blob: b2ccdb89f2a23214b728d985ef81e1af89d77f6c [file] [log] [blame]
* jQuery XPath plugin v0.2.5
* Copyright 2013, Sergey Ilinsky
* Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses.
* Includes xpath.js - XPath 2.0 implementation in JavaScript
* Copyright 2013, Sergey Ilinsky
* Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses.
(function () {
var cString = window.String,
cBoolean = window.Boolean,
cNumber = window.Number,
cObject = window.Object,
cArray = window.Array,
cRegExp = window.RegExp,
cDate = window.Date,
cFunction = window.Function,
cMath = window.Math,
cError = window.Error,
cSyntaxError= window.SyntaxError,
cTypeError = window.TypeError,
fIsNaN = window.isNaN,
fIsFinite = window.isFinite,
nNaN = window.NaN,
nInfinity = window.Infinity,
fString_trim =(function() {
return cString.prototype.trim ? function(sValue) {return cString(sValue).trim();} : function(sValue) {
return cString(sValue).replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '');
fArray_indexOf =(function() {
return cArray.prototype.indexOf ? function(aValue, vItem) {return aValue.indexOf(vItem);} : function(aValue, vItem) {
for (var nIndex = 0, nLength = aValue.length; nIndex < nLength; nIndex++)
if (aValue[nIndex] === vItem)
return nIndex;
return -1;
var sNS_XSD = "",
sNS_XPF = "",
sNS_XNS = "",
sNS_XML = "";
function cException(sCode
, sMessage
) {
this.code = sCode;
this.message =
sMessage ||
cException.prototype = new cError;
var oException_messages = {};
oException_messages["XPDY0002"] = "Evaluation of an expression relies on some part of the dynamic context that has not been assigned a value.";
oException_messages["XPST0003"] = "Expression is not a valid instance of the grammar";
oException_messages["XPTY0004"] = "Type is not appropriate for the context in which the expression occurs";
oException_messages["XPST0008"] = "Expression refers to an element name, attribute name, schema type name, namespace prefix, or variable name that is not defined in the static context";
oException_messages["XPST0010"] = "Axis not supported";
oException_messages["XPST0017"] = "Expanded QName and number of arguments in a function call do not match the name and arity of a function signature";
oException_messages["XPTY0018"] = "The result of the last step in a path expression contains both nodes and atomic values";
oException_messages["XPTY0019"] = "The result of a step (other than the last step) in a path expression contains an atomic value.";
oException_messages["XPTY0020"] = "In an axis step, the context item is not a node.";
oException_messages["XPST0051"] = "It is a static error if a QName that is used as an AtomicType in a SequenceType is not defined in the in-scope schema types as an atomic type.";
oException_messages["XPST0081"] = "A QName used in an expression contains a namespace prefix that cannot be expanded into a namespace URI by using the statically known namespaces.";
oException_messages["FORG0001"] = "Invalid value for cast/constructor.";
oException_messages["FORG0003"] = "fn:zero-or-one called with a sequence containing more than one item.";
oException_messages["FORG0004"] = "fn:one-or-more called with a sequence containing no items.";
oException_messages["FORG0005"] = "fn:exactly-one called with a sequence containing zero or more than one item.";
oException_messages["FORG0006"] = "Invalid argument type.";
oException_messages["FODC0001"] = "No context document.";
oException_messages["FORX0001"] = "Invalid regular expression flags.";
oException_messages["FOCA0002"] = "Invalid lexical value.";
oException_messages["FOCH0002"] = "Unsupported collation.";
oException_messages["FONS0004"] = "No namespace found for prefix.";
function cLexer(sValue) {
var aMatch = sValue.match(/\$?(?:(?![0-9-])(?:[\w-]+|\*):)?(?![0-9-])(?:[\w-]+|\*)|\(:|:\)|\/\/|\.\.|::|\d+(?:\.\d*)?(?:[eE][+-]?\d+)?|\.\d+(?:[eE][+-]?\d+)?|"[^"]*(?:""[^"]*)*"|'[^']*(?:''[^']*)*'|<<|>>|[!<>]=|(?![0-9-])[\w-]+:\*|\s+|./g);
if (aMatch) {
var nStack = 0;
for (var nIndex = 0, nLength = aMatch.length; nIndex < nLength; nIndex++)
if (aMatch[nIndex] == '(:')
if (aMatch[nIndex] == ':)' && nStack)
if (!nStack && !/^\s/.test(aMatch[nIndex]))
this[this.length++] = aMatch[nIndex];
if (nStack)
throw new cException("XPST0003"
, "Unclosed comment"
cLexer.prototype.index = 0;
cLexer.prototype.length = 0;
cLexer.prototype.reset = function() {
this.index = 0;
cLexer.prototype.peek = function(nOffset) {
return this[this.index +(nOffset || 0)] || '';
}; = function(nOffset) {
return(this.index+= nOffset || 1) < this.length;
cLexer.prototype.back = function(nOffset) {
return(this.index-= nOffset || 1) > 0;
cLexer.prototype.eof = function() {
return this.index >= this.length;
function cDOMAdapter() {
cDOMAdapter.prototype.isNode = function(oNode) {
return oNode &&!!oNode.nodeType;
cDOMAdapter.prototype.getProperty = function(oNode, sName) {
return oNode[sName];
cDOMAdapter.prototype.isSameNode = function(oNode, oNode2) {
return oNode == oNode2;
cDOMAdapter.prototype.compareDocumentPosition = function(oNode, oNode2) {
return oNode.compareDocumentPosition(oNode2);
cDOMAdapter.prototype.lookupNamespaceURI = function(oNode, sPrefix) {
return oNode.lookupNamespaceURI(sPrefix);
cDOMAdapter.prototype.getElementById = function(oNode, sId) {
return oNode.getElementById(sId);
cDOMAdapter.prototype.getElementsByTagNameNS = function(oNode, sNameSpaceURI, sLocalName) {
return oNode.getElementsByTagNameNS(sNameSpaceURI, sLocalName);
function cDynamicContext(oStaticContext, vItem, oScope, oDOMAdapter) {
this.staticContext = oStaticContext;
this.item = vItem;
this.scope = oScope || {};
this.stack = {};
this.DOMAdapter = oDOMAdapter || new cDOMAdapter;
var oDate = new cDate,
nOffset = oDate.getTimezoneOffset();
this.dateTime = new cXSDateTime(oDate.getFullYear(), oDate.getMonth() + 1, oDate.getDate(), oDate.getHours(), oDate.getMinutes(), oDate.getSeconds() + oDate.getMilliseconds() / 1000, -nOffset);
this.timezone = new cXSDayTimeDuration(0, cMath.abs(~~(nOffset / 60)), cMath.abs(nOffset % 60), 0, nOffset > 0);
cDynamicContext.prototype.item = null;
cDynamicContext.prototype.position = 0;
cDynamicContext.prototype.size = 0;
cDynamicContext.prototype.scope = null;
cDynamicContext.prototype.stack = null; cDynamicContext.prototype.dateTime = null;
cDynamicContext.prototype.timezone = null;
cDynamicContext.prototype.staticContext = null;
cDynamicContext.prototype.pushVariable = function(sName, vValue) {
if (!this.stack.hasOwnProperty(sName))
this.stack[sName] = [];
this.scope[sName] = vValue;
cDynamicContext.prototype.popVariable = function(sName) {
if (this.stack.hasOwnProperty(sName)) {
this.scope[sName] = this.stack[sName].pop();
if (!this.stack[sName].length) {
delete this.stack[sName];
if (typeof this.scope[sName] == "undefined")
delete this.scope[sName];
function cStaticContext() {
this.dataTypes = {};
this.documents = {};
this.functions = {};
this.collations = {};
this.collections= {};
cStaticContext.prototype.baseURI = null;
cStaticContext.prototype.dataTypes = null;
cStaticContext.prototype.documents = null;
cStaticContext.prototype.functions = null;
cStaticContext.prototype.defaultFunctionNamespace = null;
cStaticContext.prototype.collations = null;
cStaticContext.prototype.defaultCollationName = sNS_XPF + "/collation/codepoint";
cStaticContext.prototype.collections = null;
cStaticContext.prototype.namespaceResolver = null;
cStaticContext.prototype.defaultElementNamespace = null;
var rStaticContext_uri = /^(?:\{([^\}]+)\})?(.+)$/;
cStaticContext.prototype.setDataType = function(sUri, fFunction) {
var aMatch = sUri.match(rStaticContext_uri);
if (aMatch)
if (aMatch[1] != sNS_XSD)
this.dataTypes[sUri] = fFunction;
cStaticContext.prototype.getDataType = function(sUri) {
var aMatch = sUri.match(rStaticContext_uri);
if (aMatch)
return aMatch[1] == sNS_XSD ? hStaticContext_dataTypes[cRegExp.$2] : this.dataTypes[sUri];
cStaticContext.prototype.setDocument = function(sUri, fFunction) {
this.documents[sUri] = fFunction;
cStaticContext.prototype.setFunction = function(sUri, fFunction) {
var aMatch = sUri.match(rStaticContext_uri);
if (aMatch)
if (aMatch[1] != sNS_XPF)
this.functions[sUri] = fFunction;
cStaticContext.prototype.getFunction = function(sUri) {
var aMatch = sUri.match(rStaticContext_uri);
if (aMatch)
return aMatch[1] == sNS_XPF ? hStaticContext_functions[cRegExp.$2] : this.functions[sUri];
cStaticContext.prototype.setCollation = function(sUri, fFunction) {
this.collations[sUri] = fFunction;
cStaticContext.prototype.getCollation = function(sUri) {
return this.collations[sUri];
cStaticContext.prototype.setCollection = function(sUri, fFunction) {
this.collections[sUri] = fFunction;
cStaticContext.prototype.getURIForPrefix = function(sPrefix) {
var oResolver = this.namespaceResolver,
fResolver = oResolver && oResolver.lookupNamespaceURI ? oResolver.lookupNamespaceURI : oResolver,
if (fResolver instanceof cFunction && (sNameSpaceURI =, sPrefix)))
return sNameSpaceURI;
if (sPrefix == 'fn')
return sNS_XPF;
if (sPrefix == 'xs')
return sNS_XSD;
if (sPrefix == "xml")
return sNS_XML;
if (sPrefix == "xmlns")
return sNS_XNS;
throw new cException("XPST0081"
, "Prefix '" + sPrefix + "' has not been declared"
cStaticContext.js2xs = function(vItem) {
if (typeof vItem == "boolean")
vItem = new cXSBoolean(vItem);
if (typeof vItem == "number")
vItem =(fIsNaN(vItem) ||!fIsFinite(vItem)) ? new cXSDouble(vItem) : fNumericLiteral_parseValue(cString(vItem));
vItem = new cXSString(cString(vItem));
return vItem;
cStaticContext.xs2js = function(vItem) {
if (vItem instanceof cXSBoolean)
vItem = vItem.valueOf();
if (fXSAnyAtomicType_isNumeric(vItem))
vItem = vItem.valueOf();
vItem = vItem.toString();
return vItem;
var hStaticContext_functions = {},
hStaticContext_signatures = {},
hStaticContext_dataTypes = {},
hStaticContext_operators = {};
function fStaticContext_defineSystemFunction(sName, aParameters, fFunction) {
hStaticContext_functions[sName] = fFunction;
hStaticContext_signatures[sName] = aParameters;
function fStaticContext_defineSystemDataType(sName, fFunction) {
hStaticContext_dataTypes[sName] = fFunction;
function cExpression(sExpression, oStaticContext) {
var oLexer = new cLexer(sExpression),
oExpr = fExpr_parse(oLexer, oStaticContext);
if (!oLexer.eof())
throw new cException("XPST0003"
, "Unexpected token beyond end of query"
if (!oExpr)
throw new cException("XPST0003"
, "Expected expression"
this.internalExpression = oExpr;
cExpression.prototype.internalExpression = null;
cExpression.prototype.evaluate = function(oContext) {
return this.internalExpression.evaluate(oContext);
function cStringCollator() {
cStringCollator.prototype.equals = function(sValue1, sValue2) {
throw "Not implemented";
}; = function(sValue1, sValue2) {
throw "Not implemented";
function cXSConstants(){};
cXSConstants.STRING_DT = 2;
cXSConstants.BOOLEAN_DT = 3;
cXSConstants.DECIMAL_DT = 4;
cXSConstants.FLOAT_DT = 5;
cXSConstants.DOUBLE_DT = 6;
cXSConstants.DURATION_DT = 7;
cXSConstants.DATETIME_DT = 8;
cXSConstants.TIME_DT = 9;
cXSConstants.DATE_DT = 10;
cXSConstants.GYEARMONTH_DT = 11;
cXSConstants.GYEAR_DT = 12;
cXSConstants.GMONTHDAY_DT = 13;
cXSConstants.GDAY_DT = 14;
cXSConstants.GMONTH_DT = 15;
cXSConstants.HEXBINARY_DT = 16;
cXSConstants.BASE64BINARY_DT = 17;
cXSConstants.ANYURI_DT = 18;
cXSConstants.QNAME_DT = 19;
cXSConstants.NOTATION_DT = 20;
cXSConstants.TOKEN_DT = 22;
cXSConstants.LANGUAGE_DT = 23;
cXSConstants.NMTOKEN_DT = 24;
cXSConstants.NAME_DT = 25;
cXSConstants.NCNAME_DT = 26;
cXSConstants.ID_DT = 27;
cXSConstants.IDREF_DT = 28;
cXSConstants.ENTITY_DT = 29;
cXSConstants.INTEGER_DT = 30;
cXSConstants.LONG_DT = 33;
cXSConstants.INT_DT = 34;
cXSConstants.SHORT_DT = 35;
cXSConstants.BYTE_DT = 36;
cXSConstants.UNSIGNEDLONG_DT = 38;
cXSConstants.UNSIGNEDINT_DT = 39;
cXSConstants.UNSIGNEDBYTE_DT = 41;
cXSConstants.LISTOFUNION_DT = 43;
cXSConstants.LIST_DT = 44;
cXSConstants.UNAVAILABLE_DT = 45;
cXSConstants.ANYTYPE_DT = 51;
function cExpr() {
this.items = [];
cExpr.prototype.items = null;
function fExpr_parse (oLexer, oStaticContext) {
var oItem;
if (oLexer.eof() ||!(oItem = fExprSingle_parse(oLexer, oStaticContext)))
var oExpr = new cExpr;
while (oLexer.peek() == ',') {;
if (oLexer.eof() ||!(oItem = fExprSingle_parse(oLexer, oStaticContext)))
throw new cException("XPST0003"
, "Expected expression"
return oExpr;
cExpr.prototype.evaluate = function(oContext) {
var oSequence = [];
for (var nIndex = 0, nLength = this.items.length; nIndex < nLength; nIndex++)
oSequence = hStaticContext_operators["concatenate"].call(oContext, oSequence, this.items[nIndex].evaluate(oContext));
return oSequence;
function cExprSingle() {
function fExprSingle_parse (oLexer, oStaticContext) {
if (!oLexer.eof())
return fIfExpr_parse(oLexer, oStaticContext)
|| fForExpr_parse(oLexer, oStaticContext)
|| fQuantifiedExpr_parse(oLexer, oStaticContext)
|| fOrExpr_parse(oLexer, oStaticContext);
function cForExpr() {
this.bindings = [];
this.returnExpr = null;
cForExpr.prototype.bindings = null;
cForExpr.prototype.returnExpr = null;
function fForExpr_parse (oLexer, oStaticContext) {
if (oLexer.peek() == "for" && oLexer.peek(1).substr(0, 1) == '$') {;
var oForExpr = new cForExpr,
do {
oForExpr.bindings.push(fSimpleForBinding_parse(oLexer, oStaticContext));
while (oLexer.peek() == ',' &&;
if (oLexer.peek() != "return")
throw new cException("XPST0003"
, "Expected 'return' token in for expression"
if (oLexer.eof() ||!(oExpr = fExprSingle_parse(oLexer, oStaticContext)))
throw new cException("XPST0003"
, "Expected return statement operand in for expression"
oForExpr.returnExpr = oExpr;
return oForExpr;
cForExpr.prototype.evaluate = function (oContext) {
var oSequence = [];
(function(oSelf, nBinding) {
var oBinding = oSelf.bindings[nBinding++],
oSequence1 = oBinding.inExpr.evaluate(oContext),
sUri = (oBinding.namespaceURI ? '{' + oBinding.namespaceURI + '}' : '') + oBinding.localName;
for (var nIndex = 0, nLength = oSequence1.length; nIndex < nLength; nIndex++) {
oContext.pushVariable(sUri, oSequence1[nIndex]);
if (nBinding < oSelf.bindings.length)
arguments.callee(oSelf, nBinding);
oSequence = oSequence.concat(oSelf.returnExpr.evaluate(oContext));
})(this, 0);
return oSequence;
function cSimpleForBinding(sPrefix, sLocalName, sNameSpaceURI, oInExpr) {
this.prefix = sPrefix;
this.localName = sLocalName;
this.namespaceURI = sNameSpaceURI;
this.inExpr = oInExpr;
cSimpleForBinding.prototype.prefix = null;
cSimpleForBinding.prototype.localName = null;
cSimpleForBinding.prototype.namespaceURI = null;
cSimpleForBinding.prototype.inExpr = null;
function fSimpleForBinding_parse (oLexer, oStaticContext) {
var aMatch = oLexer.peek().substr(1).match(rNameTest);
if (!aMatch)
throw new cException("XPST0003"
, "Expected binding in for expression"
if (aMatch[1] == '*' || aMatch[2] == '*')
throw new cException("XPST0003"
, "Illegal use of wildcard in for expression binding variable name"
if (oLexer.peek() != "in")
throw new cException("XPST0003"
, "Expected 'in' token in for expression binding"
var oExpr;
if (oLexer.eof() ||!(oExpr = fExprSingle_parse(oLexer, oStaticContext)))
throw new cException("XPST0003"
, "Expected in statement operand in for expression binding"
return new cSimpleForBinding(aMatch[1] || null, aMatch[2], aMatch[1] ? oStaticContext.getURIForPrefix(aMatch[1]) : null, oExpr);
function cIfExpr(oCondExpr, oThenExpr, oElseExpr) {
this.condExpr = oCondExpr;
this.thenExpr = oThenExpr;
this.elseExpr = oElseExpr;
cIfExpr.prototype.condExpr = null;
cIfExpr.prototype.thenExpr = null;
cIfExpr.prototype.elseExpr = null;
function fIfExpr_parse (oLexer, oStaticContext) {
var oCondExpr,
if (oLexer.peek() == "if" && oLexer.peek(1) == '(') {;
if (oLexer.eof() ||!(oCondExpr = fExpr_parse(oLexer, oStaticContext)))
throw new cException("XPST0003"
, "Expected if statement operand in conditional expression"
if (oLexer.peek() != ')')
throw new cException("XPST0003"
, "Expected ')' token in for expression"
if (oLexer.peek() != "then")
throw new cException("XPST0003"
, "Expected 'then' token in conditional if expression"
if (oLexer.eof() ||!(oThenExpr = fExprSingle_parse(oLexer, oStaticContext)))
throw new cException("XPST0003"
, "Expected then statement operand in condional expression"
if (oLexer.peek() != "else")
throw new cException("XPST0003"
, "Expected 'else' token in conditional if expression"
if (oLexer.eof() ||!(oElseExpr = fExprSingle_parse(oLexer, oStaticContext)))
throw new cException("XPST0003"
, "Expected else statement operand in condional expression"
return new cIfExpr(oCondExpr, oThenExpr, oElseExpr);
cIfExpr.prototype.evaluate = function (oContext) {
return this[fFunction_sequence_toEBV(this.condExpr.evaluate(oContext), oContext) ? "thenExpr" : "elseExpr"].evaluate(oContext);
function cQuantifiedExpr(sQuantifier) {
this.quantifier = sQuantifier;
this.bindings = [];
this.satisfiesExpr = null;
cQuantifiedExpr.prototype.bindings = null;
cQuantifiedExpr.prototype.quantifier = null;
cQuantifiedExpr.prototype.satisfiesExpr = null;
function fQuantifiedExpr_parse (oLexer, oStaticContext) {
var sQuantifier = oLexer.peek();
if ((sQuantifier == "some" || sQuantifier == "every") && oLexer.peek(1).substr(0, 1) == '$') {;
var oQuantifiedExpr = new cQuantifiedExpr(sQuantifier),
do {
oQuantifiedExpr.bindings.push(fSimpleQuantifiedBinding_parse(oLexer, oStaticContext));
while (oLexer.peek() == ',' &&;
if (oLexer.peek() != "satisfies")
throw new cException("XPST0003"
, "Expected 'satisfies' token in quantified expression"
if (oLexer.eof() ||!(oExpr = fExprSingle_parse(oLexer, oStaticContext)))
throw new cException("XPST0003"
, "Expected satisfies statement operand in quantified expression"
oQuantifiedExpr.satisfiesExpr = oExpr;
return oQuantifiedExpr;
cQuantifiedExpr.prototype.evaluate = function (oContext) {
var bEvery = this.quantifier == "every",
bResult = bEvery ? true : false;
(function(oSelf, nBinding) {
var oBinding = oSelf.bindings[nBinding++],
oSequence1 = oBinding.inExpr.evaluate(oContext),
sUri = (oBinding.namespaceURI ? '{' + oBinding.namespaceURI + '}' : '') + oBinding.localName;
for (var nIndex = 0, nLength = oSequence1.length; (nIndex < nLength) && (bEvery ? bResult :!bResult); nIndex++) {
oContext.pushVariable(sUri, oSequence1[nIndex]);
if (nBinding < oSelf.bindings.length)
arguments.callee(oSelf, nBinding);
bResult = fFunction_sequence_toEBV(oSelf.satisfiesExpr.evaluate(oContext), oContext);
})(this, 0);
return [new cXSBoolean(bResult)];
function cSimpleQuantifiedBinding(sPrefix, sLocalName, sNameSpaceURI, oInExpr) {
this.prefix = sPrefix;
this.localName = sLocalName;
this.namespaceURI = sNameSpaceURI;
this.inExpr = oInExpr;
cSimpleQuantifiedBinding.prototype.prefix = null;
cSimpleQuantifiedBinding.prototype.localName = null;
cSimpleQuantifiedBinding.prototype.namespaceURI = null;
cSimpleQuantifiedBinding.prototype.inExpr = null;
function fSimpleQuantifiedBinding_parse (oLexer, oStaticContext) {
var aMatch = oLexer.peek().substr(1).match(rNameTest);
if (!aMatch)
throw new cException("XPST0003"
, "Expected binding in quantified expression"
if (aMatch[1] == '*' || aMatch[2] == '*')
throw new cException("XPST0003"
, "Illegal use of wildcard in quantified expression binding variable name"
if (oLexer.peek() != "in")
throw new cException("XPST0003"
, "Expected 'in' token in quantified expression binding"
var oExpr;
if (oLexer.eof() ||!(oExpr = fExprSingle_parse(oLexer, oStaticContext)))
throw new cException("XPST0003"
, "Expected in statement operand in quantified expression binding"
return new cSimpleQuantifiedBinding(aMatch[1] || null, aMatch[2], aMatch[1] ? oStaticContext.getURIForPrefix(aMatch[1]) : null, oExpr);
function cComparisonExpr(oLeft, oRight, sOperator) {
this.left = oLeft;
this.right = oRight;
this.operator = sOperator;
cComparisonExpr.prototype.left = null;
cComparisonExpr.prototype.right = null;
cComparisonExpr.prototype.operator = null;
function fComparisonExpr_parse (oLexer, oStaticContext) {
var oExpr,
if (oLexer.eof() ||!(oExpr = fRangeExpr_parse(oLexer, oStaticContext)))
if (!(oLexer.peek() in hComparisonExpr_operators))
return oExpr;
var sOperator = oLexer.peek();;
if (oLexer.eof() ||!(oRight = fRangeExpr_parse(oLexer, oStaticContext)))
throw new cException("XPST0003"
, "Expected second operand in comparison expression"
return new cComparisonExpr(oExpr, oRight, sOperator);
cComparisonExpr.prototype.evaluate = function (oContext) {
var oResult = hComparisonExpr_operators[this.operator](this, oContext);
return oResult == null ? [] : [oResult];
function fComparisonExpr_GeneralComp(oExpr, oContext) {
var oLeft = fFunction_sequence_atomize(oExpr.left.evaluate(oContext), oContext);
if (!oLeft.length)
return new cXSBoolean(false);
var oRight = fFunction_sequence_atomize(oExpr.right.evaluate(oContext), oContext);
if (!oRight.length)
return new cXSBoolean(false);
var bResult = false;
for (var nLeftIndex = 0, nLeftLength = oLeft.length, bLeft, vLeft; (nLeftIndex < nLeftLength) &&!bResult; nLeftIndex++) {
for (var nRightIndex = 0, nRightLength = oRight.length, bRight, vRight; (nRightIndex < nRightLength) &&!bResult; nRightIndex++) {
vLeft = oLeft[nLeftIndex];
vRight = oRight[nRightIndex];
bLeft = vLeft instanceof cXSUntypedAtomic;
bRight = vRight instanceof cXSUntypedAtomic;
if (bLeft && bRight) {
vLeft = cXSString.cast(vLeft);
vRight = cXSString.cast(vRight);
else {
if (bLeft) {
if (vRight instanceof cXSDayTimeDuration)
vLeft = cXSDayTimeDuration.cast(vLeft);
if (vRight instanceof cXSYearMonthDuration)
vLeft = cXSYearMonthDuration.cast(vLeft);
if (vRight.primitiveKind)
vLeft = hStaticContext_dataTypes[vRight.primitiveKind].cast(vLeft);
if (bRight) {
if (vLeft instanceof cXSDayTimeDuration)
vRight = cXSDayTimeDuration.cast(vRight);
if (vLeft instanceof cXSYearMonthDuration)
vRight = cXSYearMonthDuration.cast(vRight);
if (vLeft.primitiveKind)
vRight = hStaticContext_dataTypes[vLeft.primitiveKind].cast(vRight);
if (vLeft instanceof cXSAnyURI)
vLeft = cXSString.cast(vLeft);
if (vRight instanceof cXSAnyURI)
vRight = cXSString.cast(vRight);
bResult = hComparisonExpr_ValueComp_operators[hComparisonExpr_GeneralComp_map[oExpr.operator]](vLeft, vRight, oContext).valueOf();
return new cXSBoolean(bResult);
var hComparisonExpr_GeneralComp_map = {
'=': 'eq',
'!=': 'ne',
'>': 'gt',
'<': 'lt',
'>=': 'ge',
'<=': 'le'
function fComparisonExpr_ValueComp(oExpr, oContext) {
var oLeft = fFunction_sequence_atomize(oExpr.left.evaluate(oContext), oContext);
if (!oLeft.length)
return null;
fFunctionCall_assertSequenceCardinality(oContext, oLeft, '?'
