blob: 0a52e11fab19aeff447b8cae5cc285ba2ccb88e2 [file] [log] [blame]
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= Data Model Changes
The Apache OFBiz® Project
Release trunk
Apache OFBiz follows *The Universal Data Model* by **Len Silverston**, with a grain of salt.
The following file contains information about the data model changes in the Apache OFBiz.
The detailed description of migration scripts specified here can be found at[Revisions Requiring Data Migration - upgrade ofbiz] page.
== Changes with OFBiz Trunk (Upcoming Branch)
=== Entity Changes
*Added new entities*
. ProdPromoCodeContactMech
. OrderDenylist
. OrderDenylistType
. AgreementStatus
*Removed/Deprecate 3 entities*
. ProductPromoCodeEmail
. OrderBlacklist
. OrderBlacklistType
=== Field Changes
|Entity |Field |Action |IsPK |Revision
| GlXbrlClass | parentGlXbrlClassId | Added | No | 36a123a
| Agreement | statusId | Added | No | da8817d
| GeoPoint | latitude | Modified | No | d288e12
| GeoPoint | longitude | Modified | No | d288e12
If in the list above fields are mentioned where 'IsPK' = yes, we advice to follow steps below for a successful upgrade:
. Stop your OFBiz implementation
. Go to the entity definition in the appropriate entitymodel.xml file
. Disable temporarily the prim-key reference of the added field, and save the file
. Restart the OFBiz implementation
. Check with your RDBMS client that the new field is present in the table
. Add values for the field in the table (if appropriate)
. Stop the OFBiz implementation
. Go back to the definition in the appropriate entitymodel.xml file
. Enable the temporary disabled prim-key reference of the added field, and save the file
. Check with your RDBMS client that the new field is part of the primary key defintion of the table
=== Migration Scripts
1. Migration service migrateProductPromoCodeEmail is implemented to migrate the
ProductPromoCodeEmail entity to ProductPromoCodeContactMech. +
(More detail at[OFBIZ-5426])
== Changes with OFBiz 17
Field types `id-ne`, `id-long-ne` & `id-vlong-ne` has been removed. Use `id`, `id-long` and `id-vlong`
instead (detailed description at[OFBIZ-9351]).
=== Entity Changes
No changes
=== Field Changes
|Entity |Field |Action |IsPK |Revision
|MarketingCampaignPrice |fromDate |Added |Yes |R1805961
|MarketingCampaignPrice |thruDate |Added |No |R1805961
|MarketingCampaignPromo |fromDate |Added |Yes |R1805961
|MarketingCampaignPromo |thruDate |Added |No |R1805961
|MarketingCampaignRole |fromDate |Added |Yes |R1805961
|MarketingCampaignRole |thruDate |Added |No |R1805961
|Product |manufacturerPartyId |Removed |No |R1804408
|SecurityGroupPermission |fromDate |Added |Yes |R1812383
|SecurityGroupPermission |thruDate |Added |No |R1812383
=== Migration Scripts
1. Updated sql-type for date-time and time field in fieldtypemysql.xml file at commit R1793300 +
__Update msyql sql-type for datetime field-type to support Fractional Seconds in Time Values
Please upgrade mysql to at least 5.6.4 or higher.__ +
After upgrade run `generateMySqlFileWithAlterTableForTimestamps` service, groupName is required field for
this service. +
It will generate sql file with alter query statement for date-time and time field
at location `$\{ofbiz.home}/runtime/tempfiles/.sql` +
You can use execute sql statement from any of the mysql batch command.
