blob: 48e0be366fc0c51f9e7e601891a58b8900204775 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.ofbiz.content;
import java.sql.Timestamp;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession;
import javolution.util.FastList;
import javolution.util.FastMap;
import org.ofbiz.base.util.Debug;
import org.ofbiz.base.util.GeneralException;
import org.ofbiz.base.util.StringUtil;
import org.ofbiz.base.util.UtilGenerics;
import org.ofbiz.base.util.UtilHttp;
import org.ofbiz.base.util.UtilMisc;
import org.ofbiz.base.util.UtilValidate;
import org.ofbiz.base.util.collections.LifoSet;
import org.ofbiz.content.content.ContentServicesComplex;
import org.ofbiz.entity.Delegator;
import org.ofbiz.entity.GenericEntity;
import org.ofbiz.entity.GenericEntityException;
import org.ofbiz.entity.GenericPK;
import org.ofbiz.entity.GenericValue;
import org.ofbiz.entity.condition.EntityCondition;
import org.ofbiz.entity.condition.EntityOperator;
import org.ofbiz.entity.util.EntityUtil;
import org.ofbiz.entityext.permission.EntityPermissionChecker;
import org.ofbiz.minilang.MiniLangException;
* ContentManagementWorker Class
public class ContentManagementWorker {
public static final String module = ContentManagementWorker.class.getName();
public static Map<String, GenericValue> cachedWebSitePublishPoints = FastMap.newInstance();
public static Map<String, Map<String, Object>> cachedStaticValues = FastMap.newInstance();
public static void mruAdd(HttpServletRequest request, GenericEntity pk, String suffix) {
HttpSession session = request.getSession();
mruAdd(session, pk);
public static void mruAdd(HttpServletRequest request, GenericEntity pk) {
HttpSession session = request.getSession();
mruAdd(session, pk);
public static void mruAdd(HttpSession session, GenericEntity pk) {
if (pk == null) {
Map<String, LifoSet<Object>> lookupCaches = UtilGenerics.checkMap(session.getAttribute("lookupCaches"));
if (lookupCaches == null) {
lookupCaches = FastMap.newInstance();
session.setAttribute("lookupCaches", lookupCaches);
String entityName = pk.getEntityName();
mruAddByEntityName(entityName, pk, lookupCaches);
* Makes an entry in the "most recently used" cache. It picks the cache
* by the entity name and builds a signature from the primary key values.
* @param entityName
* @param lookupCaches
* @param pk either a GenericValue or GenericPK - populated
public static void mruAddByEntityName(String entityName, GenericEntity pk, Map<String, LifoSet<Object>> lookupCaches) {
String cacheEntityName = entityName;
LifoSet<Object> lkupCache = lookupCaches.get(cacheEntityName);
if (lkupCache == null) {
lkupCache = new LifoSet<Object>();
lookupCaches.put(cacheEntityName, lkupCache);
if (Debug.infoOn()) Debug.logInfo("in mruAddByEntityName, entityName:" + entityName + " lifoSet.size()" + lkupCache.size(), module);
public static Iterator<Object> mostRecentlyViewedIterator(String entityName, Map<String, LifoSet<Object>> lookupCaches) {
String cacheEntityName = entityName;
LifoSet<Object> lkupCache = lookupCaches.get(cacheEntityName);
if (lkupCache == null) {
lkupCache = new LifoSet<Object>();
lookupCaches.put(cacheEntityName, lkupCache);
Iterator<Object> mrvIterator = lkupCache.iterator();
return mrvIterator;
* Builds a string signature from a GenericValue or GenericPK.
* @param pk either a populated GenericValue or GenericPK.
