blob: 436ed6ddf11b2bf0a715f375c3f218b1e7a3a9c4 [file] [log] [blame]
Apache ODE Release Notes
Apache ODE 1.3.6 includes about 42 bug fixes and improvements.
Apache ODE 1.3.6 requires Java 1.5.x or higher. The WAR distribution can
run in most J2EE servlet containers. The JBI distribution should be able
to run in any JBI container but has only been tested with ServiceMix 3.x
and latest ServiceMix 4.5.x (OSGi bundle) so far. See the BUILDING file if you
want to build your own distribution from the source release.
The most notable improvements:
- Alignment with ServiceMix 4.5.x
- Show a warning if datasources/TX mgrs are not correctly configured
- Upgrade to Axis2 1.5.6 / Rampart 1.5.2
- Fairer job scheduling / more reliable under load
- Namespace declarations are now retained correctly in assigns
- Integer to string conversion in XPath 1.0 fixed (found via Betsy)
- Foreach completion condition is now implemented (found via Betsy)
- Termination handlers are now implemented
- Some minor Betsy complaints (foreach boundary checks, partnerlink
assignments, rethrow fault data) addressed
** Bug
* [ODE-302] - Use embedded TransactionManager if database mode is EMBEDDED or INTERNAL
* [ODE-359] - The sendsoap script does not work if there is a space in the PATH_TO_ODE
* [ODE-380] - Message#setHeaderPart should overwrite any previous value
* [ODE-454] - forEach activity compilation bugs when compiling completionCondition
* [ODE-461] - Axis generates incorrect SOAP faults with some ODE exceptions
* [ODE-570] - Integer to string conversion does not work as expected
* [ODE-656] - ODE strips namespaces and namespace prefix in request
* [ODE-664] - Namespace declarations not being copied in ASSIGN.replaceElement
* [ODE-670] - MessageExhange is deleted too early
* [ODE-783] - ODE does not preserve XML namespace prefixes
* [ODE-787] - column "detailsext" is of type bytea but expression is of type oid
* [ODE-894] - BPEL with <pick> followed by <invoke> fails with NPE when using JPA persistence
* [ODE-913] - Termination handler in sub-scope does not appear to be called when parent scope enters fault handler
* [ODE-942] - Intermittent issue when calling partner services asynchronously.
* [ODE-943] - NoClassDefFoundError for org.apache.log4j.helpers.AbsoluteTimeDateFormat in SimpleScheduler.doLoadImmediate() leads memory leak
* [ODE-952] - Callback Session Endpoint is not getting set in the MessageContext during Stateful Message Exchange
* [ODE-957] - Invocation of a WSDL operation that doesn't have a request message part gives NPE at runtime
* [ODE-958] - ODE allows activating a retired process when there is already an active version
* [ODE-960] - Attribute of a xml element is missing after an <assign/> a value for that xml element
* [ODE-966] - SQL scripts fail on newest MySQL
* [ODE-971] - Process name cannot just have one char
* [ODE-973] - RepeatEvery within OnAlarm fires immediately without taking into consideration of the wait time
* [ODE-976] - Mex is released too early for one-way message
* [ODE-981] - Upgrade XMLBeans to 2.6.0
* [ODE-982] - axiom is not on ODE features list
* [ODE-989] - Intermittent IllegalArgumentException: No such channel when running an asynchronous process
* [ODE-994] - Cleanup problem when service is destroyed with axis2 1.6
* [ODE-995] - Upgrade to Axis2 1.5.6
* [ODE-997] - External datasource pool is not transaction aware
* [ODE-998] - hard-coded service endpont in fileupload.jsp
* [ODE-999] - Make ODE ready for ServiceMix 4.5.x
* [ODE-1000] - Partnerlink assignments do not work
* [ODE-1002] - ForEach: When counters are negative or too large an InvalidExpressionValue fault must be thrown
* [ODE-1004] - Rethrown fault data must be immutable
** Improvement
* [ODE-505] - Upgrade to Apache Axis2 1.5.1
* [ODE-813] - Upgrade to Xerces 2.9.1
* [ODE-917] - Upgrade to Karaf 2.2.x to support ServiceMix 4.4.0
* [ODE-984] - Upgrade ODE OSGi headers to be compliant with modern Apache Smx/Fuse ESB
* [ODE-990] - Ordering of jobs in the scheduler queue having same execution time
* [ODE-992] - Compiler should accept CDATA sections in propertyAlias/query expressions
* [ODE-993] - Include generation of postgres database script during the build of dao-jpa-ojpa-derby
** Task
* [ODE-666] - Migrate from Derby to H2 as the default embedded test database
See our Jira for more information: