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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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* under the License.
package org.ofbiz.accounting.util;
import java.util.List;
import javolution.util.FastList;
import org.ofbiz.accounting.AccountingException;
import org.ofbiz.entity.Delegator;
import org.ofbiz.entity.GenericEntityException;
import org.ofbiz.entity.GenericValue;
import org.ofbiz.entity.util.EntityQuery;
public class UtilAccounting {
public static String module = UtilAccounting.class.getName();
* Get the GL Account for a product or the default account type based on input. This replaces the simple-method service
* getProductOrgGlAccount. First it will look in ProductGlAccount using the primary keys productId and
* productGlAccountTypeId. If none is found, it will look up GlAccountTypeDefault to find the default account for
* organizationPartyId with type glAccountTypeId.
* @param productId When searching for ProductGlAccounts, specify the productId
* @param glAccountTypeId The default glAccountTypeId to look for if no ProductGlAccount is found
* @param organizationPartyId The organization party of the default account
* @return The account ID (glAccountId) found
* @throws AccountingException When the no accounts found or an entity exception occurs
public static String getProductOrgGlAccountId(String productId,
String glAccountTypeId, String organizationPartyId, Delegator delegator)
throws AccountingException {
GenericValue account = null;
try {
// first try to find the account in ProductGlAccount
account = EntityQuery.use(delegator).from("ProductGlAccount")
.where("productId", productId, "glAccountTypeId", glAccountTypeId, "organizationPartyId", organizationPartyId)
} catch (GenericEntityException e) {
throw new AccountingException("Failed to find a ProductGLAccount for productId [" + productId + "], organization [" + organizationPartyId + "], and productGlAccountTypeId [" + glAccountTypeId + "].", e);
// otherwise try the default accounts
if (account == null) {
try {
account = EntityQuery.use(delegator).from("GlAccountTypeDefault").where("glAccountTypeId", glAccountTypeId, "organizationPartyId", organizationPartyId).cache().queryOne();
} catch (GenericEntityException e) {
throw new AccountingException("Failed to find a GlAccountTypeDefault for glAccountTypeId [" + glAccountTypeId + "] and organizationPartyId [" + organizationPartyId+ "].", e);
// if no results yet, serious problem
if (account == null) {
throw new AccountingException("Failed to find any accounts for productId [" + productId + "], organization [" + organizationPartyId + "], and productGlAccountTypeId [" + glAccountTypeId + "] or any accounts in GlAccountTypeDefault for glAccountTypeId [" + glAccountTypeId + "] and organizationPartyId [" + organizationPartyId+ "]. Please check your data to make sure that at least a GlAccountTypeDefault is defined for this account type and organization.");
// otherwise return the glAccountId
return account.getString("glAccountId");
* As above, but explicitly looking for default account for given type and organization
* @param glAccountTypeId The type of account
* @param organizationPartyId The organization of the account
* @return The default account ID (glAccountId) for this type
* @throws AccountingException When the default is not configured
public static String getDefaultAccountId(String glAccountTypeId, String organizationPartyId, Delegator delegator) throws AccountingException {
return getProductOrgGlAccountId(null, glAccountTypeId, organizationPartyId, delegator);
public static List<String> getDescendantGlAccountClassIds(GenericValue glAccountClass) throws GenericEntityException {
List<String> glAccountClassIds = FastList.newInstance();
getGlAccountClassChildren(glAccountClass, glAccountClassIds);
return glAccountClassIds;
private static void getGlAccountClassChildren(GenericValue glAccountClass, List<String> glAccountClassIds) throws GenericEntityException {
List<GenericValue> glAccountClassChildren = glAccountClass.getRelated("ChildGlAccountClass", null, null, true);
for (GenericValue glAccountClassChild : glAccountClassChildren) {
getGlAccountClassChildren(glAccountClassChild, glAccountClassIds);
* Recurses up payment type tree via parentTypeId to see if input payment type ID is in tree.
private static boolean isPaymentTypeRecurse(GenericValue paymentType, String inputTypeId) throws GenericEntityException {
// first check the parentTypeId against inputTypeId
String parentTypeId = paymentType.getString("parentTypeId");
if (parentTypeId == null) {
return false;
if (parentTypeId.equals(inputTypeId)) {
return true;
// otherwise, we have to go to the grandparent (recurse)
return isPaymentTypeRecurse(paymentType.getRelatedOne("ParentPaymentType", false), inputTypeId);
* Checks if a payment is of a specified PaymentType.paymentTypeId. Return false if payment is null. It's better to use the
* more specific calls like isTaxPayment().
