| <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> |
| <!-- |
| Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one |
| or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file |
| distributed with this work for additional information |
| regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file |
| to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the |
| "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance |
| with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at |
| |
| http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 |
| |
| Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, |
| software distributed under the License is distributed on an |
| KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the |
| specific language governing permissions and limitations |
| under the License. |
| --> |
| |
| <simple-methods xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" |
| xmlns="http://ofbiz.apache.org/Simple-Method" xsi:schemaLocation="http://ofbiz.apache.org/Simple-Method http://ofbiz.apache.org/dtds/simple-methods.xsd"> |
| |
| <simple-method method-name="createProject" short-description="Create a project"> |
| <if-not-empty field="parameters.templateId"> |
| <set field="parameters.projectId" from-field="parameters.templateId"/> |
| <call-simple-method method-name="copyProject"/> |
| <else> |
| <set field="parameters.currentStatusId" value="PRJ_ACTIVE"/> |
| <call-simple-method method-name="createWorkEffort" xml-resource="component://workeffort/minilang/workeffort/WorkEffortSimpleServices.xml"/> |
| </else> |
| </if-not-empty> |
| <set field="parameters.workEffortId" from-field="newEntity.workEffortId"/> |
| <if-not-empty field="parameters.organizationPartyId"> |
| <set field="updProjectRole.newPartyId" from-field="parameters.organizationPartyId"/> |
| <set field="updProjectRole.roleTypeId" value="INTERNAL_ORGANIZATIO"/> |
| <call-simple-method method-name="updProjectRole"/> |
| </if-not-empty> |
| <if-not-empty field="parameters.clientBillingPartyId"> |
| <set field="updProjectRole.newPartyId" from-field="parameters.clientBillingPartyId"/> |
| <set field="updProjectRole.roleTypeId" value="CLIENT_BILLING"/> |
| <call-simple-method method-name="updProjectRole"/> |
| </if-not-empty> |
| <if-not-empty field="parameters.emailAddress"> |
| <if-validate-method field="parameters.emailAddress" method="isEmail"> |
| <else><add-error><fail-property resource="PartyUiLabels" property="PartyEmailAddressNotFormattedCorrectly"/></add-error></else> |
| </if-validate-method> |
| <check-errors/> |
| |
| <!-- create new work effort's e-mail address --> |
| <set field="emailAddressIn.emailAddress" from-field="parameters.emailAddress"/> |
| <set field="emailAddressIn.contactMechTypeId" value="EMAIL_ADDRESS"/> |
| <call-service service-name="createEmailAddress" in-map-name="emailAddressIn"> |
| <result-to-field result-name="contactMechId"/> |
| </call-service> |
| <set field="workEffortContactMechIn.workEffortId" from-field="parameters.workEffortId"/> |
| <set field="workEffortContactMechIn.contactMechId" from-field="contactMechId"/> |
| <set field="workEffortContactMechIn.contactMechTypeId" value="EMAIL_ADDRESS"/> |
| <set field="workEffortContactMechIn.infoString" from-field="parameters.emailAddress"/> |
| <call-service service-name="createWorkEffortContactMech" in-map-name="workEffortContactMechIn"/> |
| </if-not-empty> |
| </simple-method> |
| |
| <simple-method method-name="updateProject" short-description="Update a project"> |
| <set-service-fields service-name="updateWorkEffort" map="parameters" to-map="updWorkEffort"/> |
| <call-service service-name="updateWorkEffort" in-map-name="updWorkEffort"/> |
| <if-not-empty field="parameters.organizationPartyId"> |
| <set field="updProjectRole.newPartyId" from-field="parameters.organizationPartyId"/> |
| <set field="updProjectRole.roleTypeId" value="INTERNAL_ORGANIZATIO"/> |
| <call-simple-method method-name="updProjectRole"/> |
| </if-not-empty> |
| <if-not-empty field="parameters.clientBillingPartyId"> |
| <set field="updProjectRole.newPartyId" from-field="parameters.clientBillingPartyId"/> |
| <set field="updProjectRole.roleTypeId" value="CLIENT_BILLING"/> |
| <call-simple-method method-name="updProjectRole"/> |
| </if-not-empty> |
| <if-not-empty field="parameters.emailAddress"> |
| <if-validate-method field="parameters.emailAddress" method="isEmail"> |
| <else><add-error><fail-property resource="PartyUiLabels" property="PartyEmailAddressNotFormattedCorrectly"/></add-error></else> |
| </if-validate-method> |
| <check-errors/> |
| |
| <!-- find exist e-mail address. if have not exist then create new--> |
| <entity-condition entity-name="WorkEffortContactMechView" list="existEmailAddresses"> |
| <condition-list combine="and"> |
| <condition-expr field-name="workEffortId" from-field="parameters.workEffortId"/> |
| <condition-expr field-name="contactMechTypeId" value="EMAIL_ADDRESS"/> |
| <condition-expr field-name="infoString" from-field="parameters.emailAddress" ignore-case="true"/> |
| </condition-list> |
| </entity-condition> |
| <filter-list-by-date list="existEmailAddresses"/> |
| <if-empty field="existEmailAddresses"> |
| <!-- expire old work effort's e-mail address --> |
| <entity-and list="oldEmailAddresses" entity-name="WorkEffortContactMechView"> |
| <field-map field-name="workEffortId" from-field="parameters.workEffortId"/> |
| <field-map field-name="contactMechTypeId" value="EMAIL_ADDRESS"/> |
| </entity-and> |
| <filter-list-by-date list="oldEmailAddresses"/> |
| <iterate list="oldEmailAddresses" entry="oldEmailAddress"> |
| <entity-and list="oldWorkEffortContactMechs" entity-name="WorkEffortContactMech"> |
| <field-map field-name="workEffortId" from-field="oldEmailAddress.workEffortId"/> |
| <field-map field-name="contactMechId" from-field="oldEmailAddress.contactMechId"/> |
| </entity-and> |
| <first-from-list list="oldWorkEffortContactMechs" entry="oldWorkEffortContactMech"/> |
| <now-timestamp field="oldWorkEffortContactMech.thruDate"/> |
| <store-value value-field="oldWorkEffortContactMech"/> |
| </iterate> |
| |
| <!-- create new work effort's e-mail address --> |
| <set field="emailAddressIn.emailAddress" from-field="parameters.emailAddress"/> |
| <set field="emailAddressIn.contactMechTypeId" value="EMAIL_ADDRESS"/> |
| <call-service service-name="createEmailAddress" in-map-name="emailAddressIn"> |
| <result-to-field result-name="contactMechId"/> |
| </call-service> |
| <set field="workEffortContactMechIn.workEffortId" from-field="parameters.workEffortId"/> |
| <set field="workEffortContactMechIn.contactMechId" from-field="contactMechId"/> |
| <set field="workEffortContactMechIn.contactMechTypeId" value="EMAIL_ADDRESS"/> |
| <set field="workEffortContactMechIn.infoString" from-field="parameters.emailAddress"/> |
| <call-service service-name="createWorkEffortContactMech" in-map-name="workEffortContactMechIn"/> |
| </if-empty> |
| </if-not-empty> |
| </simple-method> |
| |
| <simple-method method-name="updProjectRole" |
| short-description="update/create a specif role and type for a project |
| input map: updProjectRole.newPartyId, updProjectRole.roleTypeId"> |
| <entity-and entity-name="WorkEffortPartyAssignment" list="workEffortPartyAssignments" filter-by-date="true"> |
| <field-map field-name="workEffortId" from-field="parameters.workEffortId"/> |
| <field-map field-name="roleTypeId" from-field="updProjectRole.roleTypeId"/> |
| </entity-and> |
| <!-- end current record if required --> |
| <if-not-empty field="workEffortPartyAssignments"> |
| <first-from-list list="workEffortPartyAssignments" entry="workEffortPartyAssignment"/> |
| <if-compare-field field="updProjectRole.newPartyId" operator="not-equals" to-field="workEffortPartyAssignment.partyId"> |
| <now-timestamp field="workEffortPartyAssignment.thruDate"/> |
| <store-value value-field="workEffortPartyAssignment"/> |
| </if-compare-field> |
| </if-not-empty> |
| <!-- create new record if required --> |
| <if> |
| <condition> |
| <or> |
| <if-empty field="workEffortPartyAssignments"/> |
| <and> |
| <not><if-empty field="workEffortPartyAssignments"/></not> |
| <if-compare-field field="updProjectRole.newPartyId" operator="not-equals" to-field="workEffortPartyAssignment.partyId"/> |
| </and> |
| </or> |
| </condition> |
| <then> |
| <make-value value-field="workEffortPartyAssignment" entity-name="WorkEffortPartyAssignment"/> |
| <set field="workEffortPartyAssignment.workEffortId" from-field="parameters.workEffortId"/> |
| <set field="workEffortPartyAssignment.partyId" from-field="updProjectRole.newPartyId"/> |
| <set field="workEffortPartyAssignment.roleTypeId" from-field="updProjectRole.roleTypeId"/> |
| <now-timestamp field="workEffortPartyAssignment.fromDate"/> |
| <create-value value-field="workEffortPartyAssignment"/> |
| </then> |
| </if> |
| </simple-method> |
| |
| <simple-method method-name="createProjectTask" short-description="Create a project task and optionally assign"> |
| <!-- create task --> |
| <if-empty field="parameters.statusId"> |
| <set field="parameters.statusId" value="PTS_CREATED"/> |
| </if-empty> |
| <call-simple-method method-name="createWorkEffort" xml-resource="component://workeffort/minilang/workeffort/WorkEffortSimpleServices.xml"/> |
| <set field="parameters.workEffortId" from-field="newEntity.workEffortId"/> |
| <!-- optionally assign to party --> |
| <if-not-empty field="parameters.partyId"> |
| <call-simple-method method-name="assignPartyToWorkEffort" xml-resource="component://workeffort/minilang/workeffort/WorkEffortSimpleServices.xml"/> |
| </if-not-empty> |
| <!-- optionally enter estimated time and required skill --> |
| <if-not-empty field="parameters.estimatedHours"> |
| <set field="parameters.estimatedDuration" from-field="parameters.estimatedHours" type="Double"/> |
| <if-empty field="parameters.skillTypeId"> |
