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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
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<PortalPage portalPageId="_NA_" sequenceNum="000" portalPageName="For portlet attribute default value" description="To be able to have parameters at the portlet level, not PortletPage level" ownerUserLoginId="_NA_"/>
<!--#Bam# portletWidget -->
<PortletType portletTypeId="Decorator" screenName="portletUiLabelDecorator" description="use screen and screen location in the portletDecorator" screenLocation="component://common/widget/PortletTypeScreens.xml"/>
<PortletType portletTypeId="Screenlet" screenName="Screenlet" description="depending of scriptName, menuName and screenName exist a screen with call (or not) scriptName in action and include a screenlet with include formName (or screenName) and include (or not) menuName" screenLocation="component://common/widget/PortletTypeScreens.xml"/>
<PortletType portletTypeId="ScreenletList" screenName="ScreenletList" description="include a list type form (do not use screenName) and an editing area, depending of scriptName and menuName exist a screen with call (or not) scriptName in action and include a screenlet with include formName and include (or not) menuName" screenLocation="component://common/widget/PortletTypeScreens.xml"/>
<PortletType portletTypeId="Empty" screenName="Empty" description="a empty screen, used to define a areaId" screenLocation="component://common/widget/PortletTypeScreens.xml"/>
<!--#Eam# portletWidget -->
<!--#Bam# portletExample can be use for all portal page build like exampleMgmt-->
<PortalPortlet portalPortletId="CommonDetail" portletName="Common detail portlet place" description="Use this portlet to say where detail portlet call from a menu will be show" portletTypeId="Empty" component="common" subComponent="Common" securityServiceName="" securityMainAction="VIEW"/>
<!--#Eam# portletExample -->