blob: bea99c3d28c32be4dcfbb9dea6323a33de6ceb78 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2004 Actuate Corporation and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* Actuate Corporation - Initial implementation.
* Birt print report dialog.
BirtPrintReportDialog = Class.create( );
BirtPrintReportDialog.prototype = Object.extend( new AbstractBaseDialog( ),
* Print window instance.
__printWindow : null,
* Timer instance control the popup print dialog.
__timer : null,
__printFormat : 'html',
__neh_formatradio_click_closure : null,
__neh_pageradio_click_closure : null,
* PDF page fit setting
* Initialization routine required by "ProtoType" lib.
* @return, void
initialize : function( id )
this.__initBase( id );
this.__z_index = 200;
this.__initLayout( );
// Binding
this.__neh_formatradio_click_closure = this.__neh_formatradio_click.bindAsEventListener( this );
this.__neh_pageradio_click_closure = this.__neh_pageradio_click.bindAsEventListener( this );
this.__installEventHandlers( id );
* Initilize dialog layout
* @return, void
__initLayout : function( )
* Install native/birt event handlers.
* @id, toolbar id (optional since there is only one toolbar)
* @return, void
__installEventHandlers : function( id )
// switch print format
var oInputs = $( 'printFormatSetting' ).getElementsByTagName( 'input' );
for( var i=0; i<oInputs.length; i++ )
if( oInputs[i].type == 'radio' )
Event.observe( oInputs[i], 'click', this.__neh_formatradio_click_closure,false );
// page setting
var oInputs = $( 'printPageSetting' ).getElementsByTagName( 'input' );
for( var i=0; i<oInputs.length; i++ )
if( oInputs[i].type == 'radio' )
Event.observe( oInputs[i], 'click', this.__neh_pageradio_click_closure,false );
* Handle clicking on ok.
* @return, void
__okPress : function( )
if ( this.__printAction( ) )
this.__l_hide( );
* Handle print report action
* @return, true or false
__printAction : function( )
var docObj = document.getElementById( "Document" );
if ( !docObj || birtUtility.trim( docObj.innerHTML ).length <= 0)
alert ( Constants.error.generateReportFirst );
return false;
var divObj = document.createElement( "DIV" );
document.body.appendChild( divObj ); = "none";
var formObj = document.createElement( "FORM" );
divObj.appendChild( formObj );
// Replace format in URL with selected print format
var action = soapURL;
var reg = new RegExp( "([&|?]{1}" + Constants.PARAM_FORMAT + "\s*)=([^&|^#]*)", "gi" );
if( reg ) < 0 )
action = action + "&" + Constants.PARAM_FORMAT + "=" + this.__printFormat;
action = action.replace( reg, "$1=" + this.__printFormat );
// Delete page, pagerange and parameterpage settings in url if existed
action = birtUtility.deleteURLParameter( action, Constants.PARAM_PAGE );
action = birtUtility.deleteURLParameter( action, Constants.PARAM_PAGERANGE );
action = birtUtility.deleteURLParameter( action, Constants.PARAM_PARAMETERPAGE );
action = birtUtility.deleteURLParameter( action, Constants.PARAM_EMITTER_ID );
if( $( 'printPageCurrent' ).checked )
// Set page setting
var currentPage = birtUtility.trim( $( 'pageNumber' ).innerHTML );
action = action + "&" + Constants.PARAM_PAGE + "=" + currentPage;
else if( $( 'printPageRange' ).checked )
// Set page range setting
var pageRange = birtUtility.trim( $( 'printPageRange_input' ).value );
if ( !birtUtility.checkPageRange( pageRange ) )
alert( Constants.error.invalidPageRange );
return false;
action = action + "&" + Constants.PARAM_PAGERANGE + "=" + pageRange;
var oSelect = this.__instance.getElementsByTagName( 'select' )[0];
var pageOverflow = 0;
//var pagebreakonly = "false";
if( oSelect.selectedIndex >=0 )
pageOverflow = oSelect.value;
reg = new RegExp( "([&|?]{1}" + Constants.PARAM_PAGE_OVERFLOW + "\s*)=([^&|^#]*)", "gi" );
if( reg ) < 0 )
action = action + "&" + Constants.PARAM_PAGE_OVERFLOW + "=" + pageOverflow;
action = action.replace( reg, "$1=" + pageOverflow );
reg = new RegExp( "([&|?]{1}" + Constants.PARAM_PAGEBREAKONLY + "\s*)=([^&|^#]*)", "gi" );
if( reg ) < 0 )
action = action + "&" + Constants.PARAM_PAGEBREAKONLY + "=" + pagebreakonly;
action = action.replace( reg, "$1=" + pagebreakonly );
if ( Constants.viewingSessionId )
// append sub session in the POST part
birtUtility.addHiddenFormField(formObj, Constants.PARAM_SESSION_ID, Constants.viewingSessionId);
action = birtUtility.deleteURLParameter(action, Constants.PARAM_SESSION_ID);
