blob: e299e47f2913bd4b8171b8abf763dc035e002d23 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import java.util.HashMap
import org.apache.ofbiz.base.util.UtilHttp
import org.apache.ofbiz.base.util.UtilMisc
/* puts the following in the context: "contactMech", "contactMechId",
"partyContactMech", "partyContactMechPurposes", "contactMechTypeId",
"contactMechType", "purposeTypes", "postalAddress", "telecomNumber",
"requestName", "donePage", "tryEntity", "contactMechTypes"
target = [:]
ContactMechWorker.getContactMechAndRelated(request, userLogin.partyId, target)
if (!security.hasEntityPermission("PARTYMGR", "_VIEW", session) && !context.partyContactMech && context.contactMech) {
context.canNotView = true
} else {
context.canNotView = false
preContactMechTypeId = parameters.preContactMechTypeId
if (preContactMechTypeId) context.preContactMechTypeId = preContactMechTypeId
paymentMethodId = parameters.paymentMethodId
if (paymentMethodId) context.paymentMethodId = paymentMethodId
cmNewPurposeTypeId = parameters.contactMechPurposeTypeId
if (cmNewPurposeTypeId) {
contactMechPurposeType = from("ContactMechPurposeType").where("contactMechPurposeTypeId", cmNewPurposeTypeId).queryOne()
if (contactMechPurposeType) {
context.contactMechPurposeType = contactMechPurposeType
} else {
cmNewPurposeTypeId = null
context.cmNewPurposeTypeId = cmNewPurposeTypeId
tryEntity = context.tryEntity
contactMechData = context.contactMech
if (!tryEntity) contactMechData = parameters
if (!contactMechData) contactMechData = [:]
if (contactMechData) context.contactMechData = contactMechData
partyContactMechData = context.partyContactMech
if (!tryEntity) partyContactMechData = parameters
if (!partyContactMechData) partyContactMechData = [:]
if (partyContactMechData) context.partyContactMechData = partyContactMechData
postalAddressData = context.postalAddress
if (!tryEntity) postalAddressData = parameters
if (!postalAddressData) postalAddressData = [:]
if (postalAddressData) context.postalAddressData = postalAddressData
telecomNumberData = context.telecomNumber
if (!tryEntity) telecomNumberData = parameters
if (!telecomNumberData) telecomNumberData = [:]
if (telecomNumberData) context.telecomNumberData = telecomNumberData
// load the geo names for selected countries and states/regions
if (parameters.countryGeoId) {
geoValue = from("Geo").where("geoId", parameters.countryGeoId).cache(true).queryOne()
if (geoValue) {
context.selectedCountryName = geoValue.geoName
} else if (postalAddressData?.countryGeoId) {
geoValue = from("Geo").where("geoId", postalAddressData.countryGeoId).cache(true).queryOne()
if (geoValue) {
context.selectedCountryName = geoValue.geoName
if (parameters.stateProvinceGeoId) {
geoValue = from("Geo").where("geoId", parameters.stateProvinceGeoId).cache(true).queryOne()
if (geoValue) {
context.selectedStateName = geoValue.geoId
} else if (postalAddressData?.stateProvinceGeoId) {
geoValue = from("Geo").where("geoId", postalAddressData.stateProvinceGeoId).cache(true).queryOne()
if (geoValue) {
context.selectedStateName = geoValue.geoId