| //// |
| Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one |
| or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file |
| distributed with this work for additional information |
| regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file |
| to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the |
| "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance |
| with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at |
| |
| http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 |
| |
| Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, |
| software distributed under the License is distributed on an |
| KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the |
| specific language governing permissions and limitations |
| under the License. |
| //// |
| = Data Model Changes |
| The Apache OFBiz® Project |
| Release trunk |
| |
| Apache OFBiz follows *The Universal Data Model* by **Len Silverston**, with a grain of salt. |
| |
| The following file contains information about the data model changes in the Apache OFBiz. |
| The detailed description of migration scripts specified here can be found at |
| https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/x/LoBr[Revisions Requiring Data Migration - upgrade ofbiz] page. |
| |
| == Changes with OFBiz Trunk (Upcoming Branch) |
| |
| === Entity Changes |
| *Added new entities* |
| |
| . ProdPromoCodeContactMech |
| . OrderDenylist |
| . OrderDenylistType |
| . AgreementStatus |
| |
| |
| |
| *Removed/Deprecate 3 entities* |
| |
| . ProductPromoCodeEmail |
| . OrderBlacklist |
| . OrderBlacklistType |
| |
| |
| === Field Changes |
| [cols="<,^,^,^,>",options="header",] |
| |======================================================= |
| |Entity |Field |Action |IsPK |Revision |
| | GlXbrlClass | parentGlXbrlClassId | Added | No | 36a123a |
| | Agreement | statusId | Added | No | da8817d |
| | GeoPoint | latitude | Modified | No | d288e12 |
| | GeoPoint | longitude | Modified | No | d288e12 |
| |
| |======================================================= |
| If in the list above fields are mentioned where 'IsPK' = yes, we advice to follow steps below for a successful upgrade: |
| |
| . Stop your OFBiz implementation |
| . Go to the entity definition in the appropriate entitymodel.xml file |
| . Disable temporarily the prim-key reference of the added field, and save the file |
| . Restart the OFBiz implementation |
| . Check with your RDBMS client that the new field is present in the table |
| . Add values for the field in the table (if appropriate) |
| . Stop the OFBiz implementation |
| . Go back to the definition in the appropriate entitymodel.xml file |
| . Enable the temporary disabled prim-key reference of the added field, and save the file |
| . Check with your RDBMS client that the new field is part of the primary key defintion of the table |
| |
| === Migration Scripts |
| 1. Migration service migrateProductPromoCodeEmail is implemented to migrate the |
| ProductPromoCodeEmail entity to ProductPromoCodeContactMech. + |
| (More detail at https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/OFBIZ-5426[OFBIZ-5426]) |
| |
| == Changes with OFBiz 17 |
| Field types `id-ne`, `id-long-ne` & `id-vlong-ne` has been removed. Use `id`, `id-long` and `id-vlong` |