| <set field="parameters.skillTypeId" value="_NA_"/> |
| </if-empty> |
| <call-simple-method method-name="createWorkEffortSkillStandard" xml-resource="component://workeffort/minilang/workeffort/WorkEffortSimpleServices.xml"/> |
| </if-not-empty> |
| </simple-method> |
| |
| <simple-method method-name="updateTaskAndRelatedInfo" short-description="Update the task and when info is provided update the related information too"> |
| <set-service-fields service-name="updateWorkEffort" map="parameters" to-map="updateWorkeffort"/> |
| <call-service service-name="updateWorkEffort" in-map-name="updateWorkeffort"/> |
| <if-not-empty field="parameters.estimatedDuration"> |
| <set-service-fields service-name="updateWorkEffortSkillStandard" map="parameters" to-map="updateWorkEffortSkillStandard"/> |
| <if-empty field="parameters.skillTypeId"> |
| <entity-and entity-name="WorkEffortSkillStandard" list="workEffortSkillStandards"> |
| <field-map field-name="workEffortId" from-field="parameters.workEffortId"/> |
| </entity-and> |
| <if-not-empty field="workEffortSkillStandards"> |
| <first-from-list list="workEffortSkillStandards" entry="workEffortSkillStandard"/> |
| <set field="updateWorkEffortSkillStandard.skillTypeId" from-field="workEffortSkillStandard.skillTypeId"/> |
| <else> |
| <set field="updateWorkEffortSkillStandard.skillTypeId" value="_NA_"/> |
| </else> |
| </if-not-empty> |
| </if-empty> |
| <entity-one entity-name="WorkEffortSkillStandard" value-field="workEffortSkillStandard"> |
| <field-map field-name="workEffortId" from-field="parameters.workEffortId"/> |
| <field-map field-name="skillTypeId" from-field="updateWorkEffortSkillStandard.skillTypeId"/> |
| </entity-one> |
| <if-not-empty field="workEffortSkillStandard"> |
| <call-service service-name="updateWorkEffortSkillStandard" in-map-name="updateWorkEffortSkillStandard"/> |
| <else> |
| <call-service service-name="createWorkEffortSkillStandard" in-map-name="updateWorkEffortSkillStandard"/> |
| </else> |
| </if-not-empty> |
| </if-not-empty> |
| <!-- if required can update more task related info here --> |
| </simple-method> |
| |
| <simple-method method-name="updateTaskAssigment" |
| short-description="Update task to resource assignment, if required create a new one by re-assigment"> |
| <field-to-result field="parameters.workEffortId" result-name="workEffortId"/> |
| <if> |
| <!-- check if a change in partyId Or roletypeId: need to delete and create new --> |
| <condition> |
| <or> |
| <and> |
| <not><if-empty field="parameters.newPartyId"/></not> |
| <if-compare-field field="parameters.partyId" to-field="parameters.newPartyId" operator="not-equals"/> |
| </and> |
| <and> |
| <not><if-empty field="parameters.newRoleTypeId"/></not> |
| <if-compare-field field="parameters.roleTypeId" to-field="parameters.newRoleTypeId" operator="not-equals"/> |
| </and> |
| </or> |
| </condition> |
| <then> |
| <!-- roleType and/or partyId changed: end old and create new assign--> |
| <entity-one entity-name="WorkEffortPartyAssignment" value-field="workEffortPartyAssignment"/> |
| <set field="workEffortPartyAssignment.delegateReasonEnumId" from-field="parameters.delegateReasonEnumId"/> |
| <set field="workEffortPartyAssignment.comments" from-field="parameters.comments"/> |
| <set field="workEffortPartyAssignment.assignedByUserLoginId" from-field="userLogin.userLoginId"/> |
| <now-timestamp field="workEffortPartyAssignment.thruDate"/> |
| <store-value value-field="workEffortPartyAssignment"/> |
| <!-- create a new one --> |
| <make-value value-field="newAssign" entity-name="WorkEffortPartyAssignment"/> |
| <set field="newAssign.workEffortId" from-field="parameters.workEffortId"/> |
| <set field="newAssign.partyId" from-field="parameters.newPartyId"/> |
| <set field="newAssign.roleTypeId" from-field="parameters.newRoleTypeId"/> |
| <set field="newAssign.assignedByUserLoginId" from-field="userLogin.userLoginId"/> |
| <now-timestamp field="newAssign.fromDate"/> |
| <set field="newAssign.statusId" value="PAS_ASSIGNED"/> |
| <create-value value-field="newAssign"/> |
| </then> |
| <else> |
| <set field="fromDate" from-field="parameters.fromDate" type="Timestamp"/> |
| <entity-one entity-name="WorkEffortPartyAssignment" value-field="assignment"> |
| <field-map field-name="workEffortId" from-field="parameters.workEffortId"/> |
| <field-map field-name="partyId" from-field="parameters.partyId"/> |
| <field-map field-name="roleTypeId" from-field="parameters.roleTypeId"/> |
| <field-map field-name="fromDate" from-field="fromDate"/> |
| </entity-one> |
| <if-not-empty field="assignment"> |
| <!-- status changed or assignment ended --> |
| <if-compare field="parameters.statusId" value="PAS_ENDED" operator="equals"> |
| <!-- special case to indicate end of assignment --> |
| <now-timestamp field="assignment.thruDate"/> |
| <clear-field field="parameters.statusId"/> |
| </if-compare> |
| <set-nonpk-fields map="parameters" value-field="assignment"/> |
| <store-value value-field="assignment"/> |
| <if-compare field="assignment.statusId" value="PAS_COMPLETED" operator="equals"> |
| <call-simple-method method-name="updateTaskStatusToComplete"/> |
| </if-compare> |
| <else> |
| <!-- new assignment --> |
| <call-simple-method method-name="assignPartyToWorkEffort" xml-resource="component://workeffort/minilang/workeffort/WorkEffortSimpleServices.xml"/> |
| </else> |
| </if-not-empty> |
| </else> |
| </if> |
| </simple-method> |
| |
| <simple-method method-name="updateTaskStatusToComplete" |
| short-description="Check partyassignments on a task, if all completes set task status to completed and set actual completiondate to now"> |
| <entity-and entity-name="WorkEffortPartyAssignment" list="assignments" filter-by-date="true"> |
| <field-map field-name="workEffortId" from-field="parameters.workEffortId"/> |
| </entity-and> |
| <!-- check if all open assignments were completed --> |
| <if-not-empty field="assignments"> |
| <iterate list="assignments" entry="assignment"> |
| <if-compare field="assignment.statusId" value="PAS_COMPLETED" operator="not-equals"> |
| <set field="status" value="notcomplete"/> |
| </if-compare> |
| </iterate> |
| </if-not-empty> |
| <if-empty field="status"> |
| <now-timestamp field="parameters.actualCompletionDate"/> |
| <set field="parameters.currentStatusId" value="PTS_COMPLETED"/> |
| <call-simple-method method-name="updateWorkEffort" xml-resource="component://workeffort/minilang/workeffort/WorkEffortSimpleServices.xml"/> |
| <!-- check for related customer request, set these too to completed --> |
| <entity-and entity-name="CustRequestWorkEffort" list="custRequests"> |
| <field-map field-name="workEffortId" from-field="parameters.workEffortId"/> |
| </entity-and> |
| <if-not-empty field="custRequests"> |
| <iterate list="custRequests" entry="custReq"> |
| <set field="updStat.custRequestId" from-field="custReq.custRequestId"/> |
| <set field="updStat.statusId" value="CRQ_COMPLETED"/> |
| <call-service service-name="updateCustRequest" in-map-name="updStat"/> |
| </iterate> |
| </if-not-empty> |
| </if-empty> |
| </simple-method> |
| |
| <simple-method method-name="scheduleProject" short-description="Project Scheduler sets the planningdates according task requirements and available resources"> |
| <!-- |
| theory behind the program |
| - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
| (program under development) |
| Assumptions for tasks and resources |
| 1. a workday has 8 hours. |
| 2. a workweek has 40 hours and 5 days. |
| 3. The order of the execution of the tasks is set by the workeffortassociation. |
| 4. The default start of the project is today |
| 5. default length of a task is 3 day if not planned hours entered |
| |
| The steps of the program are: |
| 1. read all tasks and check if there are predesessors, when not set he estimated dates |
| for critical path processing: |
| * ES - Earliest Start time |
| * EF - Earliest Finish time |
| * LS - Latest Start time |
| * LF - Latest Finish time |
| |
| EF = LF task is on the critical path |
| |
| 2. call a recursive java function to set all the dependant tasks. |
| --> |
| <field-to-result field="parameters.projectId" result-name="projectId"/> |
| |
| <!-- find a starting point being either the estimated start date of a project or the earliest actual start date. --> |
| <entity-condition entity-name="ProjectAndPhaseAndTask" list="tasks"> |
| <condition-expr field-name="actualStartDate" operator="not-equals" from-field="null"/> |
| <order-by field-name="-actualStartDate"/> |
| </entity-condition> |
| |
| <if-not-empty field="tasks"> |
| <!-- remove all estimated dates --> |
| <iterate list="tasks" entry="task"> |
| <clear-field field="task.estimatedStartDate"/> |
| <clear-field field="task.estimatedCompletionDate"/> |
| </iterate> |
| |
| <first-from-list list="tasks" entry="task"/> |
| <set field="startDate" from-field="task.actualStartDate"/> |
| <set field="taskId" from-field="task.workEffortId"/> |
| <else> |
| <now-timestamp field="generalStartDate"/> |
| </else> |
| </if-not-empty> |
| <while> |
| <condition> |
| <if-empty field="generalStartDate"/> |
| </condition> |
| <then> |
| <entity-and entity-name="WorkEffortAssoc" list="assocs"> |
| <field-map field-name="workEffortIdTo" from-field="taskId"/> |
| </entity-and> |
| <if-not-empty field="assocs"> |
| <iterate list="assocs" entry="assoc"> |
| <clear-field field="hours"/> |
| <set field="getTask.taskId" from-field="assoc.workEffortIdFrom"/> |
| <call-service service-name="getProjectTask" in-map-name="getTask"> |
| <result-to-field result-name="estimatedHours"/> |
| <result-to-field result-name="actualHours"/> |
| </call-service> |
| <if-not-empty field="estimatedHours"> |
| <if-not-empty field="actualHours"> |
| <if-compare-field field="estimatedHours" operator="greater" to-field="actualHours"> |
| <set field="hours" from-field="estimatedHours" type="Double"/> |