== Changes between OFBiz 9 to OFBiz 16
=== Entity Changes
*Added 77 new entities*
1. JobRequisition
2. ProductAverageCostType
3. WorkEffortSurveyAppl
4. WorkEffortIcalData
5. WebSiteContactList
6. WebAnalyticsType
7. WebAnalyticsConfig
8. UserLoginSecurityQuestion
9. UomGroup
10. TrainingRequest
11. ThirdPartyLogin
12. TestFieldType
13. TestingSubtype
14. TestingStatus
15. TestingRemoveAll
16. TestingItem
17. TestingCrypto
18. SystemProperty
19. ShipmentGatewayUsps
20. ShipmentGatewayUps
21. ShipmentGatewayFedex
22. ShipmentGatewayDhl
23. ShipmentGatewayConfig
24. ShipmentGatewayConfigType
25. ReturnContactMech
26. QuoteNote
27. ProductPromoContent
28. ProductPromoContentType
29. ProductGroupOrder
30. ProductCostComponentCalc
31. CostComponentCalc
32. PayPalPaymentMethod
33. PaymentGroupType
34. PaymentGroup
35. PaymentGroupMember
36. PaymentGatewayConfig
37. PaymentGatewayConfigType
38. PaymentGatewayWorldPay
39. PaymentGatewaySecurePay
40. PaymentGatewaySagePay
41. PaymentGatewayOrbital
42. PaymentGatewayEway
43. PaymentGatewayCyberSource
44. PaymentGatewayAuthorizeNet
45. PaymentGatewayIDEAL
46. PaymentContentType
47. PaymentContent
48. OAuth2LinkedIn
49. OAuth2GitHub
50. JobManagerLock
51. JobInterviewType
52. JobInterview
53. JavaResource
54. InvoiceNote
55. InvoiceItemAssocType
56. InvoiceItemAssoc
57. InvoiceContentType
58. InvoiceContent
59. GlAccountCategoryType
60. GlAccountCategoryMember
61. GlAccountCategory
62. GitHubUser
63. FixedAssetTypeGlAccount
64. FacilityContent
65. ExcelImportHistory
66. EmplLeaveReasonType
67. EbayShippingMethod
68. EbayConfig
69. CountryAddressFormat
70. ContentSearchResult
71. ContentSearchConstraint
72. ContentKeyword
73. CheckAccount
74. AgreementFacilityAppl
75. AgreementContentType
76. AgreementContent
*Removed 8 entities*
1. DepreciationMethod
2. FixedAssetMaintMeter
3. OagisMessageErrorInfo
4. OagisMessageInfo
5. SalesOpportunityTrackingCode
6. SimpleSalesTaxLookup
7. TestBlob
8. WorkEffortAssignmentRate
=== Field Changes
|Entity |Field |Action |IsPK |Revision
|AcctgTransAttribute |attrDescription |Added |No |NA
|AcctgTransEntry |inventoryItemId |Added |No |NA
|AcctgTransTypeAttr |description |Added |No |NA
|BenefitType |parentTypeId |Added |No |NA
|BenefitType |hasTable |Added |No |NA
|BudgetAttribute |attrDescription |Added |No |NA
|BudgetItemAttribute |attrDescription |Added |No |NA
|BudgetItemTypeAttr |description |Added |No |NA
|BudgetStatus |changeByUserLoginId |Added |No |NA
|BudgetTypeAttr |description |Added |No |NA
|CommunicationEventRole |statusId |Added |No |NA
|CommunicationEventType |contactMechTypeId |Added |No |NA
|ContactListCommStatus |partyId |Added |No |NA
|ContactListCommStatus |messageId |Added |No |NA
|ContactListCommStatus |changeByUserLoginId |Added |No |NA
|ContactMechAttribute |attrDescription |Added |No |NA
|ContactMechTypeAttr |description |Added |No |NA
|DeductionType |parentTypeId |Added |No |NA
|DeductionType |hasTable |Added |No |NA
|DocumentAttribute |attrDescription |Added |No |NA
|DocumentTypeAttr |description |Added |No |NA
|EmploymentApp |approverPartyId |Added |No |NA
|EmploymentApp |jobRequisitionId |Added |No |NA
|EmploymentAppSourceType |parentTypeId |Added |No |NA
|EmploymentAppSourceType |hasTable |Added |No |NA
|EmplPositionClassType |parentTypeId |Added |No |NA