| instead (detailed description at https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/OFBIZ-9351[OFBIZ-9351]). |
| |
| |
| === Entity Changes |
| No changes |
| |
| === Field Changes |
| [cols="<,^,^,^,>",options="header",] |
| |======================================================= |
| |Entity |Field |Action |IsPK |Revision |
| |MarketingCampaignPrice |fromDate |Added |Yes |R1805961 |
| |MarketingCampaignPrice |thruDate |Added |No |R1805961 |
| |MarketingCampaignPromo |fromDate |Added |Yes |R1805961 |
| |MarketingCampaignPromo |thruDate |Added |No |R1805961 |
| |MarketingCampaignRole |fromDate |Added |Yes |R1805961 |
| |MarketingCampaignRole |thruDate |Added |No |R1805961 |
| |Product |manufacturerPartyId |Removed |No |R1804408 |
| |SecurityGroupPermission |fromDate |Added |Yes |R1812383 |
| |SecurityGroupPermission |thruDate |Added |No |R1812383 |
| |======================================================= |
| |
| === Migration Scripts |
| 1. Updated sql-type for date-time and time field in fieldtypemysql.xml file at commit R1793300 + |
| __Update msyql sql-type for datetime field-type to support Fractional Seconds in Time Values |
| Please upgrade mysql to at least 5.6.4 or higher.__ + |
| After upgrade run `generateMySqlFileWithAlterTableForTimestamps` service, groupName is required field for |
| this service. + |
| It will generate sql file with alter query statement for date-time and time field |
| at location `$\{ofbiz.home}/runtime/tempfiles/.sql` + |
| You can use execute sql statement from any of the mysql batch command. |
| |
| |
| == Changes between OFBiz 9 to OFBiz 16 |
| |
| === Entity Changes |
| *Added 77 new entities* |
| |
| 1. JobRequisition |
| 2. ProductAverageCostType |
| 3. WorkEffortSurveyAppl |
| 4. WorkEffortIcalData |
| 5. WebSiteContactList |
| 6. WebAnalyticsType |
| 7. WebAnalyticsConfig |
| 8. UserLoginSecurityQuestion |
| 9. UomGroup |
| 10. TrainingRequest |
| 11. ThirdPartyLogin |
| 12. TestFieldType |
| 13. TestingSubtype |
| 14. TestingStatus |
| 15. TestingRemoveAll |
| 16. TestingItem |
| 17. TestingCrypto |
| 18. SystemProperty |
| 19. ShipmentGatewayUsps |
| 20. ShipmentGatewayUps |
| 21. ShipmentGatewayFedex |
| 22. ShipmentGatewayDhl |
| 23. ShipmentGatewayConfig |
| 24. ShipmentGatewayConfigType |
| 25. ReturnContactMech |
| 26. QuoteNote |
| 27. ProductPromoContent |
| 28. ProductPromoContentType |
| 29. ProductGroupOrder |
| 30. ProductCostComponentCalc |
| 31. CostComponentCalc |
| 32. PayPalPaymentMethod |
| 33. PaymentGroupType |
| 34. PaymentGroup |
| 35. PaymentGroupMember |
| 36. PaymentGatewayConfig |
| 37. PaymentGatewayConfigType |
| 38. PaymentGatewayWorldPay |
| 39. PaymentGatewaySecurePay |
| 40. PaymentGatewaySagePay |
| 41. PaymentGatewayOrbital |
| 42. PaymentGatewayEway |
| 43. PaymentGatewayCyberSource |
| 44. PaymentGatewayAuthorizeNet |
| 45. PaymentGatewayIDEAL |
| 46. PaymentContentType |
| 47. PaymentContent |
| 48. OAuth2LinkedIn |
| 49. OAuth2GitHub |
| 50. JobManagerLock |
| 51. JobInterviewType |
| 52. JobInterview |
| 53. JavaResource |
| 54. InvoiceNote |
| 55. InvoiceItemAssocType |
| 56. InvoiceItemAssoc |
| 57. InvoiceContentType |
| 58. InvoiceContent |
| 59. GlAccountCategoryType |
