| <!-- |
| Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one |
| or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file |
| distributed with this work for additional information |
| regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file |
| to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the |
| "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance |
| with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at |
| |
| http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 |
| |
| Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, |
| software distributed under the License is distributed on an |
| KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the |
| specific language governing permissions and limitations |
| under the License. |
| --> |
| |
| <screens xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" |
| xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://ofbiz.apache.org/dtds/widget-screen.xsd"> |
| <!-- Store reserve inventory --> |
| <screen name="ebayStoreInventory"> |
| <section> |
| <actions> |
| <set field="headerItem" value="ebayStore"/> |
| <set field="sellingManagerItem" value="inventory"/> |
| <entity-and entity-name="ProductStoreFacility" list="productStoreFacilityList"> |
| <field-map field-name="productStoreId" from-field="parameters.productStoreId"/> |
| </entity-and> |
| <set field="check" value="${groovy: |
| check= "false"; |
| if(productStoreFacilityList!=null && productStoreFacilityList.size()== 1) check = "true"; |
| return check; |
| }" type="String"/> |
| <set field="facilityId" value="${groovy: |
| if(check.equals("true")) facility = productStoreFacilityList.get(0); |
| if(facility!=null) facilityId = facility.facilityId; |
| return facilityId;}" type="String"/> |
| </actions> |
| <widgets> |
| <section> |
| <condition> |
| <if-compare field="check" operator="equals" value="true"/> |
| </condition> |
| <widgets> |
| <section> |
| <actions> |
| <set field="parameters.facilityId" value="${facilityId}"/> |
| <set field="parameters.productStoreId" from-field="parameters.productStoreId"/> |
| <service service-name="getFolderInEbayStoreInventory" result-map="result"> |
| <field-map field-name="productStoreId" from-field="parameters.productStoreId"/> |
| </service> |
| <set field="ebayfolderId" value="${result.folderId}"/> |
| </actions> |
| <widgets> |
| <section> |
| <condition> |
| <not><if-empty field="ebayfolderId"/></not> |
| </condition> |
| <widgets><include-screen name="ViewInventoryItemDetail"/></widgets> |
| <fail-widgets><include-screen name="ebayStoreInventoryFail"/></fail-widgets> |
| </section> |
| </widgets> |
| </section> |
| </widgets> |
| <fail-widgets> |
| <section> |
| <actions> |
| <set field="parameters.facilityId" value="${facilityId}"/> |
| <set field="parameters.productStoreId" from-field="parameters.productStoreId"/> |
| </actions> |
| <widgets> |
| <decorator-screen name="SellingManagerDecorator" location="${parameters.mainDecoratorLocation}"> |
| <decorator-section name="body"> |
| <screenlet> |
| <include-form name="EbayStoreFacilityList" location="component://ebaystore/widget/EbaySellingManagerForms.xml"/> |
| </screenlet> |
| </decorator-section> |
| </decorator-screen> |
| </widgets> |
| </section> |
| </fail-widgets> |
| </section> |
| </widgets> |
| </section> |
| </screen> |
| <screen name="ebayLoadStoreInventory"> |
| <section> |
| <actions> |
| <set field="headerItem" value="ebayStore"/> |
| <set field="sellingManagerItem" value="inventory"/> |
| <entity-and entity-name="ProductStoreFacility" list="productStoreFacilityList"> |
| <field-map field-name="productStoreId" from-field="parameters.productStoreId"/> |
| </entity-and> |
| </actions> |
| <widgets> |
| <section> |
| <widgets> |
| <section> |
| <actions> |
| <set field="facilityId" from-field="parameters.facilityId"/> |
| <set field="productStoreId" from-field="parameters.productStoreId"/> |