|EmplPositionClassType |hasTable |Added |No |NA
|EmplPositionType |parentTypeId |Added |No |NA
|EmplPositionType |hasTable |Added |No |NA
|EmplPositionType |partyId |Removed |No |NA
|EmplPositionType |roleTypeId |Removed |No |NA
|FinAccountAttribute |attrDescription |Added |No |NA
|FinAccountTransAttribute |attrDescription |Added |No |NA
|FinAccountTrans |glReconciliationId |Added |No |NA
|FinAccountTrans |statusId |Added |No |NA
|FinAccountTransTypeAttr |description |Added |No |NA
|FinAccountTypeAttr |description |Added |No |NA
|FinAccountStatus |changeByUserLoginId |Added |No |NA
|FixedAsset |acquireOrderId |Added |No |NA
|FixedAsset |acquireOrderItemSeqId |Added |No |NA
|FixedAssetAttribute |attrDescription |Added |No |NA
|FixedAssetTypeAttr |description |Added |No |NA
|GlAccount |externalId |Added |No |NA
|GlAccount |openingBalance |Added |No |NA
|GlReconciliation |createdDate |Added |No |NA
|GlReconciliation |lastModifiedDate |Added |No |NA
|GlReconciliation |statusId |Added |No |NA
|GlReconciliation |openingBalance |Added |No |NA
|InventoryItemAttribute |attrDescription |Added |No |NA
|InventoryItemStatus |changeByUserLoginId |Added |No |NA
|InventoryItemTypeAttr |description |Added |No |NA
|InvoiceAttribute |attrDescription |Added |No |NA
|InvoiceItemAttribute |attrDescription |Added |No |NA
|InvoiceItemTypeAttr |description |Added |No |NA
|InvoiceStatus |changeByUserLoginId |Added |No |NA
|InvoiceTypeAttr |description |Added |No |NA
|InvoiceTermAttribute |attrDescription |Added |No |NA
|JobSandbox |currentRetryCount |Added |No |NA
|JobSandbox |tempExprId |Added |No |NA
|JobSandbox |currentRecurrenceCount |Added |No |NA
|JobSandbox |maxRecurrenceCount |Added |No |NA
|JobSandbox |jobResult |Added |No |NA
|OrderAdjustment |amountAlreadyIncluded |Added |No |NA
|OrderAdjustment |isManual |Added |No |NA
|OrderAdjustment |oldPercentage |Added |No |NA
|OrderAdjustment |oldAmountPerQuantity |Added |No |NA
|OrderAdjustment |lastModifiedDate |Added |No |NA
|OrderAdjustment |lastModifiedByUserLogin |Added |No |NA
|OrderAdjustmentAttribute |attrDescription |Added |No |NA
|OrderAdjustmentTypeAttr |description |Added |No |NA
|OrderAttribute |attrDescription |Added |No |NA
|OrderItem |supplierProductId |Added |No |NA
|OrderItem |cancelBackOrderDate |Added |No |NA
|OrderItem |changeByUserLoginId |Added |No |NA
|OrderItemAttribute |attrDescription |Added |No |NA
|OrderItemShipGroup |facilityId |Added |No |NA
|OrderItemShipGroup |estimatedShipDate |Added |No |NA
|OrderItemShipGroup |estimatedDeliveryDate |Added |No |NA
|OrderItemShipGrpInvRes |priority |Added |No |NA
|OrderItemShipGrpInvRes |oldPickStartDate |Added |No |NA
|OrderItemTypeAttr |description |Added |No |NA
|OrderTermAttribute |attrDescription |Added |No |NA
|OrderPaymentPreference |track2 |Added |No |NA
|OrderPaymentPreference |swipedFlag |Added |No |NA
|OrderPaymentPreference |lastModifiedDate |Added |No |NA
|OrderPaymentPreference |lastModifiedByUserLogin |Added |No |NA
|OrderShipment |shipGroupSeqId |Added |No |NA
|OrderTypeAttr |description |Added |No |NA
|PartyAcctgPreference |orderSequenceEnumId |Removed |No |NA
|PartyAcctgPreference |quoteSequenceEnumId |Removed |No |NA
|PartyAcctgPreference |invoiceSequenceEnumId |Removed |No |NA
|PartyAcctgPreference |oldOrderSequenceEnumId |Added |No |NA
