Fixed: Test run was unsuccessful because of failing solr tests (OFBIZ-12595)

The previous commit for OFBIZ-12594 was only working on Windows. On *nix OSs
there is no way to reliably get "--test" String from java.class.path property.

Also the previous fix was brittle because relying only on 1 space separating

This fix puts in the SolrDispatchFilter system property at the beginning of the
4 Solr tests and removes it at end of them. That presence can reliably be tested
in ControlFilter that is called before SolrDispatchFilter. It allows to bypass
SecurityUtil::containsFreemarkerInterpolation that would else change the
parameters content type that must be application/x-www-form-urlencoded.

Thanks: Tom Pietsch for report and Mart Naum for confirmation
1 file changed