Updated README to reference docker for demo sites (OFBIZ-12863)

Added references to the 3 experimental hostnames that can be hosted by the demo VM.

Removed references to an upgrade process since docker image building is handled in GitHub workflows.

Added brief description of the daily cron job used to pull updated docker images used for the demo sites.

Added reference to the ofbizdocker README file which goes into greater detail on how Docker is used to host the demo sites.
1 file changed
tree: 9688e5f8162e0c738b42aec48b909b90659b2370
  1. demo-backup/
  2. documentation/
  3. wiki-files/
  4. copyDtds.bat
  5. functions.sh
  6. rat-excludes.txt
  7. rc.ofbiz
  8. rc.ofbiz.for.debian
  9. rc.ofbiz.for.ubuntu
  11. revert-plugins.bat
  12. revert.bat
  13. startofbiz.bat
  14. startofbiz.sh
  15. stopofbiz.sh
  16. updateWiki.bat
  17. verify-ofbiz-release.sh

This repository is used internally by the OFBiz team to share, document and store specific tools used by the project.

For instance the rat-excludes.txt file allows to exclude files that don‘t need a licence. It’s used during our Continuous Integration flow (CI) by BuildBot calling Apache RAT to check files licences. This in order to avoid missing licence when releasing. There are other tools in the main dir.

As its name explains the documentation dir contains documents, notably one about our BuildBot usage inside our CI flow.

Same for demo-backup that contains elements to help maintain our demos, wiki and web site. Some are now history but kept for now before we push them in a new attic dir