* @param suffix a string that can be used to distinguish the signature (probably not used).
public static String buildPKSig(GenericEntity pk, String suffix) {
StringBuilder sig = new StringBuilder("");
Collection<String> keyColl = pk.getPrimaryKey().getAllKeys();
List<String> keyList = UtilMisc.makeListWritable(keyColl);
for(String ky : keyList) {
String val = (String)pk.get(ky);
if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(val)) {
if (sig.length() > 0) sig.append("_");
if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(suffix)) {
if (sig.length() > 0) sig.append("_");
return sig.toString();
public static void setCurrentEntityMap(HttpServletRequest request, GenericEntity ent) {
String entityName = ent.getEntityName();
setCurrentEntityMap(request, entityName, ent);
public static void setCurrentEntityMap(HttpServletRequest request, String entityName, GenericEntity ent) {
HttpSession session = request.getSession();
Map<String, GenericEntity> currentEntityMap = UtilGenerics.checkMap(session.getAttribute("currentEntityMap"));
if (currentEntityMap == null) {
currentEntityMap = FastMap.newInstance();
session.setAttribute("currentEntityMap", currentEntityMap);
currentEntityMap.put(entityName, ent);
public static String getFromSomewhere(String name, Map<String, Object> paramMap, HttpServletRequest request, Map<String, Object> context) {
String ret = null;
if (paramMap != null) {
ret = (String)paramMap.get(name);
if (UtilValidate.isEmpty(ret)) {
Object obj = request.getAttribute(name);
if (obj != null) {
ret = obj.toString();
} else {
obj = context.get(name);
if (obj != null) {
ret = obj.toString();
return ret;
//public static String getFromSomewhere(String name, LinkedHashMap paramMap, HttpServletRequest request, org.jpublish.JPublishContext context) {
/* This method should no longer be in use; the JPublish library was removed by default from OFBiz
public static String getFromSomewhere(String name, Map paramMap, HttpServletRequest request, org.jpublish.JPublishContext context) {
String ret = null;
if (paramMap != null)
ret = (String)paramMap.get(name);
if (UtilValidate.isEmpty(ret)) {
Object obj = request.getAttribute(name);
if (obj != null) {
ret = obj.toString();
} else {
obj = context.get(name);
if (obj != null) {
ret = obj.toString();
return ret;
} */
public static void getCurrentValue(HttpServletRequest request, Delegator delegator) {
HttpSession session = request.getSession();
Map<String, GenericPK> currentEntityMap = UtilGenerics.checkMap(session.getAttribute("currentEntityMap"));
if (currentEntityMap == null) {
currentEntityMap = FastMap.newInstance();
session.setAttribute("currentEntityMap", currentEntityMap);
Map<String, Object> paramMap = UtilHttp.getParameterMap(request);
String entityName = (String)paramMap.get("entityName");
if (UtilValidate.isEmpty(entityName)) {
entityName = (String)request.getAttribute("entityName");
GenericPK cachedPK = null;
if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(entityName)) {
cachedPK = currentEntityMap.get(entityName);
getCurrentValueWithCachedPK(request, delegator, cachedPK, entityName);
GenericPK currentPK = (GenericPK)request.getAttribute("currentPK");
currentEntityMap.put(entityName, currentPK);
public static void getCurrentValueWithCachedPK(HttpServletRequest request, Delegator delegator, GenericPK cachedPK, String entityName) {
Map<String, Object> paramMap = UtilHttp.getParameterMap(request);
// Build the primary key that may have been passed in as key values
GenericValue v = delegator.makeValue(entityName);
GenericPK passedPK = v.getPrimaryKey();
Collection<String> keyColl = passedPK.getAllKeys();
for(String attrName : keyColl) {
String attrVal = (String)request.getAttribute(attrName);
if (UtilValidate.isEmpty(attrVal)) {
attrVal = (String)paramMap.get(attrName);
if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(attrVal)) {
// If a full passed primary key exists, it takes precedence over a cached key
// I cannot determine if the key testing utils of GenericEntity take into account
// whether or not a field is populated.
