Fixed: Creating a new Customer create a wrong record in CommunicationEvent (OFBIZ-12142)

In I initially answered:
In demo data 13 parties use <<infoString="">> as in
<ContactMech contactMechId="FRA01" contactMechTypeId="EMAIL_ADDRESS" infoString=""/>
This one is loaded last. Rather
<ContactMech contactMechId="Company" contactMechTypeId="EMAIL_ADDRESS" infoString=""/>
which is the 1st one, should be loaded last.

A better solution is to use "" in EmailServices.xml

Indeed, fortunately the Company party also uses this infoString and using it in
EmailServices.xml does not affect the integration test and should not affect
other parts of the (only) demo data

Thanks: Emad Radwan for opiniated report :) and Pritam Kute for issue analysis
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