| 60. GlAccountCategoryMember |
| 61. GlAccountCategory |
| 62. GitHubUser |
| 63. FixedAssetTypeGlAccount |
| 64. FacilityContent |
| 65. ExcelImportHistory |
| 66. EmplLeaveReasonType |
| 67. EbayShippingMethod |
| 68. EbayConfig |
| 69. CountryAddressFormat |
| 70. ContentSearchResult |
| 71. ContentSearchConstraint |
| 72. ContentKeyword |
| 73. CheckAccount |
| 74. AgreementFacilityAppl |
| 75. AgreementContentType |
| 76. AgreementContent |
| |
| *Removed 8 entities* |
| |
| 1. DepreciationMethod |
| 2. FixedAssetMaintMeter |
| 3. OagisMessageErrorInfo |
| 4. OagisMessageInfo |
| 5. SalesOpportunityTrackingCode |
| 6. SimpleSalesTaxLookup |
| 7. TestBlob |
| 8. WorkEffortAssignmentRate |
| |
| |
| === Field Changes |
| [cols="<,^,^,^,^",options="header",] |
| |================================================================= |
| |Entity |Field |Action |IsPK |Revision |
| |AcctgTransAttribute |attrDescription |Added |No |NA |
| |AcctgTransEntry |inventoryItemId |Added |No |NA |
| |AcctgTransTypeAttr |description |Added |No |NA |
| |BenefitType |parentTypeId |Added |No |NA |
| |BenefitType |hasTable |Added |No |NA |
| |BudgetAttribute |attrDescription |Added |No |NA |
| |BudgetItemAttribute |attrDescription |Added |No |NA |
| |BudgetItemTypeAttr |description |Added |No |NA |
| |BudgetStatus |changeByUserLoginId |Added |No |NA |
| |BudgetTypeAttr |description |Added |No |NA |
| |CommunicationEventRole |statusId |Added |No |NA |
| |CommunicationEventType |contactMechTypeId |Added |No |NA |
| |ContactListCommStatus |partyId |Added |No |NA |
| |ContactListCommStatus |messageId |Added |No |NA |
| |ContactListCommStatus |changeByUserLoginId |Added |No |NA |
| |ContactMechAttribute |attrDescription |Added |No |NA |
| |ContactMechTypeAttr |description |Added |No |NA |
| |DeductionType |parentTypeId |Added |No |NA |
| |DeductionType |hasTable |Added |No |NA |
| |DocumentAttribute |attrDescription |Added |No |NA |
| |DocumentTypeAttr |description |Added |No |NA |
| |EmploymentApp |approverPartyId |Added |No |NA |
| |EmploymentApp |jobRequisitionId |Added |No |NA |
| |EmploymentAppSourceType |parentTypeId |Added |No |NA |
| |EmploymentAppSourceType |hasTable |Added |No |NA |
| |EmplPositionClassType |parentTypeId |Added |No |NA |
| |EmplPositionClassType |hasTable |Added |No |NA |
| |EmplPositionType |parentTypeId |Added |No |NA |
| |EmplPositionType |hasTable |Added |No |NA |
| |EmplPositionType |partyId |Removed |No |NA |
| |EmplPositionType |roleTypeId |Removed |No |NA |
| |FinAccountAttribute |attrDescription |Added |No |NA |
| |FinAccountTransAttribute |attrDescription |Added |No |NA |
| |FinAccountTrans |glReconciliationId |Added |No |NA |
| |FinAccountTrans |statusId |Added |No |NA |
| |FinAccountTransTypeAttr |description |Added |No |NA |
| |FinAccountTypeAttr |description |Added |No |NA |
| |FinAccountStatus |changeByUserLoginId |Added |No |NA |
| |FixedAsset |acquireOrderId |Added |No |NA |
| |FixedAsset |acquireOrderItemSeqId |Added |No |NA |
| |FixedAssetAttribute |attrDescription |Added |No |NA |
| |FixedAssetTypeAttr |description |Added |No |NA |
| |GlAccount |externalId |Added |No |NA |
| |GlAccount |openingBalance |Added |No |NA |
| |GlReconciliation |createdDate |Added |No |NA |