|PartyAcctgPreference |oldQuoteSequenceEnumId |Added |No |NA
|PartyAcctgPreference |oldInvoiceSequenceEnumId |Added |No |NA
|PartyAcctgPreference |orderSeqCustMethId |Added |No |NA
|PartyQual |infoString |Removed |No |NA
|PartyQual |institutionInternalId |Removed |No |NA
|PartyQual |institutionPartyId |Removed |No |NA
|PartyQual |partyQualId |Removed |No |NA
|PartyRate |percentageUsed |Added |No |NA
|PartyRate |rate |Removed |No |NA
|PartyResume |contentId |Added |No |NA
|PaymentAttribute |attrDescription |Added |No |NA
|PaymentGatewayResponse |gatewayCvResult |Added |No |NA
|PaymentMethod |finAccountId |Added |No |NA
|PaymentTypeAttr |description |Added |No |NA
|PerfRatingType |parentTypeId |Added |No |NA
|PerfRatingType |hasTable |Added |No |NA
|PerfReview |payHistoryRoleTypeIdTo |Removed |No |NA
|PerfReview |payHistoryRoleTypeIdFrom |Removed |No |NA
|PerfReview |payHistoryPartyIdTo |Removed |No |NA
|PerfReview |payHistoryPartyIdFrom |Removed |No |NA
|PerfReview |payHistoryFromDate |Removed |No |NA
|PerfReviewItemType |parentTypeId |Added |No |NA
|PerfReviewItemType |hasTable |Added |No |NA
|PersonTraining |trainingRequestId |Added |No |NA
|PersonTraining |workEffortId |Added |No |NA
|PersonTraining |approverId |Added |No |NA
|PersonTraining |approvalStatus |Added |No |NA
|PersonTraining |reason |Added |No |NA
|PostalAddress |houseNumber |Added |No |NA
|PostalAddress |houseNumberExt |Added |No |NA
|PostalAddress |cityGeoId |Added |No |NA
|PostalAddress |municipalityGeoId |Added |No |NA
|PostalAddress |geoPointId |Added |No |NA
|PosTerminal |terminalName |Added |No |NA
|PosTerminalInternTx |reasonEnumId |Added |No |NA
|Product |releaseDate |Added |No |NA
|Product |originalImageUrl |Added |No |NA
|Product |inventoryItemTypeId |Added |No |NA
|Product |shippingWeight |Added |No |NA
|Product |productWeight |Added |No |NA
|Product |diameterUomId |Added |No |NA
|Product |productDiameter |Added |No |NA
|Product |virtualVariantMethodEnum |Added |No |NA
|Product |defaultShipmentBoxTypeId |Added |No |NA
|Product |lotIdFilledIn |Added |No |NA
|Product |orderDecimalQuantity |Added |No |NA
|Product |weight |Removed |No |NA
|Product |taxCategory |Removed |No |NA
|Product |taxVatCode |Removed |No |NA
|Product |taxDutyCode |Removed |No |NA
|ProductAttribute |attrDescription |Added |No |NA
|ProductAverageCost |productAverageCostTypeId |Added |No |NA
|ProductAverageCost |facilityId |Added |No |NA
|ProductContent |sequenceNum |Added |No |NA
|ProductKeyword |keywordTypeId |Added |No |NA
|ProductKeyword |statusId |Added |No |NA
|ProductRole |sequenceNum |Added |No |NA
|ProductStore |balanceResOnOrderCreation |Added |No |NA
|ProductStore |defaultTimeZoneString |Added |No |NA
|ProductStore |oldStyleSheet |Added |No |NA
|ProductStore |oldHeaderLogo |Added |No |NA
|ProductStore |oldHeaderRightBackground |Added |No |NA
|ProductStore |oldHeaderMiddleBackground |Added |No |NA
|ProductStore |styleSheet |Removed |No |NA
|ProductStore |headerLogo |Removed |No |NA
|ProductStore |headerRightBackground |Removed |No |NA
|ProductStore |headerMiddleBackground |Removed |No |NA
|ProductStorePaymentSetting |paymentCustomMethodId |Added |No |NA
|ProductStorePaymentSetting |paymentGatewayConfigId |Added |No |NA
|ProductStoreShipmentMeth |shipmentCustomMethodId |Added |No |NA
