| ############################################################################### |
| # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one |
| # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file |
| # distributed with this work for additional information |
| # regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file |
| # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the |
| # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance |
| # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at |
| # |
| # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 |
| # |
| # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, |
| # software distributed under the License is distributed on an |
| # KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the |
| # specific language governing permissions and limitations |
| # under the License. |
| ############################################################################### |
| |
| ######################################## |
| #Uncomment the following line to inhibit all external rate checks |
| #shipment.doratecheck=false |
| ######################################## |
| #Uncomment the following line to inhibit rate external rate checks for usps |
| #shipment.doratecheck.uspsRateInquire=false |
| #You can inhibit any of the external rate checks by substituting uspsRateInquire |
| #with the serviceName |
| ######################################## |
| |
| ############################################ |
| # General Configuration |
| ############################################ |
| shipment.default.weight.uom=WT_lb |
| shipment.default.dimension.uom=LEN_in |
| shipment.default.weight.value=1 |
| |
| shipment.default.cost_actual_over_estimated_percent_allowed=10 |
| |
| ############################################ |
| # UPS XPCI Configuration |
| ############################################ |
| |
| # UPS configuration indicator |
| shipment.ups.shipping=N |
| |
| # UPS Connection URL & timeout in seconds |
| shipment.ups.connect.url=https://wwwcie.ups.com/ups.app/xml |
| shipment.ups.connect.timeout=60 |
| |
| # UPS Shipper Number |
| shipment.ups.shipper.number=12345E |
| |
| # UPS Bill Shipper Account Number |
| shipment.ups.bill.shipper.account.number=12345E |
| |
| # UPS XPCI Access License Number |
| shipment.ups.access.license.number=TEST262223144CAT |
| |
| # UPS XPCI Access User ID |
| shipment.ups.access.user.id=REG111111 |
| |
| # UPS XPCI Access Password |
| shipment.ups.access.password=REG111111 |
| |
| # Setting to save files needed for UPS certification |
| shipment.ups.save.certification.info=true |
| shipment.ups.save.certification.path=${sys:getProperty('ofbiz.home')}/runtime/output/upscert |
| |
| # Shipper Default Pickup Type |
| # 01 - Daily Pickup |
| # 03 - Customer Counter |
| # 06 - One Time Pickup |
| # 07 - On Call Air Pickup |
| # 11 - Suggested Retail Rates (UPS Store) |
| # 19 - Letter Center |
| # 20 - Air Service Center |
| shipment.ups.shipper.pickup.type=06 |
| |
| # Customer Classification |
| # Valid Values are |
| # 01 - Wholesale |
| # 03 - Occasional |
| # 04 - Retail |
| # The default value is "01"(wholesale) when Pick Type code is "01"(daily pickup) |
| # The default value is "03"(occasional) when Pick Type code is "06"(One Time Pickup), |
| # "07"(On Call Air Pickup), "19"(Letter Center), "20"(Air Service Center) |
| # The default value is "04"(Retail) when Pick Type code is "03"(Customer Counter) |
| shipment.ups.customerclassification=03 |
| |
| # Estimate split into packages |
| # This number is used as the max weight per package |
| # when the total weight is > than this weight the |
| # weights are split into packages not exceeding max. |
| shipment.ups.max.estimate.weight=90 |
| |
| # Minimum weight for a package (per UPS specs) |
| # Please make an weight > 0, but less than the |
| # minimum be equal to the value below. |
| shipment.ups.min.estimate.weight=.1 |
| |
| # COD |
| # Will be applied if shipment.ups.cod.allowCOD is true and all shipment package items |
| # are from orders which have been fully paid via EXT_COD |
| shipment.ups.cod.allowCOD=true |
| shipment.ups.cod.surcharge.amount=9 |
| shipment.ups.cod.surcharge.currencyUomId=USD |
| |
| # shipment.ups.cod.surcharge.applyToPackages: |
| # all - surcharge amount will be applied to each shipment package |
| # first - surcharge amount will be applied to the first package in the shipment |
| # split - surcharge amount will be split between shipment packages (fractional cents are rounded |
| # via symmetric arithmetic rounding) |