| |GlReconciliation |lastModifiedDate |Added |No |NA |
| |GlReconciliation |statusId |Added |No |NA |
| |GlReconciliation |openingBalance |Added |No |NA |
| |InventoryItemAttribute |attrDescription |Added |No |NA |
| |InventoryItemStatus |changeByUserLoginId |Added |No |NA |
| |InventoryItemTypeAttr |description |Added |No |NA |
| |InvoiceAttribute |attrDescription |Added |No |NA |
| |InvoiceItemAttribute |attrDescription |Added |No |NA |
| |InvoiceItemTypeAttr |description |Added |No |NA |
| |InvoiceStatus |changeByUserLoginId |Added |No |NA |
| |InvoiceTypeAttr |description |Added |No |NA |
| |InvoiceTermAttribute |attrDescription |Added |No |NA |
| |JobSandbox |currentRetryCount |Added |No |NA |
| |JobSandbox |tempExprId |Added |No |NA |
| |JobSandbox |currentRecurrenceCount |Added |No |NA |
| |JobSandbox |maxRecurrenceCount |Added |No |NA |
| |JobSandbox |jobResult |Added |No |NA |
| |OrderAdjustment |amountAlreadyIncluded |Added |No |NA |
| |OrderAdjustment |isManual |Added |No |NA |
| |OrderAdjustment |oldPercentage |Added |No |NA |
| |OrderAdjustment |oldAmountPerQuantity |Added |No |NA |
| |OrderAdjustment |lastModifiedDate |Added |No |NA |
| |OrderAdjustment |lastModifiedByUserLogin |Added |No |NA |
| |OrderAdjustmentAttribute |attrDescription |Added |No |NA |
| |OrderAdjustmentTypeAttr |description |Added |No |NA |
| |OrderAttribute |attrDescription |Added |No |NA |
| |OrderItem |supplierProductId |Added |No |NA |
| |OrderItem |cancelBackOrderDate |Added |No |NA |
| |OrderItem |changeByUserLoginId |Added |No |NA |
| |OrderItemAttribute |attrDescription |Added |No |NA |
| |OrderItemShipGroup |facilityId |Added |No |NA |
| |OrderItemShipGroup |estimatedShipDate |Added |No |NA |
| |OrderItemShipGroup |estimatedDeliveryDate |Added |No |NA |
| |OrderItemShipGrpInvRes |priority |Added |No |NA |
| |OrderItemShipGrpInvRes |oldPickStartDate |Added |No |NA |
| |OrderItemTypeAttr |description |Added |No |NA |
| |OrderTermAttribute |attrDescription |Added |No |NA |
| |OrderPaymentPreference |track2 |Added |No |NA |
| |OrderPaymentPreference |swipedFlag |Added |No |NA |
| |OrderPaymentPreference |lastModifiedDate |Added |No |NA |
| |OrderPaymentPreference |lastModifiedByUserLogin |Added |No |NA |
| |OrderShipment |shipGroupSeqId |Added |No |NA |
| |OrderTypeAttr |description |Added |No |NA |
| |PartyAcctgPreference |orderSequenceEnumId |Removed |No |NA |
| |PartyAcctgPreference |quoteSequenceEnumId |Removed |No |NA |
| |PartyAcctgPreference |invoiceSequenceEnumId |Removed |No |NA |
| |PartyAcctgPreference |oldOrderSequenceEnumId |Added |No |NA |
| |PartyAcctgPreference |oldQuoteSequenceEnumId |Added |No |NA |
| |PartyAcctgPreference |oldInvoiceSequenceEnumId |Added |No |NA |
| |PartyAcctgPreference |orderSeqCustMethId |Added |No |NA |
| |PartyQual |infoString |Removed |No |NA |
| |PartyQual |institutionInternalId |Removed |No |NA |
| |PartyQual |institutionPartyId |Removed |No |NA |
| |PartyQual |partyQualId |Removed |No |NA |
| |PartyRate |percentageUsed |Added |No |NA |
| |PartyRate |rate |Removed |No |NA |
| |PartyResume |contentId |Added |No |NA |
| |PaymentAttribute |attrDescription |Added |No |NA |
| |PaymentGatewayResponse |gatewayCvResult |Added |No |NA |
| |PaymentMethod |finAccountId |Added |No |NA |
