blob: 453156c970246a43b4b3743bc6f628000af1e683 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2004 Actuate Corporation and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* Actuate Corporation - Initial implementation.
* Dialog base class
AbstractBaseDialog = function(){};
AbstractBaseDialog.prototype =
contentHolderWidth: 500, //TODO - move to display constants? Default width in pixels
visible: null, //Is the dialog currently visible
__operationCancelled: false,
__allowSelection: false,
Initialize dialog base
__initBase: function(htmlId, contentWidth)
this.__instance = $(htmlId);
this.htmlId = htmlId;
this.visible = false;
//references will be set for okay button so it can be enabled/disabled
this.okButton = null;
this.okButtonLeft = null;
this.okButtonRight = null;
//Instance is given a location within screen to avoid
//extra scroll bar creation = '0px'; = '0px';
this.contentHolderName = htmlId + "dialogContentContainer";
this.contentHolderWidth = parseInt(contentWidth);
this.__neh_resize_closure = this.__neh_resize.bindAsEventListener( this );
// Initialize event handler closures
this.__neh_okay_closure = this.__neh_okay.bind(this);
this.__neh_cancel_closure = this.__neh_cancel.bind(this);
this.mousedown_closure = this.__neh_mousedown.bindAsEventListener(this);
this.mouseup_closure = this.__neh_mouseup.bindAsEventListener(this);
this.drag_closure = this.__neh_drag.bindAsEventListener(this);
this.disposeSelection_closure = this.__neh_disposeSelection.bindAsEventListener(this);
this.enableSelection_closure = this.__neh_enableSelection.bindAsEventListener(this);
this.__beh_cancelOperation_closure = this.__beh_cancelOperation.bindAsEventListener( this );
birtEventDispatcher.registerEventHandler( birtEvent.__E_CANCEL_TASK, this.htmlId, this.__beh_cancelOperation_closure );
this.__operationCancelled = false;
// Initialize shared events
Install event handlers shared across all dialogs.
Buttons (close, cancel, ok), move dialog (drag and drop), screen resize.
__base_installEventHandlers : function( id )
//Initialize iframe
this.__iframe = $(id + "iframe");
// Close button
var closeBtn = $(id + "dialogCloseBtn");
Event.observe( closeBtn, 'click', this.__neh_cancel_closure, false );
Event.observe( closeBtn, 'mousedown', this.__neh_stopEvent.bindAsEventListener(this), false );
// OK and Cancel buttons
this.okBtn = $(id + "okButton");
var cancelBtn = $(id + "cancelButton");
this.okBtnLeft = $(id + "okButtonLeft"); //left part of background image
this.okBtnRight = $(id + "okButtonRight"); //right part of background image
//set OK button to enabled as default
this.okBtn.className = "dialogBtnBarButtonEnabled";
if ( this.okBtnLeft )
this.okBtnLeft.className = "dialogBtnBarButtonLeftBackgroundEnabled";
if ( this.okBtnRight )
this.okBtnRight.className = "dialogBtnBarButtonRightBackgroundEnabled";
Event.observe( this.okBtn, 'click', this.__neh_okay_closure , false );
Event.observe( cancelBtn, 'click', this.__neh_cancel_closure , false );
//Drag and Drop
this.dragBarName = id + "dialogTitleBar";
var dragArea = $(this.dragBarName);
Event.observe(dragArea, 'mousedown', this.mousedown_closure, false);
//work around for IE, enable selection for dialog text controls
var oInputs = this.__instance.getElementsByTagName( 'INPUT' );
for ( var i = 0; i < oInputs.length ; i++ )
if(oInputs[i].type != 'button')
this.__enableSelection( oInputs[i] );
var oTextAreas = this.__instance.getElementsByTagName( 'TEXTAREA' );
for ( var i = 0; i < oTextAreas.length ; i++ )
this.__enableSelection( oTextAreas[i] );
* Binding data to the dialog UI.
* @data, data DOM tree (schema TBD)
* @return, void
__cb_bind : function( data )
this.__bind( data );
this.__l_show( );
ABSTRACT - must be implemented by extending class
Gets xml data before dialog is shown
__bind: function(data)
Trigger dialog from client (bypasses bind step)
showDialog: function()
this.__l_show( );
* @event, incoming browser native event
* @return, void
__l_show : function( )
// reset cancelled flag
this.__operationCancelled = false;
//check if the dialog is already shown
var zIndex =;
debug("showing at zIndex " + zIndex); = zIndex; this.__instance );
this.visible = true;
//workaround for Mozilla bug
//show iframe under dialog this.__iframe );
this.__setWidth(); this.__instance );
// workaround for IE7 in rtl mode
if ( BrowserUtility.isIE7 && rtl )
// force refreshing the DIV elements,
// else their positioning might become brokem after opening
// the same dialog box twice...
var titleContainer = $(this.htmlId + "dialogTitleBar");
if ( titleContainer )
{ = "rtl";
var elements = titleContainer.getElementsByTagName("div");
for ( var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++ )
var el = elements[i]; = "none"; = "block";
Event.observe( window, 'resize', this.__neh_resize_closure, false );
Event.observe( document, 'mouseup', this.disposeSelection_closure, false );
Called right before element is shown
__preShow: function()
//implementation is left to extending class
Called after element is shown
__postShow: function()
//implementation is left to extending class
* Handle native event 'click'.