boolean useCached = false;
boolean usePassed = true;
if (cachedPK != null) {
useCached = true;
keyColl = cachedPK.getPrimaryKey().getAllKeys();
for(String ky : keyColl) {
String sCached = null;
String sPassed = null;
Object oPassed = null;
Object oCached = null;
oPassed = passedPK.get(ky);
if (oPassed != null) {
sPassed = oPassed.toString();
if (UtilValidate.isEmpty(sPassed)) {
// If any part of passed key is not available, it can't be used
usePassed = false;
} else {
oCached = cachedPK.get(ky);
if (oCached != null) {
sCached = oCached.toString();
if (UtilValidate.isEmpty(sCached)) {
useCached = false;
} else {
} else {
useCached = false;
} else {
//useCached = false;
usePassed = false;
GenericPK currentPK = null;
if (usePassed && useCached) {
currentPK = passedPK;
} else if (usePassed && !useCached) {
currentPK = passedPK;
} else if (!usePassed && useCached) {
currentPK = cachedPK;
if (currentPK != null) {
request.setAttribute("currentPK", currentPK);
GenericValue currentValue = null;
try {
currentValue = delegator.findOne(currentPK.getEntityName(), currentPK, false);
} catch (GenericEntityException e) {
request.setAttribute("currentValue", currentValue);
public static List<String []> getPermittedPublishPoints(Delegator delegator, List<GenericValue> allPublishPoints, GenericValue userLogin, Security security, String permittedAction, String permittedOperations, String passedRoles) throws GeneralException {
List<String []> permittedPublishPointList = FastList.newInstance();
// Check that user has permission to admin sites
for(GenericValue webSitePP : allPublishPoints) {
String contentId = (String)webSitePP.get("contentId");
String templateTitle = (String)webSitePP.get("templateTitle");
GenericValue content = delegator.makeValue("Content", UtilMisc.toMap("contentId", contentId));
String statusId = null;
String entityAction = permittedAction;
if (entityAction == null) {
entityAction = "_ADMIN";
List<String> passedPurposes = UtilMisc.toList("ARTICLE");
List<String> roles = StringUtil.split(passedRoles, "|");
List<String> targetOperationList = FastList.newInstance();
if (UtilValidate.isEmpty(permittedOperations)) {
targetOperationList.add("CONTENT" + entityAction);
} else {
targetOperationList = StringUtil.split(permittedOperations, "|");
Map<String, Object> results = null;
//if (Debug.infoOn()) Debug.logInfo("in getPermittedPublishPoints, content:" + content, module);
results = EntityPermissionChecker.checkPermission(content, statusId, userLogin, passedPurposes, targetOperationList, roles, delegator, security, entityAction);
String permissionStatus = (String)results.get("permissionStatus");
if (permissionStatus != null && permissionStatus.equalsIgnoreCase("granted")) {
String [] arr = {contentId,templateTitle};
return permittedPublishPointList;
Returns a list of WebSitePublishPoint entities that are children of parentPubPt
The name should be "getAllTopLevelPublishPoints" or "getAllChildPublishPoints"
@param parentPubPt The parent publish point.
public static List<GenericValue> getAllPublishPoints(Delegator delegator, String parentPubPt) throws GeneralException {
List<GenericValue> relatedPubPts = null;
try {
relatedPubPts = delegator.findByAnd("ContentAssoc", UtilMisc.toMap("contentIdTo", parentPubPt, "contentAssocTypeId", "SUBSITE"), null, true);
} catch (GenericEntityException e) {
throw new GeneralException(e.getMessage());
List<GenericValue> allPublishPoints = FastList.newInstance();
GenericValue webSitePublishPoint = null;
for(GenericValue contentAssoc : relatedPubPts) {
String pub = (String)contentAssoc.get("contentId");
//webSitePublishPoint = delegator.findOne("WebSitePublishPoint", UtilMisc.toMap("contentId", pub), true);
webSitePublishPoint = getWebSitePublishPoint(delegator, pub, false);
return allPublishPoints;
public static Map<String, GenericValue> getPublishPointMap(Delegator delegator, String pubPtId) throws GeneralException {
List<GenericValue> publishPointList = getAllPublishPoints(delegator, pubPtId);
Map<String, GenericValue> publishPointMap = FastMap.newInstance();
for(GenericValue webSitePublishPoint : publishPointList) {
