blob: 4d64341a1c6955a447478d15a2574de06ddcd2f5 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2004 Actuate Corporation and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* Actuate Corporation - Initial implementation.
* Birt export report dialog.
BirtExportReportDialog = Class.create( );
BirtExportReportDialog.prototype = Object.extend( new AbstractBaseDialog( ),
__neh_select_change_closure : null,
__neh_radio_click_closure : null,
* Initialization routine required by "ProtoType" lib.
* @return, void
initialize : function( id )
this.__initBase( id );
this.__z_index = 200;
this.__enableExtSection( );
// Binding
this.__neh_select_change_closure = this.__neh_select_change.bindAsEventListener( this );
this.__neh_radio_click_closure = this.__neh_radio_click.bindAsEventListener( this );
this.__installEventHandlers( id );
* Install native/birt event handlers.
* @id, toolbar id (optional since there is only one toolbar)
* @return, void
__installEventHandlers : function( id )
var oSelects = this.__instance.getElementsByTagName( 'select' );
Event.observe( oSelects[0], 'change', this.__neh_select_change_closure, false );
var oInputs = $( 'exportPageSetting' ).getElementsByTagName( 'input' );
for( var i=0; i<oInputs.length; i++ )
if( oInputs[i].type == 'radio' )
Event.observe( oInputs[i], 'click', this.__neh_radio_click_closure,false );
* Handle clicking on ok.
* @return, void
__okPress : function( )
var oSelect = $( 'exportFormat' );
if( oSelect.value == '' )
if ( this.__exportAction( ) )
this.__l_hide( );
* Handle export report action
* @return, void
__exportAction : function( )
var format = $( 'exportFormat' ).value.toLowerCase( );
var docObj = document.getElementById( "Document" );
if ( !docObj || birtUtility.trim( docObj.innerHTML ).length <= 0)
alert ( Constants.error.generateReportFirst );
return false;
var divObj = document.createElement( "DIV" );
document.body.appendChild( divObj ); = "none";
var formObj = document.createElement( "FORM" );
divObj.appendChild( formObj );
// Set selected output format
var action = soapURL;
var reg = new RegExp( "([&|?]{1}" + Constants.PARAM_FORMAT + "\s*)=([^&|^#]*)", "gi" );
if( reg ) < 0 )
action = action + "&" + Constants.PARAM_FORMAT + "=" + format;
action = action.replace( reg, "$1=" + format );
// Delete page, pagerange and parameterpage settings in url if existed
action = birtUtility.deleteURLParameter( action, Constants.PARAM_PAGE );
action = birtUtility.deleteURLParameter( action, Constants.PARAM_PAGERANGE );
action = birtUtility.deleteURLParameter( action, Constants.PARAM_PARAMETERPAGE );
action = birtUtility.deleteURLParameter( action, Constants.PARAM_EMITTER_ID );
if( $( 'exportPageCurrent' ).checked )
// Set page setting
var currentPage = birtUtility.trim( $( 'pageNumber' ).innerHTML );
action = action + "&" + Constants.PARAM_PAGE + "=" + currentPage;
else if( $( 'exportPageRange' ).checked )
// Set page range setting
var pageRange = birtUtility.trim( $( 'exportPageRange_input' ).value );
if ( !birtUtility.checkPageRange( pageRange ) )
alert( Constants.error.invalidPageRange );
return false;
action = action + "&" + Constants.PARAM_PAGERANGE + "=" + pageRange;
// If output format is pdf/ppt/postscript, set some options
if( this.__isPDFLayout( format ) )
// auto fit
var pageOverflow = 0;
//var pagebreakonly = "true";
// actual size
if( $( 'exportFitToActual' ).checked )
pageOverflow = 1;
else if( $( 'exportFitToWhole' ).checked )
pageOverflow = 2;
reg = new RegExp( "([&|?]{1}" + Constants.PARAM_PAGE_OVERFLOW + "\s*)=([^&|^#]*)", "gi" );
if( reg ) < 0 )
action = action + "&" + Constants.PARAM_PAGE_OVERFLOW + "=" + pageOverflow;
action = action.replace( reg, "$1=" + pageOverflow );
reg = new RegExp( "([&|?]{1}" + Constants.PARAM_PAGEBREAKONLY + "\s*)=([^&|^#]*)", "gi" );
if( reg ) < 0 )
action = action + "&" + Constants.PARAM_PAGEBREAKONLY + "=" + pagebreakonly;
action = action.replace( reg, "$1=" + pagebreakonly );
// Force "__asattachment" as true
reg = new RegExp( "([&|?]{1}" + Constants.PARAM_ASATTACHMENT + "\s*)=([^&|^#]*)", "gi" );
if( reg ) < 0 )
action = action + "&" + Constants.PARAM_ASATTACHMENT + "=true";
action = action.replace( reg, "$1=true" );
// Force "__overwrite" as false
reg = new RegExp( "([&|?]{1}" + Constants.PARAM_OVERWRITE + "\s*)=([^&|^#]*)", "gi" );
if( reg ) < 0 )
action = action + "&" + Constants.PARAM_OVERWRITE + "=false";
action = action.replace( reg, "$1=false" );
formObj.action = action;
formObj.method = "post";
formObj.submit( );
return true;
* Native event handler for radio control.
__neh_radio_click : function( event )
var oSC = Event.element( event );
if( oSC.type == 'radio' )
var oInput = $( 'exportPageRange_input' );
if( == 'exportPageRange' )
oInput.disabled = false;
oInput.focus( );
oInput.disabled = true;
oInput.value = "";
* Native event handler for select control.
__neh_select_change : function( event )
this.__enableExtSection( );
* Enable the extended setting controls according to current selected output format.
__enableExtSection : function( )
var format = $( 'exportFormat' ).value.toLowerCase( );
if( this.__isPDFLayout( format ) )
this.__setDisabled( 'exportFitSetting', false );
this.__setDisabled( 'exportFitSetting', true );
* Set disabled flag for all the controls in the container
* @param id, html container id. ( DIV/TABLE....)
* @param flag, true or false
* @return, void
__setDisabled: function( id, flag )
var container = $( id );
if( container )
var oInputs = container.getElementsByTagName( 'input' );
for( var i=0; i<oInputs.length; i++ )
oInputs[i].disabled = flag;
* Check whether this format uses the PDF layout
* @param format, the output format
* @return true or false
__isPDFLayout : function( format )
if( !format )
return false;
if( format == Constants.FORMAT_PDF
|| format == Constants.FORMAT_POSTSCRIPT
|| format == Constants.FORMAT_PPT )
return true;
return false;
Called right before element is shown
__preShow: function()
// disable the toolbar buttons
birtUtility.setButtonsDisabled ( "toolbar", true );
// disable the Navigation Bar buttons
birtUtility.setButtonsDisabled ( "navigationBar", true );
Called before element is hidden
__preHide: function()
// enable the toolbar buttons
birtUtility.setButtonsDisabled ( "toolbar", false );
// enable the Navigation Bar buttons
birtUtility.setButtonsDisabled ( "navigationBar", false );
} );