| <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> |
| <!-- |
| Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one |
| or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file |
| distributed with this work for additional information |
| regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file |
| to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the |
| "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance |
| with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at |
| |
| http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 |
| |
| Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, |
| software distributed under the License is distributed on an |
| KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the |
| specific language governing permissions and limitations |
| under the License. |
| --> |
| |
| <simple-methods xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" |
| xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://ofbiz.apache.org/dtds/simple-methods-v2.xsd"> |
| |
| <simple-method method-name="setPaymentMethodAddress" short-description="Set the initial payment method address"> |
| <make-value value-field="lookupPKMap" entity-name="PaymentMethod"/> |
| <set-pk-fields map="parameters" value-field="lookupPKMap"/> |
| <find-by-primary-key entity-name="PaymentMethod" map="lookupPKMap" value-field="lookedUpValue"/> |
| <if-compare field="lookedUpValue.paymentMethodTypeId" operator="equals" value="CREDIT_CARD"> |
| <find-by-primary-key entity-name="CreditCard" map="lookupPKMap" value-field="mainValue"/> |
| <clone-value value-field="mainValue" new-value-field="savedValue"/> |
| <set-nonpk-fields map="parameters" value-field="mainValue"/> |
| <if-compare-field field="mainValue" to-field="savedValue" operator="not-equals" type="Object"> |
| <store-value value-field="mainValue"/> |
| </if-compare-field> |
| </if-compare> |
| <if-compare field="lookedUpValue.paymentMethodTypeId" operator="equals" value="EFT_ACCOUNT"> |
| <find-by-primary-key entity-name="CreditCard" map="lookupPKMap" value-field="mainValue"/> |
| <clone-value value-field="mainValue" new-value-field="savedValue"/> |
| <set-nonpk-fields map="parameters" value-field="mainValue"/> |
| <if-compare-field field="mainValue" to-field="savedValue" operator="not-equals" type="Object"> |
| <store-value value-field="mainValue"/> |
| </if-compare-field> |
| </if-compare> |
| </simple-method> |
| <simple-method method-name="updatePaymentMethodAddress" short-description="Update payment method addresses" use-transaction="false"> |
| <!-- find all CreditCard and EftAccount instances that use the current oldContactMechId and update them |
| through the updateCreditCard or updateEftAccount services to use the new contactMechId --> |
| <set field="lookupMap.contactMechId" from-field="parameters.oldContactMechId"/> |
| |
| <find-by-and entity-name="CreditCard" map="lookupMap" list="creditCards"/> |
| <iterate entry="creditCard" list="creditCards"> |
| <call-class-method class-name="org.ofbiz.base.util.UtilValidate" method-name="isDateAfterToday" ret-field="isNotExpired"> |
| <field field="creditCard.expireDate"/> |
| </call-class-method> |
| <if-compare field="isNotExpired" operator="equals" type="Boolean" value="true"> |
| <set-service-fields service-name="updateCreditCard" map="creditCard" to-map="uccMap"/> |
| <set field="uccMap.contactMechId" from-field="parameters.contactMechId"/> |
| <set field="uccMap.partyId" from-field="parameters.partyId"/> |
| <!-- use the service so it will expire the old card and create a new one; don't break on error since this is a background process, just get whatever we can done... --> |
| <call-service service-name="updateCreditCard" in-map-name="uccMap" break-on-error="false"/> |
| </if-compare> |
| </iterate> |
| |
| <find-by-and entity-name="EftAccount" map="lookupMap" list="eftAccounts"/> |
| <iterate entry="eftAccount" list="eftAccounts"> |
| <get-related-one relation-name="PaymentMethod" to-value-field="paymentMethod" value-field="eftAccount"/> |
| <if-empty field="paymentMethod.thruDate"> |
| <set-service-fields service-name="updateEftAccount" map="eftAccount" to-map="ueaMap"/> |
| <set field="ueaMap.contactMechId" from-field="parameters.contactMechId"/> |
| <set field="ueaMap.partyId" from-field="parameters.partyId"/> |
| <!-- use the service so it will expire the old account and create a new one; don't break on error since this is a background process, just get whatever we can done... --> |
| <call-service service-name="updateEftAccount" in-map-name="ueaMap" break-on-error="false"/> |
| </if-empty> |
| </iterate> |
| </simple-method> |
| <!--CreateCreditCardTypeGlAccount methods --> |
| <simple-method method-name="createCreditCardTypeGlAccount" short-description="Create a Credit Card Gl Account"> |
| <make-value entity-name="CreditCardTypeGlAccount" value-field="newEntity"/> |
| <set-pk-fields map="parameters" value-field="newEntity"/> |
