| <#-- |
| Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one |
| or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file |
| distributed with this work for additional information |
| regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file |
| to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the |
| "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance |
| with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at |
| |
| http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 |
| |
| Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, |
| software distributed under the License is distributed on an |
| KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the |
| specific language governing permissions and limitations |
| under the License. |
| --> |
| |
| <#assign styleTd = "style='height: 8em; width: 10em; vertical-align: top; padding: 0.5em;'"> |
| |
| <#if periods?has_content> |
| <#-- Allow containing screens to specify the URL for creating a new event --> |
| <#if !newCalEventUrl??> |
| <#assign newCalEventUrl = parameters._LAST_VIEW_NAME_> |
| </#if> |
| <table cellspacing="0" class="basic-table calendar"> |
| <tr class="header-row"> |
| <td width="1%"> </td> |
| <#list periods as day> |
| <td>${day.start?date?string("EEEE")?cap_first}</td> |
| <#if (day_index > 5)><#break></#if> |
| </#list> |
| </tr> |
| <#list periods as period> |
| <#assign currentPeriod = false/> |
| <#if (nowTimestamp >= period.start) && (nowTimestamp <= period.end)><#assign currentPeriod = true/></#if> |
| <#assign indexMod7 = period_index % 7> |
| <#if indexMod7 = 0> |
| <tr> |
| <td class="label" ${styleTd}> |
| <a href='<@ofbizUrl>${parameters._LAST_VIEW_NAME_}?period=week&startTime=${period.start.time?string("#")}${urlParam!}${addlParam!}</@ofbizUrl>'>${uiLabelMap.CommonWeek} ${period.start?date?string("w")}</a> |
| </td> |
| </#if> |
| <td ${styleTd} <#if currentPeriod> class="current-period"<#else><#if (period.calendarEntries?size > 0)> class="active-period"</#if></#if>> |
| <span class="h1"><a href='<@ofbizUrl>${parameters._LAST_VIEW_NAME_}?period=day&startTime=${period.start.time?string("#")}${urlParam!}${addlParam!}</@ofbizUrl>'>${period.start?date?string("d")?cap_first}</a></span> |
| <a class="add-new" href='<@ofbizUrl>${newCalEventUrl}?period=month&form=edit&startTime=${parameters.start!}&parentTypeId=${parentTypeId!}&currentStatusId=CAL_TENTATIVE&estimatedStartDate=${period.start?string("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")}&estimatedCompletionDate=${period.end?string("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")}${urlParam!}${addlParam!}</@ofbizUrl>'>${uiLabelMap.CommonAddNew}</a> |
| <br class="clear"/> |
| |
| <#assign maxNumberOfPersons = 0/> |
| <#assign maxNumberOfEvents = 0/> |
| <#assign ranges = period.calendarEntriesByDateRange.keySet()/> |
| <#list ranges as range> |
| <#assign eventsInRange = period.calendarEntriesByDateRange.get(range)/> |
| <#assign numberOfPersons = 0/> |
| <#list eventsInRange as eventInRange> |
| <#assign numberOfPersons = numberOfPersons + eventInRange.workEffort.reservPersons?default(0)/> |
| </#list> |
| <#if (numberOfPersons > maxNumberOfPersons)> |
| <#assign maxNumberOfPersons = numberOfPersons/> |
| </#if> |
| <#if (eventsInRange.size() > maxNumberOfEvents)> |
| <#assign maxNumberOfEvents = eventsInRange.size()/> |
| </#if> |
| </#list> |
| <#if (maxNumberOfEvents > 0)> |
| ${uiLabelMap.WorkEffortMaxNumberOfEvents}: ${maxNumberOfEvents}<br/> |
| </#if> |
| <#if (maxNumberOfPersons > 0)> |
| ${uiLabelMap.WorkEffortMaxNumberOfPersons}: ${maxNumberOfPersons}<br/> |
| </#if> |
| <#if parameters.hideEvents?default("") != "Y"> |
| <#list period.calendarEntries as calEntry> |
| <#if calEntry.workEffort.actualStartDate??> |
| <#assign startDate = calEntry.workEffort.actualStartDate> |
| <#else> |
| <#assign startDate = calEntry.workEffort.estimatedStartDate!> |
| </#if> |
| |
| <#if calEntry.workEffort.actualCompletionDate??> |
| <#assign completionDate = calEntry.workEffort.actualCompletionDate> |
| <#else> |
| <#assign completionDate = calEntry.workEffort.estimatedCompletionDate!> |
| </#if> |
| |
| <#if !completionDate?has_content && calEntry.workEffort.actualMilliSeconds?has_content> |
| <#assign completionDate = calEntry.workEffort.actualStartDate + calEntry.workEffort.actualMilliSeconds> |
| </#if> |
| <#if !completionDate?has_content && calEntry.workEffort.estimatedMilliSeconds?has_content> |
| <#assign completionDate = calEntry.workEffort.estimatedStartDate + calEntry.workEffort.estimatedMilliSeconds> |
| </#if> |
| <hr /> |
| <#if (startDate.compareTo(period.start) <= 0 && completionDate?has_content && completionDate.compareTo(period.end) >= 0)> |
| ${uiLabelMap.CommonAllDay} |
| <#elseif startDate.before(period.start) && completionDate?has_content> |
| ${uiLabelMap.CommonUntil} ${completionDate?time?string.short} |
| <#elseif !completionDate?has_content> |
| ${uiLabelMap.CommonFrom} ${startDate?time?string.short} - ? |
| <#elseif completionDate.after(period.end)> |
| ${uiLabelMap.CommonFrom} ${startDate?time?string.short} |
| <#else> |
| ${startDate?time?string.short}-${completionDate?time?string.short} |
| </#if> |
| <br /> |
| ${setRequestAttribute("periodType", "month")} |
| ${setRequestAttribute("workEffortId", calEntry.workEffort.workEffortId)} |
| ${screens.render("component://workeffort/widget/CalendarScreens.xml#calendarEventContent")} |
| <br /> |
| </#list> |
| </#if> |
| </td> |
| |
| <#if !period_has_next && indexMod7 != 6> |
| <td colspan='${6 - (indexMod7)}'> </td> |
| </#if> |
| <#if indexMod7 = 6 || !period_has_next> |
| </tr> |
| </#if> |
| </#list> |
| </table> |
| |
| <#else> |
| <div class="screenlet-body">${uiLabelMap.WorkEffortFailedCalendarEntries}!</div> |
| </#if> |