| |PaymentTypeAttr |description |Added |No |NA |
| |PerfRatingType |parentTypeId |Added |No |NA |
| |PerfRatingType |hasTable |Added |No |NA |
| |PerfReview |payHistoryRoleTypeIdTo |Removed |No |NA |
| |PerfReview |payHistoryRoleTypeIdFrom |Removed |No |NA |
| |PerfReview |payHistoryPartyIdTo |Removed |No |NA |
| |PerfReview |payHistoryPartyIdFrom |Removed |No |NA |
| |PerfReview |payHistoryFromDate |Removed |No |NA |
| |PerfReviewItemType |parentTypeId |Added |No |NA |
| |PerfReviewItemType |hasTable |Added |No |NA |
| |PersonTraining |trainingRequestId |Added |No |NA |
| |PersonTraining |workEffortId |Added |No |NA |
| |PersonTraining |approverId |Added |No |NA |
| |PersonTraining |approvalStatus |Added |No |NA |
| |PersonTraining |reason |Added |No |NA |
| |PostalAddress |houseNumber |Added |No |NA |
| |PostalAddress |houseNumberExt |Added |No |NA |
| |PostalAddress |cityGeoId |Added |No |NA |
| |PostalAddress |municipalityGeoId |Added |No |NA |
| |PostalAddress |geoPointId |Added |No |NA |
| |PosTerminal |terminalName |Added |No |NA |
| |PosTerminalInternTx |reasonEnumId |Added |No |NA |
| |Product |releaseDate |Added |No |NA |
| |Product |originalImageUrl |Added |No |NA |
| |Product |inventoryItemTypeId |Added |No |NA |
| |Product |shippingWeight |Added |No |NA |
| |Product |productWeight |Added |No |NA |
| |Product |diameterUomId |Added |No |NA |
| |Product |productDiameter |Added |No |NA |
| |Product |virtualVariantMethodEnum |Added |No |NA |
| |Product |defaultShipmentBoxTypeId |Added |No |NA |
| |Product |lotIdFilledIn |Added |No |NA |
| |Product |orderDecimalQuantity |Added |No |NA |
| |Product |weight |Removed |No |NA |
| |Product |taxCategory |Removed |No |NA |
| |Product |taxVatCode |Removed |No |NA |
| |Product |taxDutyCode |Removed |No |NA |
| |ProductAttribute |attrDescription |Added |No |NA |
| |ProductAverageCost |productAverageCostTypeId |Added |No |NA |
| |ProductAverageCost |facilityId |Added |No |NA |
| |ProductContent |sequenceNum |Added |No |NA |
| |ProductKeyword |keywordTypeId |Added |No |NA |
| |ProductKeyword |statusId |Added |No |NA |
| |ProductRole |sequenceNum |Added |No |NA |
| |ProductStore |balanceResOnOrderCreation |Added |No |NA |
| |ProductStore |defaultTimeZoneString |Added |No |NA |
| |ProductStore |oldStyleSheet |Added |No |NA |
| |ProductStore |oldHeaderLogo |Added |No |NA |
| |ProductStore |oldHeaderRightBackground |Added |No |NA |
| |ProductStore |oldHeaderMiddleBackground |Added |No |NA |
| |ProductStore |styleSheet |Removed |No |NA |
| |ProductStore |headerLogo |Removed |No |NA |
| |ProductStore |headerRightBackground |Removed |No |NA |
| |ProductStore |headerMiddleBackground |Removed |No |NA |
| |ProductStorePaymentSetting |paymentCustomMethodId |Added |No |NA |
| |ProductStorePaymentSetting |paymentGatewayConfigId |Added |No |NA |
| |ProductStoreShipmentMeth |shipmentCustomMethodId |Added |No |NA |
| |ProductStoreShipmentMeth |shipmentGatewayConfigId |Added |No |NA |
| |ProductStoreShipmentMeth |allowancePercent |Added |No |NA |
| |ProductStoreShipmentMeth |minimumPrice |Added |No |NA |
| |ProductTypeAttribute |attrDescription |Added |No |NA |
| |QuoteAdjustment |lastModifiedDate |Added |No |NA |
| |QuoteAdjustment |lastModifiedByUserLogin |Added |No |NA |