String pub = (String)webSitePublishPoint.get("contentId");
publishPointMap.put(pub, webSitePublishPoint);
return publishPointMap;
public static void getAllPublishPointMap(Delegator delegator, String pubPtId, Map<String, GenericValue> publishPointMap) throws GeneralException {
List<GenericValue> publishPointList = getAllPublishPoints(delegator, pubPtId);
for(GenericValue webSitePublishPoint : publishPointList) {
String pub = (String)webSitePublishPoint.get("contentId");
publishPointMap.put(pub, webSitePublishPoint);
getAllPublishPointMap(delegator, pub, publishPointMap);
public static Map<String, GenericValue> getPublishPointMap(Delegator delegator, List<GenericValue> publishPointList) {
Map<String, GenericValue> publishPointMap = FastMap.newInstance();
for(GenericValue webSitePublishPoint : publishPointList) {
String pub = (String)webSitePublishPoint.get("contentId");
publishPointMap.put(pub, webSitePublishPoint);
return publishPointMap;
public static List<Map<String, Object>> getStaticValues(Delegator delegator, String parentPlaceholderId, List<String []> permittedPublishPointList) throws GeneralException {
List<GenericValue> assocValueList = null;
try {
assocValueList = delegator.findByAnd("Content", UtilMisc.toMap("contentTypeId", parentPlaceholderId), null, true);
} catch (GenericEntityException e) {
throw new GeneralException(e.getMessage());
List<Map<String, Object>> staticValueList = FastList.newInstance();
int counter = 0;
for(GenericValue content : assocValueList) {
String contentId = (String)content.get("contentId");
String contentName = (String)content.get("contentName");
String description = (String)content.get("description");
Map<String, Object> map = FastMap.newInstance();
map.put("contentId", contentId);
map.put("contentName", contentName);
map.put("description", description);
for(String [] publishPointArray : permittedPublishPointList) {
String publishPointId = publishPointArray[0];
List<GenericValue> contentAssocList = content.getRelated("ToContentAssoc", UtilMisc.toMap("contentId", publishPointId), null, false);
List<GenericValue> filteredList = EntityUtil.filterByDate(contentAssocList);
if (filteredList.size() > 0) {
map.put(publishPointId, "Y");
GenericValue assoc = filteredList.get(0);
Timestamp fromDate = (Timestamp)assoc.get("fromDate");
map.put(publishPointId + "FromDate", fromDate);
} else {
map.put(publishPointId, "N");
return staticValueList;
public static GenericValue getWebSitePublishPoint(Delegator delegator, String contentId) throws GenericEntityException {
return getWebSitePublishPoint(delegator, contentId, false);
public static GenericValue getWebSitePublishPoint(Delegator delegator, String contentId, boolean ignoreCache) throws GenericEntityException {
GenericValue webSitePublishPoint = null;
if (!ignoreCache)
webSitePublishPoint = cachedWebSitePublishPoints.get(contentId);
if (webSitePublishPoint == null) {
webSitePublishPoint = delegator.findOne("WebSitePublishPoint", UtilMisc.toMap("contentId", contentId), false);
// If no webSitePublishPoint exists, still try to look for parent by making a dummy value
if (webSitePublishPoint == null) {
webSitePublishPoint = delegator.makeValue("WebSitePublishPoint", UtilMisc.toMap("contentId", contentId));
//if (Debug.infoOn()) Debug.logInfo("in getWebSitePublishPoint, contentId:" + contentId, module);
webSitePublishPoint = overrideWebSitePublishPoint(delegator, webSitePublishPoint);
cachedWebSitePublishPoints.put(contentId, webSitePublishPoint);
return webSitePublishPoint;
public static GenericValue overrideWebSitePublishPoint(Delegator delegator, GenericValue passedValue) throws GenericEntityException {
String contentId = passedValue.getString("contentId");
GenericValue webSitePublishPoint = passedValue;
String contentIdTo = getParentWebSitePublishPointId(delegator, contentId);
//if (Debug.infoOn()) Debug.logInfo("in overrideWebSitePublishPoint, contentIdTo:" + contentIdTo, module);
if (contentIdTo != null) {
//webSitePublishPoint = getWebSitePublishPoint(delegator, contentIdTo, false);
webSitePublishPoint = delegator.findOne("WebSitePublishPoint", UtilMisc.toMap("contentId", contentIdTo), true);
