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<section xmlns:xsi="" version="5.0"
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<title>The Edit Financial Account screen.</title>
<para>This screen allows the user to create a new financial account or to edit an existing
<para>The 'Financial Account' submenu is the first of four submenus used in the creation or
update of a Financial Account. On the creation or update of a Financial Account it is the
default screen that is displayed.</para>
<para>It can be used for updating the basic details of a Financial account such as:</para>
<para>Type of Account (eg Deposit, Investment, Gift Certificate)</para>
<para>Account Status (Active, Frozen, Cancel, etc)</para>
<para>Account Name and Code</para>
<para>Currency </para>
<para>Owner Party ID</para>
<para>Default GL Account for Posting</para>
<para>Replenishment Level </para>
<title>How do I create a new Financial Account?</title>
<para>Select the 'Create New Financial Account' button from the 'Find Financial Accounts'
<para>The 'Create/Update Financial Account' screen is displayed.</para>
<para>Keep the default entry of 'Deposit Account' for the Fin Account Type
<para>Keep the default entry of 'Active' for the status field</para>
<para>Enter a description (eg ABC Customer Prepaid Account) for the 'Fin Account
Name' field</para>
<para>Leave the Fin Account Pin field blank (NOTE TO CHECK: I think this is only
used in creation of Gift Cards and Certificates..)</para>
<para>Leave the Fin Account Code field blank (NOTE TO CHECK: I think this is only
used in the creation of Gift Cards and Certificates...)</para>
<para>The currency field will be the default currency of Company (eg USD). If this
account is to be in another currency (eg EUR) then select it from the drop down
<para>Set the Organization Party ID field to be 'Company'</para>
<para>Fill in the Owner Party Id field with the party id of the customer who has the
Financial Account (eg DemoCustomer or DemoCustCompany)</para>
<para>Fill in the 'Post to Gl Account field' to post the transactions for this
financial account to post to a specific GL Account</para>
<para>Select the current date from the calendar to fill in the 'From date' field
(NOTE: It can be left blank and still appears to work)</para>
<para>Leave the 'Thru date' field blank (NOTE TO CHECK: I think this could be used
to close or stop the use of an account ..)</para>
<para>Leave the default of 'Is Refundable' as 'Y' (NOTE TO CHECK: I think this will
allow money to be refunded to this account - eg if you have a return or credit
for the customer)</para>
<para>Leave the 'Replenish Payment ID' blank (NOTE TO CHECK: Not sure what this is -
maybe to automatically replenish account if it gets to a certain limit???)Leave
the 'Replenish Level' blank (NOTE TO CHECK: Not sure what this is but probably
linked to Replenish Payment ID where you set the limit - eg $100)</para>
<para>Press the 'Create' button and message appears saying that the account was successfully
created </para>
<title>How do I update an existing Financial Account?</title>
<para>Press the 'Search' button on the Financial Account main screen</para>
<para>A list of all existing Financial Accounts will be displayed</para>
<para>The 'Create/Update Financial' screen is displayed</para>
<para>Update the details of the financial account </para>
<para>Press the 'Update' button</para>