blob: 9ac46866b59098b39507d2aeb36bc0ac9793b0af [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2004 Actuate Corporation and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* Actuate Corporation - Initial implementation.
* BirtReportDocument
* ...
BirtReportDocument = Class.create( );
BirtReportDocument.prototype = Object.extend( new AbstractBaseReportDocument( ),
* Initialization routine required by "ProtoType" lib.
* @return, void
initialize : function( id, tocElement )
this.__instance = $( id );
this.__tocElement = tocElement;
this.__neh_resize( );
this.__has_svg_support = hasSVGSupport;
// Prepare closures.
this.__neh_resize_closure = this.__neh_resize.bindAsEventListener( this );
this.__beh_getPage_closure = this.__beh_getPage.bind( this );
this.__beh_getPageInit_closure = this.__beh_getPageInit.bind( this );
this.__beh_changeParameter_closure = this.__beh_changeParameter.bind( this );
this.__beh_toc_closure = this.__beh_toc.bindAsEventListener( this );
this.__beh_cacheParameter_closure = this.__beh_cacheParameter.bind( this );
this.__beh_printServer_closure = this.__beh_printServer.bind( this );
this.__beh_print_closure = this.__beh_print.bind( this );
this.__beh_pdf_closure = this.__beh_pdf.bind( this );
this.__beh_cancelTask_closure = this.__beh_cancelTask.bind( this );
this.__beh_getPageAll_closure = this.__beh_getPageAll.bind( this );
this.__beh_exportReport_closure = this.__beh_exportReport.bind( this );
Event.observe( window, 'resize', this.__neh_resize_closure, false );
birtEventDispatcher.registerEventHandler( birtEvent.__E_GETPAGE,, this.__beh_getPage_closure );
birtEventDispatcher.registerEventHandler( birtEvent.__E_GETPAGE_INIT,, this.__beh_getPageInit_closure );
birtEventDispatcher.registerEventHandler( birtEvent.__E_PARAMETER,, this.__beh_parameter );
birtEventDispatcher.registerEventHandler( birtEvent.__E_CHANGE_PARAMETER,, this.__beh_changeParameter_closure );
birtEventDispatcher.registerEventHandler( birtEvent.__E_CASCADING_PARAMETER,, this.__beh_cascadingParameter );
birtEventDispatcher.registerEventHandler( birtEvent.__E_TOC,, this.__beh_toc_closure );
birtEventDispatcher.registerEventHandler( birtEvent.__E_QUERY_EXPORT,, this.__beh_export );
birtEventDispatcher.registerEventHandler( birtEvent.__E_CACHE_PARAMETER,, this.__beh_cacheParameter_closure );
birtEventDispatcher.registerEventHandler( birtEvent.__E_PRINT,, this.__beh_print_closure );
birtEventDispatcher.registerEventHandler( birtEvent.__E_PRINT_SERVER,, this.__beh_printServer_closure );
birtEventDispatcher.registerEventHandler( birtEvent.__E_PDF,, this.__beh_pdf_closure );
birtEventDispatcher.registerEventHandler( birtEvent.__E_CANCEL_TASK,, this.__beh_cancelTask_closure );
birtEventDispatcher.registerEventHandler( birtEvent.__E_GETPAGE_ALL,, this.__beh_getPageAll_closure );
birtEventDispatcher.registerEventHandler( birtEvent.__E_EXPORT_REPORT,, this.__beh_exportReport_closure );
birtGetUpdatedObjectsResponseHandler.addAssociation( "Docum", this );
// TODO: rename it to birt event
this.__cb_installEventHandlers( id );
* Birt event handler for "cache parameter" event.
* @id, document id (optional since there's only one document instance)
* @return, true indicating server call
__beh_cacheParameter : function( id )
if ( birtParameterDialog.__parameter > 0 )
birtParameterDialog.__parameter.length = birtParameterDialog.__parameter.length - 1;
birtSoapRequest.addOperation( Constants.documentId, Constants.Document,
"CacheParameter", null, birtParameterDialog.__parameter );
birtSoapRequest.setURL( soapURL );
birtEventDispatcher.setFocusId( null ); // Clear out current focusid.
return true;
* Birt event handler for "PrintServer" event.
* @id, document id (optional since there's only one document instance)
* @return, true indicating server call
__beh_printServer : function( id )
birtPrintReportServerDialog.__cb_bind( );
* Birt event handler for "print" event.
* @id, document id (optional since there's only one document instance)
* @return, true indicating server call
__beh_print : function( id )
birtPrintReportDialog.__cb_bind( );
* Birt event handler for "pdf" event.
* @id, document id (optional since there's only one document instance)
* @return, true indicating server call
__beh_pdf : function( id )
var docObj = document.getElementById( "Document" );
if ( !docObj || birtUtility.trim( docObj.innerHTML ).length <= 0)
alert ( Constants.error.generateReportFirst );
var divObj = document.createElement( "DIV" );
document.body.appendChild( divObj ); = "none";
var formObj = document.createElement( "FORM" );
divObj.appendChild( formObj );
// Replace "html" to "pdf"
var action = soapURL;
var reg = new RegExp( "([&|?]{1}__format\s*)=([^&|^#]*)", "gi" );
if( reg ) < 0 )
action = action + "&__format=pdf";
action = action.replace( reg, "$1=pdf" );
// Force "__overwrite" as false
reg = new RegExp( "([&|?]{1}__overwrite\s*)=([^&|^#]*)", "gi" );
if( reg ) < 0 )
action = action + "&__overwrite=false";
action = action.replace( reg, "$1=false" );
formObj.action = action;
formObj.method = "post";
formObj.submit( );
* Birt event handler for "CancelTask" event.
* @id, document id (optional since there's only one document instance)
* @return, true indicating server call
__beh_cancelTask : function( id, object )
birtSoapRequest.addOperation( Constants.documentId, Constants.Document, "CancelTask", null, object );
birtSoapRequest.setURL( soapURL );
birtEventDispatcher.setFocusId( null ); // Clear out current focusid.
return true;
* Birt event handler for "GetPageAll" event.
* @id, document id (optional since there's only one document instance)
* @return, true indicating server call
__beh_getPageAll : function( id, object )
// set task id
var taskid = birtUtility.setTaskId( );
if( object )
birtSoapRequest.addOperation( Constants.documentId, Constants.Document, "GetPageAll",
null, birtParameterDialog.__parameter, object,
{ name : Constants.PARAM_SVG, value : this.__has_svg_support? "true" : "false" },
{ name : Constants.PARAM_TASKID, value : taskid } );
birtSoapRequest.addOperation( Constants.documentId, Constants.Document, "GetPageAll",
null, birtParameterDialog.__parameter,
{ name : Constants.PARAM_SVG, value : this.__has_svg_support? "true" : "false" },
{ name : Constants.PARAM_TASKID, value : taskid } );
birtSoapRequest.setURL( soapURL );
birtEventDispatcher.setFocusId( null ); // Clear out current focusid.
birtProgressBar.setRedirect( true );
return true;
* Birt event handler for "ExportReport" event.
* @id, document id (optional since there's only one document instance)
* @return, true indicating server call
__beh_exportReport : function( id )
birtExportReportDialog.__cb_bind( );
* Called after the component content is rendered.
* @id, ui object id
* @return, void
__postRender : function( id )
// ensures that the rendered component is the report document
if ( id == "Document" )
var docObj = document.getElementById( id );
if ( docObj )
// set document scrollbar position to the top
docObj.scrollTop = "0px";