if (webSitePublishPoint != null) {
webSitePublishPoint = GenericValue.create(webSitePublishPoint);
webSitePublishPoint = overrideWebSitePublishPoint(delegator, webSitePublishPoint);
webSitePublishPoint.setNonPKFields(passedValue, false);
webSitePublishPoint.setPKFields(passedValue, false);
return webSitePublishPoint;
public static GenericValue getParentWebSitePublishPointValue(Delegator delegator, String contentId) throws GenericEntityException {
String contentIdTo = getParentWebSitePublishPointId(delegator, contentId);
GenericValue content = delegator.findOne("Content", UtilMisc.toMap("contentId", contentIdTo), true);
return content;
public static String getParentWebSitePublishPointId(Delegator delegator, String contentId) throws GenericEntityException {
String contentIdTo = null;
List<GenericValue> contentAssocList = delegator.findByAnd("ContentAssoc", UtilMisc.toMap("contentId", contentId, "contentAssocTypeId", "SUBSITE"), null, true);
List<GenericValue> filteredContentAssocList = EntityUtil.filterByDate(contentAssocList);
if (filteredContentAssocList.size() > 0) {
GenericValue contentAssoc = filteredContentAssocList.get(0);
if (contentAssoc != null)
contentIdTo = contentAssoc.getString("contentIdTo");
return contentIdTo;
public static GenericValue getStaticValue(Delegator delegator, String parentPlaceholderId, String webSitePublishPointId, boolean ignoreCache) throws GenericEntityException {
GenericValue webSitePublishPoint = null;
// GenericValue staticValue = null;
if (!ignoreCache) {
Map<String, Object> subStaticValueMap = cachedStaticValues.get(parentPlaceholderId);
if (subStaticValueMap == null) {
subStaticValueMap = FastMap.newInstance();
cachedStaticValues.put(parentPlaceholderId, subStaticValueMap);
//Map staticValueMap = (GenericValue)cachedStaticValues.get(web);
if (webSitePublishPoint == null) {
webSitePublishPoint = delegator.findOne("WebSitePublishPoint", UtilMisc.toMap("contentId", contentId), false);
// If no webSitePublishPoint exists, still try to look for parent by making a dummy value
if (webSitePublishPoint == null) {
webSitePublishPoint = delegator.makeValue("WebSitePublishPoint", UtilMisc.toMap("contentId", contentId));
webSitePublishPoint = overrideStaticValues(delegator, webSitePublishPoint);
cachedWebSitePublishPoints.put(contentId, webSitePublishPoint);
return webSitePublishPoint;
public static List<Object []> getPublishedLinks(Delegator delegator, String targContentId, String rootPubId, GenericValue userLogin, Security security, String permittedAction, String permittedOperations , String passedRoles) throws GeneralException {
// Set up one map with all the top-level publish points (to which only one sub point can be attached to)
// and another map (publishPointMapAll) that points to one of the top-level points.
List<GenericValue> allPublishPointList = getAllPublishPoints(delegator, rootPubId);
//if (Debug.infoOn()) Debug.logInfo("in getPublishLinks, allPublishPointList:" + allPublishPointList, module);
List<String []> publishPointList = getPermittedPublishPoints(delegator, allPublishPointList, userLogin, security , permittedAction, permittedOperations, passedRoles);
Map<String, Object> publishPointMap = FastMap.newInstance();
Map<String, Object> publishPointMapAll = FastMap.newInstance();
for(String [] arr : publishPointList) {
//GenericValue webSitePublishPoint = (GenericValue);
//String contentId = (String)webSitePublishPoint.get("contentId");
//String description = (String)webSitePublishPoint.get("description");
String contentId = arr[0];
String description = arr[1];
List<Object []> subPointList = FastList.newInstance();
Object nullObj = null;
Object [] subArr = {contentId, subPointList, description, nullObj};
publishPointMap.put(contentId, subArr);
publishPointMapAll.put(contentId, contentId);
List<GenericValue> subPublishPointList = getAllPublishPoints(delegator, contentId);
for(GenericValue webSitePublishPoint2 : subPublishPointList) {
//String [] arr2 = (String []);
//String contentId2 = (String)arr2[0];
//String description2 = (String)arr2[1];