| <set field="ebayfolderId" from-field="parameters.folderId"/> |
| </actions> |
| <widgets><include-screen name="ViewInventoryItemDetail"/></widgets> |
| </section> |
| </widgets> |
| </section> |
| </widgets> |
| </section> |
| </screen> |
| <screen name="ViewInventoryItemDetail"> |
| <section> |
| <actions> |
| <property-map resource="WorkEffortUiLabels" map-name="uiLabelMap" global="true"/> |
| <set field="titleProperty" value="PageTitleEditInventoryItem"/> |
| <set field="headerItem" value="ebayStore"/> |
| <set field="sellingManagerItem" value="inventory"/> |
| <set field="facilityId" from-field="parameters.facilityId"/> |
| <set field="productStoreId" from-field="parameters.productStoreId"/> |
| <entity-one entity-name="ProductStore" value-field="productStore"> |
| <field-map field-name="productStoreId" from-field="productStoreId"/> |
| <select-field field-name="storeName"/> |
| </entity-one> |
| <entity-one entity-name="Facility" value-field="facility"> |
| <field-map field-name="facilityId" from-field="facilityId"/> |
| <select-field field-name="facilityName"/> |
| </entity-one> |
| <entity-and entity-name="EbayProductStoreInventory" list="ebayProductStoreInventoryList"> |
| <field-map field-name="productStoreId" from-field="productStoreId"/> |
| <field-map field-name="facilityId" from-field="facilityId"/> |
| </entity-and> |
| <property-map resource="ProductUiLabels" map-name="uiLabelMap"/> |
| </actions> |
| <widgets> |
| <decorator-screen name="SellingManagerDecorator" location="${parameters.mainDecoratorLocation}"> |
| <decorator-section name="body"> |
| <screenlet title="${uiLabelMap.ProductInventoryDetails} ${uiLabelMap.ProductStoreNameId} : ${productStore.storeName}[${productStore.productStoreId}] ${uiLabelMap.FacilityFacility} : ${facility.facilityName}"> |
| <section> |
| <widgets> |
| <link name="updateEbayInventoryStatus" secure="true" target="updateEbayInventoryStatus" style="buttontext" text="${uiLabelMap.EbayUpdateInventoryStatus}"> |
| <parameter param-name="productStoreId" from-field="productStoreId"/> |
| <parameter param-name="facilityId" from-field="facilityId"/> |
| </link> |
| <link name="reserveEbayProductInventory" target="reserveEbayProductInventory" style="buttontext" text="${uiLabelMap.EbayReserveProductInventory}"> |
| <parameter param-name="productStoreId" from-field="productStoreId"/> |
| <parameter param-name="facilityId" from-field="facilityId"/> |
| </link> |
| </widgets> |
| </section> |
| <include-form name="ListEbayProductInventoryDetail" location="component://ebaystore/widget/EbaySellingManagerForms.xml"/> |
| </screenlet> |
| </decorator-section> |
| </decorator-screen> |
| </widgets> |
| </section> |
| </screen> |
| <screen name="reserveEbayProductInventory"> |
| <section> |
| <actions> |
| <set field="headerItem" value="ebayStore"/> |
| <set field="sellingManagerItem" value="inventory"/> |
| <set field="productStoreId" from-field="parameters.productStoreId"/> |
| <entity-one entity-name="Facility" value-field="facility"> |
| <field-map field-name="facilityId" value="${parameters.facilityId}"/> |
| <select-field field-name="facilityName"/> |
| </entity-one> |
| </actions> |
| <widgets> |
| <decorator-screen name="SellingManagerDecorator" location="${parameters.mainDecoratorLocation}"> |
| <decorator-section name="body"> |
| <screenlet title="${uiLabelMap.EbayReserveProductFrom} : ${facility.facilityName}"> |
| <include-form name="reserveEbayProductInventory" location="component://ebaystore/widget/EbaySellingManagerForms.xml"/> |
| </screenlet> |
| </decorator-section> |
| </decorator-screen> |
| </widgets> |
| </section> |
| </screen> |
| <screen name="ebayStoreInventoryFail"> |
| <section> |
| <actions> |
| <set field="headerItem" value="ebayStore"/> |
| <set field="sellingManagerItem" value="inventory"/> |
| <set field="productStoreId" from-field="parameters.productStoreId"/> |