| |QuoteAttribute |attrDescription |Added |No |NA |
| |QuoteItem |leadTimeDays |Added |No |NA |
| |QuoteRole |fromDate |Added |Yes |NA |
| |QuoteRole |thruDate |Added |No |NA |
| |QuoteTerm |termDays |Added |No |NA |
| |QuoteTerm |textValue |Added |No |NA |
| |QuoteTerm |description |Added |No |NA |
| |QuoteTermAttribute |attrDescription |Added |No |NA |
| |QuoteTypeAttr |description |Added |No |NA |
| |RequirementAttribute |changeByUserLoginId |Added |No |NA |
| |RequirementStatus |changeByUserLoginId |Added |No |NA |
| |ResponsibilityType |parentTypeId |Added |No |NA |
| |ResponsibilityType |hasTable |Added |No |NA |
| |ReturnAdjustment |createdByUserLoginId |Added |No |NA |
| |ReturnAdjustment |lastModifiedDate |Added |No |NA |
| |ReturnAdjustment |lastModifiedByUserLogin |Added |No |NA |
| |ReturnHeader |supplierRmaId |Added |No |NA |
| |ReturnItemResponse |finAccountTransId |Added |No |NA |
| |ReturnStatus |changeByUserLoginId |Added |No |NA |
| |SalaryStep |fromDate |Added |Yes |NA |
| |SalaryStep |thruDate |Added |No |NA |
| |SalaryStep |createdByUserLoginId |Added |No |NA |
| |SalaryStep |lastModifiedByUserLogin |Added |No |NA |
| |SalesOpportunity |nextStepDate |Added |No |NA |
| |ServiceSemaphore |lockedByInstanceId |Added |No |NA |
| |ShoppingListItem |modifiedPrice |Added |No |NA |
| |SkillType |parentTypeId |Added |No |NA |
| |SkillType |hasTable |Added |No |NA |
| |SupplierProduct |shippingPrice |Added |No |NA |
| |SupplierProduct |supplierCommissionPerc |Removed |No |NA |
| |TaxAuthorityRateProduct |isTaxInShippingPrice |Added |No |NA |
| |TerminationType |parentTypeId |Added |No |NA |
| |TerminationType |hasTable |Added |No |NA |
| |TestingNodeMember |extendFromDate |Added |No |NA |
| |TestingNodeMember |extendThruDate |Added |No |NA |
| |TimeEntry |planHour |Added |No |NA |
| |Timesheet |approvedByUserLoginId |Added |No |NA |
| |TrainingClassType |parentTypeId |Added |No |NA |
| |TrainingClassType |hasTable |Added |No |NA |
| |UnemploymentClaim |thruDate |Added |No |NA |
| |UserLogin |externalAuthId |Added |No |NA |
| |UserLogin |userLdapDn |Added |No |NA |
| |UserLogin |disabledBy |Added |No |NA |
| |ValueLinkKey |createdByUserLogin |Added |No |NA |
| |WebSite |visualThemeSetId |Added |No |NA |
| |WebSite |hostedPathAlias |Added |No |NA |
| |WebSite |isDefault |Added |No |NA |
| |WebSite |displayMaintenancePage |Added |No |NA |
| |WebSitePathAlias |fromDate |Added |Yes |R1738588 |
| |WebSitePathAlias |thruDate |Added |No |R1738588 |
| |WorkEffort |tempExprId |Added |No |NA |
| |WorkEffort |sequenceNum |Added |No |NA |
| |WorkEffortAttribute |attrDescription |Added |No |NA |
| |WorkEffortAssocAttribute |attrDescription |Added |No |NA |
| |WorkEffortAssocTypeAttr |description |Added |No |NA |
| |WorkEffortContactMech |fromDate |Added |Yes |NA |
| |WorkEffortContactMech |thruDate |Added |No |NA |
| |WorkEffortFixedAssetAssign |availabilityStatusId |Added |No |NA |
| |WorkEffortPartyAssignment |assignedByUserLoginId |Added |No |NA |
| |WorkEffortPurposeType |parentTypeId |Added |No |NA |
| |WorkEffortStatus |reason |Added |No |NA |
| |WorkEffortTypeAttr |description |Added |No |NA |
| |WorkOrderItemFulfillment |shipGroupSeqId |Added |No |NA |
| |================================================================= |