, "first operand of '" + oExpr.operator + "'"
var oRight = fFunction_sequence_atomize(oExpr.right.evaluate(oContext), oContext);
if (!oRight.length)
return null;
fFunctionCall_assertSequenceCardinality(oContext, oRight, '?'
, "second operand of '" + oExpr.operator + "'"
var vLeft = oLeft[0],
vRight = oRight[0];
if (vLeft instanceof cXSUntypedAtomic)
vLeft = cXSString.cast(vLeft);
if (vRight instanceof cXSUntypedAtomic)
vRight = cXSString.cast(vRight);
if (vLeft instanceof cXSAnyURI)
vLeft = cXSString.cast(vLeft);
if (vRight instanceof cXSAnyURI)
vRight = cXSString.cast(vRight);
return hComparisonExpr_ValueComp_operators[oExpr.operator](vLeft, vRight, oContext);
var hComparisonExpr_ValueComp_operators = {};
hComparisonExpr_ValueComp_operators['eq'] = function(oLeft, oRight, oContext) {
var sOperator = '';
if (fXSAnyAtomicType_isNumeric(oLeft)) {
if (fXSAnyAtomicType_isNumeric(oRight))
sOperator = "numeric-equal";
if (oLeft instanceof cXSBoolean) {
if (oRight instanceof cXSBoolean)
sOperator = "boolean-equal";
if (oLeft instanceof cXSString) {
if (oRight instanceof cXSString)
return hStaticContext_operators["numeric-equal"].call(oContext, hStaticContext_functions["compare"].call(oContext, oLeft, oRight), new cXSInteger(0));
if (oLeft instanceof cXSDate) {
if (oRight instanceof cXSDate)
sOperator = "date-equal";
if (oLeft instanceof cXSTime) {
if (oRight instanceof cXSTime)
sOperator = "time-equal";
if (oLeft instanceof cXSDateTime) {
if (oRight instanceof cXSDateTime)
sOperator = "dateTime-equal";
if (oLeft instanceof cXSDuration) {
if (oRight instanceof cXSDuration)
sOperator = "duration-equal";
if (oLeft instanceof cXSGYearMonth) {
if (oRight instanceof cXSGYearMonth)
sOperator = "gYearMonth-equal";
if (oLeft instanceof cXSGYear) {
if (oRight instanceof cXSGYear)
sOperator = "gYear-equal";
if (oLeft instanceof cXSGMonthDay) {
if (oRight instanceof cXSGMonthDay)
sOperator = "gMonthDay-equal";
if (oLeft instanceof cXSGMonth) {
if (oRight instanceof cXSGMonth)
sOperator = "gMonth-equal";
if (oLeft instanceof cXSGDay) {
if (oRight instanceof cXSGDay)
sOperator = "gDay-equal";
if (oLeft instanceof cXSQName) {
if (oRight instanceof cXSQName)
sOperator = "QName-equal";
if (oLeft instanceof cXSHexBinary) {
if (oRight instanceof cXSHexBinary)
sOperator = "hexBinary-equal";
if (oLeft instanceof cXSBase64Binary) {
if (oRight instanceof cXSBase64Binary)
sOperator = "base64Binary-equal";
if (sOperator)
return hStaticContext_operators[sOperator].call(oContext, oLeft, oRight);
throw new cException("XPTY0004"
, "Cannot compare values of given types"
); };
hComparisonExpr_ValueComp_operators['ne'] = function(oLeft, oRight, oContext) {
return new cXSBoolean(!hComparisonExpr_ValueComp_operators['eq'](oLeft, oRight, oContext).valueOf());
hComparisonExpr_ValueComp_operators['gt'] = function(oLeft, oRight, oContext) {
var sOperator = '';
if (fXSAnyAtomicType_isNumeric(oLeft)) {
if (fXSAnyAtomicType_isNumeric(oRight))
sOperator = "numeric-greater-than";
if (oLeft instanceof cXSBoolean) {
if (oRight instanceof cXSBoolean)
sOperator = "boolean-greater-than";
if (oLeft instanceof cXSString) {
if (oRight instanceof cXSString)
return hStaticContext_operators["numeric-greater-than"].call(oContext, hStaticContext_functions["compare"].call(oContext, oLeft, oRight), new cXSInteger(0));
if (oLeft instanceof cXSDate) {
if (oRight instanceof cXSDate)
sOperator = "date-greater-than";
if (oLeft instanceof cXSTime) {
if (oRight instanceof cXSTime)
sOperator = "time-greater-than";
if (oLeft instanceof cXSDateTime) {
if (oRight instanceof cXSDateTime)
sOperator = "dateTime-greater-than";
if (oLeft instanceof cXSYearMonthDuration) {
if (oRight instanceof cXSYearMonthDuration)
sOperator = "yearMonthDuration-greater-than";
if (oLeft instanceof cXSDayTimeDuration) {
if (oRight instanceof cXSDayTimeDuration)
sOperator = "dayTimeDuration-greater-than";
if (sOperator)
return hStaticContext_operators[sOperator].call(oContext, oLeft, oRight);
throw new cException("XPTY0004"
, "Cannot compare values of given types"
); };
hComparisonExpr_ValueComp_operators['lt'] = function(oLeft, oRight, oContext) {
var sOperator = '';
if (fXSAnyAtomicType_isNumeric(oLeft)) {
if (fXSAnyAtomicType_isNumeric(oRight))
sOperator = "numeric-less-than";
if (oLeft instanceof cXSBoolean) {
if (oRight instanceof cXSBoolean)
sOperator = "boolean-less-than";
if (oLeft instanceof cXSString) {
if (oRight instanceof cXSString)
return hStaticContext_operators["numeric-less-than"].call(oContext, hStaticContext_functions["compare"].call(oContext, oLeft, oRight), new cXSInteger(0));
if (oLeft instanceof cXSDate) {
if (oRight instanceof cXSDate)
sOperator = "date-less-than";
if (oLeft instanceof cXSTime) {
if (oRight instanceof cXSTime)
sOperator = "time-less-than";
if (oLeft instanceof cXSDateTime) {
if (oRight instanceof cXSDateTime)
sOperator = "dateTime-less-than";
if (oLeft instanceof cXSYearMonthDuration) {
if (oRight instanceof cXSYearMonthDuration)
sOperator = "yearMonthDuration-less-than";
if (oLeft instanceof cXSDayTimeDuration) {
if (oRight instanceof cXSDayTimeDuration)
sOperator = "dayTimeDuration-less-than";
if (sOperator)
return hStaticContext_operators[sOperator].call(oContext, oLeft, oRight);
throw new cException("XPTY0004"
, "Cannot compare values of given types"
); };
hComparisonExpr_ValueComp_operators['ge'] = function(oLeft, oRight, oContext) {
var sOperator = '';
if (fXSAnyAtomicType_isNumeric(oLeft)) {
if (fXSAnyAtomicType_isNumeric(oRight))
return hStaticContext_operators["numeric-greater-than"].call(oContext, oLeft, oRight) || hStaticContext_operators["numeric-equal"].call(oContext, oLeft, oRight);
if (oLeft instanceof cXSBoolean) {
if (oRight instanceof cXSBoolean)
sOperator = "boolean-less-than";
if (oLeft instanceof cXSString) {
if (oRight instanceof cXSString)
return hStaticContext_operators["numeric-greater-than"].call(oContext, hStaticContext_functions["compare"].call(oContext, oLeft, oRight), new cXSInteger(-1));
if (oLeft instanceof cXSDate) {
if (oRight instanceof cXSDate)
sOperator = "date-less-than";
if (oLeft instanceof cXSTime) {
if (oRight instanceof cXSTime)
sOperator = "time-less-than";
if (oLeft instanceof cXSDateTime) {
if (oRight instanceof cXSDateTime)
sOperator = "dateTime-less-than";
if (oLeft instanceof cXSYearMonthDuration) {
if (oRight instanceof cXSYearMonthDuration)
sOperator = "yearMonthDuration-less-than";
if (oLeft instanceof cXSDayTimeDuration) {
if (oRight instanceof cXSDayTimeDuration)
sOperator = "dayTimeDuration-less-than";
if (sOperator)
return new cXSBoolean(!hStaticContext_operators[sOperator].call(oContext, oLeft, oRight).valueOf());
throw new cException("XPTY0004"
, "Cannot compare values of given types"
); };
hComparisonExpr_ValueComp_operators['le'] = function(oLeft, oRight, oContext) {
var sOperator = '';
if (fXSAnyAtomicType_isNumeric(oLeft)) {
if (fXSAnyAtomicType_isNumeric(oRight))
return hStaticContext_operators["numeric-less-than"].call(oContext, oLeft, oRight) || hStaticContext_operators["numeric-equal"].call(oContext, oLeft, oRight);
if (oLeft instanceof cXSBoolean) {
if (oRight instanceof cXSBoolean)
sOperator = "boolean-greater-than";
if (oLeft instanceof cXSString) {
if (oRight instanceof cXSString)
return hStaticContext_operators["numeric-less-than"].call(oContext, hStaticContext_functions["compare"].call(oContext, oLeft, oRight), new cXSInteger(1));
if (oLeft instanceof cXSDate) {
if (oRight instanceof cXSDate)
sOperator = "date-greater-than";
if (oLeft instanceof cXSTime) {
if (oRight instanceof cXSTime)
sOperator = "time-greater-than";
if (oLeft instanceof cXSDateTime) {
if (oRight instanceof cXSDateTime)
sOperator = "dateTime-greater-than";
if (oLeft instanceof cXSYearMonthDuration) {
if (oRight instanceof cXSYearMonthDuration)
sOperator = "yearMonthDuration-greater-than";
if (oLeft instanceof cXSDayTimeDuration) {
if (oRight instanceof cXSDayTimeDuration)
sOperator = "dayTimeDuration-greater-than";
if (sOperator)
return new cXSBoolean(!hStaticContext_operators[sOperator].call(oContext, oLeft, oRight).valueOf());
throw new cException("XPTY0004"
, "Cannot compare values of given types"
); };
function fComparisonExpr_NodeComp(oExpr, oContext) {
var oLeft = oExpr.left.evaluate(oContext);
if (!oLeft.length)
return null;
fFunctionCall_assertSequenceCardinality(oContext, oLeft, '?'
, "first operand of '" + oExpr.operator + "'"
fFunctionCall_assertSequenceItemType(oContext, oLeft, cXTNode
, "first operand of '" + oExpr.operator + "'"
var oRight = oExpr.right.evaluate(oContext);
if (!oRight.length)
return null;
fFunctionCall_assertSequenceCardinality(oContext, oRight, '?'
, "second operand of '" + oExpr.operator + "'"
fFunctionCall_assertSequenceItemType(oContext, oRight, cXTNode
, "second operand of '" + oExpr.operator + "'"
return hComparisonExpr_NodeComp_operators[oExpr.operator](oLeft[0], oRight[0], oContext);
var hComparisonExpr_NodeComp_operators = {};
hComparisonExpr_NodeComp_operators['is'] = function(oLeft, oRight, oContext) {
return hStaticContext_operators["is-same-node"].call(oContext, oLeft, oRight);
hComparisonExpr_NodeComp_operators['>>'] = function(oLeft, oRight, oContext) {
return hStaticContext_operators["node-after"].call(oContext, oLeft, oRight);
hComparisonExpr_NodeComp_operators['<<'] = function(oLeft, oRight, oContext) {
return hStaticContext_operators["node-before"].call(oContext, oLeft, oRight);
var hComparisonExpr_operators = {
'=': fComparisonExpr_GeneralComp,
'!=': fComparisonExpr_GeneralComp,
'<': fComparisonExpr_GeneralComp,
'<=': fComparisonExpr_GeneralComp,
'>': fComparisonExpr_GeneralComp,
'>=': fComparisonExpr_GeneralComp,
'eq': fComparisonExpr_ValueComp,
'ne': fComparisonExpr_ValueComp,
'lt': fComparisonExpr_ValueComp,
'le': fComparisonExpr_ValueComp,
'gt': fComparisonExpr_ValueComp,
'ge': fComparisonExpr_ValueComp,
'is': fComparisonExpr_NodeComp,
'>>': fComparisonExpr_NodeComp,
'<<': fComparisonExpr_NodeComp
function cAdditiveExpr(oExpr) {
this.left = oExpr;
this.items = [];
cAdditiveExpr.prototype.left = null;
cAdditiveExpr.prototype.items = null;
var hAdditiveExpr_operators = {};
hAdditiveExpr_operators['+'] = function(oLeft, oRight, oContext) {
var sOperator = '',
bReverse = false;
if (fXSAnyAtomicType_isNumeric(oLeft)) {
if (fXSAnyAtomicType_isNumeric(oRight))
sOperator = "numeric-add";
if (oLeft instanceof cXSDate) {
if (oRight instanceof cXSYearMonthDuration)
sOperator = "add-yearMonthDuration-to-date";
if (oRight instanceof cXSDayTimeDuration)
sOperator = "add-dayTimeDuration-to-date";
if (oLeft instanceof cXSYearMonthDuration) {
if (oRight instanceof cXSDate) {
sOperator = "add-yearMonthDuration-to-date";
bReverse = true;
if (oRight instanceof cXSDateTime) {
sOperator = "add-yearMonthDuration-to-dateTime";
bReverse = true;
if (oRight instanceof cXSYearMonthDuration)
sOperator = "add-yearMonthDurations";
if (oLeft instanceof cXSDayTimeDuration) {
if (oRight instanceof cXSDate) {
sOperator = "add-dayTimeDuration-to-date";
bReverse = true;
if (oRight instanceof cXSTime) {
sOperator = "add-dayTimeDuration-to-time";
bReverse = true;
if (oRight instanceof cXSDateTime) {
sOperator = "add-dayTimeDuration-to-dateTime";
bReverse = true;
if (oRight instanceof cXSDayTimeDuration)
sOperator = "add-dayTimeDurations";
if (oLeft instanceof cXSTime) {
if (oRight instanceof cXSDayTimeDuration)
sOperator = "add-dayTimeDuration-to-time";
if (oLeft instanceof cXSDateTime) {
if (oRight instanceof cXSYearMonthDuration)
sOperator = "add-yearMonthDuration-to-dateTime";
if (oRight instanceof cXSDayTimeDuration)
sOperator = "add-dayTimeDuration-to-dateTime";
if (sOperator)
return hStaticContext_operators[sOperator].call(oContext, bReverse ? oRight : oLeft, bReverse ? oLeft : oRight);
throw new cException("XPTY0004"
, "Arithmetic operator is not defined for provided arguments"
); };
hAdditiveExpr_operators['-'] = function (oLeft, oRight, oContext) {
var sOperator = '';
if (fXSAnyAtomicType_isNumeric(oLeft)) {
if (fXSAnyAtomicType_isNumeric(oRight))
sOperator = "numeric-subtract";
if (oLeft instanceof cXSDate) {
if (oRight instanceof cXSDate)
sOperator = "subtract-dates";
if (oRight instanceof cXSYearMonthDuration)
sOperator = "subtract-yearMonthDuration-from-date";
if (oRight instanceof cXSDayTimeDuration)
sOperator = "subtract-dayTimeDuration-from-date";
if (oLeft instanceof cXSTime) {
if (oRight instanceof cXSTime)
sOperator = "subtract-times";
if (oRight instanceof cXSDayTimeDuration)
sOperator = "subtract-dayTimeDuration-from-time";
if (oLeft instanceof cXSDateTime) {
if (oRight instanceof cXSDateTime)
sOperator = "subtract-dateTimes";
if (oRight instanceof cXSYearMonthDuration)
sOperator = "subtract-yearMonthDuration-from-dateTime";
if (oRight instanceof cXSDayTimeDuration)
sOperator = "subtract-dayTimeDuration-from-dateTime";
if (oLeft instanceof cXSYearMonthDuration) {
if (oRight instanceof cXSYearMonthDuration)
sOperator = "subtract-yearMonthDurations";
if (oLeft instanceof cXSDayTimeDuration) {
if (oRight instanceof cXSDayTimeDuration)
sOperator = "subtract-dayTimeDurations";
if (sOperator)
return hStaticContext_operators[sOperator].call(oContext, oLeft, oRight);
throw new cException("XPTY0004"
, "Arithmetic operator is not defined for provided arguments"
); };
function fAdditiveExpr_parse (oLexer, oStaticContext) {
var oExpr;
if (oLexer.eof() ||!(oExpr = fMultiplicativeExpr_parse(oLexer, oStaticContext)))
if (!(oLexer.peek() in hAdditiveExpr_operators))
return oExpr;
var oAdditiveExpr = new cAdditiveExpr(oExpr),
while ((sOperator = oLexer.peek()) in hAdditiveExpr_operators) {;
if (oLexer.eof() ||!(oExpr = fMultiplicativeExpr_parse(oLexer, oStaticContext)))
throw new cException("XPST0003"
, "Expected second operand in additive expression"
oAdditiveExpr.items.push([sOperator, oExpr]);
return oAdditiveExpr;
cAdditiveExpr.prototype.evaluate = function (oContext) {
var oLeft = fFunction_sequence_atomize(this.left.evaluate(oContext), oContext);
if (!oLeft.length)
return [];
fFunctionCall_assertSequenceCardinality(oContext, oLeft, '?'
, "first operand of '" + this.items[0][0] + "'"
var vLeft = oLeft[0];
if (vLeft instanceof cXSUntypedAtomic)
vLeft = cXSDouble.cast(vLeft);
for (var nIndex = 0, nLength = this.items.length, oRight, vRight; nIndex < nLength; nIndex++) {
oRight = fFunction_sequence_atomize(this.items[nIndex][1].evaluate(oContext), oContext);
if (!oRight.length)
return [];
fFunctionCall_assertSequenceCardinality(oContext, oRight, '?'