| <else> |
| <set field="hours" from-field="actualHours" type="Double"/> |
| </else> |
| </if-compare-field> |
| <else> |
| <set field="hours" from-field="estimatedHours" type="Double"/> |
| </else> |
| </if-not-empty> |
| </if-not-empty> |
| <if-not-empty field="actualHours"> |
| <set field="hours" from-field="actualHours" type="Double"/> |
| </if-not-empty> |
| <if-empty field="hours"> |
| <set field="hours" value="16" type="Double"/> |
| </if-empty> |
| <if-empty field="highestHours"> |
| <set field="highestHours" from-field="hours" type="Double"/> |
| <set field="preDesessorId" from-field="assoc.workEffortIdFrom"/> |
| <else> |
| <if-compare-field field="highestHours" operator="less" to-field="hours"> |
| <set field="highestHours" from-field="hours" type="Double"/> |
| <set field="preDesessorId" from-field="assoc.workEffortIdFrom"/> |
| </if-compare-field> |
| </else> |
| </if-empty> |
| </iterate> |
| <set field="taskId" from-field="preDesessorId"/> |
| <calculate field="taskDays"> |
| <calcop operator="divide" field="higestHours"/> |
| <number value="8"/> |
| </calculate> |
| <calculate field="taskDays"> |
| <calcop operator="multiply" field="taskDays"/> |
| <number value="-1"/> |
| </calculate> |
| <call-class-method class-name="org.apache.ofbiz.base.util.UtilDateTime" method-name="addDaysToTimestamp" ret-field="startDate"> |
| <field field="startDate"/> |
| <field field="taskDays"/> |
| </call-class-method> |
| <else> |
| <entity-one entity-name="WorkEffort" value-field="workEffort"> |
| <field-map field-name="workEffortId" from-field="taskId"/> |
| </entity-one> |
| <if-not-empty field="workEffortId.parentWorkEffortId"> |
| <set field="taskId" from-field="workEffortId.parentWorkEffortId"/> |
| <else> |
| <set field="generalStartDate" from-field="startDate"/> |
| </else> |
| </if-not-empty> |
| </else> |
| </if-not-empty> |
| </then> |
| </while> |
| |
| <!-- create the tasklist --> |
| <entity-one entity-name="WorkEffort" value-field="project"> |
| <field-map field-name="workEffortId" from-field="parameters.projectId"/> |
| </entity-one> |
| <get-related value-field="project" relation-name="ChildWorkEffort" list="phases"/> |
| <if-not-empty field="phases"> |
| <iterate list="phases" entry="phase"> |
| <get-related value-field="phase" relation-name="ChildWorkEffort" list="tasks"/> |
| <if-not-empty field="tasks"> |
| <iterate list="tasks" entry="task"> |
| <get-related value-field="task" relation-name="ToWorkEffortAssoc" list="t.prevTasks"/> |
| <if-empty field="t.prevTasks"> |
| <!-- no predecessors so i can set the dates --> |
| <now-timestamp field="upd.estimatedStartDate"/> |
| <now-timestamp field="currentDate"/> |
| <call-class-method class-name="org.apache.ofbiz.project.Various" method-name="calculateCompletionDate" ret-field="upd.estimatedCompletionDate"> |
| <field field="task" type="org.apache.ofbiz.entity.GenericValue"/> |
| <field field="currentDate" type="java.sql.Timestamp"/> |
| </call-class-method> |
| <set field="upd.workEffortId" from-field="task.workEffortId"/> |
| <call-service service-name="updateWorkEffort" in-map-name="upd"/> |
| <entity-one entity-name="WorkEffort" value-field="newTask"> |
| <field-map field-name="workEffortId" from-field="task.workEffortId"/> |
| </entity-one> |
| <call-class-method class-name="org.apache.ofbiz.project.Various" method-name="setDatesFollowingTasks"> |
| <field field="newTask" type="org.apache.ofbiz.entity.GenericValue"/> |
| </call-class-method> |
| </if-empty> |
| </iterate> |
| </if-not-empty> |
| </iterate> |
| </if-not-empty> |
| </simple-method> |
| |
| <simple-method method-name="updateTimeEntryByWorkeffort" short-description="Update workeffort by workeffortId and timesheetId "> |
| <field-to-result field="parameters.timesheetId" result-name="timesheetId"/> |
| <if-empty field="parameters.workEffortId"> |
| <return/> |
| </if-empty> |
| <if-compare field="parameters.workEffortId" operator="equals" value="Totals"> |
| <return/> |
| </if-compare> |
| <entity-one entity-name="Timesheet" value-field="timesheet"/> |
| |
| <!-- check if party assigned to task, when not add with roletype of project, if assigned check status --> |
| <entity-and entity-name="WorkEffortPartyAssignment" list="assigns" filter-by-date="true"> |
| <field-map field-name="workEffortId" from-field="parameters.workEffortId"/> |
| <field-map field-name="partyId" from-field="timesheet.partyId"/> |
| </entity-and> |
| <if-empty field="assigns"> |
| <set field="getpr.taskId" from-field="parameters.workEffortId"/> |
| <call-service service-name="getProjectIdAndNameFromTask" in-map-name="getpr"> |
| <result-to-field result-name="projectId"/> |
| </call-service> |
| <entity-and entity-name="WorkEffortPartyAssignment" list="projectAssigns" filter-by-date="true"> |
| <field-map field-name="workEffortId" from-field="projectId"/> |
| <field-map field-name="partyId" from-field="timesheet.partyId"/> |
| </entity-and> |
| <first-from-list list="projectAssigns" entry="projectAssign"/> |
| <set field="parameters.partyId" from-field="timesheet.partyId"/> |
| <set field="parameters.roleTypeId" from-field="projectAssign.roleTypeId"/> |
| <set field="parameters.statusId" value="PAS_ASSIGNED"/> |
| <call-simple-method method-name="assignPartyToWorkEffort" xml-resource="component://workeffort/minilang/workeffort/WorkEffortSimpleServices.xml"/> |
| </if-empty> |
| <check-errors/> |
| |
| <!-- check if the actual start date is set, when not set it to todays date --> |
| <if-empty field="project.actualStartDate"> |
| <entity-one entity-name="WorkEffort" value-field="workEffort"/> |
| <now-timestamp field="workEffort.actualStartDate"/> |
| <store-value value-field="workEffort"/> |
| </if-empty> |
| |
| <get-related value-field="timesheet" relation-name="TimeEntry" list="timeEntries"/> |
| |
| <!-- update existing entries --> |
| <set field="hours" value="0" type="Double"/> |
| <if-not-empty field="timeEntries"> |
| <iterate list="timeEntries" entry="timeEntry"> |
| <if-compare-field field="timeEntry.workEffortId" to-field="parameters.workEffortId" operator="equals"> |
| <if-compare-field field="timeEntry.rateTypeId" to-field="parameters.rateTypeId" operator="equals"> |
| <if-not-empty field="timeEntry.hours"> |
| <remove-value value-field="timeEntry"/> |
| <else> |
| <!-- translate the date into the daynumber --> |
| <call-class-method class-name="org.apache.ofbiz.base.util.UtilDateTime" method-name="getIntervalInDays" ret-field="dayNumber"> |
| <field field="timesheet.fromDate" type="java.sql.Timestamp"/> |
| <field field="timeEntry.fromDate" type="java.sql.Timestamp"/> |
| </call-class-method> |
| <!-- get the related field --> |
| <if-not-empty field="parameters.hoursDay${dayNumber}"> |
| <set field="hours" from-field="parameters.hoursDay${dayNumber}" type="Double"/> |
| <else> |
| <set field="hours" value="0" type="Double"/> |
| </else> |
| </if-not-empty> |
| <call-simple-method method-name="updateTimeEntry"/> |
| <set field="parameters.hoursDay${dayNumber}" value="-999999" type="Double"/> |
| </else> |
| </if-not-empty> |
| </if-compare-field> |
| </if-compare-field> |
| </iterate> |
| </if-not-empty> |
| |
| <!-- process not yet done fields --> |
| <loop count="7" field="dayNr"> |
| <if-not-empty field="parameters.hoursDay${dayNr}"> |
| <if-compare field="parameters.hoursDay${dayNr}" value="-999999" operator="not-equals"> |
| <set field="hours" from-field="parameters.hoursDay${dayNr}" type="Double"/> |
| <call-class-method class-name="org.apache.ofbiz.base.util.UtilDateTime" method-name="addDaysToTimestamp" ret-field="fromDate"> |
| <field field="timesheet.fromDate" type="java.sql.Timestamp"/> |
| <field field="dayNr" type="int"/> |
| </call-class-method> |
| <call-simple-method method-name="updateTimeEntry"/> |
| </if-compare> |
| </if-not-empty> |
| </loop> |
| |
| <!-- update the assignment status if required --> |
| <if-compare field="parameters.checkComplete" value="Y" operator="equals"> |
| <entity-and entity-name="WorkEffortPartyAssignment" list="assigns" filter-by-date="true"> |
| <field-map field-name="workEffortId" from-field="parameters.workEffortId"/> |
| <field-map field-name="partyId" from-field="timesheet.partyId"/> |
| </entity-and> |
| <first-from-list list="assigns" entry="alreadyAssign"/> |
| <if-compare field="alreadyAssign.statusId" value="PAS_COMPLETED" operator="not-equals"> |
| <set field="upStat.partyId" from-field="timesheet.partyId"/> |
| <set field="upStat.statusId" value="PAS_COMPLETED"/> |
| <set field="upStat.roleTypeId" from-field="alreadyAssign.roleTypeId"/> |
| <set field="upStat.workEffortId" from-field="parameters.workEffortId"/> |
| <set field="upStat.fromDate" from-field="alreadyAssign.fromDate"/> |
| <call-service service-name="updateTaskAssigment" in-map-name="upStat"/> |
| </if-compare> |
| </if-compare> |
| </simple-method> |
| |
| <simple-method method-name="getProjectIdAndNameFromTask" short-description="Get the projectId when a phase or task is provided." login-required="true"> |
| <if-empty field="parameters.taskId"> |
| <if-empty field="parameters.phaseId"> |
| <return/> |
| </if-empty> |
| </if-empty> |
| <if-not-empty field="parameters.taskId"><!-- taskId is provided --> |
| <entity-one entity-name="WorkEffort" value-field="task"> |
| <field-map field-name="workEffortId" from-field="parameters.taskId"/> |
| </entity-one> |
| <if-not-empty field="task"> |
| <get-related-one value-field="task" relation-name="ParentWorkEffort" to-value-field="phase"/> |
| <else> |
| <return/> |
| </else> |
| </if-not-empty> |
| <else><!-- phaseId is provided --> |
| <entity-one entity-name="WorkEffort" value-field="phase"> |
| <field-map field-name="workEffortId" from-field="parameters.phaseId"/> |
| </entity-one> |
| </else> |
| </if-not-empty> |
| <!-- get project info --> |
| <if-not-empty field="phase"> |