| <set-nonpk-fields map="parameters" value-field="newEntity"/> |
| <create-value value-field="newEntity"/> |
| </simple-method> |
| |
| <simple-method method-name="updateCreditCardTypeGlAccount" short-description="Update a Credit Card Gl Account"> |
| <entity-one entity-name="CreditCardTypeGlAccount" value-field="lookedUpValue"/> |
| <set-nonpk-fields value-field="lookedUpValue" map="parameters"/> |
| <store-value value-field="lookedUpValue"/> |
| </simple-method> |
| |
| <simple-method method-name="deleteCreditCardTypeGlAccount" short-description="Delete a Credit Card Gl Account"> |
| <entity-one entity-name="CreditCardTypeGlAccount" value-field="lookedUpValue"/> |
| <remove-value value-field="lookedUpValue"/> |
| </simple-method> |
| |
| <!-- Updates a Payment Method Type default glAccountId --> |
| <simple-method method-name="updatePaymentMethodType" short-description="Updates a Payment Method Type default glAccountId"> |
| <entity-one entity-name="PaymentMethodType" value-field="lookedUpValue"/> |
| <set-nonpk-fields value-field="lookedUpValue" map="parameters"/> |
| <store-value value-field="lookedUpValue"/> |
| </simple-method> |
| <simple-method method-name="expirePaymentGroupMember" short-description="expire a Payment Group Member"> |
| <entity-one entity-name="PaymentGroupMember" value-field="paymentGroupMember"/> |
| <set-service-fields service-name="updatePaymentGroupMember" map="paymentGroupMember" to-map="updatePaymentGroupMemberMap"/> |
| <now-timestamp field="updatePaymentGroupMemberMap.thruDate"/> |
| <call-service service-name="updatePaymentGroupMember" in-map-name="updatePaymentGroupMemberMap"/> |
| </simple-method> |
| |
| <simple-method method-name="createPayPalPaymentMethod" short-description="Create a PayPal Payment Method"> |
| <make-value value-field="newPaymentMethod" entity-name="PaymentMethod"/> |
| <set-pk-fields value-field="newPaymentMethod" map="parameters"/> |
| <if-empty field="newPaymentMethod.paymentMethodId"> |
| <sequenced-id sequence-name="PaymentMethod" field="newPaymentMethod.paymentMethodId"/> |
| </if-empty> |
| <set-nonpk-fields value-field="newPaymentMethod" map="parameters"/> |
| <set field="newPaymentMethod.paymentMethodTypeId" value="EXT_PAYPAL"/> |
| <create-value value-field="newPaymentMethod"/> |
| |
| <make-value value-field="newPayPalPaymentMethod" entity-name="PayPalPaymentMethod"/> |
| <set field="newPayPalPaymentMethod.paymentMethodId" from-field="newPaymentMethod.paymentMethodId"/> |
| <set-nonpk-fields value-field="newPayPalPaymentMethod" map="parameters"/> |
| <create-value value-field="newPayPalPaymentMethod"/> |
| <field-to-result result-name="paymentMethodId" field="newPaymentMethod.paymentMethodId"/> |
| </simple-method> |
| |
| <simple-method method-name="updatePayPalPaymentMethod" short-description="Update a PayPal Payment Method"> |
| <entity-one value-field="payPalPaymentMethod" entity-name="PayPalPaymentMethod"/> |
| <set-nonpk-fields value-field="payPalPaymentMethod" map="parameters"/> |
| <store-value value-field="payPalPaymentMethod"/> |
| <field-to-result result-name="paymentMethodId" field="payPalPaymentMethod.paymentMethodId"/> |
| </simple-method> |
| |
| <simple-method method-name="createPaymentGroupMember" short-description="Check For Outgoing/Incoming Payment And Create Payment Group Member"> |
| <make-value entity-name="PaymentGroupMember" value-field="newPaymentGroupMember"/> |
| <set-pk-fields map="parameters" value-field="newPaymentGroupMember"/> |
| <set-nonpk-fields map="parameters" value-field="newPaymentGroupMember"/> |
| <if-empty field="parameters.fromDate"> |
| <now-timestamp field="newPaymentGroupMember.fromDate"/> |
| </if-empty> |
| <entity-one entity-name="PaymentGroup" value-field="paymentGroup"/> |
| <entity-one entity-name="Payment" value-field="payment"/> |
| <if-compare field="paymentGroup.paymentGroupTypeId" operator="equals" value="CHECK_RUN"> |
| <set field="isDisbursement" value="${groovy:org.ofbiz.accounting.util.UtilAccounting.isDisbursement(payment)}" type="Boolean"/> |
| <if-compare field="isDisbursement" operator="equals" value="true" type="Boolean"> |
| <create-value value-field="newPaymentGroupMember"/> |
| <else> |
| <add-error><fail-property resource="AccountingUiLabels" property="AccountingCannotCreateIncomingPaymentError"/></add-error> |
| </else> |
| </if-compare> |
| <else> |
| <if-compare field="paymentGroup.paymentGroupTypeId" operator="equals" value="BATCH_PAYMENT" type="Boolean"> |
| <set field="isReceipt" value="${groovy:org.ofbiz.accounting.util.UtilAccounting.isReceipt(payment)}" type="Boolean"/> |
| <if-compare field="isReceipt" operator="equals" value="true"> |
| <create-value value-field="newPaymentGroupMember"/> |
| <else> |
| <add-error><fail-property resource="AccountingUiLabels" property="AccountingCannotCreateOutgoingPaymentError"/></add-error> |
| </else> |
| </if-compare> |
| </if-compare> |
| </else> |
| </if-compare> |
| <check-errors/> |
| </simple-method> |
| </simple-methods> |