String contentId2 = (String)webSitePublishPoint2.get("contentId");
String description2 = (String)webSitePublishPoint2.get("templateTitle");
publishPointMapAll.put(contentId2, contentId);
Timestamp obj = null;
Object [] subArr2 = {contentId2, description2, obj};
/* */
List<GenericValue> assocValueList = null;
try {
List<GenericValue> rawAssocValueList = delegator.findByAnd("ContentAssoc", UtilMisc.toMap("contentId", targContentId, "contentAssocTypeId", "PUBLISH_LINK"), null, true);
assocValueList = EntityUtil.filterByDate(rawAssocValueList);
} catch (GenericEntityException e) {
throw new GeneralException(e.getMessage());
for(GenericValue contentAssoc : assocValueList) {
String contentIdTo = contentAssoc.getString("contentIdTo");
String topContentId = (String)publishPointMapAll.get(contentIdTo);
Object [] subArr = (Object [])publishPointMap.get(topContentId);
//if (Debug.infoOn()) Debug.logInfo("in getPublishLinks, subArr:" + Arrays.asList(subArr) , module);
if (contentIdTo.equals(topContentId)) {
subArr[3] = contentAssoc.get("fromDate");
} else {
if (subArr != null) {
List<Object []> subPointList = UtilGenerics.checkList(subArr[1]);
Iterator<Object []> it5 = subPointList.iterator();
Object [] subArr2 = null;
while (it5.hasNext()) {
subArr2 =;
String contentId5 = (String)subArr2[0];
if (contentId5.equals(contentIdTo))
subArr2[2] = contentAssoc.get("fromDate");
List<Object []> publishedLinkList = FastList.newInstance();
for(String contentId : publishPointMap.keySet()) {
Object [] subPointArr = (Object [])publishPointMap.get(contentId);
return publishedLinkList;
public static GenericValue getAuthorContent(Delegator delegator, String contentId) {
GenericValue authorContent = null;
try {
List<String> assocTypes = UtilMisc.toList("AUTHOR");
List<String> contentTypes = null;
// String fromDate = null;
// String thruDate = null;
Map<String, Object> results = ContentServicesComplex.getAssocAndContentAndDataResourceCacheMethod(delegator, contentId, null, "To", null, null, assocTypes, contentTypes, Boolean.TRUE, null);
List<GenericValue> valueList = UtilGenerics.checkList(results.get("entityList"));
if (valueList.size() > 0) {
GenericValue value = valueList.get(0);
authorContent = delegator.makeValue("Content");
//if (Debug.infoOn()) Debug.logInfo("in getAuthorContent, authorContent:" + authorContent, module);
} catch (GenericEntityException e) {
} catch (MiniLangException e2) {
return authorContent;
public static List<String []> getPermittedDepartmentPoints(Delegator delegator, List<GenericValue> allDepartmentPoints, GenericValue userLogin, Security security, String permittedAction, String permittedOperations, String passedRoles) throws GeneralException {
List<String []> permittedDepartmentPointList = FastList.newInstance();
// Check that user has permission to admin sites
for(GenericValue content : allDepartmentPoints) {
String contentId = (String)content.get("contentId");
String contentName = (String)content.get("contentName");
String statusId = null;
String entityAction = permittedAction;
if (entityAction == null)
entityAction = "_ADMIN";
List<String> passedPurposes = UtilMisc.<String>toList("ARTICLE");
List<String> roles = StringUtil.split(passedRoles, "|");
List<String> targetOperationList = FastList.newInstance();
if (UtilValidate.isEmpty(permittedOperations)) {
targetOperationList.add("CONTENT" + entityAction);
} else {
targetOperationList = StringUtil.split(permittedOperations, "|");
Map<String, Object> results = null;
//if (Debug.infoOn()) Debug.logInfo("in getPermittedDepartmentPoints, content:" + content, module);
results = EntityPermissionChecker.checkPermission(content, statusId, userLogin, passedPurposes, targetOperationList, roles, delegator, security, entityAction);
String permissionStatus = (String)results.get("permissionStatus");
if (permissionStatus != null && permissionStatus.equalsIgnoreCase("granted")) {
String [] arr = {contentId,contentName};
return permittedDepartmentPointList;
Returns a list of "department" (having ContentAssoc of type "DEPARTMENT")
Content entities that are children of parentPubPt
@param parentPubPt The parent publish point.