| <get-related-one value-field="phase" relation-name="ParentWorkEffort" to-value-field="project"/> |
| <field-to-result field="project.workEffortId" result-name="projectId"/> |
| <field-to-result field="project.workEffortName" result-name="projectName"/> |
| <field-to-result field="phase.workEffortId" result-name="phaseId"/> |
| <field-to-result field="phase.workEffortName" result-name="phaseName"/> |
| <field-to-result field="task.workEffortId" result-name="taskId"/> |
| <field-to-result field="task.workEffortName" result-name="taskName"/> |
| <set field="taskWbsId" value="${project.workEffortId}.${phase.sequenceNum}.${task.sequenceNum}"/> |
| <field-to-result field="taskWbsId"/> |
| </if-not-empty> |
| </simple-method> |
| |
| <simple-method method-name="copyProjectToTemplate" short-description="copy a project to a workeffortType starting with 'template'"> |
| <set field="toTemplate" value="dummy"/> |
| <call-simple-method method-name="copyProject"/> |
| </simple-method> |
| |
| <simple-method method-name="copyProject" short-description="copy a project with related phases and tasks however no actual data"> |
| <entity-one entity-name="WorkEffort" value-field="project"> |
| <field-map field-name="workEffortId" from-field="parameters.projectId"/> |
| </entity-one> |
| |
| <if-empty field="project"> |
| <field-to-result field="parameters.projectId" result-name="projectId"/> |
| <add-error error-list-name="error_list"> |
| <fail-property resource="ProjectMgrUiLabels" property="ProjectMgrErrorProjectNotFound"/> |
| </add-error> |
| </if-empty> |
| <if-empty field="parameters.workEffortName"> |
| <set field="parameters.workEffortName" from-field="project.workEffortName"/> |
| </if-empty> |
| <if-empty field="parameters.description"> |
| <set field="parameters.description" from-field="project.description"/> |
| </if-empty> |
| <if-not-empty field="toTemplate"> |
| <set field="parameters.workEffortTypeId" value="PROJECT_TEMPLATE"/> |
| <else> |
| <set field="parameters.workEffortTypeId" value="PROJECT"/> |
| </else> |
| </if-not-empty> |
| <set field="parameters.currentStatusId" value="PRJ_ACTIVE"/> |
| <clear-field field="parameters.workEffortId"/> |
| <call-simple-method method-name="createWorkEffort" xml-resource="component://workeffort/minilang/workeffort/WorkEffortSimpleServices.xml"/> |
| <set field="newProjectId" from-field="newEntity.workEffortId"/> |
| |
| <!-- copy assigned parties --> |
| <get-related value-field="project" relation-name="WorkEffortPartyAssignment" list="partiesAll"/> |
| <filter-list-by-date list="partiesAll" to-list="parties"/> |
| <if-not-empty field="parties"> |
| <iterate list="parties" entry="party"> |
| <set field="parameters.workEffortId" from-field="newProjectId"/> |
| <set field="parameters.partyId" from-field="party.partyId"/> |
| <set field="parameters.roleTypeId" from-field="party.roleTypeId"/> |
| <set field="parameters.statusId" value="PAS_ASSIGNED"/> |
| <call-simple-method method-name="assignPartyToWorkEffort" xml-resource="component://workeffort/minilang/workeffort/WorkEffortSimpleServices.xml"/> |
| </iterate> |
| </if-not-empty> |
| |
| <get-related value-field="project" relation-name="ChildWorkEffort" list="phases"/> |
| <if-not-empty field="phases"> |
| <iterate list="phases" entry="phase"> |
| <clear-field field="newPhase"/> |
| <if-not-empty field="toTemplate"> |
| <set field="parameters.workEffortTypeId" value="PHASE_TEMPLATE"/> |
| <else> |
| <set field="parameters.workEffortTypeId" value="PHASE"/> |
| </else> |
| </if-not-empty> |
| <set field="parameters.workEffortName" from-field="phase.workEffortName"/> |
| <set field="parameters.workEffortParentId" from-field="newProjectId"/> |
| <set field="parameters.currentStatusId" value="_NA_"/> |
| <clear-field field="parameters.workEffortId"/> |
| <call-simple-method method-name="createWorkEffort" xml-resource="component://workeffort/minilang/workeffort/WorkEffortSimpleServices.xml"/> |
| <set field="newPhaseId" from-field="newEntity.workEffortId"/> |
| |
| <get-related value-field="phase" relation-name="ChildWorkEffort" list="tasks"/> |
| <if-not-empty field="tasks"> |
| <iterate list="tasks" entry="task"> |
| <clear-field field="newTask"/> |
| <if-not-empty field="toTemplate"> |
| <set field="newTask.workEffortTypeId" value="TASK_TEMPLATE"/> |
| <else> |
| <set field="newTask.workEffortTypeId" value="TASK"/> |
| </else> |
| </if-not-empty> |
| <set field="parameters.workEffortName" from-field="task.workEffortName"/> |
| <set field="parameters.priority" from-field="task.priority"/> |
| <set field="parameters.workEffortParentId" from-field="newPhaseId"/> |
| <set field="parameters.currentStatusId" value="PTS_CREATED"/> |
| <clear-field field="parameters.workEffortId"/> |
| <call-simple-method method-name="createWorkEffort" xml-resource="component://workeffort/minilang/workeffort/WorkEffortSimpleServices.xml"/> |
| </iterate> |
| </if-not-empty> |
| </iterate> |
| </if-not-empty> |
| <field-to-result field="newProjectId" result-name="projectId"/> |
| </simple-method> |
| |
| <simple-method method-name="getProject" short-description="get Project information" login-required="true"> |
| <if-empty field="parameters.projectId"> |
| <return/> |
| </if-empty> |
| <if-not-empty field="parameters.partyId"> |
| <set field="parameters.hoursPartyId" from-field="parameters.partyId"/> |
| </if-not-empty> |
| <entity-one entity-name="WorkEffort" value-field="project"> |
| <field-map field-name="workEffortId" from-field="parameters.projectId"/> |
| </entity-one> |
| <set field="highInfo.projectId" from-field="project.workEffortId"/> |
| <set field="highInfo.projectName" from-field="project.workEffortName"/> |
| <set field="highInfo.projectDescription" from-field="project.description"/> |
| <set field="highInfo.estimatedStartDate" from-field="project.estimatedStartDate"/> |
| <set field="highInfo.estimatedCompletionDate" from-field="project.estimatedCompletionDate"/> |
| <set field="highInfo.actualStartDate" from-field="project.actualStartDate"/> |
| <set field="highInfo.actualCompletionDate" from-field="project.actualCompletionDate"/> |
| <set field="highInfo.scopeEnumId" from-field="project.scopeEnumId"/> |
| <set field="highInfo.createdStamp" from-field="project.createdStamp"/> |
| <entity-one entity-name="StatusItem" value-field="highSeq"> |
| <field-map field-name="statusId" from-field="project.currentStatusId"/> |
| </entity-one> |
| <set field="highInfo.createdDate" from-field="project.createdDate"/> |
| <set field="highInfo.parentProjectId" from-field="project.workEffortParentId"/> |
| <!-- loop through the related phases and tasks --> |
| <call-simple-method method-name="combineInfo"/> |
| |
| <!-- get e-mail address --> |
| <entity-and entity-name="WorkEffortContactMechView" list="emailAddresses"> |
| <field-map field-name="workEffortId" from-field="highInfo.projectId"/> |
| <field-map field-name="contactMechTypeId" value="EMAIL_ADDRESS"/> |
| </entity-and> |
| <filter-list-by-date list="emailAddresses"/> |
| <if-not-empty field="emailAddresses"> |
| <first-from-list list="emailAddresses" entry="emailAddress"/> |
| <set field="highInfo.emailAddress" from-field="emailAddress.infoString"/> |
| </if-not-empty> |
| |
| <!-- closed overrules everything --> |
| <if-compare field="project.currentStatusId" value="PRJ_CLOSED" operator="equals"> |
| <set field="highInfo.currentStatusId" value="PRJ_CLOSED"/> |
| </if-compare> |
| |
| <call-simple-method method-name="createDates"/> |
| |
| <!-- results --> |
| <field-to-result field="highInfo" result-name="projectInfo"/> |
| <field-to-result field="parameters.projectId" result-name="projectId"/> |
| </simple-method> |
| |
| <simple-method method-name="getProjectPhaseList" short-description="get Project Phase information" login-required="true"> |
| <if-empty field="parameters.projectId"> |
| <return/> |
| </if-empty> |
| <entity-and entity-name="WorkEffort" list="phases"> |
| <field-map field-name="workEffortTypeId" value="PHASE"/> |
| <field-map field-name="workEffortParentId" from-field="parameters.projectId"/> |
| <order-by field-name="sequenceNum"/> |
| <order-by field-name="workEffortName"/> |
| </entity-and> |
| <if-not-empty field="phases"> |
| <iterate list="phases" entry="phase"> |
| <!-- get the phase seq id --> |
| <entity-one entity-name="StatusItem" value-field="highSeq"> |
| <field-map field-name="statusId" from-field="phase.currentStatusId"/> |
| </entity-one> |
| <clear-field field="highInfo"/> |
| <set field="highInfo.sequenceId" from-field="highSeq.sequenceId"/> |
| <set field="highInfo.phaseId" from-field="phase.workEffortId"/> |
| <set field="highInfo.phaseSeqNum" from-field="phase.sequenceNum"/> |
| <set field="highInfo.phaseName" from-field="phase.workEffortName"/> |
| <set field="highInfo.phaseDescription" from-field="phase.description"/> |
| <set field="highInfo.scopeEnumId" from-field="phase.scopeEnumId"/> |
| |
| <!-- loop through the related tasks and combine information --> |
| <call-simple-method method-name="combineInfo"/> |
| |
| <!-- merge estimated and actual dates --> |
| <call-simple-method method-name="createDates"/> |
| |
| <field-to-list field="highInfo" list="phaseList"/> |
| </iterate> |
| </if-not-empty> |
| |
| <!-- results --> |
| <field-to-result field="phaseList"/> |
| <field-to-result field="parameters.projectId" result-name="projectId"/> |
| </simple-method> |
| |
| <simple-method method-name="getProjectTaskList" short-description="get Project Phase/task information" login-required="true"> |
| <if-empty field="parameters.projectId"> |
| <return/> |
| </if-empty> |
| <entity-and entity-name="ProjectAndPhaseAndTask" list="tasks"> |
| <field-map field-name="projectId" from-field="parameters.projectId"/> |
| <order-by field-name="phaseSeqNum"/> |
| <order-by field-name="phaseName"/> |
| <order-by field-name="sequenceNum"/> |
| <order-by field-name="workEffortName"/> |
| </entity-and> |