| </actions> |
| <widgets> |
| <decorator-screen name="SellingManagerDecorator" location="${parameters.mainDecoratorLocation}"> |
| <decorator-section name="body"> |
| <screenlet title="notes"> |
| <label style="label" text="Please subscribed to Selling Manager Pro before you use this function because ebay product inventory will open when you start selling manager pro on ebay site."></label> |
| <label style="label" text="if you subscribed already then still can not use, please check you internet connection."></label> |
| <label text="- To subscribe for production site"></label> |
| <link target="http://pages.ebay.com/selling_manager_pro" text="http://pages.ebay.com/selling_manager_pro" target-window="_BLANK" url-mode="plain"></link> |
| <label text="- To upgrade store level sandbox site"></label> |
| <link target="http://k2b-bulk.sandbox.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?MyeBaySellingPendingListings" target-window="_BLANK" url-mode="plain" text="http://k2b-bulk.sandbox.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?MyeBaySellingPendingListings"></link> |
| </screenlet> |
| <screenlet title="How to upgrade sandbox store level?"> |
| <label text="- Click on the link "To upgrade store level for sandbox site""></label> |
| <label text="- Go to "Selling Related links" section"></label> |
| <label text="- Click on "Edit my eBay store""></label> |
| <label text="- Page Manage my eBay store will show up"></label> |
| <label text="- Go to "Store Usage Information" section"></label> |
| <label text="- Click upgrade at "Subscription level" then select "Premium Store" and "Selling Manager Pro" then submit."></label> |
| </screenlet> |
| </decorator-section> |
| </decorator-screen> |
| </widgets> |
| </section> |
| </screen> |
| <screen name="updateQuantityReserved"> |
| <section> |
| <actions> |
| <set field="headerItem" value="ebayStore"/> |
| <set field="sellingManagerItem" value="inventory"/> |
| <entity-one entity-name="EbayProductStoreInventory" value-field="ebayProductStoreInventory"> |
| <field-map field-name="productStoreId" from-field="parameters.productStoreId"/> |
| <field-map field-name="facilityId" from-field="parameters.facilityId"/> |
| <field-map field-name="productId" from-field="parameters.productId"/> |
| </entity-one> |
| </actions> |
| <widgets> |
| <decorator-screen name="SellingManagerDecorator" location="${parameters.mainDecoratorLocation}"> |
| <decorator-section name="body"> |
| <screenlet title="Inventory Quantities"> |
| <include-form name="updateQuantityReserved" location="component://ebaystore/widget/EbaySellingManagerForms.xml"/> |
| </screenlet> |
| </decorator-section> |
| </decorator-screen> |
| </widgets> |
| </section> |
| </screen> |
| <!-- Automation Preferences --> |
| <screen name="EbayAutomationPreferences"> |
| <section> |
| <actions> |
| <set field="headerItem" value="ebayStore"/> |
| <set field="sellingManagerItem" value="automationPreferences"/> |
| <service service-name="getEbayStoreUser" result-map="result"> |
| <field-map field-name="productStoreId" from-field="parameters.productStoreId"/> |
| </service> |
| <set field="userLoginId" from-field="result.userLoginId"/> |
| </actions> |
| <widgets> |
| <decorator-screen name="SellingManagerDecorator" location="${parameters.mainDecoratorLocation}"> |
| <decorator-section name="body"> |
| <decorator-section-include name="body"/> |
| <include-screen name="AutomationRelistSoldItems"/> |
| <include-screen name="AutomationDispute"/> |
| <screenlet title="${uiLabelMap.EbayTxtAutoPositiveFeedbackBuyer}" id="autoPositiveFeedback" collapsible="true" initially-collapsed="true"> |
| <include-form name="autoPositiveFeedbackForBuyers" location="component://ebaystore/widget/EbaySellingManagerForms.xml"/> |
| </screenlet> |
| <screenlet title="${uiLabelMap.EbayIsAutoFeedbackReminder}" id="autoSendFeedbackReminder" collapsible="true" initially-collapsed="true"> |
| <include-form name="autoSendFeedbackReminder" location="component://ebaystore/widget/EbaySellingManagerForms.xml"/> |
| </screenlet> |
| <screenlet title="${uiLabelMap.EbayAutoPaymentReceviedEmail}" id="autoSendPaymentReceivedEmail" collapsible="true" initially-collapsed="true"> |
| <include-form name="autoSendPaymentReceivedEmail" location="component://ebaystore/widget/EbaySellingManagerForms.xml"/> |
| </screenlet> |
| <screenlet title="${uiLabelMap.EbayCombineOrderSetting}" id="combineOrdersSetting" collapsible="true" initially-collapsed="true"> |
| <include-form name="combineOrdersSetting" location="component://ebaystore/widget/EbaySellingManagerForms.xml"/> |
| </screenlet> |
| <screenlet title="${uiLabelMap.EbayAutoSendWinBuyerEmail}" id="winningBuyerNotification" collapsible="true" initially-collapsed="true"> |
| <include-form name="winningBuyerNotification" location="component://ebaystore/widget/EbaySellingManagerForms.xml"/> |
| </screenlet> |
| <screenlet title="${uiLabelMap.EbayAutoSendItemDispatchEmail}" id="itemDispatchedNotification" collapsible="true" initially-collapsed="true"> |
| <include-form name="itemDispatchedNotification" location="component://ebaystore/widget/EbaySellingManagerForms.xml"/> |
| </screenlet> |
| <screenlet title="${uiLabelMap.EbayBlockItemOutOfStock}" id="blockItemsOutOfStock" collapsible="true" initially-collapsed="true"> |
| <include-form name="blockItemsOutOfStock" location="component://ebaystore/widget/EbaySellingManagerForms.xml"/> |
| </screenlet> |
| <screenlet title="${uiLabelMap.AutoBestOfferSetting}" id="bestOfferSetting" collapsible="true" initially-collapsed="true"> |
| <include-form name="bestOffer" location="component://ebaystore/widget/EbaySellingManagerForms.xml"/> |
| </screenlet> |
| </decorator-section> |
| </decorator-screen> |
| </widgets> |
| </section> |
| </screen> |
| <screen name="AutomationRelistSoldItems"> |
| <section> |
| <actions> |
| <set field="headerItem" value="ebayStore"/> |
| <set field="autoPrefEnumId" value="EBAY_AUTO_RELISTING"/> |
| <set field="serviceName" value="autoRelistingItems"/> |
| <entity-one value-field="ebayPrefRelisting" entity-name="EbayProductStorePref"> |
| <field-map field-name="productStoreId" from-field="parameters.productStoreId"/> |
| <field-map field-name="autoPrefEnumId" from-field="autoPrefEnumId"/> |
| </entity-one> |
| <service service-name="getEbayStoreUser" result-map="result"> |
| <field-map field-name="productStoreId" from-field="parameters.productStoreId"/> |
| </service> |
| <set field="userLoginId" from-field="result.userLoginId"/> |
| </actions> |
| <widgets> |
| <screenlet title="${uiLabelMap.EbayAutomationRelistItems}" collapsible="true" name="EbayAutomationRelistItems"> |
| <include-form name="EditAutomationRelistSoldItems" location="component://ebaystore/widget/EbaySellingManagerForms.xml"/> |
| </screenlet> |
| </widgets> |
| </section> |
| </screen> |
| <screen name="AutomationDispute"> |
| <section> |
| <actions> |
| <set field="headerItem" value="ebayStore"/> |
| <set field="tabButtonItem" value="automaticEbayDisputeItems"/> |
| <set field="autoPrefEnumId1" value="EBAY_AUTO_DISPUTE1"/> |
| <set field="autoPrefEnumId2" value="EBAY_AUTO_DISPUTE2"/> |
| <set field="serviceName1" value="automaticEbayDisputeNotComplete"/> |
| <set field="serviceName2" value="automaticEbayDisputeNotPay"/> |
| <entity-one value-field="ebayPrefDispute1" entity-name="EbayProductStorePref"> |
| <field-map field-name="productStoreId" from-field="parameters.productStoreId"/> |
| <field-map field-name="autoPrefEnumId" from-field="autoPrefEnumId1"/> |
| </entity-one> |
| <entity-one value-field="ebayPrefDispute2" entity-name="EbayProductStorePref"> |
| <field-map field-name="productStoreId" from-field="parameters.productStoreId"/> |
| <field-map field-name="autoPrefEnumId" from-field="autoPrefEnumId2"/> |