| # none - the surcharge will not be applied to any packages (use this when COD surcharges have been applied |
| # earlier in the process, such as during the order entry process |
| shipment.ups.cod.surcharge.applyToPackages=first |
| |
| # CODFundsCode |
| # The code that indicates the type of funds used for the COD payment. |
| # For package-level COD: |
| # 0 = Unsecured funds allowed (check, cashier's check or money order - no cash allowed) |
| # 8 = Secured Funds only (cashier's check or money order - no cash allowed) |
| # Shipment-level COD: Not supported |
| shipment.ups.cod.codFundsCode=0 |
| |
| # Return label email memo and subject |
| shipment.ups.default.returnLabel.memo=UPS Shipment Return Memo |
| shipment.ups.default.returnLabel.subject=UPS Shipment Return Label |
| |
| ############################################ |
| # USPS Webtools API Configuration |
| ############################################ |
| |
| # USPS configuration indicator |
| shipment.usps.shipping=Y |
| # Testing indicator, currently only used for printing labels since USPS doesn't |
| # use a separate url for testing |
| shipment.usps.test=Y |
| |
| # USPS Connection URL & timeout in seconds |
| shipment.usps.connect.url=http://production.shippingapis.com/ShippingAPITest.dll |
| # Url for labels differs in that the url is the same whether testing or not |
| shipment.usps.connect.url.labels=http://production.shippingapis.com/ShippingAPITest.dll |
| shipment.usps.connect.timeout=60 |
| |
| # USPS Credentials |
| shipment.usps.access.userid=000000000000 |
| shipment.usps.access.password=999999999999 |
| |
| # Estimate split into packages |
| shipment.usps.max.estimate.weight=70 |
| |
| ############################################ |
| # DHL ShipIT Configuration |
| ############################################ |
| |
| # DHL Shipment Label configuration |
| shipment.dhl.label.image.format=PNG |
| |
| # DHL API Schema Templates |
| shipment.dhl.template.rate.estimate=api.schema.DHL |
| |
| # DHL Connection URL & timeout in seconds |
| ## Use this one for testing. Change it to the production URL. |
| shipment.dhl.connect.url=HTTPS://eCommerce.airborne.com/ApiLandingTest.asp |
| ## This is the production URL |
| #shipment.dhl.connect.url=HTTPS://eCommerce.airborne.com/ApiLanding.asp |
| shipment.dhl.connect.timeout=60 |
| |
| # DHL Head Attributes |
| shipment.dhl.head.version=1.1 |
| shipment.dhl.head.action=Request |
| |
| # DHL Credentials |
| shipment.dhl.access.userid=YOUR DHL ShipIT USER ID |
| shipment.dhl.access.password=YOUR DHL ShipIT ACCESS PASSWORD |
| shipment.dhl.access.accountNbr=YOUR DHL ShipIT ACCOUNT NUMBER |
| shipment.dhl.access.shippingKey=YOUR DHL ShipIT SHIPPING KEY |
| |
| ############################################ |
| # FedEx Ship Manager Direct Configuration |
| ############################################ |
| |
| # Template locations |
| shipment.fedex.template.ship.location=component://product/template/shipment/FedexShipRequestTemplate.xml.ftl |
| shipment.fedex.template.subscription.location=component://product/template/shipment/FedexSubscriptionRequestTemplate.xml.ftl |
| |
| # Credentials |
| shipment.fedex.access.accountNbr= |
| shipment.fedex.access.meterNumber= |
| shipment.fedex.access.userCredential.key= |
| shipment.fedex.access.userCredential.password= |
| |
| # Connection details |
| # https://gatewaybeta.fedex.com/GatewayDC - Test URL |
| # https://gateway.fedex.com/GatewayDC - Production URL |
| # https://gatewaybeta.fedex.com/web-services - SOAP Test URL |
| # https://gateway.fedex.com/web-services - SOAP Production URL |
| shipment.fedex.connect.url=https://gatewaybeta.fedex.com/GatewayDC |
| shipment.fedex.connect.soap.url=https://gatewaybeta.fedex.com:443/web-services |
| shipment.fedex.connect.timeout=60 |
| |
| # Label configuration |
| # labelImageType must be PDF or PNG (PNG valid only for intra-US shipments) |
| shipment.fedex.labelImageType=PNG |
| |
| # Default dropoff type |
| #REGULARPICKUP - Regular Pickup |
| #REQUESTCOURIER - Request Courier |
| #DROPBOX - Drop-Box |
| #BUSINESSSERVICECTR - Business Service Center |
| #STATION - Station |
| shipment.fedex.default.dropoffType=REGULARPICKUP |
| |
| # Default packaging type |
| #FXENV - FedEx Envelope |
| #FXENV_LGL - FedEx Envelope (Legal) |
| #FXPAK_SM - FedEx Pak (Small) |
| #FXPAK_LRG - FedEx Pak (Large) |
| #FXBOX_SM - FedEx Box (Small) |
| #FXBOX_MED - FedEx Box (Medium) |
| #FXBOX_LRG - FedEx Box (Large) |
| #FXTUBE - FedEx Tube |
| #FX10KGBOX - FedEx 10KG Box |
| #FX25KGBOX - FedEx 25KG Box |
| #YOURPACKNG - Your Packaging |
| shipment.fedex.default.packagingType=YOURPACKNG |