blob: 868b4c012ac2089f9304adc20cf8f628785fca23 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2004 Actuate Corporation and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* Actuate Corporation - Initial implementation.
* birtGetUpdatedObjectsResponseHandler
* ...
BirtGetUpdatedObjectsResponseHandler = function( ){ };
BirtGetUpdatedObjectsResponseHandler.prototype = Object.extend( new BirtBaseResponseHandler( ),
* Process update response message. Trigger necessary UI updates.
* See response schema for details.
* @message, update response DOM.
* @return, void
__process: function( message )
if ( !message ) return;
this.__processUpdateContent( message.getElementsByTagName( 'UpdateContent' ) );
this.__processUpdateData( message.getElementsByTagName( 'UpdateData' ) );
* Process update response message. Trigger necessary UI updates.
* See response schema for details.
* @message, update response DOM.
* @return, void
__processUpdateContent: function( updates )
if ( !updates ) return;
for ( var i = 0; i < updates.length; i++ )
var target = updates[i].getElementsByTagName( 'Target' )[0]; //assumes only 1 target per UpdateContent
var targetData =
var targetType = targetData.substring( 0, 5 );
var handler = this.associations[targetType];
if ( !handler )
var error = { name : "CustomError",
message : ( "__processUpdateContent no handler registered for type: " + targetType ) };
throw error;
var content = updates[i].getElementsByTagName( 'Content' )[0]; //assumes only 1 context per UpdateContent
if ( !content )
var error = { name : "CustomError",
message : ( " __processUpdateContent empty contents" ) };
throw error;
* Data is too large, seems firefox will wrap the content into
* several children nodes of text type. Need more verification.
// firefox can use textContent to retrieve the complete node content,
// check this property first to avoid string concatation which is very
// slow for large node.
var contentData = content.textContent;
if (!contentData)
// for non-fireforx browser, we still use string concatation
// to retrieve the complete content.
contentData = "";
if ( content.hasChildNodes )
for( var j = 0; j < content.childNodes.length; j++ )
if( content.childNodes[j].nodeType == 3 ) //Text type
contentData += content.childNodes[j].data;
if ( contentData )
handler.__cb_disposeEventHandlers( targetData );
handler.__cb_render( targetData, contentData );
var inits = updates[i].getElementsByTagName( 'InitializationId' );
var bookmarks = updates[i].getElementsByTagName( 'Bookmark' );
if ( bookmarks.length > 0 )
handler.__cb_installEventHandlers( targetData, inits, bookmarks[0] );
handler.__cb_installEventHandlers( targetData, inits );
catch( error )
debug( "ERROR in birtGetUpdatedObjectsResponseHandler" );
for( var i in error )
debug( "ERROR " + i + " : " + error[i] );
* Process update response message. Trigger necessary UI updates.
* See response schema for details.
* @message, update response DOM.
* @return, void
__processUpdateData: function( updates )
if ( !updates ) return;
for ( var i = 0; i < updates.length; i++ )
var targets = updates[i].getElementsByTagName( 'Target' );
if ( !targets || targets.length <= 0 ) continue;
var datas = updates[i].getElementsByTagName( 'Data' );
if ( !datas || datas.length <= 0 ) continue;
var handler = null;
handler = eval( targets[0] );
catch ( e )
if ( !handler || !handler.__cb_bind ) continue;
handler.__cb_bind( datas[0] );
* Helper function to handle "Init" type
* @param init "Init" element
initList: function( init )
var initData =;
var targetType = 0, 5 );
var handler = this.associations[targetType];
if ( !handler )
var error = {name:"CustomError", message: ("initList invalid Init")};
throw error;
handler.__cb_installEventHandlers( initData );
} );
var birtGetUpdatedObjectsResponseHandler = new BirtGetUpdatedObjectsResponseHandler( );