* @event, incoming browser native event
* @return, void
__l_hide : function( )
Event.stopObserving( window, 'resize', this.__neh_resize_closure, false );
Event.stopObserving( document, 'mouseup', this.disposeSelection_closure, false );
Element.hide( this.__instance, this.__iframe );
this.visible = false;
Called before element is hidden
__preHide: function()
//implementation is left to extending class
Enables/disabled OK button
@param boolean enabled
__setOKButtonState: function(enabled)
if(this.okBtn.className == "dialogBtnBarButtonDisabled")
this.okBtn.className = "dialogBtnBarButtonEnabled";
if ( this.okBtnLeft )
this.okBtnLeft.className = "dialogBtnBarButtonLeftBackgroundEnabled";
if ( this.okBtnRight )
this.okBtnRight.className = "dialogBtnBarButtonRightBackgroundEnabled";
Event.observe( this.okBtn, 'click', this.__neh_okay_closure , false );
this.okBtn.className = "dialogBtnBarButtonDisabled";
if ( this.okBtnLeft )
this.okBtnLeft.className = "dialogBtnBarButtonLeftBackgroundDisabled";
if ( this.okBtnRight )
this.okBtnRight.className = "dialogBtnBarButtonRightBackgroundDisabled";
Event.stopObserving( this.okBtn, 'click', this.__neh_okay_closure , false );
Stop event
__neh_stopEvent: function(event)
Handle mouse down
__neh_mousedown: function(event)
debug("AbstractBaseDialog __neh_mousedown");
var target = Event.element( event );
Event.observe( target, 'mouseup', this.mouseup_closure , false );
Event.observe( target, 'mousemove', this.drag_closure , false );
Handle mouse up
__neh_mouseup: function(event)
var target = Event.element( event );
Event.stopObserving( target, 'mouseup', this.mouseup_closure , false );
Event.stopObserving( target, 'mousemove', this.drag_closure , false );
Handle mousemove
__neh_drag: function(event)
debug("Mouse move");
Event.stop( event );
var target = Event.element( event );
Event.stopObserving( target, 'mouseup', this.mouseup_closure , false );
Event.stopObserving( target, 'mousemove', this.drag_closure , false );
DragDrop.startDrag(this.__instance, event, null);
* Handle cancel selection
__neh_disposeSelection: function(event)
if ( !this.__allowSelection )
else if(window.getSelection)
var selection = window.getSelection();
* Handle enable selection for dialog controls.
* @obj, incoming target object
* @return, void
__enableSelection: function( obj )
Event.observe( obj, 'select', this.enableSelection_closure , false );
Event.observe( obj, 'selectstart', this.enableSelection_closure , false );
Event.observe( obj, 'mouseup', this.enableSelection_closure , false );
* Handle enable selection event.
* @event, incoming browser native event
* @return, void
__neh_enableSelection: function( event )
event.cancelBubble = true;
* Handle native event 'resize'.
* @event, incoming browser native event
* @return, void
__neh_resize : function( event )
{ this.__instance );
__neh_cancel: function()
this.__l_hide( );
__neh_okay: function()
this.__okPress( );
ABSTRACT - Handle clicking on ok.
__okPress: function( )
//ABSTRACT - needs to be implemented by extending class
//TODO change so called once
__setWidth: function()
// In Mozilla 1.4 or lower version, if don't set overflow as "auto",then
// clientWidth/clientHeight always return zero. The display is incorrect.
// So add the following section.
if ( this.__instance.clientWidth <= 0)
{ = "auto";
var contentHolder = $(this.contentHolderName);
var innerWidth = contentHolder.offsetWidth;
var outerWidth = this.__instance.clientWidth;
var difference = outerWidth - innerWidth; = this.contentHolderWidth + 'px';
var newOuterWidth = contentHolder.offsetWidth + difference; = newOuterWidth + 'px'; = this.__instance.offsetWidth + 'px'; = this.__instance.offsetHeight + 'px';
//move iframe to true top, left
//assumes that top/bottom left/right borders are same width
if(this.__iframe.clientWidth > 0)
{ = (this.__instance.clientHeight - this.__instance.offsetHeight)/2 + 'px'; = (this.__instance.clientWidth - this.__instance.offsetWidth)/2 + 'px';
* Shows or hide the title bar.
* @param visible visibility flag
__setTitleBarVisibile : function(visible)
// Hide dialog title bar if embedded in designer.
var titleBar = $( this.htmlId + 'dialogTitleBar' ); = visible?'inline':'none';
@returns html id attribute of associated html element for this dialog
getHtmlId: function()
return this.htmlId;
* This event handler is called whenever an operation has been cancelled.
* If the dialog box is visible, sets the cancelled flag to true.
__beh_cancelOperation : function()
if ( this.visible )
this.__operationCancelled = true;