, "first operand of '" + this.items[nIndex][0] + "'"
vRight = oRight[0];
if (vRight instanceof cXSUntypedAtomic)
vRight = cXSDouble.cast(vRight);
vLeft = hAdditiveExpr_operators[this.items[nIndex][0]](vLeft, vRight, oContext);
return [vLeft];
function cMultiplicativeExpr(oExpr) {
this.left = oExpr;
this.items = [];
cMultiplicativeExpr.prototype.left = null;
cMultiplicativeExpr.prototype.items = null;
var hMultiplicativeExpr_operators = {};
hMultiplicativeExpr_operators['*'] = function (oLeft, oRight, oContext) {
var sOperator = '',
bReverse = false;
if (fXSAnyAtomicType_isNumeric(oLeft)) {
if (fXSAnyAtomicType_isNumeric(oRight))
sOperator = "numeric-multiply";
if (oRight instanceof cXSYearMonthDuration) {
sOperator = "multiply-yearMonthDuration";
bReverse = true;
if (oRight instanceof cXSDayTimeDuration) {
sOperator = "multiply-dayTimeDuration";
bReverse = true;
else {
if (oLeft instanceof cXSYearMonthDuration) {
if (fXSAnyAtomicType_isNumeric(oRight))
sOperator = "multiply-yearMonthDuration";
if (oLeft instanceof cXSDayTimeDuration) {
if (fXSAnyAtomicType_isNumeric(oRight))
sOperator = "multiply-dayTimeDuration";
if (sOperator)
return hStaticContext_operators[sOperator].call(oContext, bReverse ? oRight : oLeft, bReverse ? oLeft : oRight);
throw new cException("XPTY0004"
, "Arithmetic operator is not defined for provided arguments"
); };
hMultiplicativeExpr_operators['div'] = function (oLeft, oRight, oContext) {
var sOperator = '';
if (fXSAnyAtomicType_isNumeric(oLeft)) {
if (fXSAnyAtomicType_isNumeric(oRight))
sOperator = "numeric-divide";
if (oLeft instanceof cXSYearMonthDuration) {
if (fXSAnyAtomicType_isNumeric(oRight))
sOperator = "divide-yearMonthDuration";
if (oRight instanceof cXSYearMonthDuration)
sOperator = "divide-yearMonthDuration-by-yearMonthDuration";
if (oLeft instanceof cXSDayTimeDuration) {
if (fXSAnyAtomicType_isNumeric(oRight))
sOperator = "divide-dayTimeDuration";
if (oRight instanceof cXSDayTimeDuration)
sOperator = "divide-dayTimeDuration-by-dayTimeDuration";
if (sOperator)
return hStaticContext_operators[sOperator].call(oContext, oLeft, oRight);
throw new cException("XPTY0004"
, "Arithmetic operator is not defined for provided arguments"
); };
hMultiplicativeExpr_operators['idiv'] = function (oLeft, oRight, oContext) {
if (fXSAnyAtomicType_isNumeric(oLeft) && fXSAnyAtomicType_isNumeric(oRight))
return hStaticContext_operators["numeric-integer-divide"].call(oContext, oLeft, oRight);
throw new cException("XPTY0004"
, "Arithmetic operator is not defined for provided arguments"
); };
hMultiplicativeExpr_operators['mod'] = function (oLeft, oRight, oContext) {
if (fXSAnyAtomicType_isNumeric(oLeft) && fXSAnyAtomicType_isNumeric(oRight))
return hStaticContext_operators["numeric-mod"].call(oContext, oLeft, oRight);
throw new cException("XPTY0004"
, "Arithmetic operator is not defined for provided arguments"
); };
function fMultiplicativeExpr_parse (oLexer, oStaticContext) {
var oExpr;
if (oLexer.eof() ||!(oExpr = fUnionExpr_parse(oLexer, oStaticContext)))
if (!(oLexer.peek() in hMultiplicativeExpr_operators))
return oExpr;
var oMultiplicativeExpr = new cMultiplicativeExpr(oExpr),
while ((sOperator = oLexer.peek()) in hMultiplicativeExpr_operators) {;
if (oLexer.eof() ||!(oExpr = fUnionExpr_parse(oLexer, oStaticContext)))
throw new cException("XPST0003"
, "Expected second operand in multiplicative expression"
oMultiplicativeExpr.items.push([sOperator, oExpr]);
return oMultiplicativeExpr;
cMultiplicativeExpr.prototype.evaluate = function (oContext) {
var oLeft = fFunction_sequence_atomize(this.left.evaluate(oContext), oContext);
if (!oLeft.length)
return [];
fFunctionCall_assertSequenceCardinality(oContext, oLeft, '?'
, "first operand of '" + this.items[0][0] + "'"
var vLeft = oLeft[0];
if (vLeft instanceof cXSUntypedAtomic)
vLeft = cXSDouble.cast(vLeft);
for (var nIndex = 0, nLength = this.items.length, oRight, vRight; nIndex < nLength; nIndex++) {
oRight = fFunction_sequence_atomize(this.items[nIndex][1].evaluate(oContext), oContext);
if (!oRight.length)
return [];
fFunctionCall_assertSequenceCardinality(oContext, oRight, '?'
, "second operand of '" + this.items[nIndex][0] + "'"
vRight = oRight[0];
if (vRight instanceof cXSUntypedAtomic)
vRight = cXSDouble.cast(vRight);
vLeft = hMultiplicativeExpr_operators[this.items[nIndex][0]](vLeft, vRight, oContext);
return [vLeft];
function cUnaryExpr(sOperator, oExpr) {
this.operator = sOperator;
this.expression = oExpr;
cUnaryExpr.prototype.operator = null;
cUnaryExpr.prototype.expression = null;
var hUnaryExpr_operators = {};
hUnaryExpr_operators['-'] = function(oRight, oContext) {
if (fXSAnyAtomicType_isNumeric(oRight))
return hStaticContext_operators["numeric-unary-minus"].call(oContext, oRight);
throw new cException("XPTY0004"
, "Arithmetic operator is not defined for provided arguments"
); };
hUnaryExpr_operators['+'] = function(oRight, oContext) {
if (fXSAnyAtomicType_isNumeric(oRight))
return hStaticContext_operators["numeric-unary-plus"].call(oContext, oRight);
throw new cException("XPTY0004"
, "Arithmetic operator is not defined for provided arguments"
); };
function fUnaryExpr_parse (oLexer, oStaticContext) {
if (oLexer.eof())
if (!(oLexer.peek() in hUnaryExpr_operators))
return fValueExpr_parse(oLexer, oStaticContext);
var sOperator = '+',
while (oLexer.peek() in hUnaryExpr_operators) {
if (oLexer.peek() == '-')
sOperator = sOperator == '-' ? '+' : '-';;
if (oLexer.eof() ||!(oExpr = fValueExpr_parse(oLexer, oStaticContext)))
throw new cException("XPST0003"
, "Expected operand in unary expression"
return new cUnaryExpr(sOperator, oExpr);
cUnaryExpr.prototype.evaluate = function (oContext) {
var oRight = fFunction_sequence_atomize(this.expression.evaluate(oContext), oContext);
if (!oRight.length)
return [];
fFunctionCall_assertSequenceCardinality(oContext, oRight, '?'
, "second operand of '" + this.operator + "'"
var vRight = oRight[0];
if (vRight instanceof cXSUntypedAtomic)
vRight = cXSDouble.cast(vRight);
return [hUnaryExpr_operators[this.operator](vRight, oContext)];
function cValueExpr() {
function fValueExpr_parse (oLexer, oStaticContext) {
return fPathExpr_parse(oLexer, oStaticContext);
function cOrExpr(oExpr) {
this.left = oExpr;
this.items = [];
cOrExpr.prototype.left = null;
cOrExpr.prototype.items = null;
function fOrExpr_parse (oLexer, oStaticContext) {
var oExpr;
if (oLexer.eof() ||!(oExpr = fAndExpr_parse(oLexer, oStaticContext)))
if (oLexer.peek() != "or")
return oExpr;
var oOrExpr = new cOrExpr(oExpr);
while (oLexer.peek() == "or") {;
if (oLexer.eof() ||!(oExpr = fAndExpr_parse(oLexer, oStaticContext)))
throw new cException("XPST0003"
, "Expected second operand in logical expression"
return oOrExpr;
cOrExpr.prototype.evaluate = function (oContext) {
var bValue = fFunction_sequence_toEBV(this.left.evaluate(oContext), oContext);
for (var nIndex = 0, nLength = this.items.length; (nIndex < nLength) && !bValue; nIndex++)
bValue = fFunction_sequence_toEBV(this.items[nIndex].evaluate(oContext), oContext);
return [new cXSBoolean(bValue)];
function cAndExpr(oExpr) {
this.left = oExpr;
this.items = [];
cAndExpr.prototype.left = null;
cAndExpr.prototype.items = null;
function fAndExpr_parse (oLexer, oStaticContext) {
var oExpr;
if (oLexer.eof() ||!(oExpr = fComparisonExpr_parse(oLexer, oStaticContext)))
if (oLexer.peek() != "and")
return oExpr;
var oAndExpr = new cAndExpr(oExpr);
while (oLexer.peek() == "and") {;
if (oLexer.eof() ||!(oExpr = fComparisonExpr_parse(oLexer, oStaticContext)))
throw new cException("XPST0003"
, "Expected second operand in logical expression"
return oAndExpr;
cAndExpr.prototype.evaluate = function (oContext) {
var bValue = fFunction_sequence_toEBV(this.left.evaluate(oContext), oContext);
for (var nIndex = 0, nLength = this.items.length; (nIndex < nLength) && bValue; nIndex++)
bValue = fFunction_sequence_toEBV(this.items[nIndex].evaluate(oContext), oContext);
return [new cXSBoolean(bValue)];
function cStepExpr() {
cStepExpr.prototype.predicates = null;
function fStepExpr_parse (oLexer, oStaticContext) {
if (!oLexer.eof())
return fFilterExpr_parse(oLexer, oStaticContext)
|| fAxisStep_parse(oLexer, oStaticContext);
function fStepExpr_parsePredicates (oLexer, oStaticContext, oStep) {
var oExpr;
while (oLexer.peek() == '[') {;
if (oLexer.eof() ||!(oExpr = fExpr_parse(oLexer, oStaticContext)))
throw new cException("XPST0003"
, "Expected expression in predicate"
if (oLexer.peek() != ']')
throw new cException("XPST0003"
, "Expected ']' token in predicate"
cStepExpr.prototype.applyPredicates = function(oSequence, oContext) {
var vContextItem = oContext.item,
nContextPosition= oContext.position,
nContextSize = oContext.size;
for (var nPredicateIndex = 0, oSequence1, nPredicateLength = this.predicates.length; nPredicateIndex < nPredicateLength; nPredicateIndex++) {
oSequence1 = oSequence;
oSequence = [];
for (var nIndex = 0, oSequence2, nLength = oSequence1.length; nIndex < nLength; nIndex++) {
oContext.item = oSequence1[nIndex];
oContext.position = nIndex + 1;
oContext.size = nLength;
oSequence2 = this.predicates[nPredicateIndex].evaluate(oContext);
if (oSequence2.length == 1 && fXSAnyAtomicType_isNumeric(oSequence2[0])) {
if (oSequence2[0].valueOf() == nIndex + 1)
if (fFunction_sequence_toEBV(oSequence2, oContext))
oContext.item = vContextItem;
oContext.position = nContextPosition;
oContext.size = nContextSize;
return oSequence;
function cAxisStep(sAxis, oTest) {
this.axis = sAxis;
this.test = oTest;
this.predicates = [];
cAxisStep.prototype = new cStepExpr;
cAxisStep.prototype.axis = null;
cAxisStep.prototype.test = null;
var hAxisStep_axises = {};
hAxisStep_axises["attribute"] = {};
hAxisStep_axises["child"] = {};
hAxisStep_axises["descendant"] = {};
hAxisStep_axises["descendant-or-self"] = {};
hAxisStep_axises["following"] = {};
hAxisStep_axises["following-sibling"] = {};
hAxisStep_axises["self"] = {};
hAxisStep_axises["ancestor"] = {};
hAxisStep_axises["ancestor-or-self"] = {};
hAxisStep_axises["parent"] = {};
hAxisStep_axises["preceding"] = {};
hAxisStep_axises["preceding-sibling"] = {};
function fAxisStep_parse (oLexer, oStaticContext) {
var sAxis = oLexer.peek(),
if (oLexer.peek(1) == '::') {
if (!(sAxis in hAxisStep_axises))
throw new cException("XPST0003"
, "Unknown axis name: " + sAxis
if (oLexer.eof() ||!(oExpr = fNodeTest_parse(oLexer, oStaticContext)))
throw new cException("XPST0003"
, "Expected node test expression in axis step"
oStep = new cAxisStep(sAxis, oExpr);
if (sAxis == '..') {;
oStep = new cAxisStep("parent", new cKindTest("node"));
if (sAxis == '@') {;
if (oLexer.eof() ||!(oExpr = fNodeTest_parse(oLexer, oStaticContext)))
throw new cException("XPST0003"
, "Expected node test expression in axis step"
oStep = new cAxisStep("attribute", oExpr);
else {
if (oLexer.eof() ||!(oExpr = fNodeTest_parse(oLexer, oStaticContext)))
oStep = new cAxisStep(oExpr instanceof cKindTest && == "attribute" ? "attribute" : "child", oExpr);
fStepExpr_parsePredicates(oLexer, oStaticContext, oStep);
return oStep;
cAxisStep.prototype.evaluate = function (oContext) {
var oItem = oContext.item;
if (!oContext.DOMAdapter.isNode(oItem))
throw new cException("XPTY0020");
var oSequence = [],
fGetProperty= oContext.DOMAdapter.getProperty,
nType = fGetProperty(oItem, "nodeType");
switch (this.axis) {
case "attribute":
if (nType == 1)
for (var aAttributes = fGetProperty(oItem, "attributes"), nIndex = 0, nLength = aAttributes.length; nIndex < nLength; nIndex++)
case "child":
for (var oNode = fGetProperty(oItem, "firstChild"); oNode; oNode = fGetProperty(oNode, "nextSibling"))
case "descendant-or-self":
case "descendant":
fAxisStep_getChildrenForward(fGetProperty(oItem, "firstChild"), oSequence, fGetProperty);
case "following":
for (var oParent = oItem, oSibling; oParent; oParent = fGetProperty(oParent, "parentNode"))
if (oSibling = fGetProperty(oParent, "nextSibling"))
fAxisStep_getChildrenForward(oSibling, oSequence, fGetProperty);
case "following-sibling":
for (var oNode = oItem; oNode = fGetProperty(oNode, "nextSibling");)
case "self":
case "ancestor-or-self":
case "ancestor":
for (var oNode = nType == 2 ? fGetProperty(oItem, "ownerElement") : oItem; oNode = fGetProperty(oNode, "parentNode");)
case "parent":
var oParent = nType == 2 ? fGetProperty(oItem, "ownerElement") : fGetProperty(oItem, "parentNode");
if (oParent)
case "preceding":
for (var oParent = oItem, oSibling; oParent; oParent = fGetProperty(oParent, "parentNode"))
if (oSibling = fGetProperty(oParent, "previousSibling"))
fAxisStep_getChildrenBackward(oSibling, oSequence, fGetProperty);
case "preceding-sibling":
for (var oNode = oItem; oNode = fGetProperty(oNode, "previousSibling");)
if (oSequence.length && !(this.test instanceof cKindTest && == "node")) {
var oSequence1 = oSequence;
oSequence = [];
for (var nIndex = 0, nLength = oSequence1.length; nIndex < nLength; nIndex++) {
if (this.test.test(oSequence1[nIndex], oContext))
if (oSequence.length && this.predicates.length)
oSequence = this.applyPredicates(oSequence, oContext);
switch (this.axis) {
case "ancestor":
case "ancestor-or-self":
case "parent":
case "preceding":
case "preceding-sibling":
return oSequence;
function fAxisStep_getChildrenForward(oNode, oSequence, fGetProperty) {
for (var oChild; oNode; oNode = fGetProperty(oNode, "nextSibling")) {
if (oChild = fGetProperty(oNode, "firstChild"))
fAxisStep_getChildrenForward(oChild, oSequence, fGetProperty);
function fAxisStep_getChildrenBackward(oNode, oSequence, fGetProperty) {
for (var oChild; oNode; oNode = fGetProperty(oNode, "previousSibling")) {
if (oChild = fGetProperty(oNode, "lastChild"))
fAxisStep_getChildrenBackward(oChild, oSequence, fGetProperty);
function cPathExpr() {
this.items = [];
cPathExpr.prototype.items = null;
function fPathExpr_parse (oLexer, oStaticContext) {
if (oLexer.eof())
var sSingleSlash = '/',
sDoubleSlash = '/' + '/';
var oPathExpr = new cPathExpr(),
sSlash = oLexer.peek(),
if (sSlash == sDoubleSlash || sSlash == sSingleSlash) {;
oPathExpr.items.push(new cFunctionCall(null, "root", sNS_XPF));
if (sSlash == sDoubleSlash)
oPathExpr.items.push(new cAxisStep("descendant-or-self", new cKindTest("node")));
if (oLexer.eof() ||!(oExpr = fStepExpr_parse(oLexer, oStaticContext))) {
if (sSlash == sSingleSlash)
return oPathExpr.items[0]; if (sSlash == sDoubleSlash)
throw new cException("XPST0003"
, "Expected path step expression"
while ((sSlash = oLexer.peek()) == sSingleSlash || sSlash == sDoubleSlash) {
if (sSlash == sDoubleSlash)
oPathExpr.items.push(new cAxisStep("descendant-or-self", new cKindTest("node")));;
if (oLexer.eof() ||!(oExpr = fStepExpr_parse(oLexer, oStaticContext)))
throw new cException("XPST0003"
, "Expected path step expression"
if (oPathExpr.items.length == 1)
return oPathExpr.items[0];
return oPathExpr;
cPathExpr.prototype.evaluate = function (oContext) {
var vContextItem = oContext.item;
var oSequence = [vContextItem];
for (var nItemIndex = 0, nItemLength = this.items.length, oSequence1; nItemIndex < nItemLength; nItemIndex++) {
oSequence1 = [];
for (var nIndex = 0, nLength = oSequence.length; nIndex < nLength; nIndex++) {
oContext.item = oSequence[nIndex];
for (var nRightIndex = 0, oSequence2 = this.items[nItemIndex].evaluate(oContext), nRightLength = oSequence2.length; nRightIndex < nRightLength; nRightIndex++)
if ((nItemIndex < nItemLength - 1) && !oContext.DOMAdapter.isNode(oSequence2[nRightIndex]))
throw new cException("XPTY0019");
if (fArray_indexOf(oSequence1, oSequence2[nRightIndex]) ==-1)
oSequence = oSequence1;
oContext.item = vContextItem;
return fFunction_sequence_order(oSequence, oContext);
function cNodeTest() {
function fNodeTest_parse (oLexer, oStaticContext) {
if (!oLexer.eof())
return fKindTest_parse(oLexer, oStaticContext)
|| fNameTest_parse(oLexer, oStaticContext);
function cKindTest(sName) { = sName;
this.args = [];
cKindTest.prototype = new cNodeTest; = null;
cKindTest.prototype.args = null;
var hKindTest_names = {};
hKindTest_names["document-node"] = {};
hKindTest_names["element"] = {};
hKindTest_names["attribute"] = {};
hKindTest_names["processing-instruction"] = {};
hKindTest_names["comment"] = {};
hKindTest_names["text"] = {};
hKindTest_names["node"] = {};
hKindTest_names["schema-element"] = {};
hKindTest_names["schema-attribute"] = {};
function fKindTest_parse (oLexer, oStaticContext) {
var sName = oLexer.peek();
if (oLexer.peek(1) == '(') {
if (!(sName in hKindTest_names))
throw new cException("XPST0003"
, "Unknown '" + sName + "' kind test"
var oTest = new cKindTest(sName);
if (oLexer.peek() != ')') {
if (sName == "document-node") {
if (sName == "element") {
if (sName == "attribute") {
if (sName == "processing-instruction") {
if (sName == "schema-attribute") {
if (sName == "schema-element") {
else {
if (sName == "schema-attribute")
throw new cException("XPST0003"
, "Expected attribute declaration in 'schema-attribute' kind test"
if (sName == "schema-element")
throw new cException("XPST0003"
, "Expected element declaration in 'schema-element' kind test"
if (oLexer.peek() != ')')
throw new cException("XPST0003"
, "Expected ')' token in kind test"
return oTest;
cKindTest.prototype.test = function (oNode, oContext) {
var fGetProperty = oContext.DOMAdapter.getProperty,
nType = oContext.DOMAdapter.isNode(oNode) ? fGetProperty(oNode, "nodeType") : 0;
switch ( {
case "node": return !!nType;
case "attribute": if (nType != 2) return false; break;
case "document-node": return nType == 9;
case "element": return nType == 1;
case "processing-instruction": if (nType != 7) return false; break;
case "comment": return nType == 8;
case "text": return nType == 3 || nType == 4;
case "schema-attribute":
throw "KindTest '" + "schema-attribute" + "' not implemented";
case "schema-element":
throw "KindTest '" + "schema-element" + "' not implemented";
if (nType == 2)
return fGetProperty(oNode, "prefix") != "xmlns" && fGetProperty(oNode, "localName") != "xmlns";
if (nType == 7)
return fGetProperty(oNode, "target") != "xml";
return true;
function cNameTest(sPrefix, sLocalName, sNameSpaceURI) {
this.prefix = sPrefix;
this.localName = sLocalName;