public static boolean isPaymentType(GenericValue payment, String inputTypeId) throws GenericEntityException {
if (payment == null) {
return false;
GenericValue paymentType = payment.getRelatedOne("PaymentType", true);
if (paymentType == null) {
throw new GenericEntityException("Cannot find PaymentType for paymentId " + payment.getString("paymentId"));
String paymentTypeId = paymentType.getString("paymentTypeId");
if (inputTypeId.equals(paymentTypeId)) {
return true;
// recurse up tree
return isPaymentTypeRecurse(paymentType, inputTypeId);
public static boolean isTaxPayment(GenericValue payment) throws GenericEntityException {
return isPaymentType(payment, "TAX_PAYMENT");
public static boolean isDisbursement(GenericValue payment) throws GenericEntityException {
return isPaymentType(payment, "DISBURSEMENT");
public static boolean isReceipt(GenericValue payment) throws GenericEntityException {
return isPaymentType(payment, "RECEIPT");
* Determines if a glAccountClass is of a child of a certain parent glAccountClass.
public static boolean isAccountClassClass(GenericValue glAccountClass, String parentGlAccountClassId) throws GenericEntityException {
if (glAccountClass == null) return false;
// check current class against input classId
if (parentGlAccountClassId.equals(glAccountClass.get("glAccountClassId"))) {
return true;
// check parentClassId against inputClassId
String parentClassId = glAccountClass.getString("parentClassId");
if (parentClassId == null) {
return false;
if (parentClassId.equals(parentGlAccountClassId)) {
return true;
// otherwise, we have to go to the grandparent (recurse)
return isAccountClassClass(glAccountClass.getRelatedOne("ParentGlAccountClass", true), parentGlAccountClassId);
* Checks if a GL account is of a specified GlAccountClass.glAccountClassId. Returns false if account is null. It's better to use the
* more specific calls like isDebitAccount().
public static boolean isAccountClass(GenericValue glAccount, String glAccountClassId) throws GenericEntityException {
if (glAccount == null) {
return false;
GenericValue glAccountClass = glAccount.getRelatedOne("GlAccountClass", true);
if (glAccountClass == null) {
throw new GenericEntityException("Cannot find GlAccountClass for glAccountId " + glAccount.getString("glAccountId"));
return isAccountClassClass(glAccountClass, glAccountClassId);
public static boolean isDebitAccount(GenericValue account) throws GenericEntityException {
return isAccountClass(account, "DEBIT");
public static boolean isCreditAccount(GenericValue account) throws GenericEntityException {
return isAccountClass(account, "CREDIT");
public static boolean isAssetAccount(GenericValue account) throws GenericEntityException {
return isAccountClass(account, "ASSET");
public static boolean isLiabilityAccount(GenericValue account) throws GenericEntityException {
return isAccountClass(account, "LIABILITY");
public static boolean isEquityAccount(GenericValue account) throws GenericEntityException {
return isAccountClass(account, "EQUITY");
public static boolean isIncomeAccount(GenericValue account) throws GenericEntityException {
return isAccountClass(account, "INCOME");
public static boolean isRevenueAccount(GenericValue account) throws GenericEntityException {
return isAccountClass(account, "REVENUE");
public static boolean isExpenseAccount(GenericValue account) throws GenericEntityException {
return isAccountClass(account, "EXPENSE");
* Recurses up invoice type tree via parentTypeId to see if input invoice type ID is in tree.
private static boolean isInvoiceTypeRecurse(GenericValue invoiceType, String inputTypeId) throws GenericEntityException {
// first check the invoiceTypeId and parentTypeId against inputTypeId
String invoiceTypeId = invoiceType.getString("invoiceTypeId");
String parentTypeId = invoiceType.getString("parentTypeId");
if (parentTypeId == null || invoiceTypeId.equals(parentTypeId)) {
return false;
if (parentTypeId.equals(inputTypeId)) {
return true;
// otherwise, we have to go to the grandparent (recurse)
return isInvoiceTypeRecurse(invoiceType.getRelatedOne("ParentInvoiceType", false), inputTypeId);
* Checks if a invoice is of a specified InvoiceType.invoiceTypeId. Return false if invoice is null. It's better to use
* more specific calls like isPurchaseInvoice().
public static boolean isInvoiceType(GenericValue invoice, String inputTypeId) throws GenericEntityException {
if (invoice == null) {
return false;
GenericValue invoiceType = invoice.getRelatedOne("InvoiceType", true);
if (invoiceType == null) {
throw new GenericEntityException("Cannot find InvoiceType for invoiceId " + invoice.getString("invoiceId"));
String invoiceTypeId = invoiceType.getString("invoiceTypeId");
if (inputTypeId.equals(invoiceTypeId)) {
return true;
// recurse up tree
return isInvoiceTypeRecurse(invoiceType, inputTypeId);
public static boolean isPurchaseInvoice(GenericValue invoice) throws GenericEntityException {
return isInvoiceType(invoice, "PURCHASE_INVOICE");
public static boolean isSalesInvoice(GenericValue invoice) throws GenericEntityException {
return isInvoiceType(invoice, "SALES_INVOICE");
public static boolean isTemplate(GenericValue invoice) throws GenericEntityException {
return isInvoiceType(invoice, "TEMPLATE");