| <if-not-empty field="tasks"> |
| <iterate list="tasks" entry="lowInfo"> |
| <set field="highInfo.phaseName" from-field="lowInfo.phaseName"/> |
| <set field="highInfo.phaseSeqNum" from-field="lowInfo.phaseSeqNum"/> |
| <set field="highInfo.taskId" from-field="lowInfo.workEffortId"/> |
| <call-simple-method method-name="combineInfo"/> |
| <clear-field field="highInfo.sequenceId"/> |
| <call-simple-method method-name="createDates"/> |
| <set field="highInfo.workEffortId" from-field="lowInfo.workEffortId"/> |
| <set field="highInfo.workEffortName" from-field="lowInfo.workEffortName"/> |
| <set field="highInfo.sequenceNum" from-field="lowInfo.sequenceNum"/> |
| <field-to-list field="highInfo" list="taskList"/> |
| <clear-field field="highInfo"/> |
| </iterate> |
| </if-not-empty> |
| <!-- results --> |
| <field-to-result field="taskList"/> |
| <field-to-result field="parameters.projectId" result-name="projectId"/> |
| </simple-method> |
| |
| <simple-method method-name="getProjectTask" short-description="get Project task information" login-required="true"> |
| <entity-one entity-name="WorkEffort" value-field="lowInfo"> |
| <field-map field-name="workEffortId" from-field="parameters.taskId"/> |
| </entity-one> |
| <set field="highInfo.taskId" from-field="lowInfo.workEffortId"/> |
| <set field="highInfo.taskSeqNum" from-field="lowInfo.sequenceNum"/> |
| <set field="highInfo.taskName" from-field="lowInfo.workEffortName"/> |
| <set field="highInfo.taskDescription" from-field="lowInfo.description"/> |
| <set field="highInfo.scopeEnumId" from-field="lowInfo.scopeEnumId"/> |
| <set field="highInfo.workEffortParentId" from-field="lowInfo.workEffortParentId"/> |
| <call-simple-method method-name="combineInfo"/> |
| <field-to-result field="highInfo" result-name="taskInfo"/> |
| </simple-method> |
| |
| <simple-method method-name="getProjectsByParties" short-description="get Project information by party member" login-required="true"> |
| <entity-condition entity-name="ProjectAndPhaseAndTaskParty" list="tasks"> |
| <condition-list combine="and"> |
| <condition-expr field-name="projectId" operator="equals" from-field="parameters.projectId" ignore-if-empty="true"/> |
| <condition-expr field-name="partyId" operator="equals" from-field="parameters.partyId" ignore-if-empty="true"/> |
| <condition-expr field-name="partyId" operator="not-equals" from-field="null"/> |
| </condition-list> |
| <order-by field-name="projectId"/> |
| <order-by field-name="partyId"/> |
| </entity-condition> |
| <if-not-empty field="tasks"> |
| <iterate list="tasks" entry="task"> |
| <if> |
| <condition> |
| <and> |
| <not><if-empty field="projectParty"/></not> |
| <if-compare-field field="task.partyId" to-field="projectParty.partyId" operator="not-equals"/> |
| </and> |
| </condition> |
| <then> |
| <field-to-list field="projectParty" list="projectParties"/> |
| <clear-field field="projectParty"/> |
| <clear-field field="highInfo"/> |
| </then> |
| </if> |
| |
| <if-empty field="projectParty"> |
| <set field="projectParty.partyId" from-field="task.partyId"/> |
| <entity-one entity-name="PartyNameView" value-field="partyNameView"> |
| <field-map field-name="partyId" from-field="task.partyId"/> |
| </entity-one> |
| <if-not-empty field="partyNameView"> |
| <set field="projectParty.partyName" value="${partyNameView.lastName},${partyNameView.firstName}${partyNameView.groupName}"/> |
| </if-not-empty> |
| <set field="projectParty.roleTypeId" from-field="task.roleTypeId"/> |
| <set field="projectParty.fromDate" from-field="task.fromDate"/> |
| <set field="projectParty.thruDate" from-field="task.thruDate"/> |
| </if-empty> |
| |
| <!-- get the planned/actual hours --> |
| <set field="lowInfo" from-field="task"/> |
| <set field="parameters.hoursPartyId" from-field="task.partyId"/> |
| <call-simple-method method-name="getHours" xml-resource="component://workeffort/minilang/workeffort/WorkEffortSimpleServices.xml"/> |
| <set field="projectParty.plannedHours" from-field="highInfo.plannedHours" type="Double"/> |
| <set field="projectParty.actualHours" from-field="highInfo.actualHours" type="Double"/> |
| </iterate> |
| <if-not-empty field="projectParty"> |
| <field-to-list field="projectParty" list="projectParties"/> |
| </if-not-empty> |
| <if-not-empty field="projectParties"> |
| <field-to-result field="projectParties"/> |
| </if-not-empty> |
| </if-not-empty> |
| </simple-method> |
| |
| <simple-method method-name="getTasksByParties" short-description="get task information by party member" login-required="true"> |
| <!-- get the list of tasks optionaly selected for a party --> |
| <entity-condition entity-name="WorkEffortPartyAssignment" list="tasks" filter-by-date="true"> |
| <condition-list combine="and"> |
| <condition-expr field-name="partyId" operator="equals" from-field="parameters.partyId" ignore-if-empty="true"/> |
| <condition-expr field-name="workEffortId" operator="equals" from-field="parameters.workEffortId" ignore-if-empty="true"/> |
| </condition-list> |
| <order-by field-name="workEffortId"/> |
| <order-by field-name="partyId"/> |
| </entity-condition> |
| <if-not-empty field="tasks"> |
| <iterate list="tasks" entry="task"> |
| <if> |
| <condition > |
| <and> |
| <not> |
| <if-empty field="taskParty"/> |
| </not> |
| <if-compare-field field="task.partyId" to-field="taskParty.partyId" operator="not-equals"/> |
| </and> |
| </condition> |
| <then> |
| <field-to-list field="taskParty" list="taskParties"/> |
| <clear-field field="taskParty"/> |
| <clear-field field="highInfo"/> |
| </then> |
| </if> |
| |
| <if-empty field="taskParty"> |
| <set field="taskParty.partyId" from-field="task.partyId"/> |
| <entity-one entity-name="PartyNameView" value-field="partyNameView"> |
| <field-map field-name="partyId" from-field="task.partyId"/> |
| </entity-one> |
| <if-not-empty field="partyNameView"> |
| <set field="taskParty.partyName" value="${partyNameView.lastName},${partyNameView.firstName}${partyNameView.groupName}"/> |
| </if-not-empty> |
| <set field="taskParty.roleTypeId" from-field="task.roleTypeId"/> |
| <set field="taskParty.statusId" from-field="task.statusId"/> |
| <set field="taskParty.fromDate" from-field="task.fromDate"/> |
| <set field="taskParty.thruDate" from-field="task.thruDate"/> |
| </if-empty> |
| |
| <!-- get the planned hours --> |
| <set field="lowInfo" from-field="task"/> |
| <set field="parameters.hoursPartyId" from-field="task.partyId"/> |
| <get-related-one value-field="task" relation-name="WorkEffort" to-value-field="lowInfo"/> |
| <call-simple-method method-name="getHours" xml-resource="component://workeffort/minilang/workeffort/WorkEffortSimpleServices.xml"/> |
| <set field="taskParty.plannedHours" from-field="highInfo.plannedHours" type="Double"/> |
| <set field="taskParty.actualHours" from-field="highInfo.actualHours" type="Double"/> |
| <set field="taskParty.originalActualHours" from-field="highInfo.originalActualHours" type="Double"/> |
| </iterate> |
| <if-not-empty field="taskParty"> |
| <field-to-list field="taskParty" list="taskParties"/> |
| </if-not-empty> |
| <if-not-empty field="taskParties"> |
| <field-to-result field="taskParties"/> |
| </if-not-empty> |
| </if-not-empty> |
| </simple-method> |
| |
| <!-- Internal functions --> |
| <simple-method method-name="combineStatusInfo" short-description="combine lower level status"> |
| <!-- the status for a project or phase is |
| IN_PROGRESS if at least one task still in progress |
| COMPLETED if all task are either completed or cancelled |
| CREATED if other conditions does not apply |
| For a task the status is |
| IN_PROGRESS if it has at least one resource and at least a time entry |
| ASSIGNED if it has at least one resource but no time entry associated |
| --> |
| <!-- if lowlevel type equals TASK then get create the status first --> |
| <if-compare field="lowInfo.workEffortTypeId" value="TASK" operator="equals"> |
| <set field="highInfo.currentStatusId" from-field="lowInfo.currentStatusId"/> |
| <if-compare field="lowInfo.currentStatusId" value="PTS_CREATED" operator="equals"> |
| <get-related value-field="lowInfo" relation-name="WorkEffortPartyAssignment" list="assignsAll"/> |
| <filter-list-by-date list="assignsAll" to-list="assigns"/> |
| <if-not-empty field="assigns"> |
| <set field="highInfo.currentStatusId" value="PTS_CREATED_AS"/><!-- task is ASSIGNED --> |
| </if-not-empty> |
| <get-related value-field="lowInfo" relation-name="TimeEntry" list="entries"/> |
| <if-not-empty field="entries"> |
| <set field="highInfo.currentStatusId" value="PTS_CREATED_IP"/><!-- task is IN_PROGRESS --> |
| </if-not-empty> |
| </if-compare> |
| <return/> |
| </if-compare> |
| <entity-count count-field="tasksCount" entity-name="ProjectPhaseTaskAssignmentView"> |
| <condition-list> |
| <condition-expr field-name="projectId" from-field="highInfo.projectId" ignore-if-empty="true"/> |
| <condition-expr field-name="phaseId" from-field="highInfo.phaseId" ignore-if-empty="true"/> |
| <condition-expr field-name="taskId" from-field="highInfo.taskId" ignore-if-empty="true"/> |
| </condition-list> |
| </entity-count> |
| <log level="info" message="related tasks count ====> ${tasksCount}"/> |
| <entity-count count-field="completedTasks" entity-name="ProjectPhaseTaskAssignmentView"> |
| <condition-list> |
| <condition-expr field-name="projectId" from-field="highInfo.projectId" ignore-if-empty="true"/> |
| <condition-expr field-name="phaseId" from-field="highInfo.phaseId" ignore-if-empty="true"/> |
| <condition-expr field-name="taskId" from-field="highInfo.taskId" ignore-if-empty="true"/> |
| </condition-list> |
| <having-condition-list combine="or"> |
| <condition-expr field-name="taskStatusId" operator="equals" value="PTS_COMPLETED"/> |
| <condition-expr field-name="taskStatusId" operator="equals" value="PTS_CANCELLED"/> |
| </having-condition-list> |
| </entity-count> |
