| /* |
| * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one |
| * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file |
| * distributed with this work for additional information |
| * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file |
| * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the |
| * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance |
| * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at |
| * |
| * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 |
| * |
| * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, |
| * software distributed under the License is distributed on an |
| * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the |
| * specific language governing permissions and limitations |
| * under the License. |
| */ |
| ruleset { |
| description ''' |
| OFBiz ruleset adapted from basic one from https://codenarc.org/StarterRuleSet-AllRulesByCategory.groovy.txt |
| Each rule is commented and priority qualified. |
| ''' |
| |
| // rulesets/basic.xml |
| AssertWithinFinallyBlock |
| AssignmentInConditional |
| BigDecimalInstantiation |
| BitwiseOperatorInConditional |
| BooleanGetBoolean |
| BrokenNullCheck |
| BrokenOddnessCheck |
| ClassForName |
| ComparisonOfTwoConstants |
| ComparisonWithSelf |
| ConstantAssertExpression |
| ConstantIfExpression |
| ConstantTernaryExpression |
| DeadCode |
| DoubleNegative |
| DuplicateCaseStatement |
| DuplicateMapKey |
| DuplicateSetValue |
| EmptyCatchBlock |
| EmptyClass |
| EmptyElseBlock |
| EmptyFinallyBlock |
| EmptyForStatement |
| EmptyIfStatement |
| EmptyInstanceInitializer |
| EmptyMethod |
| EmptyStaticInitializer |
| EmptySwitchStatement |
| EmptySynchronizedStatement |
| EmptyTryBlock |
| EmptyWhileStatement |
| EqualsAndHashCode |
| EqualsOverloaded |
| ExplicitGarbageCollection |
| ForLoopShouldBeWhileLoop |
| HardCodedWindowsFileSeparator |
| HardCodedWindowsRootDirectory |
| IntegerGetInteger |
| MultipleUnaryOperators |
| RandomDoubleCoercedToZero |
| RemoveAllOnSelf |
| ReturnFromFinallyBlock |
| ThrowExceptionFromFinallyBlock |
| |
| // rulesets/braces.xml |
| ElseBlockBraces |
| ForStatementBraces |
| IfStatementBraces |
| WhileStatementBraces |
| |
| // rulesets/comments.xml |
| JavadocConsecutiveEmptyLines |
| JavadocEmptyAuthorTag |
| JavadocEmptyExceptionTag |
| JavadocEmptyFirstLine |
| JavadocEmptyLastLine |
| JavadocEmptyParamTag |
| JavadocEmptyReturnTag |
| JavadocEmptySeeTag |
| JavadocEmptySinceTag |
| JavadocEmptyThrowsTag |
| JavadocEmptyVersionTag |
| JavadocMissingExceptionDescription |
| JavadocMissingParamDescription |
| JavadocMissingThrowsDescription |
| |
| // rulesets/concurrency.xml |
| BusyWait |
| DoubleCheckedLocking |
| InconsistentPropertyLocking |
| InconsistentPropertySynchronization |
| NestedSynchronization |
| StaticCalendarField |
| StaticConnection |
| StaticDateFormatField |
| StaticMatcherField |
| StaticSimpleDateFormatField |
| SynchronizedMethod |
| SynchronizedOnBoxedPrimitive |
| SynchronizedOnGetClass |
| SynchronizedOnReentrantLock |
| SynchronizedOnString |
| SynchronizedOnThis |
| SynchronizedReadObjectMethod |
| SystemRunFinalizersOnExit |
| ThisReferenceEscapesConstructor |
| ThreadGroup |
| ThreadLocalNotStaticFinal |
| ThreadYield |
| UseOfNotifyMethod |
| VolatileArrayField |
| VolatileLongOrDoubleField |
| WaitOutsideOfWhileLoop |
| |
| // rulesets/convention.xml |
| //CompileStatic |
| ConfusingTernary |
| CouldBeElvis |
| CouldBeSwitchStatement |
| FieldTypeRequired |
| HashtableIsObsolete |
| IfStatementCouldBeTernary |
| // TODO : ImplicitClosureParameter |
| InvertedCondition |
| InvertedIfElse |
| LongLiteralWithLowerCaseL |
| MethodParameterTypeRequired |
| MethodReturnTypeRequired |
| NoDef |
| NoDouble |
| NoFloat |
| NoJavaUtilDate |
| NoTabCharacter |
| // TODO ParameterReassignment : need discussion since var modification through reference is done in 40+ groovy location. |
| PublicMethodsBeforeNonPublicMethods |
| StaticFieldsBeforeInstanceFields |
| StaticMethodsBeforeInstanceMethods |