// Force "__overwrite" as false
reg = new RegExp( "([&|?]{1}" + Constants.PARAM_OVERWRITE + "\s*)=([^&|^#]*)", "gi" );
if( reg ) < 0 )
action = action + "&" + Constants.PARAM_OVERWRITE + "=false";
action = action.replace( reg, "$1=false" );
// Replace servlet pattern as output
action = action.replace( /[\/][a-zA-Z]+[?]/, "/"+Constants.SERVLET_OUTPUT+"?" );
var previewExists = false;
// retrieve previous window instance
var previousPrintWindow = '', Constants.WINDOW_PRINT_PREVIEW, 'location=no,scrollbars=yes,dependent=yes' );
// if the window didn't exist, then has opened an empty window
var previousBodyElement = previousPrintWindow.document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0];
if ( previousBodyElement && birtUtility.trim( previousBodyElement.innerHTML ).length > 0 )
previewExists = true;
catch ( e )
// access denied is thrown if the previous preview window contains a PDF content
previewExists = true;
if ( previewExists )
// workaround for Bugzilla Bug 227937
window.setTimeout( function () { alert( Constants.error.printPreviewAlreadyOpen ) }, 0 );
return false;
// use the created window as current window
this.__printWindow = previousPrintWindow;
if ( !BrowserUtility.__isIE() )
// use onload event for the callback when page is loaded
Event.observe( this.__printWindow, 'load', this.__cb_print.bindAsEventListener( this ), false );
formObj.action = action;
formObj.method = "post"; = Constants.WINDOW_PRINT_PREVIEW;
formObj.submit( );
// Launch the browser's print dialog (IE/Safari workaround)
// Note: calling the print dialog for PDF in IE doesn't work (permission denied)
if ( ( BrowserUtility.__isIE() && this.__printFormat != 'pdf' ) || BrowserUtility.__isSafari() )
this.__timer = window.setTimeout( this.__cb_waitPreviewLoaded.bindAsEventListener( this ), 1000 );
return true;
* Waits until the print preview is loaded (IE only)
__cb_waitPreviewLoaded : function( )
window.clearTimeout( this.__timer );
if ( !this.__printWindow || this.__printWindow.closed )
if ( !this.__printWindow.document || this.__printWindow.document.readyState != "complete" )
// wait a little longer
this.__timer = window.setTimeout( this.__cb_waitPreviewLoaded.bindAsEventListener( this ), 1000 );
catch ( error )
// IE throws a permission denied exception if the user closes
// the window too early. In this case ignore the exception.
* Control the browser's popup print dialog.
* Below are the implemented functions for the given browsers and output formats.
* Function IE Mozilla/Safari
* window.print() HTML HTML,PDF(delay)
__cb_print : function( )
if ( !this.__printWindow || this.__printWindow.closed )
var err = this.__printWindow.document.getElementById( "birt_errorPage" );
if( err && err.innerHTML != '' )
// Call the browser's print dialog (async)
if ( this.__printFormat == 'pdf' ) // Mozilla only
// Mozilla needs some delay after loading PDF
this.__printWindow.setTimeout( "window.print();", 1000 );
// defer call to let the window draw its content
// (Firefox Bugzilla bug 213666)
this.__printWindow.setTimeout( "window.print();", 0 );
catch ( error )
// IE throws a permission denied exception if the user closes
// the window too early. In this case ignore the exception.
* Native event handler for print format radio control.
__neh_formatradio_click : function( event )
var oSC = Event.element( event );
var oSelect = this.__instance.getElementsByTagName( 'select' )[0];
if( oSC.checked && == 'printAsPDF' )
this.__printFormat = 'pdf';
oSelect.disabled = false;
this.__printFormat = 'html';
oSelect.disabled = true;
* Native event handler for page radio control.
__neh_pageradio_click : function( event )
var oSC = Event.element( event );
var oInput = $( 'printPageRange_input' );
if( oSC.checked && == 'printPageRange' )
oInput.disabled = false;
oInput.focus( );
oInput.disabled = true;
oInput.value = "";
Called right before element is shown
__preShow: function()
// disable the toolbar buttons
birtUtility.setButtonsDisabled ( "toolbar", true );
// disable the Navigation Bar buttons
birtUtility.setButtonsDisabled ( "navigationBar", true );
Called before element is hidden
__preHide: function()
// enable the toolbar buttons
birtUtility.setButtonsDisabled ( "toolbar", false );
// enable the Navigation Bar buttons
birtUtility.setButtonsDisabled ( "navigationBar", false );
} );