tree: 277fe4f6c51b9fdad76bdfcaef7a84d0d219a5ab [path history] [tgz]
  1. localization/
  2. jquery-ui-sliderAccess.js
  3. jquery-ui-timepicker-addon-1.4.3.js
  4. jquery-ui-timepicker-addon.css
  5. jquery-ui-timepicker-addon.min-1.4.3.js
  6. jquery-ui-timepicker-addon.min.css

jQuery Timepicker Addon



I recommend getting the eBook Handling Time as it has a lot of example code to get started. The quick and dirty:

  • To use this plugin you must include jQuery (1.6+) and jQuery UI with datepicker (and optionally slider).
  • Include timepicker-addon script located in the dist directory.
  • now use timepicker with $('#selector').datetimepicker() or $('#selector').timepicker().

There is also a Bower package named jqueryui-timepicker-addon. Beware there are other similar package names that point to forks which may not be current.

Contributing Code - Please Read!

  • All code contributions and bug reports are much appreciated.
  • Please be sure to apply your fixes to the “dev” branch.
  • Also note tabs are appreciated over spaces.
  • Please read the for more on using Grunt to produce builds.