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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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package org.apache.ode.jacob.examples.helloworld;
import static org.apache.ode.jacob.Jacob.*;
import org.apache.ode.jacob.ChannelRef;
import org.apache.ode.jacob.JacobObject;
import org.apache.ode.jacob.Message;
import org.apache.ode.jacob.MessageListener;
import org.apache.ode.jacob.examples.sequence.Sequence;
import org.apache.ode.jacob.oo.Channel;
import org.apache.ode.jacob.oo.ReceiveProcess;
import org.apache.ode.jacob.oo.Synch;
import org.apache.ode.jacob.oo.Val;
import org.apache.ode.jacob.soup.CommChannel;
import org.apache.ode.jacob.soup.jackson.JacksonExecutionQueueImpl;
import org.apache.ode.jacob.soup.jackson.JacobModule;
import org.apache.ode.jacob.vpu.JacobVPU;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonCreator;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonProperty;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.SerializationFeature;
* Simple Hello World example to showcase different
* features and approaches of the Jacob API.
* Inspired by
* @author Tammo van Lessen
public class HelloWorld extends JacobObject implements Runnable {
public static interface Callback<T, R extends Channel> extends Channel {
public void invoke(T value, R callback);
static class ReliablePrinterProcess extends JacobObject implements Runnable {
private Callback<String, Synch> in;
public ReliablePrinterProcess(@JsonProperty("in") Callback<String, Synch> in) { = in;
public void run() {
object(true, new ReliablePrinterReceiveProcess().setChannel(in).setReceiver(new ReliablePrinterCallback()));
static class ReliablePrinterReceiveProcess extends ReceiveProcess {}
static class ReliablePrinterCallback implements Callback<String, Synch> {
public void invoke(String value, Synch callback) {
static class ReliableStringEmitterProcess extends JacobObject implements Runnable {
private String str;
private Callback<String, Synch> to;
public ReliableStringEmitterProcess(@JsonProperty("str")String str, @JsonProperty("to") Callback<String, Synch> to) {
this.str = str; = to;
public void run() {
Synch callback = newChannel(Synch.class, "callback channel to ACK " + str);
object(new ReliableStringEmitterReceiveProcess().setChannel(callback).setReceiver(new ReliableStringEmitterSynch(str)));
to.invoke(str, callback);
static class ReliableStringEmitterReceiveProcess extends ReceiveProcess {}
static class ReliableStringEmitterSynch implements Synch {
private String str;
public ReliableStringEmitterSynch(@JsonProperty("str") String str) {
this.str = str;
public void ret() {
System.out.println(str + " ACKed");
static class PrinterProcess extends JacobObject implements Runnable {
private Val _in;
public PrinterProcess(@JsonProperty("in") Val in) {
_in = in;
public void run() {
object(true, new PrinterProcessReceiveProcess().setChannel(_in).setReceiver(new PrinterProcessVal()));
static class PrinterProcessReceiveProcess extends ReceiveProcess {}
static class PrinterProcessVal implements Val {
public void val(Object o) {
static class StringEmitterProcess extends JacobObject implements Runnable {
private String str;
private Val to;
public StringEmitterProcess(@JsonProperty("str") String str, @JsonProperty("to") Val to) {
this.str = str; = to;
public void run() {
static class ForwarderProcess extends JacobObject implements Runnable {
private Val in;
private Val out;
public ForwarderProcess(@JsonProperty("in") Val in, @JsonProperty("out") Val out) { = in;
this.out = out;
public void run() {
object(true, new ForwarderProcessReceiveProcess().setChannel(in).setReceiver(new ForwarderProcessVal(out)));
static class ForwarderProcessReceiveProcess extends ReceiveProcess {}
static class ForwarderProcessVal implements Val {
private Val out;
public ForwarderProcessVal(@JsonProperty("out")Val out) {
this.out = out;
public void val(Object o) {
protected void simpleHelloWorld() {
// new(out)
final Val out = newChannel(Val.class, "simpleHelloWorld-out");
// new(x)
final Val x = newChannel(Val.class, "simpleHelloWorld-x");
// *(?out(str).!sysout(str))
instance(new PrinterProcess(out));
// *(?x(str).!out(str))
instance(new ForwarderProcess(x, out));