| <log level="info" message="related completed tasks count ====> ${completedTasks}"/> |
| <entity-count count-field="assignedTasks" entity-name="ProjectPhaseTaskAssignmentView"> |
| <condition-list> |
| <condition-expr field-name="projectId" from-field="highInfo.projectId" ignore-if-empty="true"/> |
| <condition-expr field-name="phaseId" from-field="highInfo.phaseId" ignore-if-empty="true"/> |
| <condition-expr field-name="taskId" from-field="highInfo.taskId" ignore-if-empty="true"/> |
| </condition-list> |
| <having-condition-list combine="and"> |
| <condition-expr field-name="entriesCount" value="0"/> |
| <condition-expr field-name="resourceCount" operator="greater-equals" value="1"/> |
| <condition-expr field-name="taskStatusId" operator="not-equals" value="PTS_COMPLETED"/> |
| <condition-expr field-name="taskStatusId" operator="not-equals" value="PTS_CANCELLED"/> |
| </having-condition-list> |
| </entity-count> |
| <log level="info" message="related assigned tasks count ====> ${assignedTasks}"/> |
| <entity-count count-field="inprogressTasks" entity-name="ProjectPhaseTaskAssignmentView"> |
| <condition-list> |
| <condition-expr field-name="projectId" from-field="highInfo.projectId" ignore-if-empty="true"/> |
| <condition-expr field-name="phaseId" from-field="highInfo.phaseId" ignore-if-empty="true"/> |
| <condition-expr field-name="taskId" from-field="highInfo.taskId" ignore-if-empty="true"/> |
| </condition-list> |
| <having-condition-list combine="and"> |
| <condition-expr field-name="entriesCount" operator="greater-equals" value="1"/> |
| <condition-expr field-name="resourceCount" operator="greater-equals" value="1"/> |
| <condition-expr field-name="taskStatusId" operator="not-equals" value="PTS_COMPLETED"/> |
| <condition-expr field-name="taskStatusId" operator="not-equals" value="PTS_CANCELLED"/> |
| </having-condition-list> |
| </entity-count> |
| <log level="info" message="related in progress tasks count ====> ${inprogressTasks}"/> |
| <if> |
| <condition> |
| <or> |
| <if-compare field="inprogressTasks" type="Long" operator="greater" value="0"/> |
| <if-compare field="assignedTasks" type="Long" operator="greater" value="0"/> |
| </or> |
| </condition> |
| <then> |
| <set field="highInfo.currentStatusId" value="PTS_CREATED_IP"/> |
| </then> |
| <else> |
| <if> |
| <condition> |
| <if-compare-field operator="equals" field="completedTasks" to-field="tasksCount"/> |
| </condition> |
| <then> |
| <set field="highInfo.currentStatusId" value="PTS_COMPLETED"/> |
| </then> |
| <else> |
| <set field="highInfo.currentStatusId" value="PTS_CREATED"/> |
| </else> |
| </if> |
| </else> |
| </if> |
| </simple-method> |
| |
| <simple-method method-name="combineDatesAndPlannedHoursInfo" short-description="combine lower level start end dates and planned hours for a project, phase or task"> |
| <entity-condition entity-name="ProjectPhaseTaskSklSumView" list="summaryInfos"> |
| <condition-list> |
| <condition-expr field-name="projectId" from-field="highInfo.projectId" ignore-if-empty="true"/> |
| <condition-expr field-name="phaseId" from-field="highInfo.phaseId" ignore-if-empty="true"/> |
| <condition-expr field-name="taskId" from-field="highInfo.taskId" ignore-if-empty="true"/> |
| </condition-list> |
| <select-field field-name="projectId"/> |
| <select-field field-name="estimatedStartDate"/> |
| <select-field field-name="actualStartDate"/> |
| <select-field field-name="estimatedCompletionDate"/> |
| <select-field field-name="actualCompletionDate"/> |
| <select-field field-name="plannedHours"/> |
| <select-field field-name="priority"/> |
| </entity-condition> |
| |
| <!-- Now used TimeEntries to update (or not) actual start and end Date --> |
| <first-from-list list="summaryInfos" entry="summaryInfo"/> |
| <set field="highInfo.estimatedStartDate" from-field="summaryInfo.estimatedStartDate"/> |
| <set field="highInfo.estimatedCompletionDate" from-field="summaryInfo.estimatedCompletionDate"/> |
| <set field="highInfo.actualStartDate" from-field="summaryInfo.actualStartDate"/> |
| <set field="highInfo.actualCompletionDate" from-field="summaryInfo.actualCompletionDate"/> |
| <set field="highInfo.priority" from-field="summaryInfo.priority"/> |
| <set field="highInfo.plannedHours" from-field="summaryInfo.plannedHours"/> |
| <!-- <log level="info" message="projectId=${highInfo.projectId} phaseId=${highInfo.phaseId} taskId=${highInfo.taskId} highInfo.plannedHours=${highInfo.plannedHours}"/>--> |
| <!-- update actual start date by the min date form sub tasks associated TimeEntries |
| (if before actualStartDate field) --> |
| <entity-condition entity-name="ProjectPhaseTaskActualEntrySumView" list="summaryEntriesInfos"> |
| <condition-list> |
| <condition-expr field-name="projectId" from-field="highInfo.projectId" ignore-if-empty="true"/> |
| <condition-expr field-name="phaseId" from-field="highInfo.phaseId" ignore-if-empty="true"/> |
| <condition-expr field-name="taskId" from-field="highInfo.taskId" ignore-if-empty="true"/> |
| </condition-list> |
| <select-field field-name="actualEntryStartDate"/> |
| </entity-condition> |
| <first-from-list list="summaryEntriesInfos" entry="timeEntriesInfo"/> |
| <if-not-empty field="timeEntriesInfo"> |
| <if-not-empty field="timeEntriesInfo.actualEntryStartDate"> |
| <if> |
| <condition> |
| <or> |
| <if-empty field="highInfo.actualStartDate"/> |
| <if-compare-field field="highInfo.actualStartDate" operator="greater" type="Timestamp" to-field="timeEntriesInfo.actualEntryStartDate"/> |
| </or> |
| </condition> |
| <then> |
| <set field="highInfo.actualStartDate" from-field="timeEntriesInfo.actualEntryStartDate"/> |
| </then> |
| </if> |
| </if-not-empty> |
| </if-not-empty> |
| </simple-method> |
| |
| <simple-method method-name="combineInfo" short-description="combine lower level status, dates of tasks."> |
| <call-simple-method method-name="combineStatusInfo"/> |
| <call-simple-method method-name="combineDatesAndPlannedHoursInfo"/> |
| <call-simple-method method-name="combineActualHours"/> |
| </simple-method> |
| |
| <simple-method method-name="combineActualHours" short-description="combine lower level Actual hours info."> |
| <!-- |
| -to calculate actual hours : the declared number of hours in time entry should be multiplied by the |
| max percentage declared in PartyRate if a valid party rate can be found for the party associated to a |
| the timesheet associated to this time entry and has the same rateType as this timeEntry |
| -actualHoursOriginal is the total of hours in time entries without application of percentage declared in partyRate |
| --> |
| <clear-field field="originalHours"/> |
| <clear-field field="actualHours"/> |
| <clear-field field="originalActualHours"/> |
| |
| <!-- I- get timeEntries for which there is no rate (originalHours)--> |
| <entity-condition entity-name="ProjectPhaseTaskActualNotRatedHoursView" list="notRatedValues"> |
| <condition-list> |
| <condition-expr field-name="projectId" from-field="highInfo.projectId" ignore-if-empty="true"/> |
| <condition-expr field-name="phaseId" from-field="highInfo.phaseId" ignore-if-empty="true"/> |
| <condition-expr field-name="taskId" from-field="highInfo.taskId" ignore-if-empty="true"/> |
| <condition-expr field-name="hoursPartyId" from-field="parameters.hoursPartyId" ignore-if-empty="true"/> |
| </condition-list> |
| <select-field field-name="totalOriginalHours"/> |
| </entity-condition> |
| <first-from-list list="notRatedValues" entry="notRatedValue"/> |
| <set field="originalHours" from-field="notRatedValue.totalOriginalHours" type="Double"/> |
| |
| <!-- II- get total for timeEntries having a partyRate that should be applied |
| before applying rate (totalOriginalHours) |
| after applying rate (totalRatedHours)--> |
| <entity-condition entity-name="ProjectPhaseTaskActualRatedHoursView" list="ratedValues"> |
| <condition-list> |
| <condition-expr field-name="projectId" from-field="highInfo.projectId" ignore-if-empty="true"/> |
| <condition-expr field-name="phaseId" from-field="highInfo.phaseId" ignore-if-empty="true"/> |
| <condition-expr field-name="taskId" from-field="highInfo.taskId" ignore-if-empty="true"/> |
| <condition-expr field-name="hoursPartyId" from-field="parameters.hoursPartyId" ignore-if-empty="true"/> |
| </condition-list> |
| <select-field field-name="totalOriginalHours"/> |
| <select-field field-name="totalRatedHours"/> |
| </entity-condition> |
| <first-from-list list="ratedValues" entry="ratedValue"/> |
| <!-- not used ratedValue.totalRatedHours because not works, reason seem to be totalRatedHours is a calculated field ??? --> |
| <call-object-method method-name="getDouble" obj-field="ratedValue" ret-field="actualHours"> |
| <string value="totalRatedHours"/> |
| </call-object-method> |
| |
| <if-empty field="actualHours"> |
| <set field="actualHours" from-field="originalHours"/> |
| <else> |
| <calculate field="actualHours" type="Double"> |
| <calcop operator="add" field="originalHours"> |
| <calcop operator="get" field="actualHours"/> |
| </calcop> |
| </calculate> |
| </else> |
| </if-empty> |
| |
| <if-empty field="originalHours"> |
| <set field="originalActualHours" from-field="ratedValue.totalOriginalHours" type="Double"/> |
| <else> |
| <calculate field="originalActualHours" type="Double"> |
| <calcop operator="add" field="originalHours"> |
| <calcop operator="get" field="ratedValue.totalOriginalHours"/> |
| </calcop> |
| </calculate> |
| </else> |
| </if-empty> |
| |
| <set field="highInfo.originalActualHours" from-field="originalActualHours"/> |
| <set field="highInfo.actualHours" from-field="actualHours"/> |
| <!-- do the same but for non-billed hours --> |
| <!-- first get not rated hours --> |
| <entity-condition entity-name="ProjectPhaseTaskActualNotRatedHoursView" list="notRatedValues"> |
| <condition-list> |
| <condition-expr field-name="projectId" from-field="highInfo.projectId" ignore-if-empty="true"/> |
