blob: 9a72e3d84c6f32945fc810bb031ad44a80dffaac [file] [log] [blame]
Copyright (c) 2004-2006, The Dojo Foundation
All Rights Reserved.
Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1 or above OR the
modified BSD license. For more information on Dojo licensing, see:
dojo.json = {
// jsonRegistry: AdapterRegistry a registry of type-based serializers
jsonRegistry: new dojo.AdapterRegistry(),
register: function( /*String*/ name,
/*function*/ check,
/*function*/ wrap,
/*optional, boolean*/ override){
// summary:
// Register a JSON serialization function. JSON serialization
// functions should take one argument and return an object
// suitable for JSON serialization:
// - string
// - number
// - boolean
// - undefined
// - object
// - null
// - Array-like (length property that is a number)
// - Objects with a "json" method will have this method called
// - Any other object will be used as {key:value, ...} pairs
// If override is given, it is used as the highest priority JSON
// serialization, otherwise it will be used as the lowest.
// name:
// a descriptive type for this serializer
// check:
// a unary function that will be passed an object to determine
// whether or not wrap will be used to serialize the object
// wrap:
// the serialization function
// override:
// optional, determines if the this serialization function will be
// given priority in the test order
dojo.json.jsonRegistry.register(name, check, wrap, override);
evalJson: function(/*String*/ json){
// summary:
// evaluates the passed string-form of a JSON object
// json:
// a string literal of a JSON item, for instance:
// '{ "foo": [ "bar", 1, { "baz": "thud" } ] }'
// return:
// the result of the evaluation
// FIXME: should this accept mozilla's optional second arg?
try {
return eval("(" + json + ")");
return json;
serialize: function(/*Object*/ o){
// summary:
// Create a JSON serialization of an object, note that this
// doesn't check for infinite recursion, so don't do that!
// o:
// an object to be serialized. Objects may define their own
// serialization via a special "__json__" or "json" function
// property. If a specialized serializer has been defined, it will
// be used as a fallback.
// return:
// a String representing the serialized version of the passed
// object
var objtype = typeof(o);
if(objtype == "undefined"){
return "undefined";
}else if((objtype == "number")||(objtype == "boolean")){
return o + "";
}else if(o === null){
return "null";
if (objtype == "string") { return dojo.string.escapeString(o); }
// recurse
var me = arguments.callee;
// short-circuit for objects that support "json" serialization
// if they return "self" then just pass-through...
var newObj;
if(typeof(o.__json__) == "function"){
newObj = o.__json__();
if(o !== newObj){
return me(newObj);
if(typeof(o.json) == "function"){
newObj = o.json();
if (o !== newObj) {
return me(newObj);
// array
if(objtype != "function" && typeof(o.length) == "number"){
var res = [];
for(var i = 0; i < o.length; i++){
var val = me(o[i]);
if(typeof(val) != "string"){
val = "undefined";
return "[" + res.join(",") + "]";
// look in the registry
try {
window.o = o;
newObj = dojo.json.jsonRegistry.match(o);
return me(newObj);
// dojo.debug(e);
// it's a function with no adapter, bad
if(objtype == "function"){
return null;
// generic object code path
res = [];
for (var k in o){
var useKey;
if (typeof(k) == "number"){
useKey = '"' + k + '"';
}else if (typeof(k) == "string"){
useKey = dojo.string.escapeString(k);
// skip non-string or number keys
val = me(o[k]);
if(typeof(val) != "string"){
// skip non-serializable values
res.push(useKey + ":" + val);
return "{" + res.join(",") + "}";