this.namespaceURI = sNameSpaceURI;
cNameTest.prototype = new cNodeTest;
cNameTest.prototype.prefix = null;
cNameTest.prototype.localName = null;
cNameTest.prototype.namespaceURI = null;
var rNameTest = /^(?:(?![0-9-])([\w-]+|\*)\:)?(?![0-9-])([\w-]+|\*)$/;
function fNameTest_parse (oLexer, oStaticContext) {
var aMatch = oLexer.peek().match(rNameTest);
if (aMatch) {
if (aMatch[1] == '*' && aMatch[2] == '*')
throw new cException("XPST0003"
, "Illegal use of *:* wildcard in name test"
return new cNameTest(aMatch[1] || null, aMatch[2], aMatch[1] ? aMatch[1] == '*' ? '*' : oStaticContext.getURIForPrefix(aMatch[1]) || null : oStaticContext.defaultElementNamespace);
cNameTest.prototype.test = function (oNode, oContext) {
var fGetProperty = oContext.DOMAdapter.getProperty,
nType = fGetProperty(oNode, "nodeType");
if (nType == 1 || nType == 2) {
if (this.localName == '*')
return (nType == 1 || (fGetProperty(oNode, "prefix") != "xmlns" && fGetProperty(oNode, "localName") != "xmlns")) && (!this.prefix || fGetProperty(oNode, "namespaceURI") == this.namespaceURI);
if (this.localName == fGetProperty(oNode, "localName"))
return this.namespaceURI == '*' || (nType == 2 && !this.prefix && !fGetProperty(oNode, "prefix")) || fGetProperty(oNode, "namespaceURI") == this.namespaceURI;
return false;
function cPrimaryExpr() {
function fPrimaryExpr_parse (oLexer, oStaticContext) {
if (!oLexer.eof())
return fContextItemExpr_parse(oLexer, oStaticContext)
|| fParenthesizedExpr_parse(oLexer, oStaticContext)
|| fFunctionCall_parse(oLexer, oStaticContext)
|| fVarRef_parse(oLexer, oStaticContext)
|| fLiteral_parse(oLexer, oStaticContext);
function cParenthesizedExpr(oExpr) {
this.expression = oExpr;
function fParenthesizedExpr_parse (oLexer, oStaticContext) {
if (oLexer.peek() == '(') {;
var oExpr = null;
if (oLexer.peek() != ')')
oExpr = fExpr_parse(oLexer, oStaticContext);
if (oLexer.peek() != ')')
throw new cException("XPST0003"
, "Expected ')' token in parenthesized expression"
return new cParenthesizedExpr(oExpr);
cParenthesizedExpr.prototype.evaluate = function (oContext) {
return this.expression ? this.expression.evaluate(oContext) : [];
function cContextItemExpr() {
function fContextItemExpr_parse (oLexer, oStaticContext) {
if (oLexer.peek() == '.') {;
return new cContextItemExpr;
cContextItemExpr.prototype.evaluate = function (oContext) {
if (oContext.item == null)
throw new cException("XPDY0002"
, "Dynamic context does not have context item initialized"
return [oContext.item];
function cLiteral() {
cLiteral.prototype.value = null;
function fLiteral_parse (oLexer, oStaticContext) {
if (!oLexer.eof())
return fNumericLiteral_parse(oLexer, oStaticContext)
|| fStringLiteral_parse(oLexer, oStaticContext);
cLiteral.prototype.evaluate = function (oContext) {
return [this.value];
function cNumericLiteral(oValue) {
this.value = oValue;
cNumericLiteral.prototype = new cLiteral;
var rNumericLiteral = /^[+\-]?(?:(?:(\d+)(?:\.(\d*))?)|(?:\.(\d+)))(?:[eE]([+-])?(\d+))?$/;
function fNumericLiteral_parse (oLexer, oStaticContext) {
var sValue = oLexer.peek(),
vValue = fNumericLiteral_parseValue(sValue);
if (vValue) {;
return new cNumericLiteral(vValue);
function fNumericLiteral_parseValue(sValue) {
var aMatch = sValue.match(rNumericLiteral);
if (aMatch) {
var cType = cXSInteger;
if (aMatch[5])
cType = cXSDouble;
if (aMatch[2] || aMatch[3])
cType = cXSDecimal;
return new cType(+sValue);
function cStringLiteral(oValue) {
this.value = oValue;
cStringLiteral.prototype = new cLiteral;
var rStringLiteral = /^'([^']*(?:''[^']*)*)'|"([^"]*(?:""[^"]*)*)"$/;
function fStringLiteral_parse (oLexer, oStaticContext) {
var aMatch = oLexer.peek().match(rStringLiteral);
if (aMatch) {;
return new cStringLiteral(new cXSString(aMatch[1] ? aMatch[1].replace("''", "'") : aMatch[2] ? aMatch[2].replace('""', '"') : ''));
function cFilterExpr(oPrimary) {
this.expression = oPrimary;
this.predicates = [];
cFilterExpr.prototype = new cStepExpr;
cFilterExpr.prototype.expression = null;
function fFilterExpr_parse (oLexer, oStaticContext) {
var oExpr;
if (oLexer.eof() ||!(oExpr = fPrimaryExpr_parse(oLexer, oStaticContext)))
var oFilterExpr = new cFilterExpr(oExpr);
fStepExpr_parsePredicates(oLexer, oStaticContext, oFilterExpr);
if (oFilterExpr.predicates.length == 0)
return oFilterExpr.expression;
return oFilterExpr;
cFilterExpr.prototype.evaluate = function (oContext) {
var oSequence = this.expression.evaluate(oContext);
if (this.predicates.length && oSequence.length)
oSequence = this.applyPredicates(oSequence, oContext);
return oSequence;
function cVarRef(sPrefix, sLocalName, sNameSpaceURI) {
this.prefix = sPrefix;
this.localName = sLocalName;
this.namespaceURI = sNameSpaceURI;
cVarRef.prototype.prefix = null;
cVarRef.prototype.localName = null;
cVarRef.prototype.namespaceURI = null;
function fVarRef_parse (oLexer, oStaticContext) {
if (oLexer.peek().substr(0, 1) == '$') {
var aMatch = oLexer.peek().substr(1).match(rNameTest);
if (aMatch) {
if (aMatch[1] == '*' || aMatch[2] == '*')
throw new cException("XPST0003"
, "Illegal use of wildcard in var expression variable name"
var oVarRef = new cVarRef(aMatch[1] || null, aMatch[2], aMatch[1] ? oStaticContext.getURIForPrefix(aMatch[1]) : null);;
return oVarRef;
cVarRef.prototype.evaluate = function (oContext) {
var sUri = (this.namespaceURI ? '{' + this.namespaceURI + '}' : '') + this.localName;
if (oContext.scope.hasOwnProperty(sUri))
return [oContext.scope[sUri]];
throw new cException("XPST0008"
, "Variable $" + (this.prefix ? this.prefix + ':' : '') + this.localName + " has not been declared"
function cFunctionCall(sPrefix, sLocalName, sNameSpaceURI) {
this.prefix = sPrefix;
this.localName = sLocalName;
this.namespaceURI = sNameSpaceURI;
this.args = [];
cFunctionCall.prototype.prefix = null;
cFunctionCall.prototype.localName = null;
cFunctionCall.prototype.namespaceURI = null;
cFunctionCall.prototype.args = null;
function fFunctionCall_parse (oLexer, oStaticContext) {
var aMatch = oLexer.peek().match(rNameTest);
if (aMatch && oLexer.peek(1) == '(') {
if (!aMatch[1] && (aMatch[2] in hKindTest_names))
return fAxisStep_parse(oLexer, oStaticContext);
if (aMatch[1] == '*' || aMatch[2] == '*')
throw new cException("XPST0003"
, "Illegal use of wildcard in function name"
var oFunctionCallExpr = new cFunctionCall(aMatch[1] || null, aMatch[2], aMatch[1] ? oStaticContext.getURIForPrefix(aMatch[1]) || null : oStaticContext.defaultFunctionNamespace),
if (oLexer.peek() != ')') {
do {
if (oLexer.eof() ||!(oExpr = fExprSingle_parse(oLexer, oStaticContext)))
throw new cException("XPST0003"
, "Expected function call argument"
while (oLexer.peek() == ',' &&;
if (oLexer.peek() != ')')
throw new cException("XPST0003"
, "Expected ')' token in function call"
return oFunctionCallExpr;
cFunctionCall.prototype.evaluate = function (oContext) {
var aArguments = [],
for (var nIndex = 0, nLength = this.args.length; nIndex < nLength; nIndex++)
var sUri = (this.namespaceURI ? '{' + this.namespaceURI + '}' : '') + this.localName;
if (this.namespaceURI == sNS_XPF) {
if (fFunction = hStaticContext_functions[this.localName]) {
if (aParameters = hStaticContext_signatures[this.localName])
fFunctionCall_prepare(this.localName, aParameters, fFunction, aArguments, oContext);
var vResult = fFunction.apply(oContext, aArguments);
return vResult == null ? [] : vResult instanceof cArray ? vResult : [vResult];
throw new cException("XPST0017"
, "Unknown system function: " + sUri + '()'
if (this.namespaceURI == sNS_XSD) {
if ((fFunction = hStaticContext_dataTypes[this.localName]) && this.localName != "NOTATION" && this.localName != "anyAtomicType") {
fFunctionCall_prepare(this.localName, [[cXSAnyAtomicType]], fFunction, aArguments, oContext);
return [fFunction.cast(aArguments[0])];
throw new cException("XPST0017"
, "Unknown type constructor function: " + sUri + '()'
if (fFunction = oContext.staticContext.getFunction(sUri)) {
var vResult = fFunction.apply(oContext, aArguments);
return vResult == null ? [] : vResult instanceof cArray ? vResult : [vResult];
throw new cException("XPST0017"
, "Unknown user function: " + sUri + '()'
var aFunctionCall_numbers = ["first", "second", "third", "fourth", "fifth"];
function fFunctionCall_prepare(sName, aParameters, fFunction, aArguments, oContext) {
var oArgument,
nArgumentsLength = aArguments.length,
nParametersLength = aParameters.length,
nParametersRequired = 0;
while ((nParametersRequired < aParameters.length) && !aParameters[nParametersRequired][2])
if (nArgumentsLength > nParametersLength)
throw new cException("XPST0017"
, "Function " + sName + "() must have " + (nParametersLength ? " no more than " : '') + nParametersLength + " argument" + (nParametersLength > 1 || !nParametersLength ? 's' : '')
if (nArgumentsLength < nParametersRequired)
throw new cException("XPST0017"
, "Function " + sName + "() must have " + (nParametersRequired == nParametersLength ? "exactly" : "at least") + ' ' + nParametersRequired + " argument" + (nParametersLength > 1 ? 's' : '')
for (var nIndex = 0; nIndex < nArgumentsLength; nIndex++) {
oParameter = aParameters[nIndex];
oArgument = aArguments[nIndex];
fFunctionCall_assertSequenceCardinality(oContext, oArgument, oParameter[1]
, aFunctionCall_numbers[nIndex] + " argument of " + sName + '()'
fFunctionCall_assertSequenceItemType(oContext, oArgument, oParameter[0]
, aFunctionCall_numbers[nIndex] + " argument of " + sName + '()'
if (oParameter[1] != '+' && oParameter[1] != '*')
aArguments[nIndex] = oArgument.length ? oArgument[0] : null;
function fFunctionCall_assertSequenceItemType(oContext, oSequence, cItemType
, sSource
) {
for (var nIndex = 0, nLength = oSequence.length, nNodeType, vItem; nIndex < nLength; nIndex++) {
vItem = oSequence[nIndex];
if (cItemType == cXTNode || cItemType.prototype instanceof cXTNode) {
if (!oContext.DOMAdapter.isNode(vItem))
throw new cException("XPTY0004"
, "Required item type of " + sSource + " is " + cItemType
if (cItemType != cXTNode) {
nNodeType = oContext.DOMAdapter.getProperty(vItem, "nodeType");
if ([null, cXTElement, cXTAttribute, cXTText, cXTText, null, null, cXTProcessingInstruction, cXTComment, cXTDocument, null, null, null][nNodeType] != cItemType)
throw new cException("XPTY0004"
, "Required item type of " + sSource + " is " + cItemType
if (cItemType == cXSAnyAtomicType || cItemType.prototype instanceof cXSAnyAtomicType) {
vItem = fFunction_sequence_atomize([vItem], oContext)[0];
if (cItemType != cXSAnyAtomicType) {
if (vItem instanceof cXSUntypedAtomic)
vItem = cItemType.cast(vItem);
if (cItemType == cXSString) {
if (vItem instanceof cXSAnyURI)
vItem = cXSString.cast(vItem);
if (cItemType == cXSDouble) {
if (fXSAnyAtomicType_isNumeric(vItem))
vItem = cItemType.cast(vItem);
if (!(vItem instanceof cItemType))
throw new cException("XPTY0004"
, "Required item type of " + sSource + " is " + cItemType
oSequence[nIndex] = vItem;
function fFunctionCall_assertSequenceCardinality(oContext, oSequence, sCardinality
, sSource
) {
var nLength = oSequence.length;
if (sCardinality == '?') { if (nLength > 1)
throw new cException("XPTY0004"
, "Required cardinality of " + sSource + " is one or zero"
if (sCardinality == '+') { if (nLength < 1)
throw new cException("XPTY0004"
, "Required cardinality of " + sSource + " is one or more"
if (sCardinality != '*') { if (nLength != 1)
throw new cException("XPTY0004"
, "Required cardinality of " + sSource + " is exactly one"
function cIntersectExceptExpr(oExpr) {
this.left = oExpr;
this.items = [];
cIntersectExceptExpr.prototype.left = null;
cIntersectExceptExpr.prototype.items = null;
function fIntersectExceptExpr_parse (oLexer, oStaticContext) {
var oExpr,
if (oLexer.eof() ||!(oExpr = fInstanceofExpr_parse(oLexer, oStaticContext)))
if (!((sOperator = oLexer.peek()) == "intersect" || sOperator == "except"))
return oExpr;
var oIntersectExceptExpr = new cIntersectExceptExpr(oExpr);
while ((sOperator = oLexer.peek()) == "intersect" || sOperator == "except") {;
if (oLexer.eof() ||!(oExpr = fInstanceofExpr_parse(oLexer, oStaticContext)))
throw new cException("XPST0003"
, "Expected second operand in " + sOperator + " expression"
oIntersectExceptExpr.items.push([sOperator, oExpr]);
return oIntersectExceptExpr;
cIntersectExceptExpr.prototype.evaluate = function (oContext) {
var oSequence = this.left.evaluate(oContext);
for (var nIndex = 0, nLength = this.items.length, oItem; nIndex < nLength; nIndex++)
oSequence = hStaticContext_operators[(oItem = this.items[nIndex])[0]].call(oContext, oSequence, oItem[1].evaluate(oContext));
return oSequence;
function cRangeExpr(oLeft, oRight) {
this.left = oLeft;
this.right = oRight;
cRangeExpr.prototype.left = null;
cRangeExpr.prototype.right = null;
function fRangeExpr_parse (oLexer, oStaticContext) {
var oExpr,
if (oLexer.eof() ||!(oExpr = fAdditiveExpr_parse(oLexer, oStaticContext)))
if (oLexer.peek() != "to")
return oExpr;;
if (oLexer.eof() ||!(oRight = fAdditiveExpr_parse(oLexer, oStaticContext)))
throw new cException("XPST0003"
, "Expected second operand in range expression"
return new cRangeExpr(oExpr, oRight);
cRangeExpr.prototype.evaluate = function (oContext) {
var oLeft = this.left.evaluate(oContext);
if (!oLeft.length)
return [];
var sSource = "first operand of 'to'";
fFunctionCall_assertSequenceCardinality(oContext, oLeft, '?'
, sSource
fFunctionCall_assertSequenceItemType(oContext, oLeft, cXSInteger
, sSource
var oRight = this.right.evaluate(oContext);
if (!oRight.length)
return [];
sSource = "second operand of 'to'";
fFunctionCall_assertSequenceCardinality(oContext, oRight, '?'
, sSource
fFunctionCall_assertSequenceItemType(oContext, oRight, cXSInteger
, sSource
return hStaticContext_operators["to"].call(oContext, oLeft[0], oRight[0]);
function cUnionExpr(oExpr) {
this.left = oExpr;
this.items = [];
cUnionExpr.prototype.left = null;
cUnionExpr.prototype.items = null;
function fUnionExpr_parse (oLexer, oStaticContext) {
var oExpr,
if (oLexer.eof() ||!(oExpr = fIntersectExceptExpr_parse(oLexer, oStaticContext)))
if (!((sOperator = oLexer.peek()) == '|' || sOperator == "union"))
return oExpr;
var oUnionExpr = new cUnionExpr(oExpr);
while ((sOperator = oLexer.peek()) == '|' || sOperator == "union") {;
if (oLexer.eof() ||!(oExpr = fIntersectExceptExpr_parse(oLexer, oStaticContext)))
throw new cException("XPST0003"
, "Expected second operand in union expression"
return oUnionExpr;
cUnionExpr.prototype.evaluate = function (oContext) {
var oSequence = this.left.evaluate(oContext);
for (var nIndex = 0, nLength = this.items.length; nIndex < nLength; nIndex++)
oSequence = hStaticContext_operators["union"].call(oContext, oSequence, this.items[nIndex].evaluate(oContext));
return oSequence;
function cInstanceofExpr(oExpr, oType) {
this.expression = oExpr;
this.type = oType;
cInstanceofExpr.prototype.expression = null;
cInstanceofExpr.prototype.type = null;
function fInstanceofExpr_parse (oLexer, oStaticContext) {
var oExpr,
if (oLexer.eof() ||!(oExpr = fTreatExpr_parse(oLexer, oStaticContext)))
if (!(oLexer.peek() == "instance" && oLexer.peek(1) == "of"))
return oExpr;;
if (oLexer.eof() ||!(oType = fSequenceType_parse(oLexer, oStaticContext)))
throw new cException("XPST0003"
, "Expected second operand in instance of expression"
return new cInstanceofExpr(oExpr, oType);
cInstanceofExpr.prototype.evaluate = function(oContext) {
var oSequence1 = this.expression.evaluate(oContext),
oItemType = this.type.itemType,
sOccurence = this.type.occurence;
if (!oItemType)
return [new cXSBoolean(!oSequence1.length)];
if (!oSequence1.length)
return [new cXSBoolean(sOccurence == '?' || sOccurence == '*')];
if (oSequence1.length != 1)
if (!(sOccurence == '+' || sOccurence == '*'))
return [new cXSBoolean(false)];
if (!oItemType.test) return [new cXSBoolean(true)];
var bValue = true;
for (var nIndex = 0, nLength = oSequence1.length; (nIndex < nLength) && bValue; nIndex++)
bValue = oItemType.test.test(oSequence1[nIndex], oContext);
return [new cXSBoolean(bValue)];
function cTreatExpr(oExpr, oType) {
this.expression = oExpr;
this.type = oType;
cTreatExpr.prototype.expression = null;
cTreatExpr.prototype.type = null;
function fTreatExpr_parse (oLexer, oStaticContext) {
var oExpr,
if (oLexer.eof() ||!(oExpr = fCastableExpr_parse(oLexer, oStaticContext)))
if (!(oLexer.peek() == "treat" && oLexer.peek(1) == "as"))
return oExpr;;
if (oLexer.eof() ||!(oType = fSequenceType_parse(oLexer, oStaticContext)))
throw new cException("XPST0003"
, "Expected second operand in treat expression"
return new cTreatExpr(oExpr, oType);
cTreatExpr.prototype.evaluate = function(oContext) {
var oSequence1 = this.expression.evaluate(oContext),
oItemType = this.type.itemType,
sOccurence = this.type.occurence;
if (!oItemType) {
if (oSequence1.length)
throw new cException("XPDY0050"
, "The only value allowed for the value in 'treat as' expression is an empty sequence"
return oSequence1;
if (!(sOccurence == '?' || sOccurence == '*'))
if (!oSequence1.length)
throw new cException("XPDY0050"
, "An empty sequence is not allowed as the value in 'treat as' expression"
if (!(sOccurence == '+' || sOccurence == '*'))
if (oSequence1.length != 1)
throw new cException("XPDY0050"
, "A sequence of more than one item is not allowed as the value in 'treat as' expression"
if (!oItemType.test) return oSequence1;
for (var nIndex = 0, nLength = oSequence1.length; nIndex < nLength; nIndex++)
if (!oItemType.test.test(oSequence1[nIndex], oContext))
throw new cException("XPDY0050"
, "Required item type of value in 'treat as' expression is " + (oItemType.test.prefix ? oItemType.test.prefix + ':' : '') + oItemType.test.localName
return oSequence1;
function cCastableExpr(oExpr, oType) {
this.expression = oExpr;
this.type = oType;
cCastableExpr.prototype.expression = null;
cCastableExpr.prototype.type = null;
function fCastableExpr_parse (oLexer, oStaticContext) {
var oExpr,
if (oLexer.eof() ||!(oExpr = fCastExpr_parse(oLexer, oStaticContext)))
if (!(oLexer.peek() == "castable" && oLexer.peek(1) == "as"))
return oExpr;;
if (oLexer.eof() ||!(oType = fSingleType_parse(oLexer, oStaticContext)))
throw new cException("XPST0003"