|ProductStoreShipmentMeth |shipmentGatewayConfigId |Added |No |NA
|ProductStoreShipmentMeth |allowancePercent |Added |No |NA
|ProductStoreShipmentMeth |minimumPrice |Added |No |NA
|ProductTypeAttribute |attrDescription |Added |No |NA
|QuoteAdjustment |lastModifiedDate |Added |No |NA
|QuoteAdjustment |lastModifiedByUserLogin |Added |No |NA
|QuoteAttribute |attrDescription |Added |No |NA
|QuoteItem |leadTimeDays |Added |No |NA
|QuoteRole |fromDate |Added |Yes |NA
|QuoteRole |thruDate |Added |No |NA
|QuoteTerm |termDays |Added |No |NA
|QuoteTerm |textValue |Added |No |NA
|QuoteTerm |description |Added |No |NA
|QuoteTermAttribute |attrDescription |Added |No |NA
|QuoteTypeAttr |description |Added |No |NA
|RequirementAttribute |changeByUserLoginId |Added |No |NA
|RequirementStatus |changeByUserLoginId |Added |No |NA
|ResponsibilityType |parentTypeId |Added |No |NA
|ResponsibilityType |hasTable |Added |No |NA
|ReturnAdjustment |createdByUserLoginId |Added |No |NA
|ReturnAdjustment |lastModifiedDate |Added |No |NA
|ReturnAdjustment |lastModifiedByUserLogin |Added |No |NA
|ReturnHeader |supplierRmaId |Added |No |NA
|ReturnItemResponse |finAccountTransId |Added |No |NA
|ReturnStatus |changeByUserLoginId |Added |No |NA
|SalaryStep |fromDate |Added |Yes |NA
|SalaryStep |thruDate |Added |No |NA
|SalaryStep |createdByUserLoginId |Added |No |NA
|SalaryStep |lastModifiedByUserLogin |Added |No |NA
|SalesOpportunity |nextStepDate |Added |No |NA
|ServiceSemaphore |lockedByInstanceId |Added |No |NA
|ShoppingListItem |modifiedPrice |Added |No |NA
|SkillType |parentTypeId |Added |No |NA
|SkillType |hasTable |Added |No |NA
|SupplierProduct |shippingPrice |Added |No |NA
|SupplierProduct |supplierCommissionPerc |Removed |No |NA
|TaxAuthorityRateProduct |isTaxInShippingPrice |Added |No |NA
|TerminationType |parentTypeId |Added |No |NA
|TerminationType |hasTable |Added |No |NA
|TestingNodeMember |extendFromDate |Added |No |NA
|TestingNodeMember |extendThruDate |Added |No |NA
|TimeEntry |planHour |Added |No |NA
|Timesheet |approvedByUserLoginId |Added |No |NA
|TrainingClassType |parentTypeId |Added |No |NA
|TrainingClassType |hasTable |Added |No |NA
|UnemploymentClaim |thruDate |Added |No |NA
|UserLogin |externalAuthId |Added |No |NA
|UserLogin |userLdapDn |Added |No |NA
|UserLogin |disabledBy |Added |No |NA
|ValueLinkKey |createdByUserLogin |Added |No |NA
|WebSite |visualThemeSetId |Added |No |NA
|WebSite |hostedPathAlias |Added |No |NA
|WebSite |isDefault |Added |No |NA
|WebSite |displayMaintenancePage |Added |No |NA
|WebSitePathAlias |fromDate |Added |Yes |R1738588
|WebSitePathAlias |thruDate |Added |No |R1738588
|WorkEffort |tempExprId |Added |No |NA
|WorkEffort |sequenceNum |Added |No |NA
|WorkEffortAttribute |attrDescription |Added |No |NA
|WorkEffortAssocAttribute |attrDescription |Added |No |NA
|WorkEffortAssocTypeAttr |description |Added |No |NA
|WorkEffortContactMech |fromDate |Added |Yes |NA
|WorkEffortContactMech |thruDate |Added |No |NA
|WorkEffortFixedAssetAssign |availabilityStatusId |Added |No |NA
|WorkEffortPartyAssignment |assignedByUserLoginId |Added |No |NA
|WorkEffortPurposeType |parentTypeId |Added |No |NA
|WorkEffortStatus |reason |Added |No |NA
|WorkEffortTypeAttr |description |Added |No |NA
|WorkOrderItemFulfillment |shipGroupSeqId |Added |No |NA