| </entity-one> |
| <script location="component://ebaystore/webapp/ebaystore/WEB-INF/actions/automationPreferences/GetDisputeInfo.groovy"/> |
| </actions> |
| <widgets> |
| <screenlet title="${uiLabelMap.EbayAutomatiionDisputeItems}" collapsible="true" name="AutomationDispute"> |
| <include-form name="AutomationDisputeNotComplete" location="component://ebaystore/widget/EbaySellingManagerForms.xml"/> |
| <include-form name="AutomationDisputeNotPay" location="component://ebaystore/widget/EbaySellingManagerForms.xml"/> |
| </screenlet> |
| </widgets> |
| </section> |
| </screen> |
| <!-- Sold --> |
| <screen name="EbaySoldListing"> |
| <section> |
| <actions> |
| <set field="sellingManagerItem" value="soldListing"/> |
| </actions> |
| <widgets> |
| <decorator-screen name="SellingManagerDecorator" location="${parameters.mainDecoratorLocation}"> |
| <decorator-section name="body"> |
| <decorator-section-include name="body"/> |
| </decorator-section> |
| </decorator-screen> |
| </widgets> |
| </section> |
| </screen> |
| <screen name="SoldListing"> |
| <section> |
| <actions> |
| <service service-name="getEbaySoldItems" result-map="result"> |
| <field-map field-name="productStoreId" from-field="parameters.productStoreId"/> |
| </service> |
| <set field="soldItemList" from-field="result.soldItems"/> |
| <set field="target" value="soldListing"/> |
| </actions> |
| <widgets> |
| <decorator-screen name="EbaySoldListing"> |
| <decorator-section name="body"> |
| <screenlet title="Sold Listing"> |
| <include-form location="component://ebaystore/widget/EbaySellingManagerForms.xml" name="SoldItemList"/> |
| </screenlet> |
| </decorator-section> |
| </decorator-screen> |
| </widgets> |
| </section> |
| </screen> |
| <screen name="OpenUnpaid"> |
| <section> |
| <widgets> |
| <decorator-screen name="EbaySoldListing"> |
| <decorator-section name="body"> |
| <screenlet title="Open Unpaid"> |
| <include-form location="component://ebaystore/widget/EbaySellingManagerForms.xml" name="OpenUnpaid"/> |
| </screenlet> |
| </decorator-section> |
| </decorator-screen> |
| </widgets> |
| </section> |
| </screen> |
| <screen name="MakeSecondChanceOffer"> |
| <section> |
| <actions> |
| <service service-name="getEbayAllBidders" result-map="results"> |
| <field-map field-name="productStoreId" from-field="parameters.productStoreId"/> |
| <field-map field-name="itemId" from-field="parameters.itemId"/> |
| </service> |
| <set field="allBidders" from-field="results.allBidders"/> |
| </actions> |
| <widgets> |
| <decorator-screen name="EbaySoldListing"> |
| <decorator-section name="body"> |
| <screenlet title="${uiLabelMap.EbayAddSecondChanceOffer}"> |
| <include-form location="component://ebaystore/widget/EbaySellingManagerForms.xml" name="MakeSecondChanceOffer"/> |
| </screenlet> |
| </decorator-section> |
| </decorator-screen> |
| </widgets> |
| </section> |
| </screen> |
| <screen name="EditEmailTemplate"> |
| <section> |
| <actions> |
| <set field="headerItem" value="ebayStore"/> |
| <set field="sellingManagerItem" value="automationPreferences"/> |
| <service service-name="getEbayStoreUser" result-map="result"> |
| <field-map field-name="productStoreId" from-field="parameters.productStoreId"/> |
| </service> |
| <service service-name="getEbayUser" result-map="ebayUser"> |
| <field-map field-name="productStoreId" from-field="parameters.productStoreId"/> |
| </service> |
| <set field="userLoginId" from-field="result.userLoginId"/> |
| <set field="emailType" from-field="parameters.emailType"/> |
| <entity-one value-field="emailSetting" entity-name="ProductStoreEmailSetting"> |
| <field-map field-name="productStoreId" from-field="parameters.productStoreId"/> |
| <field-map field-name="emailType" from-field="emailType"/> |
| </entity-one> |
| <set field="subject" from-field="emailSetting.subject"/> |
| <set field="bodyScreenLocation" value="component://ebaystore/widget/EbayEmailScreens.xml#EbayEmailTemplate"/> |
| <set field="fromAddress" from-field="ebayUser.email"/> |
| <entity-one value-field="userLoginCheck" entity-name="UserLogin"> |
| <field-map field-name="userLoginId" from-field="userLoginId"/> |
| </entity-one> |
| <set field="partyId" from-field="userLoginCheck.partyId"/> |
| <script location="component://ebaystore/webapp/ebaystore/WEB-INF/actions/email/GetProductStoreEmailTemplate.groovy"/> |
| <entity-one value-field="templateContent" entity-name="Content"/> |
| <get-related-one value-field="templateContent" relation-name="DataResource" to-value-field="templateDataResource"/> |
| <get-related-one value-field="templateDataResource" relation-name="ElectronicText" to-value-field="templateData"/> |
| <set field="textData" from-field="templateData.textData"/> |
| <set field="dataResourceId" from-field="templateData.dataResourceId"/> |
| </actions> |
| <widgets> |
| <decorator-screen name="SellingManagerDecorator" location="${parameters.mainDecoratorLocation}"> |
| <decorator-section name="body"> |
| <screenlet title="${uiLabelMap.EbayEditEmailTemplate}"> |
| <include-form name="EditEmailTemplate" location="component://ebaystore/widget/EbaySellingManagerForms.xml"/> |
| </screenlet> |
| </decorator-section> |
| </decorator-screen> |
| </widgets> |
| </section> |
| </screen> |
| <screen name="EbayActiveListing"> |
| <section> |
| <actions> |
| <set field="sellingManagerItem" value="activeListing"/> |
| </actions> |
| <widgets> |
| <decorator-screen name="SellingManagerDecorator" location="${parameters.mainDecoratorLocation}"> |
| <decorator-section name="body"> |
| <decorator-section-include name="body"/> |
| </decorator-section> |
| </decorator-screen> |
| </widgets> |
| </section> |
| </screen> |
| <screen name="ActiveListing"> |
| <section> |
| <actions> |
| <service service-name="getMyeBaySelling" result-map="result"> |
| <field-map field-name="productStoreId" from-field="parameters.productStoreId"/> |
| <field-map field-name="listingType" from-field="requestParameters.listingType"/> |
| </service> |
| <set field="activeItemList" from-field="result.activeItems"/> |
| <set field="target" value="activeListing"/> |
| </actions> |
| <widgets> |
| <decorator-screen name="EbayActiveListing"> |
| <decorator-section name="body"> |
| <screenlet title="Active to Open Listings"> |
| <include-form location="component://ebaystore/widget/EbaySellingManagerForms.xml" name="ItemOption"/> |
| <include-form location="component://ebaystore/widget/EbaySellingManagerForms.xml" name="ActiveItemList"/> |
| </screenlet> |
| </decorator-section> |
| </decorator-screen> |
| </widgets> |
| </section> |
| </screen> |
| <screen name="EbayUnsoldListing"> |
| <section> |
| <actions> |
| <set field="sellingManagerItem" value="unsoldListing"/> |
| </actions> |
| <widgets> |
| <decorator-screen name="SellingManagerDecorator" location="${parameters.mainDecoratorLocation}"> |
| <decorator-section name="body"> |
| <decorator-section-include name="body"/> |
| </decorator-section> |
| </decorator-screen> |
| </widgets> |
| </section> |
| </screen> |
| <screen name="UnsoldListing"> |
| <section> |
| <actions> |
| <service service-name="getMyeBaySelling" result-map="result"> |
| <field-map field-name="productStoreId" from-field="parameters.productStoreId"/> |
| <field-map field-name="listingType" from-field="parameters.listingType"/> |
| </service> |
| <set field="unsoldItemList" from-field="result.unsoldItems"/> |
| <set field="target" value="unsoldListing"/> |
| </actions> |
| <widgets> |
| <decorator-screen name="EbayUnsoldListing"> |
| <decorator-section name="body"> |
| <screenlet title="Unsold Listing"> |
| <include-form location="component://ebaystore/widget/EbaySellingManagerForms.xml" name="ItemOption"/> |
| <include-form location="component://ebaystore/widget/EbaySellingManagerForms.xml" name="UnsoldItemList"/> |