public static List<GenericValue> getAllDepartmentContent(Delegator delegator, String parentPubPt) throws GeneralException {
List<GenericValue> relatedPubPts = null;
try {
relatedPubPts = delegator.findByAnd("ContentAssoc", UtilMisc.toMap("contentIdTo", parentPubPt, "contentAssocTypeId", "DEPARTMENT"), null, true);
} catch (GenericEntityException e) {
throw new GeneralException(e.getMessage());
List<GenericValue> allDepartmentPoints = FastList.newInstance();
GenericValue departmentContent = null;
for(GenericValue contentAssoc : relatedPubPts) {
String pub = (String)contentAssoc.get("contentId");
departmentContent = delegator.findOne("Content", UtilMisc.toMap("contentId", pub), true);
return allDepartmentPoints;
public static String getUserName(HttpServletRequest request, String userLoginId) throws GenericEntityException {
String userName = null;
Delegator delegator = (Delegator)request.getAttribute("delegator");
GenericValue userLogin = delegator.findOne("UserLogin", UtilMisc.toMap("userLoginId", userLoginId), true);
GenericValue person = userLogin.getRelatedOne("Person", true);
userName = person.getString("firstName") + " " + person.getString("lastName");
return userName;
public static int updateStatsTopDown(Delegator delegator, String contentId, List<String> typeList) throws GenericEntityException {
int subLeafCount = 0;
GenericValue thisContent = delegator.findOne("Content", UtilMisc.toMap("contentId", contentId), false);
if (thisContent == null)
throw new RuntimeException("No entity found for id=" + contentId);
EntityCondition conditionMain = null;
if (typeList.size() > 0) {
EntityCondition conditionType = EntityCondition.makeCondition("contentAssocTypeId", EntityOperator.IN, typeList);
conditionMain = EntityCondition.makeCondition(UtilMisc.toList(EntityCondition.makeCondition("contentIdTo", EntityOperator.EQUALS, contentId), conditionType), EntityOperator.AND);
} else {
conditionMain = EntityCondition.makeCondition("contentIdTo", EntityOperator.EQUALS, contentId);
List<GenericValue> listAll = delegator.findList("ContentAssoc", conditionMain, null, null, null, true);
List<GenericValue> listFiltered = EntityUtil.filterByDate(listAll);
for(GenericValue contentAssoc : listFiltered) {
String subContentId = contentAssoc.getString("contentId");
subLeafCount += updateStatsTopDown(delegator, subContentId, typeList);
// If no children, count this as a leaf
if (subLeafCount == 0)
subLeafCount = 1;
thisContent.put("childBranchCount", Long.valueOf(listFiltered.size()));
thisContent.put("childLeafCount", Long.valueOf(subLeafCount));;
return subLeafCount;
public static void updateStatsBottomUp(Delegator delegator, String contentId, List<String> typeList, int branchChangeAmount, int leafChangeAmount) throws GenericEntityException {
GenericValue thisContent = delegator.findOne("Content", UtilMisc.toMap("contentId", contentId), false);
if (thisContent == null)
throw new RuntimeException("No entity found for id=" + contentId);
EntityCondition conditionType = EntityCondition.makeCondition("contentAssocTypeId", EntityOperator.IN, typeList);
EntityCondition conditionMain = EntityCondition.makeCondition(UtilMisc.toList(EntityCondition.makeCondition("contentId", EntityOperator.EQUALS, contentId), conditionType), EntityOperator.AND);
List<GenericValue> listAll = delegator.findList("ContentAssoc", conditionMain, null, null, null, true);
List<GenericValue> listFiltered = EntityUtil.filterByDate(listAll);
for(GenericValue contentAssoc : listFiltered) {
String contentIdTo = contentAssoc.getString("contentIdTo");
GenericValue contentTo = delegator.findOne("Content", UtilMisc.toMap("contentId", contentIdTo), false);
int intLeafCount = 0;
Long leafCount = (Long)contentTo.get("childLeafCount");
if (leafCount != null) {
intLeafCount = leafCount.intValue();
contentTo.set("childLeafCount", Long.valueOf(intLeafCount + leafChangeAmount));
if (branchChangeAmount != 0) {
int intBranchCount = 0;
Long branchCount = (Long)contentTo.get("childBranchCount");
if (branchCount != null) {
intBranchCount = branchCount.intValue();
contentTo.set("childBranchCount", Long.valueOf(intBranchCount + branchChangeAmount));
updateStatsBottomUp(delegator, contentIdTo, typeList, 0, leafChangeAmount);