, "Expected second operand in castable expression"
return new cCastableExpr(oExpr, oType);
cCastableExpr.prototype.evaluate = function(oContext) {
var oSequence1 = this.expression.evaluate(oContext),
oItemType = this.type.itemType,
sOccurence = this.type.occurence;
if (oSequence1.length > 1)
return [new cXSBoolean(false)];
if (!oSequence1.length)
return [new cXSBoolean(sOccurence == '?')];
try {
oItemType.cast(fFunction_sequence_atomize(oSequence1, oContext)[0]);
catch (e) {
if (e.code == "XPST0051")
throw e;
if (e.code == "XPST0017")
throw new cException("XPST0080"
, "No value is castable to " + (oItemType.prefix ? oItemType.prefix + ':' : '') + oItemType.localName
return [new cXSBoolean(false)];
return [new cXSBoolean(true)];
function cCastExpr(oExpr, oType) {
this.expression = oExpr;
this.type = oType;
cCastExpr.prototype.expression = null;
cCastExpr.prototype.type = null;
function fCastExpr_parse (oLexer, oStaticContext) {
var oExpr,
if (oLexer.eof() ||!(oExpr = fUnaryExpr_parse(oLexer, oStaticContext)))
if (!(oLexer.peek() == "cast" && oLexer.peek(1) == "as"))
return oExpr;;
if (oLexer.eof() ||!(oType = fSingleType_parse(oLexer, oStaticContext)))
throw new cException("XPST0003"
, "Expected second operand in cast expression"
return new cCastExpr(oExpr, oType);
cCastExpr.prototype.evaluate = function(oContext) {
var oSequence1 = this.expression.evaluate(oContext);
fFunctionCall_assertSequenceCardinality(oContext, oSequence1, this.type.occurence
, "'cast as' expression operand"
if (!oSequence1.length)
return [];
return [this.type.itemType.cast(fFunction_sequence_atomize(oSequence1, oContext)[0], oContext)];
function cAtomicType(sPrefix, sLocalName, sNameSpaceURI) {
this.prefix = sPrefix;
this.localName = sLocalName;
this.namespaceURI = sNameSpaceURI;
cAtomicType.prototype.prefix = null;
cAtomicType.prototype.localName = null;
cAtomicType.prototype.namespaceURI = null;
function fAtomicType_parse (oLexer, oStaticContext) {
var aMatch = oLexer.peek().match(rNameTest);
if (aMatch) {
if (aMatch[1] == '*' || aMatch[2] == '*')
throw new cException("XPST0003"
, "Illegal use of wildcard in type name"
return new cAtomicType(aMatch[1] || null, aMatch[2], aMatch[1] ? oStaticContext.getURIForPrefix(aMatch[1]) : null);
cAtomicType.prototype.test = function(vItem, oContext) {
var sUri = (this.namespaceURI ? '{' + this.namespaceURI + '}' : '') + this.localName,
cType = this.namespaceURI == sNS_XSD ? hStaticContext_dataTypes[this.localName] : oContext.staticContext.getDataType(sUri);
if (cType)
return vItem instanceof cType;
throw new cException("XPST0051"
, "Unknown simple type " + (this.prefix ? this.prefix + ':' : '') + this.localName
cAtomicType.prototype.cast = function(vItem, oContext) {
var sUri = (this.namespaceURI ? '{' + this.namespaceURI + '}' : '') + this.localName,
cType = this.namespaceURI == sNS_XSD ? hStaticContext_dataTypes[this.localName] : oContext.staticContext.getDataType(sUri);
if (cType)
return cType.cast(vItem);
throw new cException("XPST0051"
, "Unknown atomic type " + (this.prefix ? this.prefix + ':' : '') + this.localName
function cItemType(oTest) {
this.test = oTest;
cItemType.prototype.test = null;
function fItemType_parse (oLexer, oStaticContext) {
if (oLexer.eof())
var oExpr;
if (oLexer.peek() == "item" && oLexer.peek(1) == '(') {;
if (oLexer.peek() != ')')
throw new cException("XPST0003"
, "Expected ')' token in item type expression"
return new cItemType;
if (oExpr = fKindTest_parse(oLexer, oStaticContext))
return new cItemType(oExpr);
if (oExpr = fAtomicType_parse(oLexer, oStaticContext))
return new cItemType(oExpr);
function cSequenceType(oItemType, sOccurence) {
this.itemType = oItemType || null;
this.occurence = sOccurence|| null;
cSequenceType.prototype.itemType = null;
cSequenceType.prototype.occurence = null;
function fSequenceType_parse (oLexer, oStaticContext) {
if (oLexer.eof())
if (oLexer.peek() == "empty-sequence" && oLexer.peek(1) == '(') {;
if (oLexer.peek() != ')')
throw new cException("XPST0003"
, "Expected ')' token in sequence type"
return new cSequenceType; }
var oExpr,
if (!oLexer.eof() && (oExpr = fItemType_parse(oLexer, oStaticContext))) {
sOccurence = oLexer.peek();
if (sOccurence == '?' || sOccurence == '*' || sOccurence == '+');
sOccurence = null;
return new cSequenceType(oExpr, sOccurence);
function cSingleType(oItemType, sOccurence) {
this.itemType = oItemType || null;
this.occurence = sOccurence|| null;
cSingleType.prototype.itemType = null;
cSingleType.prototype.occurence = null;
function fSingleType_parse (oLexer, oStaticContext) {
var oExpr,
if (!oLexer.eof() && (oExpr = fAtomicType_parse(oLexer, oStaticContext))) {
sOccurence = oLexer.peek();
if (sOccurence == '?');
sOccurence = null;
return new cSingleType(oExpr, sOccurence);
function cXSAnyType() {
cXSAnySimpleType.prototype.builtInKind = cXSConstants.ANYTYPE_DT;
function cXSAnySimpleType() {
cXSAnySimpleType.prototype = new cXSAnyType;
cXSAnySimpleType.prototype.builtInKind = cXSConstants.ANYSIMPLETYPE_DT;
cXSAnySimpleType.prototype.primitiveKind= null;
cXSAnySimpleType.PRIMITIVE_ANYURI = "anyURI"; cXSAnySimpleType.PRIMITIVE_BASE64BINARY = "base64Binary"; cXSAnySimpleType.PRIMITIVE_BOOLEAN = "boolean"; cXSAnySimpleType.PRIMITIVE_DATE = "date"; cXSAnySimpleType.PRIMITIVE_DATETIME = "dateTime"; cXSAnySimpleType.PRIMITIVE_DECIMAL = "decimal"; cXSAnySimpleType.PRIMITIVE_DOUBLE = "double"; cXSAnySimpleType.PRIMITIVE_DURATION = "duration"; cXSAnySimpleType.PRIMITIVE_FLOAT = "float"; cXSAnySimpleType.PRIMITIVE_GDAY = "gDay"; cXSAnySimpleType.PRIMITIVE_GMONTH = "gMonth"; cXSAnySimpleType.PRIMITIVE_GMONTHDAY = "gMonthDay"; cXSAnySimpleType.PRIMITIVE_GYEAR = "gYear"; cXSAnySimpleType.PRIMITIVE_GYEARMONTH = "gYearMonth"; cXSAnySimpleType.PRIMITIVE_HEXBINARY = "hexBinary"; cXSAnySimpleType.PRIMITIVE_NOTATION = "NOTATION"; cXSAnySimpleType.PRIMITIVE_QNAME = "QName"; cXSAnySimpleType.PRIMITIVE_STRING = "string"; cXSAnySimpleType.PRIMITIVE_TIME = "time";
function cXSAnyAtomicType() {
cXSAnyAtomicType.prototype = new cXSAnySimpleType;
cXSAnyAtomicType.prototype.builtInKind = cXSConstants.ANYATOMICTYPE_DT;
cXSAnyAtomicType.cast = function(vValue) {
throw new cException("XPST0017"
, "Abstract type used in constructor function xs:anyAtomicType"
); };
function fXSAnyAtomicType_isNumeric(vItem) {
return vItem instanceof cXSFloat || vItem instanceof cXSDouble || vItem instanceof cXSDecimal;
fStaticContext_defineSystemDataType("anyAtomicType", cXSAnyAtomicType);
function cXSAnyURI(sScheme, sAuthority, sPath, sQuery, sFragment) {
this.scheme = sScheme;
this.authority = sAuthority;
this.path = sPath;
this.query = sQuery;
this.fragment = sFragment;
cXSAnyURI.prototype = new cXSAnyAtomicType;
cXSAnyURI.prototype.builtInKind = cXSConstants.ANYURI_DT;
cXSAnyURI.prototype.primitiveKind = cXSAnySimpleType.PRIMITIVE_ANYURI;
cXSAnyURI.prototype.scheme = null;
cXSAnyURI.prototype.authority = null;
cXSAnyURI.prototype.path = null;
cXSAnyURI.prototype.query = null;
cXSAnyURI.prototype.fragment = null;
cXSAnyURI.prototype.toString = function() {
return (this.scheme ? this.scheme + ':' : '')
+ (this.authority ? '/' + '/' + this.authority : '')
+ (this.path ? this.path : '')
+ (this.query ? '?' + this.query : '')
+ (this.fragment ? '#' + this.fragment : '');
var rXSAnyURI = /^(([^:\/?#]+):)?(\/\/([^\/?#]*))?([^?#]*)(\?([^#]*))?(#(.*))?/; cXSAnyURI.cast = function(vValue) {
if (vValue instanceof cXSAnyURI)
return vValue;
if (vValue instanceof cXSString || vValue instanceof cXSUntypedAtomic) {
var aMatch;
if (aMatch = fString_trim(vValue).match(rXSAnyURI))
return new cXSAnyURI(aMatch[2], aMatch[4], aMatch[5], aMatch[7], aMatch[9]);
throw new cException("FORG0001");
throw new cException("XPTY0004"
, "Casting value '" + vValue + "' to xs:anyURI can never succeed"
fStaticContext_defineSystemDataType("anyURI", cXSAnyURI);
function cXSBase64Binary(sValue) {
this.value = sValue;
cXSBase64Binary.prototype = new cXSAnyAtomicType;
cXSBase64Binary.prototype.builtInKind = cXSConstants.BASE64BINARY_DT;
cXSBase64Binary.prototype.primitiveKind = cXSAnySimpleType.PRIMITIVE_BASE64BINARY;
cXSBase64Binary.prototype.value = null;
cXSBase64Binary.prototype.valueOf = function() {
return this.value;
cXSBase64Binary.prototype.toString = function() {
return this.value;
var rXSBase64Binary = /^((([A-Za-z0-9+\/]\s*){4})*(([A-Za-z0-9+\/]\s*){3}[A-Za-z0-9+\/]|([A-Za-z0-9+\/]\s*){2}[AEIMQUYcgkosw048]\s*=|[A-Za-z0-9+\/]\s*[AQgw]\s*=\s*=))?$/;
cXSBase64Binary.cast = function(vValue) {
if (vValue instanceof cXSBase64Binary)
return vValue;
if (vValue instanceof cXSString || vValue instanceof cXSUntypedAtomic) {
var aMatch = fString_trim(vValue).match(rXSBase64Binary);
if (aMatch)
return new cXSBase64Binary(aMatch[0]);
throw new cException("FORG0001");
if (vValue instanceof cXSHexBinary)
throw "Casting from 'xs:" + "hexBinary"+ "' to 'xs:" + "base64Binary"+ "' not implemented";
throw new cException("XPTY0004"
, "Casting value '" + vValue + "' to xs:hexBinary can never succeed"
fStaticContext_defineSystemDataType("base64Binary", cXSBase64Binary);
function cXSBoolean(bValue) {
this.value = bValue;
cXSBoolean.prototype = new cXSAnyAtomicType;
cXSBoolean.prototype.builtInKind = cXSConstants.BOOLEAN_DT;
cXSBoolean.prototype.primitiveKind = cXSAnySimpleType.PRIMITIVE_BOOLEAN;
cXSBoolean.prototype.value = null;
cXSBoolean.prototype.valueOf = function() {
return this.value;
cXSBoolean.prototype.toString = function() {
return cString(this.value);
var rXSBoolean = /^(0|1|true|false)$/;
cXSBoolean.cast = function(vValue) {
if (vValue instanceof cXSBoolean)
return vValue;
if (vValue instanceof cXSString || vValue instanceof cXSUntypedAtomic) {
var aMatch;
if (aMatch = fString_trim(vValue).match(rXSBoolean))
return new cXSBoolean(aMatch[1] == '1' || aMatch[1] == "true");
throw new cException("FORG0001");
if (fXSAnyAtomicType_isNumeric(vValue))
return new cXSBoolean(vValue != 0);
throw new cException("XPTY0004"
, "Casting value '" + vValue + "' to xs:boolean can never succeed"
fStaticContext_defineSystemDataType("boolean", cXSBoolean);
function cXSDate(nYear, nMonth, nDay, nTimezone, bNegative) {
this.year = nYear;
this.month = nMonth; = nDay;
this.timezone = nTimezone;
this.negative = bNegative;
cXSDate.prototype = new cXSAnyAtomicType;
cXSDate.prototype.builtInKind = cXSConstants.DATE_DT;
cXSDate.prototype.primitiveKind = cXSAnySimpleType.PRIMITIVE_DATE;
cXSDate.prototype.year = null;
cXSDate.prototype.month = null; = null;
cXSDate.prototype.timezone = null;
cXSDate.prototype.negative = null;
cXSDate.prototype.toString = function() {
return fXSDateTime_getDateComponent(this)
+ fXSDateTime_getTZComponent(this);
var rXSDate = /^(-?)([1-9]\d\d\d+|0\d\d\d)-(0[1-9]|1[0-2])-(0[1-9]|[12]\d|3[01])(Z|([+\-])(0\d|1[0-4]):([0-5]\d))?$/;
cXSDate.cast = function(vValue) {
if (vValue instanceof cXSDate)
return vValue;
if (vValue instanceof cXSString || vValue instanceof cXSUntypedAtomic) {
var aMatch = fString_trim(vValue).match(rXSDate);
if (aMatch) {
var nYear = +aMatch[2],
nMonth = +aMatch[3],
nDay = +aMatch[4];
if (nDay - 1 < fXSDate_getDaysForYearMonth(nYear, nMonth))
return new cXSDate( nYear,
aMatch[5] ? aMatch[5] == 'Z' ? 0 : (aMatch[6] == '-' ? -1 : 1) * (aMatch[7] * 60 + aMatch[8] * 1) : null,
aMatch[1] == '-'
throw new cException("FORG0001"
, "Invalid date '" + vValue + "' (Non-existent date)"
throw new cException("FORG0001");
if (vValue instanceof cXSDateTime)
return new cXSDate(vValue.year, vValue.month,, vValue.timezone, vValue.negative);
throw new cException("XPTY0004"
, "Casting value '" + vValue + "' to xs:date can never succeed"
var aXSDate_days = [31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31];
function fXSDate_getDaysForYearMonth(nYear, nMonth) {
return nMonth == 2 && (nYear % 400 == 0 || nYear % 100 != 0 && nYear % 4 == 0) ? 29 : aXSDate_days[nMonth - 1];
function fXSDate_normalize(oValue, bDay) {
if (!bDay) {
var nDay = fXSDate_getDaysForYearMonth(oValue.year, oValue.month);
if ( > nDay) {
while ( > nDay) {
oValue.month += 1;
if (oValue.month > 12) {
oValue.year += 1;
if (oValue.year == 0)
oValue.year = 1;
oValue.month = 1;
} -= nDay;
nDay = fXSDate_getDaysForYearMonth(oValue.year, oValue.month);
if ( < 1) {
while ( < 1) {
oValue.month -= 1;
if (oValue.month < 1) {
oValue.year -= 1;
if (oValue.year == 0)
oValue.year =-1;
oValue.month = 12;
nDay = fXSDate_getDaysForYearMonth(oValue.year, oValue.month); += nDay;
if (oValue.month > 12) {
oValue.year += ~~(oValue.month / 12);
if (oValue.year == 0)
oValue.year = 1;
oValue.month = oValue.month % 12;
if (oValue.month < 1) {
oValue.year += ~~(oValue.month / 12) - 1;
if (oValue.year == 0)
oValue.year =-1;
oValue.month = oValue.month % 12 + 12;
return oValue;
fStaticContext_defineSystemDataType("date", cXSDate);
function cXSDateTime(nYear, nMonth, nDay, nHours, nMinutes, nSeconds, nTimezone, bNegative) {
this.year = nYear;
this.month = nMonth; = nDay;
this.hours = nHours;
this.minutes = nMinutes;
this.seconds = nSeconds;
this.timezone = nTimezone;
this.negative = bNegative;
cXSDateTime.prototype = new cXSAnyAtomicType;
cXSDateTime.prototype.builtInKind = cXSConstants.DATETIME_DT;
cXSDateTime.prototype.primitiveKind = cXSAnySimpleType.PRIMITIVE_DATETIME;
cXSDateTime.prototype.year = null;
cXSDateTime.prototype.month = null; = null;
cXSDateTime.prototype.hours = null;
cXSDateTime.prototype.minutes = null;
cXSDateTime.prototype.seconds = null;
cXSDateTime.prototype.timezone = null;
cXSDateTime.prototype.negative = null;
cXSDateTime.prototype.toString = function() {
return fXSDateTime_getDateComponent(this)
+ 'T'
+ fXSDateTime_getTimeComponent(this)
+ fXSDateTime_getTZComponent(this);
var rXSDateTime = /^(-?)([1-9]\d\d\d+|0\d\d\d)-(0[1-9]|1[0-2])-(0[1-9]|[12]\d|3[01])T(([01]\d|2[0-3]):([0-5]\d):([0-5]\d)(?:\.(\d+))?|(24:00:00)(?:\.(0+))?)(Z|([+\-])(0\d|1[0-4]):([0-5]\d))?$/;
cXSDateTime.cast = function(vValue) {
if (vValue instanceof cXSDateTime)
return vValue;
if (vValue instanceof cXSString || vValue instanceof cXSUntypedAtomic) {
var aMatch = fString_trim(vValue).match(rXSDateTime);
if (aMatch) {
var nYear = +aMatch[2],
nMonth = +aMatch[3],
nDay = +aMatch[4],
bValue = !!aMatch[10];
if (nDay - 1 < fXSDate_getDaysForYearMonth(nYear, nMonth))
return fXSDateTime_normalize(new cXSDateTime( nYear,
bValue ? 24 : +aMatch[6],
bValue ? 0 : +aMatch[7],
cNumber((bValue ? 0 : aMatch[8]) + '.' + (bValue ? 0 : aMatch[9] || 0)),
aMatch[12] ? aMatch[12] == 'Z' ? 0 : (aMatch[13] == '-' ? -1 : 1) * (aMatch[14] * 60 + aMatch[15] * 1) : null,
aMatch[1] == '-'
throw new cException("FORG0001"
, "Invalid date '" + vValue + "' (Non-existent date)"
throw new cException("FORG0001");
if (vValue instanceof cXSDate)
return new cXSDateTime(vValue.year, vValue.month,, 0, 0, 0, vValue.timezone, vValue.negative);
throw new cException("XPTY0004"
, "Casting value '" + vValue + "' to xs:dateTime can never succeed"
function fXSDateTime_pad(vValue, nLength) {
sValue = cString(vValue);
if (arguments.length < 2)
nLength = 2;
return (sValue.length < nLength + 1 ? new cArray(nLength + 1 - sValue.length).join('0') : '') + sValue;
function fXSDateTime_getTZComponent(oDateTime) {
var nTimezone = oDateTime.timezone;
return nTimezone == null
? ''
: nTimezone
? (nTimezone > 0 ? '+' : '-')
+ fXSDateTime_pad(cMath.abs(~~(nTimezone / 60)))
+ ':'
+ fXSDateTime_pad(cMath.abs(nTimezone % 60))
: 'Z';
function fXSDateTime_getDateComponent(oDateTime) {
return (oDateTime.negative ? '-' : '')
+ fXSDateTime_pad(oDateTime.year, 4)
+ '-' + fXSDateTime_pad(oDateTime.month)
+ '-' + fXSDateTime_pad(;
function fXSDateTime_getTimeComponent(oDateTime) {
var aValue = cString(oDateTime.seconds).split('.');
return fXSDateTime_pad(oDateTime.hours)
+ ':' + fXSDateTime_pad(oDateTime.minutes)
+ ':' + fXSDateTime_pad(aValue[0])
+ (aValue.length > 1 ? '.' + aValue[1] : '');
function fXSDateTime_normalize(oValue) {
return fXSDate_normalize(fXSTime_normalize(oValue));
fStaticContext_defineSystemDataType("dateTime", cXSDateTime);
function cXSDecimal(nValue) {
this.value = nValue;
cXSDecimal.prototype = new cXSAnyAtomicType;
cXSDecimal.prototype.builtInKind = cXSConstants.DECIMAL_DT;
cXSDecimal.prototype.primitiveKind = cXSAnySimpleType.PRIMITIVE_DECIMAL;
cXSDecimal.prototype.value = null;
cXSDecimal.prototype.valueOf = function() {
return this.value;
cXSDecimal.prototype.toString = function() {
return cString(this.value);
var rXSDecimal = /^[+\-]?((\d+(\.\d*)?)|(\.\d+))$/;
cXSDecimal.cast = function(vValue) {
if (vValue instanceof cXSDecimal)
return vValue;
if (vValue instanceof cXSString || vValue instanceof cXSUntypedAtomic) {
var aMatch = fString_trim(vValue).match(rXSDecimal);
if (aMatch)
return new cXSDecimal(+vValue);
throw new cException("FORG0001");
if (vValue instanceof cXSBoolean)
return new cXSDecimal(vValue * 1);
if (fXSAnyAtomicType_isNumeric(vValue)) {
if (fIsNaN(vValue) || !fIsFinite(vValue))
throw new cException("FOCA0002"
, "Cannot convert '" + vValue + "' to xs:decimal"
return new cXSDecimal(+vValue);
throw new cException("XPTY0004"
, "Casting value '" + vValue + "' to xs:decimal can never succeed"
fStaticContext_defineSystemDataType("decimal", cXSDecimal);
function cXSDouble(nValue) {
this.value = nValue;
cXSDouble.prototype = new cXSAnyAtomicType;
cXSDouble.prototype.builtInKind = cXSConstants.DOUBLE_DT;
cXSDouble.prototype.primitiveKind = cXSAnySimpleType.PRIMITIVE_DOUBLE;
cXSDouble.prototype.value = null;
cXSDouble.prototype.valueOf = function() {
return this.value;
cXSDouble.prototype.toString = function() {
return cString(this.value);
var rXSDouble = /^([+\-]?((\d+(\.\d*)?)|(\.\d+))([eE][+\-]?\d+)?|(-?INF)|NaN)$/;
cXSDouble.cast = function(vValue) {
if (vValue instanceof cXSDouble)
return vValue;
if (vValue instanceof cXSString || vValue instanceof cXSUntypedAtomic) {
var aMatch = fString_trim(vValue).match(rXSDouble);
if (aMatch)
return new cXSDouble(aMatch[7] ? +aMatch[7].replace("INF", "Infinity") : +vValue);
throw new cException("FORG0001");
if (vValue instanceof cXSBoolean)
return new cXSDouble(vValue * 1);
if (fXSAnyAtomicType_isNumeric(vValue))
return new cXSDouble(vValue.value);