| </screenlet> |
| </decorator-section> |
| </decorator-screen> |
| </widgets> |
| </section> |
| </screen> |
| <screen name="WaitingToShipping"> |
| <section> |
| <actions> |
| <set field="sellingManagerItem" value="waitingToShipping"/> |
| <service service-name="getEbaySoldItems" result-map="result"> |
| <field-map field-name="productStoreId" from-field="parameters.productStoreId"/> |
| <field-map field-name="filter" value="PAID_NOT_SHIPPED"/> |
| <field-map field-name="itemId" from-field="parameters.itemId"/> |
| <field-map field-name="buyerId" from-field="parameters.buyerId"/> |
| </service> |
| <set field="soldItemList" from-field="result.soldItems"/> |
| <set field="target" value="waitingToShipping"/> |
| </actions> |
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| </decorator-section> |
| </decorator-screen> |
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| </section> |
| </screen> |
| <screen name="ordersImported"> |
| <section> |
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| <set field="productStoreId" from-field="parameters.productStoreId"/> |
| </actions> |
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| </screenlet> |
| <platform-specific> |
| <html> |
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| </html> |
| </platform-specific> |
| </decorator-section> |
| </decorator-screen> |
| </widgets> |
| </section> |
| </screen> |
| <screen name="GetItemProduct"> |
| <section> |
| <actions> |
| <set field="headerItem" value="ebayStore"/> |
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| <field-map field-name="productStoreId" from-field="parameters.productStoreId"/> |
| <field-map field-name="itemId" from-field="parameters.itemId"/> |
| </service> |
| <set field="title" from-field="result.title"/> |
| <set field="description" from-field="result.description"/> |
| <set field="price" from-field="result.price"/> |
| <set field="pictureURL" from-field="result.pictureURL"/> |
| <set field="listingType" from-field="result.listingType"/> |
| <set field="currencyId" from-field="result.currencyId"/> |
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| </screenlet> |
| </decorator-section> |
| </decorator-screen> |
| </widgets> |
| </section> |
| </screen> |
| <screen name="customerService"> |
| <section> |
| <actions> |
| <set field="headerItem" value="ebayStore"/> |
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| <field-map field-name="productStoreId" from-field="parameters.productStoreId"/> |
| </service> |
| <set field="productStoreId" from-field="parameters.productStoreId"/> |
| <set field="userLoginId" from-field="result.userLoginId"/> |
| </actions> |
| <widgets> |
| <decorator-screen name="SellingManagerDecorator" location="${parameters.mainDecoratorLocation}"> |
| <decorator-section name="body"> |
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| </screenlet> |
| </decorator-section> |
| </decorator-screen> |
| </widgets> |
| </section> |
| </screen> |
| <screen name="customerOfferData"> |
| <section> |
| <actions> |
| <set field="productStoreId" value="${parameters.productStoreId}"/> |
| <set field="itemId" value="${parameters.itemId}"/> |
| <set field="userId" value="${parameters.userId}"/> |
| <set field="itemName" value="${parameters.itemName}"/> |
| <set field="email" value="${parameters.email}"/> |
| <set field="quantity" value="${parameters.quantity}"/> |
| <set field="price" value="${parameters.price}"/> |
| <set field="message" value="${parameters.message}"/> |
| <set field="offerId" value="${parameters.offerId}"/> |
| <set field="contactStatus" value="${parameters.contactStatus}"/> |
| </actions> |
| <widgets> |
| <decorator-screen name="SellingManagerDecorator" location="${parameters.mainDecoratorLocation}"> |
| <decorator-section name="body"> |
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| </screenlet> |
| </decorator-section> |