// !out(hello) | !out(world)
instance(new StringEmitterProcess("Hello", x));
instance(new StringEmitterProcess("World", x));
protected void reliableHelloWorld() {
// reliable version of the code above
// (new(callback).!out(hello).?callback) | (new(callback).!out(world).?callback)
// new(rout)
Callback<String, Synch> rout = newChannel(Callback.class, "reliableHelloWorld-rout");
// *(?rout(str).!sysout(str))
instance(new ReliablePrinterProcess(rout));
// (new(callback).!out(hello).?callback)
instance(new ReliableStringEmitterProcess("Hello", rout));
// (new(callback).!out(world).?callback)
instance(new ReliableStringEmitterProcess("World", rout));
protected void sequencedHelloWorld() {
// send hello world as a sequence
// !out(hello).!out(world)
// new(out)
final Val out = newChannel(Val.class, "sequencedHelloWorld-out");
// *(?out(str).!sysout(str))
instance(new PrinterProcess(out));
final String[] greeting = {"Hello", "World"};
instance(new HWSequence(greeting, out, null));
protected void calculusHelloWorld() {
// new(out)
final ChannelRef out = newCommChannel(Val.class, "calculusHelloWorld-out");
// new(x)
final ChannelRef x = newCommChannel(Val.class, "calculusHelloWorld-x");
// *(?out(str).!sysout(str))
subscribe(true, out, new PrinterMessageListener());
// *(?x(str).!out(str))
subscribe(true, x, new ForwarderMessageListener(out));
// !out(hello) | !out(world)
instance(new StringEmitterRunnable("Hello", x));
instance(new StringEmitterRunnable("World", x));
static class PrinterMessageListener implements MessageListener {
public void onMessage(Message msg) {
static class ForwarderMessageListener implements MessageListener {
private ChannelRef to;
public ForwarderMessageListener(@JsonProperty("to") ChannelRef to) { = to;
public void onMessage(Message msg) {
Message msg2 = new Message(to, null, msg.getAction());
static class StringEmitterRunnable extends JacobObject implements Runnable {
private String str;
private ChannelRef to;
public StringEmitterRunnable(@JsonProperty("str") String str, @JsonProperty("to") ChannelRef to) {
this.str = str; = to;
public void run() {
Message msg = new Message(to, null, "printHW");
static class HWSequence extends Sequence {
private final String[] greetings;
private final Val out;
public HWSequence(@JsonProperty("greetings") String[] greetings, @JsonProperty("out") Val out, @JsonProperty("done") Synch done) {
super(greetings.length, done);
this.greetings = greetings;
this.out = out;
protected Runnable doStep(int step, Synch done) {
return new SequenceItemEmitter(greetings[step], done, out);
static class SequenceItemEmitter extends JacobObject implements Runnable {
private final String string;
private final Synch done;
private final Val out;
public SequenceItemEmitter(@JsonProperty("string") String string, @JsonProperty("done") Synch done, @JsonProperty("out") Val out) {
this.string = string;
this.done = done;
this.out = out;
public void run() {
instance(new StringEmitterProcess(string, out));
public void run() {
// simpleHelloWorld();
// reliableHelloWorld();
// sequencedHelloWorld();
public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception {
// enable logging
SmileFactory sf = null;
// // enable smile:
// sf = new SmileFactory();
// sf.enable(SmileGenerator.Feature.CHECK_SHARED_STRING_VALUES);
// sf.enable(SmileGenerator.Feature.ENCODE_BINARY_AS_7BIT);
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(sf);
mapper.registerModule(new JacobModule());
JacobVPU vpu = new JacobVPU();
JacksonExecutionQueueImpl queue = new JacksonExecutionQueueImpl();
long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
vpu.inject(new HelloWorld());
while (vpu.execute()) {
queue = loadAndRestoreQueue(mapper, (JacksonExecutionQueueImpl)vpu.getContext());
System.out.println(vpu.isComplete() ? "<0>" : ".");
System.out.println("Runtime in ms: " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - start));
public static JacksonExecutionQueueImpl loadAndRestoreQueue(ObjectMapper mapper, JacksonExecutionQueueImpl in) throws Exception {
byte[] json = mapper.writeValueAsBytes(in);
// print json
System.out.println(new String(json));
JacksonExecutionQueueImpl q2 = mapper.readValue(json, JacksonExecutionQueueImpl.class);
return q2;