| TernaryCouldBeElvis |
| VariableTypeRequired |
| VectorIsObsolete |
| |
| // rulesets/design.xml |
| AbstractClassWithPublicConstructor |
| AbstractClassWithoutAbstractMethod |
| AssignmentToStaticFieldFromInstanceMethod |
| BooleanMethodReturnsNull |
| BuilderMethodWithSideEffects |
| CloneableWithoutClone |
| CloseWithoutCloseable |
| CompareToWithoutComparable |
| ConstantsOnlyInterface |
| EmptyMethodInAbstractClass |
| FinalClassWithProtectedMember |
| ImplementationAsType |
| LocaleSetDefault |
| NestedForLoop |
| PrivateFieldCouldBeFinal |
| PublicInstanceField |
| ReturnsNullInsteadOfEmptyArray |
| ReturnsNullInsteadOfEmptyCollection |
| SimpleDateFormatMissingLocale |
| StatelessSingleton |
| ToStringReturnsNull |
| |
| // rulesets/exceptions.xml |
| CatchArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException |
| CatchError |
| // TODO : need to discuss about execption CatchException for scripting (allow global Exception catching) |
| CatchIllegalMonitorStateException |
| CatchIndexOutOfBoundsException |
| CatchNullPointerException |
| CatchRuntimeException |
| CatchThrowable |
| ConfusingClassNamedException |
| ExceptionExtendsError |
| ExceptionExtendsThrowable |
| ExceptionNotThrown |
| MissingNewInThrowStatement |
| ReturnNullFromCatchBlock |
| SwallowThreadDeath |
| ThrowError |
| ThrowException |
| ThrowNullPointerException |
| ThrowRuntimeException |
| ThrowThrowable |
| |
| // rulesets/formatting.xml |
| BlankLineBeforePackage |
| BlockEndsWithBlankLine |
| BlockStartsWithBlankLine |
| BracesForClass |
| BracesForForLoop |
| BracesForIfElse |
| BracesForMethod |
| BracesForTryCatchFinally |
| ClassEndsWithBlankLine |
| ClassStartsWithBlankLine |
| ClosureStatementOnOpeningLineOfMultipleLineClosure |
| ConsecutiveBlankLines |
| FileEndsWithoutNewline |
| Indentation |
| LineLength(length: 150) |
| MissingBlankLineAfterImports |
| MissingBlankLineAfterPackage |
| SpaceAfterCatch |
| SpaceAfterClosingBrace |
| SpaceAfterComma |
| SpaceAfterFor |
| SpaceAfterIf |
| SpaceAfterOpeningBrace |
| SpaceAfterSemicolon |
| SpaceAfterSwitch |
| SpaceAfterWhile |
| SpaceAroundClosureArrow |
| SpaceAroundMapEntryColon(characterAfterColonRegex: /\s/) |
| SpaceAroundOperator |
| SpaceBeforeClosingBrace |
| SpaceBeforeOpeningBrace |
| TrailingWhitespace |
| |
| // rulesets/generic.xml |
| IllegalClassMember |
| IllegalClassReference |
| IllegalPackageReference |
| IllegalRegex |
| IllegalString |
| IllegalSubclass |
| RequiredRegex |
| RequiredString |
| StatelessClass |
| |
| // rulesets/grails.xml |
| GrailsDomainHasEquals |
| GrailsDomainHasToString |
| GrailsDomainReservedSqlKeywordName |
| GrailsDomainStringPropertyMaxSize |
| GrailsDomainWithServiceReference |
| GrailsDuplicateConstraint |
| GrailsDuplicateMapping |
| GrailsMassAssignment |
| GrailsPublicControllerMethod |
| GrailsServletContextReference |
| GrailsStatelessService |
| |
| // rulesets/groovyism.xml |
| AssignCollectionSort |
| AssignCollectionUnique |
| ClosureAsLastMethodParameter |
| CollectAllIsDeprecated |
| ConfusingMultipleReturns |
| ExplicitArrayListInstantiation |
| ExplicitCallToAndMethod |
| ExplicitCallToCompareToMethod |
| ExplicitCallToDivMethod |
| ExplicitCallToEqualsMethod |
| ExplicitCallToGetAtMethod |
| ExplicitCallToLeftShiftMethod |
| ExplicitCallToMinusMethod |
| ExplicitCallToModMethod |
| ExplicitCallToMultiplyMethod |
| ExplicitCallToOrMethod |
| ExplicitCallToPlusMethod |
| ExplicitCallToPowerMethod |
| ExplicitCallToPutAtMethod |
| ExplicitCallToRightShiftMethod |
| ExplicitCallToXorMethod |
| ExplicitHashMapInstantiation |
| ExplicitHashSetInstantiation |
| ExplicitLinkedHashMapInstantiation |
| ExplicitLinkedListInstantiation |
| ExplicitStackInstantiation |
| ExplicitTreeSetInstantiation |
| GStringAsMapKey |
| GStringExpressionWithinString |
| GetterMethodCouldBeProperty |
| GroovyLangImmutable |
| UseCollectMany |
| UseCollectNested |
| |
| // rulesets/imports.xml |
| DuplicateImport |
| ImportFromSamePackage |
| ImportFromSunPackages |
| MisorderedStaticImports |
| NoWildcardImports |
| UnnecessaryGroovyImport |
| UnusedImport |
| |
| // rulesets/jdbc.xml |
| DirectConnectionManagement |
| JdbcConnectionReference |
| JdbcStatementReference |
| |
| // rulesets/junit.xml |
| ChainedTest |
| CoupledTestCase |
| JUnitAssertAlwaysFails |
| JUnitAssertAlwaysSucceeds |
| JUnitFailWithoutMessage |
| JUnitLostTest |
| JUnitPublicField |
| JUnitPublicNonTestMethod |
| JUnitPublicProperty |
| JUnitSetUpCallsSuper |
| JUnitStyleAssertions |
| JUnitTearDownCallsSuper |
| JUnitTestMethodWithoutAssert |
| JUnitUnnecessarySetUp |
| JUnitUnnecessaryTearDown |
| JUnitUnnecessaryThrowsException |
| SpockIgnoreRestUsed |
| UnnecessaryFail |
| UseAssertEqualsInsteadOfAssertTrue |
| UseAssertFalseInsteadOfNegation |
| UseAssertNullInsteadOfAssertEquals |
| UseAssertSameInsteadOfAssertTrue |
| UseAssertTrueInsteadOfAssertEquals |
| UseAssertTrueInsteadOfNegation |
| |
| // rulesets/logging.xml |
| LoggerForDifferentClass |
| LoggerWithWrongModifiers |
| LoggingSwallowsStacktrace |
| MultipleLoggers |
| PrintStackTrace |
| Println |
| SystemErrPrint |
| SystemOutPrint |
| |
| // rulesets/naming.xml |
| AbstractClassName |
| ClassName |
| ClassNameSameAsFilename |
| ClassNameSameAsSuperclass |
| ConfusingMethodName |
| FieldName |
| InterfaceName |
| InterfaceNameSameAsSuperInterface |
| MethodName |
| ObjectOverrideMisspelledMethodName |
| PackageName |
| PackageNameMatchesFilePath |
| ParameterName |
| PropertyName |
| VariableName |
| |
| // rulesets/security.xml |
| FileCreateTempFile |
| InsecureRandom |
| NonFinalPublicField |
| NonFinalSubclassOfSensitiveInterface |
| ObjectFinalize |
| PublicFinalizeMethod |
| SystemExit |
| UnsafeArrayDeclaration |
| |
| // rulesets/serialization.xml |
| EnumCustomSerializationIgnored |
| SerialPersistentFields |
| SerialVersionUID |
| SerializableClassMustDefineSerialVersionUID |
| |
| // rulesets/size.xml |
| // TODO : need refactoring AbcMetric // Requires the GMetrics jar |
| ClassSize |
| CrapMetric // Requires the GMetrics jar and a Cobertura coverage file |
| // TODO : need refactoring CyclomaticComplexity // Requires the GMetrics jar |
| MethodCount |
| // TODO : need refactoring MethodSize |
| // TODO : need serious refactoring NestedBlockDepth |
| // TODO : need refactoring ParameterCount |
| |
| // rulesets/unnecessary.xml |
| AddEmptyString |
| ConsecutiveLiteralAppends |
| ConsecutiveStringConcatenation |
| UnnecessaryBigDecimalInstantiation |
| UnnecessaryBigIntegerInstantiation |
| UnnecessaryBooleanExpression |
| UnnecessaryBooleanInstantiation |
| UnnecessaryCallForLastElement |
| UnnecessaryCallToSubstring |
| UnnecessaryCast |
| UnnecessaryCatchBlock |
| UnnecessaryCollectCall |
| UnnecessaryCollectionCall |
| UnnecessaryConstructor |
| UnnecessaryDefInFieldDeclaration |
| UnnecessaryDefInMethodDeclaration |
| UnnecessaryDefInVariableDeclaration |
| UnnecessaryDotClass |
| UnnecessaryDoubleInstantiation |
| UnnecessaryElseStatement |
| UnnecessaryFinalOnPrivateMethod |
| UnnecessaryFloatInstantiation |
| UnnecessaryGString |
| //UnnecessaryGetter |
| UnnecessaryIfStatement |
| UnnecessaryInstanceOfCheck |
| UnnecessaryInstantiationToGetClass |
| UnnecessaryIntegerInstantiation |
| UnnecessaryLongInstantiation |
| UnnecessaryModOne |
| UnnecessaryNullCheck |
| UnnecessaryNullCheckBeforeInstanceOf |
| UnnecessaryObjectReferences(maxReferencesAllowed: 8) |
| UnnecessaryOverridingMethod |
| UnnecessaryPackageReference |
| UnnecessaryParenthesesForMethodCallWithClosure |
| UnnecessaryPublicModifier |
| //UnnecessaryReturnKeyword |
| UnnecessarySafeNavigationOperator |
| UnnecessarySelfAssignment |
| UnnecessarySemicolon |
| //UnnecessarySetter |
| UnnecessaryStringInstantiation |
| UnnecessaryTernaryExpression |
| UnnecessaryToString |
| UnnecessaryTransientModifier |
| |
| // rulesets/unused.xml |
| UnusedArray |
| UnusedMethodParameter |
| UnusedObject |
| UnusedPrivateField |
| UnusedPrivateMethod |
| UnusedPrivateMethodParameter |
| UnusedVariable |
| } |