throw new cException("XPTY0004"
, "Casting value '" + vValue + "' to xs:double can never succeed"
fStaticContext_defineSystemDataType("double", cXSDouble);
function cXSDuration(nYear, nMonth, nDay, nHours, nMinutes, nSeconds, bNegative) {
this.year = nYear;
this.month = nMonth; = nDay;
this.hours = nHours;
this.minutes = nMinutes;
this.seconds = nSeconds;
this.negative = bNegative;
cXSDuration.prototype = new cXSAnyAtomicType;
cXSDuration.prototype.builtInKind = cXSConstants.DURATION_DT;
cXSDuration.prototype.primitiveKind = cXSAnySimpleType.PRIMITIVE_DURATION;
cXSDuration.prototype.year = null;
cXSDuration.prototype.month = null; = null;
cXSDuration.prototype.hours = null;
cXSDuration.prototype.minutes = null;
cXSDuration.prototype.seconds = null;
cXSDuration.prototype.negative = null;
cXSDuration.prototype.toString = function() {
return (this.negative ? '-' : '') + 'P'
+ ((fXSDuration_getYearMonthComponent(this) + fXSDuration_getDayTimeComponent(this)) || 'T0S');
var rXSDuration = /^(-)?P(?:([0-9]+)Y)?(?:([0-9]+)M)?(?:([0-9]+)D)?(?:T(?:([0-9]+)H)?(?:([0-9]+)M)?(?:((?:(?:[0-9]+(?:.[0-9]*)?)|(?:.[0-9]+)))S)?)?$/;
cXSDuration.cast = function(vValue) {
if (vValue instanceof cXSYearMonthDuration)
return new cXSDuration(vValue.year, vValue.month, 0, 0, 0, 0, vValue.negative);
if (vValue instanceof cXSDayTimeDuration)
return new cXSDuration(0, 0,, vValue.hours, vValue.minutes, vValue.seconds, vValue.negative);
if (vValue instanceof cXSDuration)
return vValue;
if (vValue instanceof cXSString || vValue instanceof cXSUntypedAtomic) {
var aMatch = fString_trim(vValue).match(rXSDuration);
if (aMatch)
return fXSDuration_normalize(new cXSDuration(+aMatch[2] || 0, +aMatch[3] || 0, +aMatch[4] || 0, +aMatch[5] || 0, +aMatch[6] || 0, +aMatch[7] || 0, aMatch[1] == '-'));
throw new cException("FORG0001");
throw new cException("XPTY0004"
, "Casting value '" + vValue + "' to xs:duration can never succeed"
function fXSDuration_getYearMonthComponent(oDuration) {
return (oDuration.year ? oDuration.year + 'Y' : '')
+ (oDuration.month ? oDuration.month + 'M' : '');
function fXSDuration_getDayTimeComponent(oDuration) {
return ( ? + 'D' : '')
+ (oDuration.hours || oDuration.minutes || oDuration.seconds
? 'T'
+ (oDuration.hours ? oDuration.hours + 'H' : '')
+ (oDuration.minutes ? oDuration.minutes + 'M' : '')
+ (oDuration.seconds ? oDuration.seconds + 'S' : '')
: '');
function fXSDuration_normalize(oDuration) {
return fXSYearMonthDuration_normalize(fXSDayTimeDuration_normalize(oDuration));
fStaticContext_defineSystemDataType("duration", cXSDuration);
function cXSFloat(nValue) {
this.value = nValue;
cXSFloat.prototype = new cXSAnyAtomicType;
cXSFloat.prototype.builtInKind = cXSConstants.FLOAT_DT;
cXSFloat.prototype.primitiveKind = cXSAnySimpleType.PRIMITIVE_FLOAT;
cXSFloat.prototype.value = null;
cXSFloat.prototype.valueOf = function() {
return this.value;
cXSFloat.prototype.toString = function() {
return cString(this.value);
var rXSFloat = /^([+\-]?((\d+(\.\d*)?)|(\.\d+))([eE][+\-]?\d+)?|(-?INF)|NaN)$/;
cXSFloat.cast = function(vValue) {
if (vValue instanceof cXSFloat)
return vValue;
if (vValue instanceof cXSString || vValue instanceof cXSUntypedAtomic) {
var aMatch = fString_trim(vValue).match(rXSFloat);
if (aMatch)
return new cXSFloat(aMatch[7] ? +aMatch[7].replace("INF", "Infinity") : +vValue);
throw new cException("FORG0001");
if (vValue instanceof cXSBoolean)
return new cXSFloat(vValue * 1);
if (fXSAnyAtomicType_isNumeric(vValue))
return new cXSFloat(vValue.value);
throw new cException("XPTY0004"
, "Casting value '" + vValue + "' to xs:float can never succeed"
fStaticContext_defineSystemDataType("float", cXSFloat);
function cXSGDay(nDay, nTimezone) { = nDay;
this.timezone = nTimezone;
cXSGDay.prototype = new cXSAnyAtomicType;
cXSGDay.prototype.builtInKind = cXSConstants.GDAY_DT;
cXSGDay.prototype.primitiveKind = cXSAnySimpleType.PRIMITIVE_GDAY; = null;
cXSGDay.prototype.timezone = null;
cXSGDay.prototype.toString = function() {
return '-'
+ '-'
+ '-' + fXSDateTime_pad(
+ fXSDateTime_getTZComponent(this);
var rXSGDay = /^---(0[1-9]|[12]\d|3[01])(Z|([+\-])(0\d|1[0-4]):([0-5]\d))?$/;
cXSGDay.cast = function(vValue) {
if (vValue instanceof cXSGDay)
return vValue;
if (vValue instanceof cXSString || vValue instanceof cXSUntypedAtomic) {
var aMatch = fString_trim(vValue).match(rXSGDay);
if (aMatch) {
var nDay = +aMatch[1];
return new cXSGDay( nDay,
aMatch[2] ? aMatch[2] == 'Z' ? 0 : (aMatch[3] == '-' ? -1 : 1) * (aMatch[4] * 60 + aMatch[5] * 1) : null
throw new cException("FORG0001");
if (vValue instanceof cXSDate || vValue instanceof cXSDateTime)
return new cXSGDay(, vValue.timezone);
throw new cException("XPTY0004"
, "Casting value '" + vValue + "' to xs:gDay can never succeed"
fStaticContext_defineSystemDataType("gDay", cXSGDay);
function cXSGMonth(nMonth, nTimezone) {
this.month = nMonth;
this.timezone = nTimezone;
cXSGMonth.prototype = new cXSAnyAtomicType;
cXSGMonth.prototype.builtInKind = cXSConstants.GMONTH_DT;
cXSGMonth.prototype.primitiveKind = cXSAnySimpleType.PRIMITIVE_GMONTH;
cXSGMonth.prototype.month = null;
cXSGMonth.prototype.timezone = null;
cXSGMonth.prototype.toString = function() {
return '-'
+ '-' + fXSDateTime_pad(this.month)
+ fXSDateTime_getTZComponent(this);
var rXSGMonth = /^--(0[1-9]|1[0-2])(Z|([+\-])(0\d|1[0-4]):([0-5]\d))?$/;
cXSGMonth.cast = function(vValue) {
if (vValue instanceof cXSGMonth)
return vValue;
if (vValue instanceof cXSString || vValue instanceof cXSUntypedAtomic) {
var aMatch = fString_trim(vValue).match(rXSGMonth);
if (aMatch) {
var nMonth = +aMatch[1];
return new cXSGMonth( nMonth,
aMatch[2] ? aMatch[2] == 'Z' ? 0 : (aMatch[3] == '-' ? -1 : 1) * (aMatch[4] * 60 + aMatch[5] * 1) : null
throw new cException("FORG0001");
if (vValue instanceof cXSDate || vValue instanceof cXSDateTime)
return new cXSGMonth(vValue.month, vValue.timezone);
throw new cException("XPTY0004"
, "Casting value '" + vValue + "' to xs:gMonth can never succeed"
fStaticContext_defineSystemDataType("gMonth", cXSGMonth);
function cXSGMonthDay(nMonth, nDay, nTimezone) {
this.month = nMonth; = nDay;
this.timezone = nTimezone;
cXSGMonthDay.prototype = new cXSAnyAtomicType;
cXSGMonthDay.prototype.builtInKind = cXSConstants.GMONTHDAY_DT;
cXSGMonthDay.prototype.primitiveKind = cXSAnySimpleType.PRIMITIVE_GMONTHDAY;
cXSGMonthDay.prototype.month = null; = null;
cXSGMonthDay.prototype.timezone = null;
cXSGMonthDay.prototype.toString = function() {
return '-'
+ '-' + fXSDateTime_pad(this.month)
+ '-' + fXSDateTime_pad(
+ fXSDateTime_getTZComponent(this);
var rXSGMonthDay = /^--(0[1-9]|1[0-2])-(0[1-9]|[12]\d|3[01])(Z|([+\-])(0\d|1[0-4]):([0-5]\d))?$/;
cXSGMonthDay.cast = function(vValue) {
if (vValue instanceof cXSGMonthDay)
return vValue;
if (vValue instanceof cXSString || vValue instanceof cXSUntypedAtomic) {
var aMatch = fString_trim(vValue).match(rXSGMonthDay);
if (aMatch) {
var nMonth = +aMatch[1],
nDay = +aMatch[2];
if (nDay - 1 < fXSDate_getDaysForYearMonth(1976, nMonth))
return new cXSGMonthDay( nMonth,
aMatch[3] ? aMatch[3] == 'Z' ? 0 : (aMatch[4] == '-' ? -1 : 1) * (aMatch[5] * 60 + aMatch[6] * 1) : null
throw new cException("FORG0001"
, "Invalid date '" + vValue + "' (Non-existent date)"
throw new cException("FORG0001");
if (vValue instanceof cXSDate || vValue instanceof cXSDateTime)
return new cXSGMonthDay(vValue.month,, vValue.timezone);
throw new cException("XPTY0004"
, "Casting value '" + vValue + "' to xs:gMonthDay can never succeed"
fStaticContext_defineSystemDataType("gMonthDay", cXSGMonthDay);
function cXSGYear(nYear, nTimezone) {
this.year = nYear;
this.timezone = nTimezone;
cXSGYear.prototype = new cXSAnyAtomicType;
cXSGYear.prototype.builtInKind = cXSConstants.GYEAR_DT;
cXSGYear.prototype.primitiveKind = cXSAnySimpleType.PRIMITIVE_GYEAR;
cXSGYear.prototype.year = null;
cXSGYear.prototype.timezone = null;
cXSGYear.prototype.toString = function() {
return fXSDateTime_pad(this.year)
+ fXSDateTime_getTZComponent(this);
var rXSGYear = /^-?([1-9]\d\d\d+|0\d\d\d)(Z|([+\-])(0\d|1[0-4]):([0-5]\d))?$/;
cXSGYear.cast = function(vValue) {
if (vValue instanceof cXSGYear)
return vValue;
if (vValue instanceof cXSString || vValue instanceof cXSUntypedAtomic) {
var aMatch = fString_trim(vValue).match(rXSGYear);
if (aMatch) {
var nYear = +aMatch[1];
return new cXSGYear( nYear,
aMatch[2] ? aMatch[2] == 'Z' ? 0 : (aMatch[3] == '-' ? -1 : 1) * (aMatch[4] * 60 + aMatch[5] * 1) : null
throw new cException("FORG0001");
if (vValue instanceof cXSDate || vValue instanceof cXSDateTime)
return new cXSGYear(vValue.year, vValue.timezone);
throw new cException("XPTY0004"
, "Casting value '" + vValue + "' to xs:gYear can never succeed"
fStaticContext_defineSystemDataType("gYear", cXSGYear);
function cXSGYearMonth(nYear, nMonth, nTimezone) {
this.year = nYear;
this.month = nMonth;
this.timezone = nTimezone;
cXSGYearMonth.prototype = new cXSAnyAtomicType;
cXSGYearMonth.prototype.builtInKind = cXSConstants.GYEARMONTH_DT;
cXSGYearMonth.prototype.primitiveKind = cXSAnySimpleType.PRIMITIVE_GYEARMONTH;
cXSGYearMonth.prototype.year = null;
cXSGYearMonth.prototype.month = null;
cXSGYearMonth.prototype.timezone= null;
cXSGYearMonth.prototype.toString = function() {
return fXSDateTime_pad(this.year)
+ '-' + fXSDateTime_pad(this.month)
+ fXSDateTime_getTZComponent(this);
var rXSGYearMonth = /^-?([1-9]\d\d\d+|0\d\d\d)-(0[1-9]|1[0-2])(Z|([+\-])(0\d|1[0-4]):([0-5]\d))?$/;
cXSGYearMonth.cast = function(vValue) {
if (vValue instanceof cXSGYearMonth)
return vValue;
if (vValue instanceof cXSString || vValue instanceof cXSUntypedAtomic) {
var aMatch = fString_trim(vValue).match(rXSGYearMonth);
if (aMatch) {
var nYear = +aMatch[1],
nMonth = +aMatch[2];
return new cXSGYearMonth( nYear,
aMatch[3] ? aMatch[3] == 'Z' ? 0 : (aMatch[4] == '-' ? -1 : 1) * (aMatch[5] * 60 + aMatch[6] * 1) : null
throw new cException("FORG0001");
if (vValue instanceof cXSDate || vValue instanceof cXSDateTime)
return new cXSGYearMonth(vValue.year, vValue.month, vValue.timezone);
throw new cException("XPTY0004"
, "Casting value '" + vValue + "' to xs:gYearMonth can never succeed"
fStaticContext_defineSystemDataType("gYearMonth", cXSGYearMonth);
function cXSHexBinary(sValue) {
this.value = sValue;
cXSHexBinary.prototype = new cXSAnyAtomicType;
cXSHexBinary.prototype.builtInKind = cXSConstants.HEXBINARY_DT;
cXSHexBinary.prototype.primitiveKind = cXSAnySimpleType.PRIMITIVE_HEXBINARY;
cXSHexBinary.prototype.value = null;
cXSHexBinary.prototype.valueOf = function() {
return this.value;
cXSHexBinary.prototype.toString = function() {
return this.value;
var rXSHexBinary = /^([0-9a-fA-F]{2})*$/;
cXSHexBinary.cast = function(vValue) {
if (vValue instanceof cXSHexBinary)
return vValue;
if (vValue instanceof cXSString || vValue instanceof cXSUntypedAtomic) {
var aMatch = fString_trim(vValue).match(rXSHexBinary);
if (aMatch)
return new cXSHexBinary(aMatch[0].toUpperCase());
throw new cException("FORG0001");
if (vValue instanceof cXSBase64Binary)
throw "Casting from 'xs:" + "base64Binary"+ "' to 'xs:" + "hexBinary"+ "' not implemented";
throw new cException("XPTY0004"
, "Casting value '" + vValue + "' to xs:hexBinary can never succeed"
fStaticContext_defineSystemDataType("hexBinary", cXSHexBinary);
function cXSNOTATION() {
cXSNOTATION.prototype = new cXSAnyAtomicType;
cXSNOTATION.prototype.builtInKind = cXSConstants.NOTATION_DT;
cXSNOTATION.prototype.primitiveKind = cXSAnySimpleType.PRIMITIVE_NOTATION;
cXSNOTATION.cast = function(vValue) {
throw new cException("XPST0017"
, "Abstract type used in constructor function xs:NOTATION"
); };
fStaticContext_defineSystemDataType("NOTATION", cXSNOTATION);
function cXSQName(sPrefix, sLocalName, sNameSpaceURI) {
this.prefix = sPrefix;
this.localName = sLocalName;
this.namespaceURI = sNameSpaceURI;
cXSQName.prototype = new cXSAnyAtomicType;
cXSQName.prototype.builtInKind = cXSConstants.QNAME_DT;
cXSQName.prototype.primitiveKind = cXSAnySimpleType.PRIMITIVE_QNAME;
cXSQName.prototype.prefix = null;
cXSQName.prototype.localName = null;
cXSQName.prototype.namespaceURI = null;
cXSQName.prototype.toString = function() {
return (this.prefix ? this.prefix + ':' : '') + this.localName;
var rXSQName = /^(?:(?![0-9-])([\w-]+)\:)?(?![0-9-])([\w-]+)$/;
cXSQName.cast = function(vValue) {
if (vValue instanceof cXSQName)
return vValue;
if (vValue instanceof cXSString || vValue instanceof cXSUntypedAtomic) {
var aMatch = fString_trim(vValue).match(rXSQName);
if (aMatch)
return new cXSQName(aMatch[1] || null, aMatch[2], null);
throw new cException("FORG0001");
throw new cException("XPTY0004"
, "Casting value '" + vValue + "' to xs:QName can never succeed"
fStaticContext_defineSystemDataType("QName", cXSQName);
function cXSString(sValue) {
this.value = sValue;
cXSString.prototype = new cXSAnyAtomicType;
cXSString.prototype.value = null;
cXSString.prototype.builtInKind = cXSConstants.STRING_DT;
cXSString.prototype.primitiveKind = cXSAnySimpleType.PRIMITIVE_STRING;
cXSString.prototype.valueOf = function() {
return this.value;
cXSString.prototype.toString = function() {
return this.value;
cXSString.cast = function(vValue) {
return new cXSString(cString(vValue));
throw new cException("XPTY0004"
, "Casting value '" + vValue + "' to xs:string can never succeed"
fStaticContext_defineSystemDataType("string", cXSString);
function cXSTime(nHours, nMinutes, nSeconds, nTimezone) {
this.hours = nHours;
this.minutes = nMinutes;
this.seconds = nSeconds;
this.timezone = nTimezone;
cXSTime.prototype = new cXSAnyAtomicType;
cXSTime.prototype.builtInKind = cXSConstants.TIME_DT;
cXSTime.prototype.primitiveKind = cXSAnySimpleType.PRIMITIVE_TIME;
cXSTime.prototype.hours = null;
cXSTime.prototype.minutes = null;
cXSTime.prototype.seconds = null;
cXSTime.prototype.timezone = null;
cXSTime.prototype.toString = function() {
return fXSDateTime_getTimeComponent(this)
+ fXSDateTime_getTZComponent(this);
var rXSTime = /^(([01]\d|2[0-3]):([0-5]\d):([0-5]\d)(?:\.(\d+))?|(24:00:00)(?:\.(0+))?)(Z|([+\-])(0\d|1[0-4]):([0-5]\d))?$/;
cXSTime.cast = function(vValue) {
if (vValue instanceof cXSTime)
return vValue;
if (vValue instanceof cXSString || vValue instanceof cXSUntypedAtomic) {
var aMatch = fString_trim(vValue).match(rXSTime);
if (aMatch) {
var bValue = !!aMatch[6];
return new cXSTime(bValue ? 0 : +aMatch[2],
bValue ? 0 : +aMatch[3],
cNumber((bValue ? 0 : aMatch[4]) + '.' + (bValue ? 0 : aMatch[5] || 0)),
aMatch[8] ? aMatch[8] == 'Z' ? 0 : (aMatch[9] == '-' ? -1 : 1) * (aMatch[10] * 60 + aMatch[11] * 1) : null
throw new cException("FORG0001");
if (vValue instanceof cXSDateTime)
return new cXSTime(vValue.hours, vValue.minutes, vValue.seconds, vValue.timezone);
throw new cException("XPTY0004"
, "Casting value '" + vValue + "' to xs:time can never succeed"
function fXSTime_normalize(oValue) {
if (oValue.seconds >= 60 || oValue.seconds < 0) {
oValue.minutes += ~~(oValue.seconds / 60) - (oValue.seconds < 0 && oValue.seconds % 60 ? 1 : 0);
oValue.seconds = oValue.seconds % 60 + (oValue.seconds < 0 && oValue.seconds % 60 ? 60 : 0);
if (oValue.minutes >= 60 || oValue.minutes < 0) {
oValue.hours += ~~(oValue.minutes / 60) - (oValue.minutes < 0 && oValue.minutes % 60 ? 1 : 0);
oValue.minutes = oValue.minutes % 60 + (oValue.minutes < 0 && oValue.minutes % 60 ? 60 : 0);
if (oValue.hours >= 24 || oValue.hours < 0) {
if (oValue instanceof cXSDateTime) += ~~(oValue.hours / 24) - (oValue.hours < 0 && oValue.hours % 24 ? 1 : 0);
oValue.hours = oValue.hours % 24 + (oValue.hours < 0 && oValue.hours % 24 ? 24 : 0);
return oValue;
fStaticContext_defineSystemDataType("time", cXSTime);
function cXSUntypedAtomic(sValue) {
this.value = sValue;
cXSUntypedAtomic.prototype = new cXSAnyAtomicType;
cXSUntypedAtomic.prototype.builtInKind = cXSConstants.XT_UNTYPEDATOMIC_DT;
cXSUntypedAtomic.prototype.toString = function() {
return cString(this.value);
cXSUntypedAtomic.cast = function(vValue) {
if (vValue instanceof cXSUntypedAtomic)
return vValue;
return new cXSUntypedAtomic(cString(vValue));
throw new cException("XPTY0004"
, "Casting value '" + vValue + "' to xs:untypedAtomic can never succeed"
fStaticContext_defineSystemDataType("untypedAtomic", cXSUntypedAtomic);
function cXSYearMonthDuration(nYear, nMonth, bNegative) {, nYear, nMonth, 0, 0, 0, 0, bNegative);
cXSYearMonthDuration.prototype = new cXSDuration;
cXSYearMonthDuration.prototype.builtInKind = cXSConstants.XT_YEARMONTHDURATION_DT;
cXSYearMonthDuration.prototype.toString = function() {
return (this.negative ? '-' : '') + 'P'
+ (fXSDuration_getYearMonthComponent(this) || '0M');
var rXSYearMonthDuration = /^(-)?P(?:([0-9]+)Y)?(?:([0-9]+)M)?$/;
cXSYearMonthDuration.cast = function(vValue) {
if (vValue instanceof cXSYearMonthDuration)
return vValue;
if (vValue instanceof cXSString || vValue instanceof cXSUntypedAtomic) {
var aMatch = fString_trim(vValue).match(rXSYearMonthDuration);
if (aMatch)
return fXSYearMonthDuration_normalize(new cXSYearMonthDuration(+aMatch[2] || 0, +aMatch[3] || 0, aMatch[1] == '-'));
throw new cException("FORG0001");
if (vValue instanceof cXSDayTimeDuration)
return new cXSYearMonthDuration(0, 0);
if (vValue instanceof cXSDuration)
return new cXSYearMonthDuration(vValue.year, vValue.month, vValue.negative);
throw new cException("XPTY0004"
, "Casting value '" + vValue + "' to xs:yearMonthDuration can never succeed"
function fXSYearMonthDuration_normalize(oDuration) {
if (oDuration.month >= 12) {
oDuration.year += ~~(oDuration.month / 12);
oDuration.month %= 12;
return oDuration;
fStaticContext_defineSystemDataType("yearMonthDuration", cXSYearMonthDuration);
function cXSDayTimeDuration(nDay, nHours, nMinutes, nSeconds, bNegative) {, 0, 0, nDay, nHours, nMinutes, nSeconds, bNegative);
cXSDayTimeDuration.prototype = new cXSDuration;
cXSDayTimeDuration.prototype.builtInKind = cXSConstants.DAYTIMEDURATION_DT;
cXSDayTimeDuration.prototype.toString = function() {
return (this.negative ? '-' : '') + 'P'
+ (fXSDuration_getDayTimeComponent(this) || 'T0S');
var rXSDayTimeDuration = /^(-)?P(?:([0-9]+)D)?(?:T(?:([0-9]+)H)?(?:([0-9]+)M)?(?:((?:(?:[0-9]+(?:.[0-9]*)?)|(?:.[0-9]+)))S)?)?$/;
cXSDayTimeDuration.cast = function(vValue) {
