Improved: CommonExt - Move from hard-code menu location to parameterized (OFBIZ-12951) (#795)

* Improved: CommonExt - Move from hard-code menu location to parameterized (OFBIZ-12951)

ofbizsetup uses profile screens from partymgr.

modified web.xml
- added profileMenuLocation

* OFBIZ-12951 Fix dependency on party

ofbizsetup is dependent on party elements

modified: commonext
- web.xml: added new context-param for createNewParty menu

modified: party
- web.xml: added new context-param for createNewParty menu
- PartyScreens.xml: changed location createNewParty menu reference

* Improved: CommonExt - Move from hard-code menu location to parameterized (OFBIZ-12951)

modified: Menus.xml
- added MainActionMenu extending MainActionMenu in PartyMenus.xml
4 files changed