertyValue[4];
propertyvalue[0] = new PropertyValue();
propertyvalue[0].Name = "OutputStream";
OpenOfficeByteArrayOutputStream os = new OpenOfficeByteArrayOutputStream();
propertyvalue[0].Value = os;
// Setting the filter name
propertyvalue[1] = new PropertyValue();
propertyvalue[1].Name = "FilterName";
propertyvalue[1].Value = filterName;
// Setting the flag for overwriting
propertyvalue[3] = new PropertyValue();
propertyvalue[3].Name = "Overwrite";
propertyvalue[3].Value = Boolean.TRUE;
// For PDFs
propertyvalue[2] = new PropertyValue();
propertyvalue[2].Name = "CompressionMode";
propertyvalue[2].Value = "1";
xstorable.storeToURL("private:stream", propertyvalue);
//xstorable.storeToURL("file:///home/byersa/testdoc1_file.pdf", propertyvalue);
// Getting the method dispose() for closing the document
XComponent xcomponent = (XComponent) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XComponent.class, xstorable);
// Closing the converted document
return os;
public static String getFilterNameFromMimeType(String mimeType) {
String filterName = "";
if (UtilValidate.isEmpty(mimeType)) {
filterName = "HTML";
} else if (mimeType.equalsIgnoreCase("application/pdf")) {
filterName = "writer_pdf_Export";
} else if (mimeType.equalsIgnoreCase("application/msword")) {
filterName = "MS Word 97";
} else if (mimeType.equalsIgnoreCase("text/html")) {
filterName = "HTML (StarWriter)";
} else {
filterName = "HTML";
return filterName;
public static String getExtensionFromMimeType(String mimeType) {
String extension = "";
if (UtilValidate.isEmpty(mimeType)) {
extension = "html";
} else if (mimeType.equalsIgnoreCase("application/pdf")) {
extension = "pdf";
} else if (mimeType.equalsIgnoreCase("application/msword")) {
extension = "doc";
} else if (mimeType.equalsIgnoreCase("text/html")) {
extension = "html";
} else {
extension = "html";
return extension;
public static String convertToUrl(String filePath, XComponentContext xComponentContext) throws MalformedURLException {
String returnUrl = null;
File f = new File(filePath);
URL u = f.toURL();
returnUrl = ExternalUriReferenceTranslator.create(xComponentContext).translateToInternal(u.toExternalForm());
return returnUrl;