if (vValue instanceof cXSDayTimeDuration)
return vValue;
if (vValue instanceof cXSString || vValue instanceof cXSUntypedAtomic) {
var aMatch = fString_trim(vValue).match(rXSDayTimeDuration);
if (aMatch)
return fXSDayTimeDuration_normalize(new cXSDayTimeDuration(+aMatch[2] || 0, +aMatch[3] || 0, +aMatch[4] || 0, +aMatch[5] || 0, aMatch[1] == '-'));
throw new cException("FORG0001");
if (vValue instanceof cXSYearMonthDuration)
return new cXSDayTimeDuration(0, 0, 0, 0);
if (vValue instanceof cXSDuration)
return new cXSDayTimeDuration(, vValue.hours, vValue.minutes, vValue.seconds, vValue.negative);
throw new cException("XPTY0004"
, "Casting value '" + vValue + "' to xs:dayTimeDuration can never succeed"
function fXSDayTimeDuration_normalize(oDuration) {
if (oDuration.seconds >= 60) {
oDuration.minutes += ~~(oDuration.seconds / 60);
oDuration.seconds %= 60;
if (oDuration.minutes >= 60) {
oDuration.hours += ~~(oDuration.minutes / 60);
oDuration.minutes %= 60;
if (oDuration.hours >= 24) { += ~~(oDuration.hours / 24);
oDuration.hours %= 24;
return oDuration;
fStaticContext_defineSystemDataType("dayTimeDuration", cXSDayTimeDuration);
function cXSInteger(nValue) {
this.value = nValue;
cXSInteger.prototype = new cXSDecimal;
cXSInteger.prototype.builtInKind = cXSConstants.INTEGER_DT;
var rXSInteger = /^[-+]?[0-9]+$/;
cXSInteger.cast = function(vValue) {
if (vValue instanceof cXSInteger)
return vValue;
if (vValue instanceof cXSString || vValue instanceof cXSUntypedAtomic) {
var aMatch = fString_trim(vValue).match(rXSInteger);
if (aMatch)
return new cXSInteger(~~vValue);
throw new cException("FORG0001");
if (vValue instanceof cXSBoolean)
return new cXSInteger(vValue * 1);
if (fXSAnyAtomicType_isNumeric(vValue)) {
if (fIsNaN(vValue) || !fIsFinite(vValue))
throw new cException("FOCA0002"
, "Cannot convert '" + vValue + "' to xs:integer"
return new cXSInteger(~~vValue);
throw new cException("XPTY0004"
, "Casting value '" + vValue + "' to xs:integer can never succeed"
fStaticContext_defineSystemDataType("integer", cXSInteger);
function cXSNonPositiveInteger(nValue) {
this.value = nValue;
cXSNonPositiveInteger.prototype = new cXSInteger;
cXSNonPositiveInteger.prototype.builtInKind = cXSConstants.NONPOSITIVEINTEGER_DT;
cXSNonPositiveInteger.cast = function(vValue) {
return new cXSNonPositiveInteger(cNumber(vValue));
fStaticContext_defineSystemDataType("nonPositiveInteger", cXSNonPositiveInteger);
function cXSNegativeInteger(nValue) {
this.value = nValue;
cXSNegativeInteger.prototype = new cXSNonPositiveInteger;
cXSNegativeInteger.prototype.builtInKind = cXSConstants.NEGATIVEINTEGER_DT;
cXSNegativeInteger.cast = function(vValue) {
return new cXSNegativeInteger(cNumber(vValue));
fStaticContext_defineSystemDataType("negativeInteger", cXSNegativeInteger);
function cXSLong(nValue) {
this.value = nValue;
cXSLong.prototype = new cXSInteger;
cXSLong.prototype.builtInKind = cXSConstants.LONG_DT;
cXSLong.cast = function(vValue) {
return new cXSLong(cNumber(vValue));
fStaticContext_defineSystemDataType("long", cXSLong);
function cXSInt(nValue) {
this.value = nValue;
cXSInt.prototype = new cXSLong;
cXSInt.prototype.builtInKind = cXSConstants.INT_DT;
cXSInt.cast = function(vValue) {
return new cXSInt(cNumber(vValue));
fStaticContext_defineSystemDataType("int", cXSInt);
function cXSShort(nValue) {
this.value = nValue;
cXSShort.prototype = new cXSInt;
cXSShort.prototype.builtInKind = cXSConstants.SHORT_DT;
cXSShort.cast = function(vValue) {
return new cXSShort(cNumber(vValue));
fStaticContext_defineSystemDataType("short", cXSShort);
function cXSByte(nValue) {
this.value = nValue;
cXSByte.prototype = new cXSShort;
cXSByte.prototype.builtInKind = cXSConstants.BYTE_DT;
cXSByte.cast = function(vValue) {
return new cXSByte(cNumber(vValue));
fStaticContext_defineSystemDataType("byte", cXSByte);
function cXSNonNegativeInteger(nValue) {
this.value = nValue;
cXSNonNegativeInteger.prototype = new cXSInteger;
cXSNonNegativeInteger.prototype.builtInKind = cXSConstants.NONNEGATIVEINTEGER_DT;
cXSNonNegativeInteger.cast = function(vValue) {
return new cXSNonNegativeInteger(cNumber(vValue));
fStaticContext_defineSystemDataType("nonNegativeInteger", cXSNonNegativeInteger);
function cXSPositiveInteger(nValue) {
this.value = nValue;
cXSPositiveInteger.prototype = new cXSNonNegativeInteger;
cXSPositiveInteger.prototype.builtInKind = cXSConstants.POSITIVEINTEGER_DT;
cXSPositiveInteger.cast = function(vValue) {
return new cXSPositiveInteger(cNumber(vValue));
fStaticContext_defineSystemDataType("positiveInteger", cXSPositiveInteger);
function cXSUnsignedLong(nValue) {
this.value = nValue;
cXSUnsignedLong.prototype = new cXSNonNegativeInteger;
cXSUnsignedLong.prototype.builtInKind = cXSConstants.UNSIGNEDLONG_DT;
cXSUnsignedLong.cast = function(vValue) {
return new cXSUnsignedLong(cNumber(vValue));
fStaticContext_defineSystemDataType("unsignedLong", cXSUnsignedLong);
function cXSUnsignedInt(nValue) {
this.value = nValue;
cXSUnsignedInt.prototype = new cXSNonNegativeInteger;
cXSUnsignedInt.prototype.builtInKind = cXSConstants.UNSIGNEDINT_DT;
cXSUnsignedInt.cast = function(vValue) {
return new cXSUnsignedInt(cNumber(vValue));
fStaticContext_defineSystemDataType("unsignedInt", cXSUnsignedInt);
function cXSUnsignedShort(nValue) {
this.value = nValue;
cXSUnsignedShort.prototype = new cXSUnsignedInt;
cXSUnsignedShort.prototype.builtInKind = cXSConstants.UNSIGNEDSHORT_DT;
cXSUnsignedShort.cast = function(vValue) {
return new cXSUnsignedShort(cNumber(vValue));
fStaticContext_defineSystemDataType("unsignedShort", cXSUnsignedShort);
function cXSUnsignedByte(nValue) {
this.value = nValue;
cXSUnsignedByte.prototype = new cXSUnsignedShort;
cXSUnsignedByte.prototype.builtInKind = cXSConstants.UNSIGNEDBYTE_DT;
cXSUnsignedByte.cast = function(vValue) {
return new cXSUnsignedByte(cNumber(vValue));
fStaticContext_defineSystemDataType("unsignedByte", cXSUnsignedByte);
function cXSNormalizedString(sValue) {
this.value = sValue;
cXSNormalizedString.prototype = new cXSString;
cXSNormalizedString.prototype.builtInKind = cXSConstants.NORMALIZEDSTRING_DT;
cXSNormalizedString.cast = function(vValue) {
return new cXSNormalizedString(cString(vValue));
fStaticContext_defineSystemDataType("normalizedString", cXSNormalizedString);
function cXSToken(sValue) {
this.value = sValue;
cXSToken.prototype = new cXSNormalizedString;
cXSToken.prototype.builtInKind = cXSConstants.TOKEN_DT;
cXSToken.cast = function(vValue) {
return new cXSToken(cString(vValue));
fStaticContext_defineSystemDataType("token", cXSToken);
function cXSName(sValue) {
this.value = sValue;
cXSName.prototype = new cXSToken;
cXSName.prototype.builtInKind = cXSConstants.NAME_DT;
cXSName.cast = function(vValue) {
return new cXSName(cString(vValue));
fStaticContext_defineSystemDataType("Name", cXSName);
function cXSNCName(sValue) {
this.value = sValue;
cXSNCName.prototype = new cXSName;
cXSNCName.prototype.builtInKind = cXSConstants.NCNAME_DT;
cXSNCName.cast = function(vValue) {
return new cXSNCName(cString(vValue));
fStaticContext_defineSystemDataType("NCName", cXSNCName);
function cXSENTITY(sValue) {
this.value = sValue;
cXSENTITY.prototype = new cXSNCName;
cXSENTITY.prototype.builtInKind = cXSConstants.ENTITY_DT;
cXSENTITY.cast = function(vValue) {
return new cXSENTITY(cString(vValue));
fStaticContext_defineSystemDataType("ENTITY", cXSENTITY);
function cXSID(sValue) {
this.value = sValue;
cXSID.prototype = new cXSNCName;
cXSID.prototype.builtInKind = cXSConstants.ID_DT;
cXSID.cast = function(vValue) {
return new cXSID(cString(vValue));
fStaticContext_defineSystemDataType("ID", cXSID);
function cXSLanguage(sValue) {
this.value = sValue;
cXSLanguage.prototype = new cXSToken;
cXSLanguage.prototype.builtInKind = cXSConstants.LANGUAGE_DT;
cXSLanguage.cast = function(vValue) {
return new cXSLanguage(cString(vValue));
fStaticContext_defineSystemDataType("language", cXSLanguage);
function cXSNMTOKEN(sValue) {
this.value = sValue;
cXSNMTOKEN.prototype = new cXSToken;
cXSNMTOKEN.prototype.builtInKind = cXSConstants.NMTOKEN_DT;
cXSNMTOKEN.cast = function(vValue) {
return new cXSNMTOKEN(cString(vValue));
fStaticContext_defineSystemDataType("NMTOKEN", cXSNMTOKEN);
function cXTItem() {
function cXTNode() {
cXTNode.prototype = new cXTItem;
function cXTAttribute() {
cXTAttribute.prototype = new cXTNode;
function cXTComment() {
cXTComment.prototype = new cXTNode;
function cXTDocument() {
cXTDocument.prototype = new cXTNode;
function cXTElement() {
cXTElement.prototype = new cXTNode;
function cXTProcessingInstruction() {
cXTProcessingInstruction.prototype = new cXTNode;
function cXTText() {
cXTText.prototype = new cXTNode;
hStaticContext_operators["hexBinary-equal"] = function(oLeft, oRight) {
return new cXSBoolean(oLeft.valueOf() == oRight.valueOf());
hStaticContext_operators["base64Binary-equal"] = function(oLeft, oRight) {
return new cXSBoolean(oLeft.valueOf() == oRight.valueOf());
hStaticContext_operators["boolean-equal"] = function(oLeft, oRight) {
return new cXSBoolean(oLeft.valueOf() == oRight.valueOf());
hStaticContext_operators["boolean-less-than"] = function(oLeft, oRight) {
return new cXSBoolean(oLeft.valueOf() < oRight.valueOf());
hStaticContext_operators["boolean-greater-than"] = function(oLeft, oRight) {
return new cXSBoolean(oLeft.valueOf() > oRight.valueOf());
hStaticContext_operators["yearMonthDuration-less-than"] = function(oLeft, oRight) {
return new cXSBoolean(fOperator_yearMonthDuration_toMonths(oLeft) < fOperator_yearMonthDuration_toMonths(oRight));
hStaticContext_operators["yearMonthDuration-greater-than"] = function(oLeft, oRight) {
return new cXSBoolean(fOperator_yearMonthDuration_toMonths(oLeft) > fOperator_yearMonthDuration_toMonths(oRight));
hStaticContext_operators["dayTimeDuration-less-than"] = function(oLeft, oRight) {
return new cXSBoolean(fOperator_dayTimeDuration_toSeconds(oLeft) < fOperator_dayTimeDuration_toSeconds(oRight));
hStaticContext_operators["dayTimeDuration-greater-than"] = function(oLeft, oRight) {
return new cXSBoolean(fOperator_dayTimeDuration_toSeconds(oLeft) > fOperator_dayTimeDuration_toSeconds(oRight));
hStaticContext_operators["duration-equal"] = function(oLeft, oRight) {
return new cXSBoolean(oLeft.negative == oRight.negative
&& fOperator_yearMonthDuration_toMonths(oLeft) == fOperator_yearMonthDuration_toMonths(oRight)
&& fOperator_dayTimeDuration_toSeconds(oLeft) == fOperator_dayTimeDuration_toSeconds(oRight));
hStaticContext_operators["dateTime-equal"] = function(oLeft, oRight) {
return fOperator_compareDateTimes(oLeft, oRight, 'eq');
hStaticContext_operators["dateTime-less-than"] = function(oLeft, oRight) {
return fOperator_compareDateTimes(oLeft, oRight, 'lt');
hStaticContext_operators["dateTime-greater-than"] = function(oLeft, oRight) {
return fOperator_compareDateTimes(oLeft, oRight, 'gt');
hStaticContext_operators["date-equal"] = function(oLeft, oRight) {
return fOperator_compareDates(oLeft, oRight, 'eq');
hStaticContext_operators["date-less-than"] = function(oLeft, oRight) {
return fOperator_compareDates(oLeft, oRight, 'lt');
hStaticContext_operators["date-greater-than"] = function(oLeft, oRight) {
return fOperator_compareDates(oLeft, oRight, 'gt');
hStaticContext_operators["time-equal"] = function(oLeft, oRight) {
return fOperator_compareTimes(oLeft, oRight, 'eq');
hStaticContext_operators["time-less-than"] = function(oLeft, oRight) {
return fOperator_compareTimes(oLeft, oRight, 'lt');
hStaticContext_operators["time-greater-than"] = function(oLeft, oRight) {
return fOperator_compareTimes(oLeft, oRight, 'gt');
hStaticContext_operators["gYearMonth-equal"] = function(oLeft, oRight) {
return fOperator_compareDateTimes(
new cXSDateTime(oLeft.year, oLeft.month, fXSDate_getDaysForYearMonth(oLeft.year, oLeft.month), 0, 0, 0, oLeft.timezone == null ? this.timezone : oLeft.timezone),
new cXSDateTime(oRight.year, oRight.month, fXSDate_getDaysForYearMonth(oRight.year, oRight.month), 0, 0, 0, oRight.timezone == null ? this.timezone : oRight.timezone),
hStaticContext_operators["gYear-equal"] = function(oLeft, oRight) {
return fOperator_compareDateTimes(
new cXSDateTime(oLeft.year, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, oLeft.timezone == null ? this.timezone : oLeft.timezone),
new cXSDateTime(oRight.year, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, oRight.timezone == null ? this.timezone : oRight.timezone),
hStaticContext_operators["gMonthDay-equal"] = function(oLeft, oRight) {
return fOperator_compareDateTimes(
new cXSDateTime(1972, oLeft.month,, 0, 0, 0, oLeft.timezone == null ? this.timezone : oLeft.timezone),
new cXSDateTime(1972, oRight.month,, 0, 0, 0, oRight.timezone == null ? this.timezone : oRight.timezone),
hStaticContext_operators["gMonth-equal"] = function(oLeft, oRight) {
return fOperator_compareDateTimes(
new cXSDateTime(1972, oLeft.month, fXSDate_getDaysForYearMonth(1972, oRight.month), 0, 0, 0, oLeft.timezone == null ? this.timezone : oLeft.timezone),
new cXSDateTime(1972, oRight.month, fXSDate_getDaysForYearMonth(1972, oRight.month), 0, 0, 0, oRight.timezone == null ? this.timezone : oRight.timezone),
hStaticContext_operators["gDay-equal"] = function(oLeft, oRight) {
return fOperator_compareDateTimes(
new cXSDateTime(1972, 12,, 0, 0, 0, oLeft.timezone == null ? this.timezone : oLeft.timezone),
new cXSDateTime(1972, 12,, 0, 0, 0, oRight.timezone == null ? this.timezone : oRight.timezone),
hStaticContext_operators["add-yearMonthDurations"] = function(oLeft, oRight) {
return fOperator_yearMonthDuration_fromMonths(fOperator_yearMonthDuration_toMonths(oLeft) + fOperator_yearMonthDuration_toMonths(oRight));
hStaticContext_operators["subtract-yearMonthDurations"] = function(oLeft, oRight) {
return fOperator_yearMonthDuration_fromMonths(fOperator_yearMonthDuration_toMonths(oLeft) - fOperator_yearMonthDuration_toMonths(oRight));
hStaticContext_operators["multiply-yearMonthDuration"] = function(oLeft, oRight) {
return fOperator_yearMonthDuration_fromMonths(fOperator_yearMonthDuration_toMonths(oLeft) * oRight);
hStaticContext_operators["divide-yearMonthDuration"] = function(oLeft, oRight) {
return fOperator_yearMonthDuration_fromMonths(fOperator_yearMonthDuration_toMonths(oLeft) / oRight);
hStaticContext_operators["divide-yearMonthDuration-by-yearMonthDuration"] = function(oLeft, oRight) {
return new cXSDecimal(fOperator_yearMonthDuration_toMonths(oLeft) / fOperator_yearMonthDuration_toMonths(oRight));
hStaticContext_operators["add-dayTimeDurations"] = function(oLeft, oRight) {
return fOperator_dayTimeDuration_fromSeconds(fOperator_dayTimeDuration_toSeconds(oLeft) + fOperator_dayTimeDuration_toSeconds(oRight));
hStaticContext_operators["subtract-dayTimeDurations"] = function(oLeft, oRight) {
return fOperator_dayTimeDuration_fromSeconds(fOperator_dayTimeDuration_toSeconds(oLeft) - fOperator_dayTimeDuration_toSeconds(oRight));
hStaticContext_operators["multiply-dayTimeDuration"] = function(oLeft, oRight) {
return fOperator_dayTimeDuration_fromSeconds(fOperator_dayTimeDuration_toSeconds(oLeft) * oRight);
hStaticContext_operators["divide-dayTimeDuration"] = function(oLeft, oRight) {
return fOperator_dayTimeDuration_fromSeconds(fOperator_dayTimeDuration_toSeconds(oLeft) / oRight);
hStaticContext_operators["divide-dayTimeDuration-by-dayTimeDuration"] = function(oLeft, oRight) {
return new cXSDecimal(fOperator_dayTimeDuration_toSeconds(oLeft) / fOperator_dayTimeDuration_toSeconds(oRight));
hStaticContext_operators["subtract-dateTimes"] = function(oLeft, oRight) {
throw "Operator function '" + "subtract-dateTimes" + "' not implemented";
hStaticContext_operators["subtract-dates"] = function(oLeft, oRight) {
throw "Operator function '" + "subtract-dates" + "' not implemented";
hStaticContext_operators["subtract-times"] = function(oLeft, oRight) {
return fOperator_dayTimeDuration_fromSeconds(fOperator_time_toSeconds(oLeft) - fOperator_time_toSeconds(oRight));
hStaticContext_operators["add-yearMonthDuration-to-dateTime"] = function(oLeft, oRight) {
return fOperator_addYearMonthDuration2DateTime(oLeft, oRight, '+');
hStaticContext_operators["add-dayTimeDuration-to-dateTime"] = function(oLeft, oRight) {
return fOperator_addDayTimeDuration2DateTime(oLeft, oRight, '+');
hStaticContext_operators["subtract-yearMonthDuration-from-dateTime"] = function(oLeft, oRight) {
return fOperator_addYearMonthDuration2DateTime(oLeft, oRight, '-');
hStaticContext_operators["subtract-dayTimeDuration-from-dateTime"] = function(oLeft, oRight) {
return fOperator_addDayTimeDuration2DateTime(oLeft, oRight, '-');
hStaticContext_operators["add-yearMonthDuration-to-date"] = function(oLeft, oRight) {
return fOperator_addYearMonthDuration2DateTime(oLeft, oRight, '+');
hStaticContext_operators["add-dayTimeDuration-to-date"] = function(oLeft, oRight) {
return fOperator_addDayTimeDuration2DateTime(oLeft, oRight, '+');
hStaticContext_operators["subtract-yearMonthDuration-from-date"] = function(oLeft, oRight) {
return fOperator_addYearMonthDuration2DateTime(oLeft, oRight, '-');
hStaticContext_operators["subtract-dayTimeDuration-from-date"] = function(oLeft, oRight) {
return fOperator_addDayTimeDuration2DateTime(oLeft, oRight, '-');
hStaticContext_operators["add-dayTimeDuration-to-time"] = function(oLeft, oRight) {
var oValue = new cXSTime(oLeft.hours, oLeft.minutes, oLeft.seconds, oLeft.timezone);
oValue.hours += oRight.hours;
oValue.minutes += oRight.minutes;
oValue.seconds += oRight.seconds;
return fXSTime_normalize(oValue);
hStaticContext_operators["subtract-dayTimeDuration-from-time"] = function(oLeft, oRight) {
var oValue = new cXSTime(oLeft.hours, oLeft.minutes, oLeft.seconds, oLeft.timezone);
oValue.hours -= oRight.hours;
oValue.minutes -= oRight.minutes;
oValue.seconds -= oRight.seconds;
return fXSTime_normalize(oValue);
function fOperator_compareTimes(oLeft, oRight, sComparator) {
var nLeft = fOperator_time_toSeconds(oLeft),
nRight = fOperator_time_toSeconds(oRight);
return new cXSBoolean(sComparator == 'lt' ? nLeft < nRight : sComparator == 'gt' ? nLeft > nRight : nLeft == nRight);
function fOperator_compareDates(oLeft, oRight, sComparator) {