| <condition-expr field-name="phaseId" from-field="highInfo.phaseId" ignore-if-empty="true"/> |
| <condition-expr field-name="taskId" from-field="highInfo.taskId" ignore-if-empty="true"/> |
| <condition-expr field-name="hoursPartyId" from-field="parameters.hoursPartyId" ignore-if-empty="true"/> |
| <condition-expr field-name="invoiceId" from-field="nullField"/> |
| </condition-list> |
| <select-field field-name="totalOriginalHours"/> |
| </entity-condition> |
| <first-from-list list="notRatedValues" entry="notRatedValue"/> |
| <set field="actualNonBilledHours" from-field="notRatedValue.totalOriginalHours" type="Double"/> |
| <!-- second get non billed for entries having an invoiceId --> |
| <entity-condition entity-name="ProjectPhaseTaskActualRatedHoursView" list="ratedValues"> |
| <condition-list> |
| <condition-expr field-name="projectId" from-field="highInfo.projectId" ignore-if-empty="true"/> |
| <condition-expr field-name="phaseId" from-field="highInfo.phaseId" ignore-if-empty="true"/> |
| <condition-expr field-name="taskId" from-field="highInfo.taskId" ignore-if-empty="true"/> |
| <condition-expr field-name="hoursPartyId" from-field="parameters.hoursPartyId" ignore-if-empty="true"/> |
| <condition-expr field-name="invoiceId" from-field="nullField"/> |
| </condition-list> |
| <select-field field-name="totalOriginalHours"/> |
| <select-field field-name="totalRatedHours"/> |
| </entity-condition> |
| <first-from-list list="ratedValues" entry="ratedValue"/> |
| <call-object-method method-name="getDouble" obj-field="ratedValue" ret-field="actualHours"> |
| <string value="totalOriginalHours"/> |
| </call-object-method> |
| |
| <if-not-empty field="actualNonBilledHours"> |
| <calculate field="actualNonBilledHours" type="Double"> |
| <calcop operator="get" field="actualNonBilledHours"> |
| <calcop operator="add" field="actualHours"/> |
| </calcop> |
| </calculate> |
| <else> |
| <set field="actualNonBilledHours" from-field="totalOriginalHours" default-value="0" type="Double"/> |
| </else> |
| </if-not-empty> |
| <set field="highInfo.actualNonBilledHours" from-field="actualNonBilledHours" type="Double"/> |
| </simple-method> |
| |
| <simple-method method-name="combineInfoOld" short-description="combine lower level status, dates of tasks."> |
| <!-- in/output highInfo infoMap --> |
| <!-- input lowInfo info map --> |
| <!-- set the dates from the lower level tasks --> |
| <if-not-empty field="lowInfo.estimatedStartDate"> |
| <if-empty field="highInfo.estimatedStartDate"> |
| <set field="highInfo.estimatedStartDate" from-field="lowInfo.estimatedStartDate"/> |
| <else> |
| <if-compare-field to-field="lowInfo.estimatedStartDate" field="highInfo.estimatedStartDate" operator="greater" type="Timestamp"> |
| <set field="highInfo.estimatedStartDate" from-field="lowInfo.estimatedStartDate"/> |
| </if-compare-field> |
| </else> |
| </if-empty> |
| </if-not-empty> |
| <if-not-empty field="lowInfo.estimatedCompletionDate"> |
| <if-empty field="highInfo.estimatedCompletionDate"> |
| <set field="highInfo.estimatedCompletionDate" from-field="lowInfo.estimatedCompletionDate"/> |
| <else> |
| <if-compare-field to-field="lowInfo.estimatedCompletionDate" field="highInfo.estimatedCompletionDate" operator="less" type="Timestamp"> |
| <set field="highInfo.estimatedCompletionDate" from-field="lowInfo.estimatedCompletionDate"/> |
| </if-compare-field> |
| </else> |
| </if-empty> |
| </if-not-empty> |
| <if-not-empty field="lowInfo.actualStartDate"> |
| <if-empty field="highInfo.actualStartDate"> |
| <set field="highInfo.actualStartDate" from-field="lowInfo.actualStartDate"/> |
| <else> |
| <if-compare-field to-field="lowInfo.actualStartDate" field="highInfo.actualStartDate" operator="greater" type="Timestamp"> |
| <set field="highInfo.actualStartDate" from-field="lowInfo.actualStartDate"/> |
| </if-compare-field> |
| </else> |
| </if-empty> |
| </if-not-empty> |
| <if-not-empty field="lowInfo.actualCompletionDate"> |
| <if-empty field="highInfo.actualCompletionDate"> |
| <set field="highInfo.actualCompletionDate" from-field="lowInfo.actualCompletionDate"/> |
| <else> |
| <if-compare-field to-field="lowInfo.actualCompletionDate" field="highInfo.actualCompletionDate" operator="less" type="Timestamp"> |
| <set field="highInfo.actualCompletionDate" from-field="lowInfo.actualCompletionDate"/> |
| </if-compare-field> |
| </else> |
| </if-empty> |
| </if-not-empty> |
| |
| <!-- combine the priorities --> |
| <if-not-empty field="lowInfo.priority"> |
| <if-empty field="highInfo.priority"> |
| <set field="highInfo.priority" from-field="lowInfo.priority"/> |
| <else> |
| <if-compare-field to-field="lowInfo.priority" field="highInfo.priority" operator="greater"> |
| <set field="highInfo.priority" from-field="lowInfo.priority"/> |
| </if-compare-field> |
| </else> |
| </if-empty> |
| </if-not-empty> |
| |
| <!-- if lowlevel type equals TASK then get create the status first --> |
| <if-compare field="lowInfo.workEffortTypeId" value="TASK" operator="equals"> |
| <if-compare field="lowInfo.currentStatusId" value="PTS_CREATED" operator="equals"> |
| <get-related value-field="lowInfo" relation-name="WorkEffortPartyAssignment" list="assignsAll"/> |
| <filter-list-by-date list="assignsAll" to-list="assigns"/> |
| <if-not-empty field="assigns"> |
| <set field="lowInfo.currentStatusId" value="PTS_CREATED_AS"/><!-- task is assigned --> |
| </if-not-empty> |
| <get-related value-field="lowInfo" relation-name="TimeEntry" list="entries"/> |
| <if-not-empty field="entries"> |
| <set field="lowInfo.currentStatusId" value="PTS_CREATED_IP"/><!-- task is in progress --> |
| </if-not-empty> |
| </if-compare> |
| </if-compare> |
| |
| <entity-one entity-name="StatusItem" value-field="status"> |
| <field-map field-name="statusId" from-field="lowInfo.currentStatusId"/> |
| </entity-one> |
| <if-empty field="highInfo.sequenceId"> |
| <set field="highInfo.sequenceId" from-field="status.sequenceId"/> |
| <else> |
| <if> |
| <condition> |
| <and> |
| <if-compare-field field="highInfo.sequenceId" to-field="status.sequenceId" operator="less"/> |
| <and> |
| <if-compare field="highInfo.sequenceId" value="05" operator="not-equals"/> |
| <if-compare field="status.sequenceId" value="09" operator="not-equals"/> |
| </and> |
| </and> |
| </condition> |
| <then> |
| <set field="highInfo.sequenceId" from-field="status.sequenceId"/> |
| </then> |
| <else> |
| <set field="highInfo.sequenceId" value="05"/> |
| </else> |
| </if> |
| </else> |
| </if-empty> |
| </simple-method> |
| |
| <simple-method method-name="createDates" short-description="merge the estimated and actual dates"> |
| <!-- input/output is 'highInfo map --> |
| <!-- create dates taking the last known one to save space on the list --> |
| <if-not-empty field="highInfo.actualStartDate"> |
| <set field="highInfo.startDate" from-field="highInfo.actualStartDate"/> |
| <else> |
| <set field="highInfo.startDate" from-field="highInfo.estimatedStartDate"/> |
| </else> |
| </if-not-empty> |
| <if-not-empty field="highInfo.actualCompletionDate"> |
| <set field="highInfo.completionDate" from-field="highInfo.actualCompletionDate"/> |
| <else> |
| <set field="highInfo.completionDate" from-field="highInfo.estimatedCompletionDate"/> |
| </else> |
| </if-not-empty> |
| </simple-method> |
| |
| <simple-method method-name="updateTimeEntry" short-description=""> |
| <if-compare field="hours" value="-1" operator="equals"> |
| <return/> |
| </if-compare> |
| <if-not-empty field="timeEntry.timeEntryId"> |
| <if-compare field="hours" operator="equals" value="0"> |
| <set field="teDelMap.timeEntryId" from-field="timeEntry.timeEntryId"/> |
| <call-service service-name="deleteTimeEntry" in-map-name="teDelMap"/> |
| <else> |
| <clear-field field="teUpdMap"/> |
| <set field="teUpdMap.hours" from-field="hours" type="Double"/> |
| <set field="teUpdMap.timeEntryId" from-field="timeEntry.timeEntryId"/> |
| <set field="teUpdMap.rateTypeId" from-field="parameters.rateTypeId"/> |
| <call-service service-name="updateTimeEntry" in-map-name="teUpdMap"/> |
| </else> |
| </if-compare> |
| <else> |
| <if-compare field="hours" operator="not-equals" value="0"> |
| <set-service-fields service-name="createTimeEntry" map="parameters" to-map="teCreMap"/> |
| <set field="teCreMap.hours" from-field="hours" type="Double"/> |
| <set field="teCreMap.fromDate" from-field="fromDate"/> |
| <call-service service-name="createTimeEntry" in-map-name="teCreMap"/> |
| </if-compare> |
| </else> |
| </if-not-empty> |
| </simple-method> |
| |
| <simple-method method-name="createTimeEntryInTimesheet" short-description="Creates TimeEntry and searches for a timesheetId if not provided"> |
| <if-not-empty field="parameters.fromDate"> |
| <if-empty field="parameters.timesheetId"> |
| <entity-condition entity-name="Timesheet" list="timesheets"> |
| <condition-list combine="and"> |
| <condition-expr field-name="fromDate" operator="less-equals" from-field="parameters.fromDate"/> |
| <condition-expr field-name="thruDate" operator="greater-equals" from-field="parameters.fromDate"/> |
| <condition-expr field-name="partyId" operator="equals" from-field="parameters.partyId"/> |
| </condition-list> |
| </entity-condition> |
| <if-not-empty field="timesheets"> |
| <!-- use existing timesheet --> |
| <first-from-list list="timesheets" entry="timesheet"/> |
| <if-compare field="timesheet.statusId" value="TIMESHEET_IN_PROCESS" operator="equals"> |
| <set field="parameters.timesheetId" from-field="timesheet.timesheetId"/> |
| <else> |
| <add-error> |
| <fail-property resource="ProjectMgrUiLabels" property="ProjectMgrCannotAddToTimesheet"/> |
| </add-error> |
| <check-errors/> |
| </else> |
| </if-compare> |
| <else> |
| <!-- create new timesheet --> |
| <set field="parameters.requiredDate" from-field="parameters.fromDate"/> |