| </decorator-screen> |
| </widgets> |
| </section> |
| </screen> |
| <screen name="EbayclosedListing"> |
| <section> |
| <actions> |
| <set field="sellingManagerItem" value="closedListing"/> |
| </actions> |
| <widgets> |
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| </decorator-section> |
| </decorator-screen> |
| </widgets> |
| </section> |
| </screen> |
| <screen name="ClosedListing"> |
| <section> |
| <actions> |
| <service service-name="geteBayClosedItem" result-map="closedItemMap"> |
| <field-map field-name="productStoreId" from-field="parameters.productStoreId"/> |
| </service> |
| <set field="closedList" from-field="closedItemMap.closedItemList"/> |
| </actions> |
| <widgets> |
| <decorator-screen name="EbayclosedListing"> |
| <decorator-section name="body"> |
| <screenlet title="Closed Item Listings"> |
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| </screenlet> |
| </decorator-section> |
| </decorator-screen> |
| </widgets> |
| </section> |
| </screen> |
| <screen name="EbayOrderListing"> |
| <section> |
| <actions> |
| <set field="sellingManagerItem" value="orderListing"/> |
| </actions> |
| <widgets> |
| <decorator-screen name="SellingManagerDecorator" location="${parameters.mainDecoratorLocation}"> |
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| </decorator-section> |
| </decorator-screen> |
| </widgets> |
| </section> |
| </screen> |
| <screen name="OrderListing"> |
| <section> |
| <actions> |
| <set field="productStoreId" from-field="parameters.productStoreId"/> |
| <set field="check" from-field="parameters.formSelect" default-value="transaction"/> |
| </actions> |
| <widgets> |
| <decorator-screen name="EbayOrderListing"> |
| <decorator-section name="body"> |
| <section> |
| <condition> |
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| </condition> |
| <widgets> |
| <section> |
| <actions> |
| <set field="selectedDate" from-field="parameters.selectedDate" default-value="false"/> |
| </actions> |
| <widgets> |
| <section> |
| <condition> |
| <if-compare operator="equals" value="true" field="selectedDate"/> |
| </condition> |
| <actions> |
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| <field-map field-name="productStoreId" from-field="parameters.productStoreId"/> |
| <field-map field-name="fromDate" from-field="parameters.fromDate"/> |
| <field-map field-name="thruDate" from-field="parameters.thruDate"/> |
| </service> |
| <set field="transactionsList" from-field="transactionResult.transactionsList"/> |
| <set field="selectedDate" value="false"/> |
| </actions> |
| <widgets/> |
| </section> |
| <screenlet title="Order Listings (Import single Transactions)"> |
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| </screenlet> |
| </widgets> |
| </section> |
| </widgets> |
| <fail-widgets> |
| <section> |
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| <widgets> |
| <section> |
| <condition> |
| <if-compare operator="equals" value="true" field="selectedDate"/> |
| </condition> |
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| <field-map field-name="productStoreId" from-field="parameters.productStoreId"/> |
| <field-map field-name="fromDate" from-field="parameters.fromDate"/> |
| <field-map field-name="thruDate" from-field="parameters.thruDate"/> |
| </service> |
| <set field="orderList" from-field="orderResult.orderList"/> |
| <script location="component://ebaystore/webapp/ebaystore/WEB-INF/actions/store/OrderListPrepare.groovy"/> |
| <set field="selectedDate" value="false"/> |
| </actions> |
| <widgets/> |
| </section> |
| <screenlet title="Order Listings (Import many transactions)"> |
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| </section> |
| </fail-widgets> |
| </section> |
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| </decorator-screen> |
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| </section> |
| </screen> |
| </screens> |