| <call-simple-method method-name="createTimesheetForThisWeek" xml-resource="component://workeffort/minilang/timesheet/TimesheetServices.xml"/> |
| <set field="parameters.timesheetId" from-field="newEntity.timesheetId"/> |
| </else> |
| </if-not-empty> |
| </if-empty> |
| </if-not-empty> |
| <!-- get role for this party in this project --> |
| <if-empty field="parameters.roleTypeId"> |
| <entity-and entity-name="ProjectPartyAndPhaseAndTask" list="taskRoles" filter-by-date="true"> |
| <field-map field-name="partyId" from-field="parameters.partyId"/> |
| <field-map field-name="workEffortId" from-field="parameters.workEffortId"/> |
| </entity-and> |
| <first-from-list list="taskRoles" entry="taskRole"/> |
| <set field="parameters.roleTypeId" from-field="taskRole.roleTypeId"/> |
| <set field="parameters.statusId" value="PAS_ASSIGNED"/> |
| <call-simple-method method-name="assignPartyToWorkEffort" xml-resource="component://workeffort/minilang/workeffort/WorkEffortSimpleServices.xml"/> |
| </if-empty> |
| <call-simple-method method-name="createTimeEntry" xml-resource="component://workeffort/minilang/timesheet/TimesheetServices.xml"/> |
| </simple-method> |
| |
| <simple-method method-name="addProjectTimeToNewInvoice" short-description="add all reported time on all completed timesheets from all workefforts for a project"> |
| <!-- recreate the invoice if still in preparation in order to correct errors. --> |
| <if-compare operator="equals" value="Y" field="parameters.reCreate"> |
| <entity-one entity-name="Invoice" value-field="invoice"/> |
| <if-empty field="invoice"> |
| <add-error> |
| <fail-property resource="WorkEffortUiLabels" property="WorkEffortTimesheetCannotFindInvoice"/> |
| </add-error> |
| <check-errors/> |
| </if-empty> |
| |
| <call-simple-method method-name="InvoiceStatusInProgress" xml-resource="component://accounting/minilang/invoice/InvoiceServices.xml"/> |
| |
| <entity-and entity-name="TimeEntry" list="entries"> |
| <field-map field-name="invoiceId" from-field="parameters.invoiceId"/> |
| </entity-and> |
| <iterate list="entries" entry="timeEntry"> |
| <clear-field field="timeEntry.invoiceId"/> |
| <clear-field field="timeEntry.invoiceItemSeqId"/> |
| <store-value value-field="timeEntry"/> |
| </iterate> |
| <set field="removeItems.invoiceId" from-field="parameters.invoiceId"/> |
| <remove-by-and entity-name="InvoiceItem" map="removeItems"/> |
| <set field="notFirst" value="Y"/><!-- do not create, only add --> |
| </if-compare> |
| <entity-condition entity-name="ProjectPhaseTaskAndTimeEntryTimeSheet" list="tasks"> |
| <condition-list combine="and"> |
| <condition-expr field-name="projectId" operator="equals" from-field="parameters.projectId"/> |
| <condition-expr field-name="invoiceId" operator="equals" from-field="nullField"/> |
| <condition-expr field-name="timesheetStatusId" operator="equals" value="TIMESHEET_COMPLETED"/> |
| <condition-expr field-name="fromDate" operator="less" from-field="parameters.thruDate" ignore-if-empty="true"/> |
| </condition-list> |
| <order-by field-name="workEffortId"/> |
| </entity-condition> |
| <if-empty field="tasks"> |
| <add-error> |
| <fail-property resource="ProjectMgrUiLabels" property="ProjectMgrNoTimeentryItemsFound"/> |
| </add-error> |
| <check-errors/> |
| </if-empty> |
| <iterate list="tasks" entry="task"> |
| <if-empty field="notFirst"> |
| <!-- first time so create invoice --> |
| <set-service-fields service-name="addWorkEffortTimeToNewInvoice" map="parameters" to-map="addTaskToNewInvoice"/> |
| <set field="addTaskToNewInvoice.workEffortId" from-field="task.workEffortId"/> |
| <set field="addTaskToNewInvoice.combineInvoiceItem" value="Y"/> |
| <set field="addTaskToNewInvoice.thruDate" from-field="parameters.thruDate"/> |
| <call-service service-name="addWorkEffortTimeToNewInvoice" in-map-name="addTaskToNewInvoice"> |
| <result-to-field result-name="invoiceId" field="parameters.invoiceId"/> |
| </call-service> |
| <set field="addTaskToInvoice.combineInvoiceItem" value="Y"/> |
| <field-to-result field="parameters.invoiceId" result-name="invoiceId"/> |
| <set field="notFirst" value="Y"/> |
| <else> |
| <if> |
| <condition> |
| <or> |
| <if-empty field="oldWorkeffortId"/> |
| <if-compare-field operator="not-equals" field="oldWorkeffortId" to-field="task.workEffortId"/> |
| </or> |
| </condition> |
| <then> |
| <!-- add to created invoice --> |
| <set field="addTaskToInvoice.combineInvoiceItem" value="Y"/> |
| <set field="addTaskToInvoice.invoiceId" from-field="parameters.invoiceId"/> |
| <set field="addTaskToInvoice.workEffortId" from-field="task.workEffortId"/> |
| <set field="addTaskToInvoice.thruDate" from-field="parameters.thruDate"/> |
| <call-service service-name="addWorkEffortTimeToInvoice" in-map-name="addTaskToInvoice"/> |
| </then> |
| </if> |
| <set field="oldWorkeffortId" from-field="task.workEffortId"/> |
| </else> |
| </if-empty> |
| </iterate> |
| </simple-method> |
| |
| <simple-method method-name="addProjectTimeToInvoice" short-description="add all reported time on all completed timesheets |
| from all workefforts for a project to an existing invoice"> |
| <entity-one entity-name="Invoice" value-field="invoice"/> |
| <if-empty field="invoice"> |
| <add-error> |
| <fail-property resource="WorkEffortUiLabels" property="WorkEffortTimesheetCannotFindInvoice"/> |
| </add-error> |
| <check-errors/> |
| </if-empty> |
| |
| <call-simple-method method-name="InvoiceStatusInProgress" xml-resource="component://accounting/minilang/invoice/InvoiceServices.xml"/> |
| |
| <entity-condition entity-name="ProjectPhaseTaskAndTimeEntryTimeSheet" list="tasks"> |
| <condition-list combine="and"> |
| <condition-expr field-name="projectId" operator="equals" from-field="parameters.projectId"/> |
| <condition-expr field-name="invoiceId" operator="equals" from-field="nullField"/> |
| <condition-expr field-name="timesheetStatusId" operator="equals" value="TIMESHEET_COMPLETED"/> |
| <condition-expr field-name="fromDate" operator="less" from-field="parameters.thruDate" ignore-if-empty="true"/> |
| </condition-list> |
| <order-by field-name="workEffortId"/> |
| </entity-condition> |
| |
| <if-empty field="tasks"> |
| <add-error> |
| <fail-property resource="ProjectMgrUiLabels" property="ProjectMgrNoTimeentryItemsFound"/> |
| </add-error> |
| <check-errors/> |
| </if-empty> |
| |
| <iterate list="tasks" entry="task"> |
| <if> |
| <condition> |
| <or> |
| <if-empty field="oldWorkeffortId"/> |
| <if-compare-field operator="not-equals" field="oldWorkeffortId" to-field="task.workEffortId"/> |
| </or> |
| </condition> |
| <then> |
| <!-- add to created invoice --> |
| <set field="addTaskToInvoice.combineInvoiceItem" value="Y"/> |
| <set field="addTaskToInvoice.invoiceId" from-field="parameters.invoiceId"/> |
| <set field="addTaskToInvoice.workEffortId" from-field="task.workEffortId"/> |
| <set field="addTaskToInvoice.thruDate" from-field="parameters.thruDate"/> |
| <call-service service-name="addWorkEffortTimeToInvoice" in-map-name="addTaskToInvoice"/> |
| </then> |
| </if> |
| <set field="oldWorkeffortId" from-field="task.workEffortId"/> |
| </iterate> |
| </simple-method> |
| |
| <simple-method method-name="addValidationPartiesToTask" short-description="SECA to add either project-testing or -approval parties to a task when a task is set to complete"> |
| <!-- check if this is the last party which completed his task --> |
| <entity-condition entity-name="WorkEffortPartyAssignment" list="openTasks" filter-by-date="true"> |
| <condition-list combine="and"> |
| <condition-expr field-name="workEffortId" operator="equals" from-field="parameters.workEffortId"/> |
| <condition-expr field-name="statusId" operator="not-equals" value="PAS_COMPLETED"/> |
| <condition-expr field-name="partyId" operator="not-equals" from-field="parameters.partyId"/> |
| </condition-list> |
| </entity-condition> |
| <if-empty field="openTasks"> |
| <set field="getProject.taskId" from-field="parameters.workEffortId"/> |
| <call-service service-name="getProjectIdAndNameFromTask" in-map-name="getProject"> |
| <result-to-field result-name="projectId"/> |
| </call-service> |
| <!-- see who is reponsible for testing/validation in this project --> |
| <entity-condition entity-name="WorkEffortPartyAssignment" list="assigns" filter-by-date="true"> |
| <condition-list combine="and"> |
| <condition-expr field-name="workEffortId" operator="equals" from-field="projectId"/> |
| <condition-expr field-name="partyId" operator="not-equals" from-field="parameters.partyId"/><!-- should not test/val own work --> |
| <condition-list combine="or"> |
| <condition-expr field-name="roleTypeId" operator="equals" value="PROVIDER_VALIDATOR"/> |
| <condition-expr field-name="roleTypeId" operator="equals" value="PROVIDER_TESTER"/> |
| </condition-list> |
| </condition-list> |
| </entity-condition> |
| <if-not-empty field="assigns"> |
| <set field="addAssign.workEffortId" from-field="parameters.workEffortId"/> |
| <set field="addAssign.statusId" value="PAS_ASSIGNED"/> |
| <iterate list="assigns" entry="assign"> |
| <make-value value-field="newAssign" entity-name="WorkEffortPartyAssignment"/> |
| <set field="newAssign.workEffortId" from-field="parameters.workEffortId"/> |
| <set field="newAssign.partyId" from-field="assign.partyId"/> |
| <set field="newAssign.roleTypeId" from-field="assign.roleTypeId"/> |
| <set field="newAssign.assignedByUserLoginId" value="system"/> |
| <now-timestamp field="newAssign.fromDate"/> |
| <set field="newAssign.statusId" value="PAS_ASSIGNED"/> |
| <create-value value-field="newAssign"/> |
| </iterate> |
| <else> |
| <log level="info" message="No validation parties defined in this project: no validation parties added...."/> |
| </else> |
| </if-not-empty> |
| <else> |
| <log level="info" message="Not the last party who completes his task: validation parties not added...."/> |
| </else> |
| </if-empty> |
| </simple-method> |
| |
| </simple-methods> |