return fOperator_compareDateTimes(cXSDateTime.cast(oLeft), cXSDateTime.cast(oRight), sComparator);
function fOperator_compareDateTimes(oLeft, oRight, sComparator) {
var oTimezone = new cXSDayTimeDuration(0, 0, 0, 0),
sLeft = fFunction_dateTime_adjustTimezone(oLeft, oTimezone).toString(),
sRight = fFunction_dateTime_adjustTimezone(oRight, oTimezone).toString();
return new cXSBoolean(sComparator == 'lt' ? sLeft < sRight : sComparator == 'gt' ? sLeft > sRight : sLeft == sRight);
function fOperator_addYearMonthDuration2DateTime(oLeft, oRight, sOperator) {
var oValue;
if (oLeft instanceof cXSDate)
oValue = new cXSDate(oLeft.year, oLeft.month,, oLeft.timezone, oLeft.negative);
if (oLeft instanceof cXSDateTime)
oValue = new cXSDateTime(oLeft.year, oLeft.month,, oLeft.hours, oLeft.minutes, oLeft.seconds, oLeft.timezone, oLeft.negative);
oValue.year = oValue.year + oRight.year * (sOperator == '-' ?-1 : 1);
oValue.month = oValue.month + oRight.month * (sOperator == '-' ?-1 : 1);
fXSDate_normalize(oValue, true);
var nDay = fXSDate_getDaysForYearMonth(oValue.year, oValue.month);
if ( > nDay) = nDay;
return oValue;
function fOperator_addDayTimeDuration2DateTime(oLeft, oRight, sOperator) {
var oValue;
if (oLeft instanceof cXSDate) {
oValue = new cXSDate(oLeft.year, oLeft.month,, oLeft.timezone, oLeft.negative); = + * (sOperator == '-' ?-1 : 1);
if (oLeft instanceof cXSDateTime) {
oValue = new cXSDateTime(oLeft.year, oLeft.month,, oLeft.hours, oLeft.minutes, oLeft.seconds, oLeft.timezone, oLeft.negative);
oValue.seconds = oValue.seconds + oRight.seconds * (sOperator == '-' ?-1 : 1);
oValue.minutes = oValue.minutes + oRight.minutes * (sOperator == '-' ?-1 : 1);
oValue.hours = oValue.hours + oRight.hours * (sOperator == '-' ?-1 : 1); = + * (sOperator == '-' ?-1 : 1);
return oValue;
function fOperator_dayTimeDuration_toSeconds(oDuration) {
return ((( * 24 + oDuration.hours) * 60 + oDuration.minutes) * 60 + oDuration.seconds) * (oDuration.negative ? -1 : 1);
function fOperator_dayTimeDuration_fromSeconds(nValue) {
var bNegative =(nValue = cMath.round(nValue)) < 0,
nDays = ~~((nValue = cMath.abs(nValue)) / 86400),
nHours = ~~((nValue -= nDays * 3600 * 24) / 3600),
nMinutes= ~~((nValue -= nHours * 3600) / 60),
nSeconds = nValue -= nMinutes * 60;
return new cXSDayTimeDuration(nDays, nHours, nMinutes, nSeconds, bNegative);
function fOperator_yearMonthDuration_toMonths(oDuration) {
return (oDuration.year * 12 + oDuration.month) * (oDuration.negative ? -1 : 1);
function fOperator_yearMonthDuration_fromMonths(nValue) {
var nNegative =(nValue = cMath.round(nValue)) < 0,
nYears = ~~((nValue = cMath.abs(nValue)) / 12),
nMonths = nValue -= nYears * 12;
return new cXSYearMonthDuration(nYears, nMonths, nNegative);
function fOperator_time_toSeconds(oTime) {
return oTime.seconds + (oTime.minutes - (oTime.timezone != null ? oTime.timezone % 60 : 0) + (oTime.hours - (oTime.timezone != null ? ~~(oTime.timezone / 60) : 0)) * 60) * 60;
hStaticContext_operators["is-same-node"] = function(oLeft, oRight) {
return new cXSBoolean(this.DOMAdapter.isSameNode(oLeft, oRight));
hStaticContext_operators["node-before"] = function(oLeft, oRight) {
return new cXSBoolean(!!(this.DOMAdapter.compareDocumentPosition(oLeft, oRight) & 4));
hStaticContext_operators["node-after"] = function(oLeft, oRight) {
return new cXSBoolean(!!(this.DOMAdapter.compareDocumentPosition(oLeft, oRight) & 2));
function fFunctionCall_numeric_getPower(oLeft, oRight) {
if (fIsNaN(oLeft) || (cMath.abs(oLeft) == nInfinity) || fIsNaN(oRight) || (cMath.abs(oRight) == nInfinity))
return 0;
var aLeft = cString(oLeft).match(rNumericLiteral),
aRight = cString(oRight).match(rNumericLiteral),
nPower = cMath.max(1, (aLeft[2] || aLeft[3] || '').length + (aLeft[5] || 0) * (aLeft[4] == '+' ?-1 : 1), (aRight[2] || aRight[3] || '').length + (aRight[5] || 0) * (aRight[4] == '+' ?-1 : 1));
return nPower + (nPower % 2 ? 0 : 1);
hStaticContext_operators["numeric-add"] = function(oLeft, oRight) {
var nLeft = oLeft.valueOf(),
nRight = oRight.valueOf(),
nPower = cMath.pow(10, fFunctionCall_numeric_getPower(nLeft, nRight));
return fOperator_numeric_getResultOfType(oLeft, oRight, ((nLeft * nPower) + (nRight * nPower))/nPower);
hStaticContext_operators["numeric-subtract"] = function(oLeft, oRight) {
var nLeft = oLeft.valueOf(),
nRight = oRight.valueOf(),
nPower = cMath.pow(10, fFunctionCall_numeric_getPower(nLeft, nRight));
return fOperator_numeric_getResultOfType(oLeft, oRight, ((nLeft * nPower) - (nRight * nPower))/nPower);
hStaticContext_operators["numeric-multiply"] = function(oLeft, oRight) {
var nLeft = oLeft.valueOf(),
nRight = oRight.valueOf(),
nPower = cMath.pow(10, fFunctionCall_numeric_getPower(nLeft, nRight));
return fOperator_numeric_getResultOfType(oLeft, oRight, ((nLeft * nPower) * (nRight * nPower))/(nPower * nPower));
hStaticContext_operators["numeric-divide"] = function(oLeft, oRight) {
var nLeft = oLeft.valueOf(),
nRight = oRight.valueOf(),
nPower = cMath.pow(10, fFunctionCall_numeric_getPower(nLeft, nRight));
return fOperator_numeric_getResultOfType(oLeft, oRight, (oLeft * nPower) / (oRight * nPower));
hStaticContext_operators["numeric-integer-divide"] = function(oLeft, oRight) {
return new cXSInteger(~~(oLeft / oRight));
hStaticContext_operators["numeric-mod"] = function(oLeft, oRight) {
var nLeft = oLeft.valueOf(),
nRight = oRight.valueOf(),
nPower = cMath.pow(10, fFunctionCall_numeric_getPower(nLeft, nRight));
return fOperator_numeric_getResultOfType(oLeft, oRight, ((nLeft * nPower) % (nRight * nPower)) / nPower);
hStaticContext_operators["numeric-unary-plus"] = function(oRight) {
return oRight;
hStaticContext_operators["numeric-unary-minus"] = function(oRight) {
oRight.value *=-1;
return oRight;
hStaticContext_operators["numeric-equal"] = function(oLeft, oRight) {
return new cXSBoolean(oLeft.valueOf() == oRight.valueOf());
hStaticContext_operators["numeric-less-than"] = function(oLeft, oRight) {
return new cXSBoolean(oLeft.valueOf() < oRight.valueOf());
hStaticContext_operators["numeric-greater-than"] = function(oLeft, oRight) {
return new cXSBoolean(oLeft.valueOf() > oRight.valueOf());
function fOperator_numeric_getResultOfType(oLeft, oRight, nResult) {
return new (oLeft instanceof cXSInteger && oRight instanceof cXSInteger && nResult == cMath.round(nResult) ? cXSInteger : cXSDecimal)(nResult);
hStaticContext_operators["QName-equal"] = function(oLeft, oRight) {
return new cXSBoolean(oLeft.localName == oRight.localName && oLeft.namespaceURI == oRight.namespaceURI);
hStaticContext_operators["concatenate"] = function(oSequence1, oSequence2) {
return oSequence1.concat(oSequence2);
hStaticContext_operators["union"] = function(oSequence1, oSequence2) {
var oSequence = [];
for (var nIndex = 0, nLength = oSequence1.length, oItem; nIndex < nLength; nIndex++) {
if (!this.DOMAdapter.isNode(oItem = oSequence1[nIndex]))
throw new cException("XPTY0004"
, "Required item type of first operand of 'union' is node()"
); if (fArray_indexOf(oSequence, oItem) ==-1)
for (var nIndex = 0, nLength = oSequence2.length, oItem; nIndex < nLength; nIndex++) {
if (!this.DOMAdapter.isNode(oItem = oSequence2[nIndex]))
throw new cException("XPTY0004"
, "Required item type of second operand of 'union' is node()"
); if (fArray_indexOf(oSequence, oItem) ==-1)
return fFunction_sequence_order(oSequence, this);
hStaticContext_operators["intersect"] = function(oSequence1, oSequence2) {
var oSequence = [];
for (var nIndex = 0, nLength = oSequence1.length, oItem, bFound; nIndex < nLength; nIndex++) {
if (!this.DOMAdapter.isNode(oItem = oSequence1[nIndex]))
throw new cException("XPTY0004"
, "Required item type of second operand of 'intersect' is node()"
); bFound = false;
for (var nRightIndex = 0, nRightLength = oSequence2.length;(nRightIndex < nRightLength) && !bFound; nRightIndex++) {
if (!this.DOMAdapter.isNode(oSequence2[nRightIndex]))
throw new cException("XPTY0004"
, "Required item type of first operand of 'intersect' is node()"
bFound = this.DOMAdapter.isSameNode(oSequence2[nRightIndex], oItem);
if (bFound && fArray_indexOf(oSequence, oItem) ==-1)
return fFunction_sequence_order(oSequence, this);
hStaticContext_operators["except"] = function(oSequence1, oSequence2) {
var oSequence = [];
for (var nIndex = 0, nLength = oSequence1.length, oItem, bFound; nIndex < nLength; nIndex++) {
if (!this.DOMAdapter.isNode(oItem = oSequence1[nIndex]))
throw new cException("XPTY0004"
, "Required item type of second operand of 'except' is node()"
); bFound = false;
for (var nRightIndex = 0, nRightLength = oSequence2.length;(nRightIndex < nRightLength) && !bFound; nRightIndex++) {
if (!this.DOMAdapter.isNode(oSequence2[nRightIndex]))
throw new cException("XPTY0004"
, "Required item type of first operand of 'except' is node()"
bFound = this.DOMAdapter.isSameNode(oSequence2[nRightIndex], oItem);
if (!bFound && fArray_indexOf(oSequence, oItem) ==-1)
return fFunction_sequence_order(oSequence, this);
hStaticContext_operators["to"] = function(oLeft, oRight) {
var oSequence = [];
for (var nIndex = oLeft.valueOf(), nLength = oRight.valueOf(); nIndex <= nLength; nIndex++)
oSequence.push(new cXSInteger(nIndex));
return oSequence;
fStaticContext_defineSystemFunction("node-name", [[cXTNode, '?']], function(oNode) {
if (oNode != null) {
var fGetProperty = this.DOMAdapter.getProperty;
switch (fGetProperty(oNode, "nodeType")) {
case 1: case 2: return new cXSQName(fGetProperty(oNode, "prefix"), fGetProperty(oNode, "localName"), fGetProperty(oNode, "namespaceURI"));
case 5: throw "Not implemented";
case 6: throw "Not implemented";
case 7: return new cXSQName(null, fGetProperty(oNode, "target"), null);
case 10: return new cXSQName(null, fGetProperty(oNode, "name"), null);
return null;
fStaticContext_defineSystemFunction("nilled", [[cXTNode, '?']], function(oNode) {
if (oNode != null) {
if (this.DOMAdapter.getProperty(oNode, "nodeType") == 1)
return new cXSBoolean(false); }
return null;
fStaticContext_defineSystemFunction("string", [[cXTItem, '?', true]], function(oItem) {
if (!arguments.length) {
if (!this.item)
throw new cException("XPDY0002");
oItem = this.item;
return oItem == null ? new cXSString('') : cXSString.cast(fFunction_sequence_atomize([oItem], this)[0]);
fStaticContext_defineSystemFunction("data", [[cXTItem, '*']], function(oSequence1) {
return fFunction_sequence_atomize(oSequence1, this);
fStaticContext_defineSystemFunction("base-uri", [[cXTNode, '?', true]], function(oNode) {
if (!arguments.length) {
if (!this.DOMAdapter.isNode(this.item))
throw new cException("XPTY0004"
, "base-uri() function called when the context item is not a node"
oNode = this.item;
return cXSAnyURI.cast(new cXSString(this.DOMAdapter.getProperty(oNode, "baseURI") || ''));
fStaticContext_defineSystemFunction("document-uri", [[cXTNode, '?']], function(oNode) {
if (oNode != null) {
var fGetProperty = this.DOMAdapter.getProperty;
if (fGetProperty(oNode, "nodeType") == 9)
return cXSAnyURI.cast(new cXSString(fGetProperty(oNode, "documentURI") || ''));
return null;
fStaticContext_defineSystemFunction("resolve-uri", [[cXSString, '?'], [cXSString, '', true]], function(sUri, sBaseUri) {
var sBaseUri;
if (arguments.length < 2) {
if (!this.DOMAdapter.isNode(this.item))
throw new cException("XPTY0004"
, "resolve-uri() function called when the context item is not a node"
sBaseUri = new cXSString(this.DOMAdapter.getProperty(this.item, "baseURI") || '');
if (sUri == null)
return null;
if (sUri.valueOf() == '' || sUri.valueOf().charAt(0) == '#')
return cXSAnyURI.cast(sBaseUri);
var oUri = cXSAnyURI.cast(sUri);
if (oUri.scheme)
return oUri;
var oBaseUri = cXSAnyURI.cast(sBaseUri);
oUri.scheme = oBaseUri.scheme;
if (!oUri.authority) {
oUri.authority = oBaseUri.authority;
if (oUri.path.charAt(0) != '/') {
var aUriSegments = oUri.path.split('/'),
aBaseUriSegments = oBaseUri.path.split('/');
var nBaseUriStart = aBaseUriSegments[0] == '' ? 1 : 0;
for (var nIndex = 0, nLength = aUriSegments.length; nIndex < nLength; nIndex++) {
if (aUriSegments[nIndex] == '..') {
if (aBaseUriSegments.length > nBaseUriStart)
else {
if (aUriSegments[nIndex] != '.')
if (aUriSegments[--nIndex] == '..' || aUriSegments[nIndex] == '.')
oUri.path = aBaseUriSegments.join('/');
return oUri;
fStaticContext_defineSystemFunction("true", [], function() {
return new cXSBoolean(true);
fStaticContext_defineSystemFunction("false", [], function() {
return new cXSBoolean(false);
fStaticContext_defineSystemFunction("not", [[cXTItem, '*']], function(oSequence1) {
return new cXSBoolean(!fFunction_sequence_toEBV(oSequence1, this));
fStaticContext_defineSystemFunction("position", [], function() {
return new cXSInteger(this.position);
fStaticContext_defineSystemFunction("last", [], function() {
return new cXSInteger(this.size);
fStaticContext_defineSystemFunction("current-dateTime", [], function() {
return this.dateTime;
fStaticContext_defineSystemFunction("current-date", [], function() {
return cXSDate.cast(this.dateTime);
fStaticContext_defineSystemFunction("current-time", [], function() {
return cXSTime.cast(this.dateTime);
fStaticContext_defineSystemFunction("implicit-timezone", [], function() {
return this.timezone;
fStaticContext_defineSystemFunction("default-collation", [], function() {
return new cXSString(this.staticContext.defaultCollationName);
fStaticContext_defineSystemFunction("static-base-uri", [], function() {
return cXSAnyURI.cast(new cXSString(this.staticContext.baseURI || ''));
fStaticContext_defineSystemFunction("years-from-duration", [[cXSDuration, '?']], function(oDuration) {
return fFunction_duration_getComponent(oDuration, "year");
fStaticContext_defineSystemFunction("months-from-duration", [[cXSDuration, '?']], function(oDuration) {
return fFunction_duration_getComponent(oDuration, "month");
fStaticContext_defineSystemFunction("days-from-duration", [[cXSDuration, '?']], function(oDuration) {
return fFunction_duration_getComponent(oDuration, "day");
fStaticContext_defineSystemFunction("hours-from-duration", [[cXSDuration, '?']], function(oDuration) {
return fFunction_duration_getComponent(oDuration, "hours");
fStaticContext_defineSystemFunction("minutes-from-duration", [[cXSDuration, '?']], function(oDuration) {
return fFunction_duration_getComponent(oDuration, "minutes");
fStaticContext_defineSystemFunction("seconds-from-duration", [[cXSDuration, '?']], function(oDuration) {
return fFunction_duration_getComponent(oDuration, "seconds");
fStaticContext_defineSystemFunction("year-from-dateTime", [[cXSDateTime, '?']], function(oDateTime) {
return fFunction_dateTime_getComponent(oDateTime, "year");
fStaticContext_defineSystemFunction("month-from-dateTime", [[cXSDateTime, '?']], function(oDateTime) {
return fFunction_dateTime_getComponent(oDateTime, "month");
fStaticContext_defineSystemFunction("day-from-dateTime", [[cXSDateTime, '?']], function(oDateTime) {
return fFunction_dateTime_getComponent(oDateTime, "day");
fStaticContext_defineSystemFunction("hours-from-dateTime", [[cXSDateTime, '?']], function(oDateTime) {
return fFunction_dateTime_getComponent(oDateTime, "hours");
fStaticContext_defineSystemFunction("minutes-from-dateTime", [[cXSDateTime, '?']], function(oDateTime) {
return fFunction_dateTime_getComponent(oDateTime, "minutes");
fStaticContext_defineSystemFunction("seconds-from-dateTime", [[cXSDateTime, '?']], function(oDateTime) {
return fFunction_dateTime_getComponent(oDateTime, "seconds");
fStaticContext_defineSystemFunction("timezone-from-dateTime", [[cXSDateTime, '?']], function(oDateTime) {
return fFunction_dateTime_getComponent(oDateTime, "timezone");
fStaticContext_defineSystemFunction("year-from-date", [[cXSDate, '?']], function(oDate) {
return fFunction_dateTime_getComponent(oDate, "year");
fStaticContext_defineSystemFunction("month-from-date", [[cXSDate, '?']], function(oDate) {
return fFunction_dateTime_getComponent(oDate, "month");
fStaticContext_defineSystemFunction("day-from-date", [[cXSDate, '?']], function(oDate) {
return fFunction_dateTime_getComponent(oDate, "day");
fStaticContext_defineSystemFunction("timezone-from-date", [[cXSDate, '?']], function(oDate) {
return fFunction_dateTime_getComponent(oDate, "timezone");
fStaticContext_defineSystemFunction("hours-from-time", [[cXSTime, '?']], function(oTime) {
return fFunction_dateTime_getComponent(oTime, "hours");
fStaticContext_defineSystemFunction("minutes-from-time", [[cXSTime, '?']], function(oTime) {
return fFunction_dateTime_getComponent(oTime, "minutes");
fStaticContext_defineSystemFunction("seconds-from-time", [[cXSTime, '?']], function(oTime) {
return fFunction_dateTime_getComponent(oTime, "seconds");
fStaticContext_defineSystemFunction("timezone-from-time", [[cXSTime, '?']], function(oTime) {
return fFunction_dateTime_getComponent(oTime, "timezone");
fStaticContext_defineSystemFunction("adjust-dateTime-to-timezone", [[cXSDateTime, '?'], [cXSDayTimeDuration, '?', true]], function(oDateTime, oDayTimeDuration) {
return fFunction_dateTime_adjustTimezone(oDateTime, arguments.length > 1 && oDayTimeDuration != null ? arguments.length > 1 ? oDayTimeDuration : this.timezone : null);
fStaticContext_defineSystemFunction("adjust-date-to-timezone", [[cXSDate, '?'], [cXSDayTimeDuration, '?', true]], function(oDate, oDayTimeDuration) {
return fFunction_dateTime_adjustTimezone(oDate, arguments.length > 1 && oDayTimeDuration != null ? arguments.length > 1 ? oDayTimeDuration : this.timezone : null);
fStaticContext_defineSystemFunction("adjust-time-to-timezone", [[cXSTime, '?'], [cXSDayTimeDuration, '?', true]], function(oTime, oDayTimeDuration) {
return fFunction_dateTime_adjustTimezone(oTime, arguments.length > 1 && oDayTimeDuration != null ? arguments.length > 1 ? oDayTimeDuration : this.timezone : null);
function fFunction_duration_getComponent(oDuration, sName) {
if (oDuration == null)
return null;
var nValue = oDuration[sName] * (oDuration.negative ?-1 : 1);
return sName == "seconds" ? new cXSDecimal(nValue) : new cXSInteger(nValue);
function fFunction_dateTime_getComponent(oDateTime, sName) {
if (oDateTime == null)
return null;
if (sName == "timezone") {
var nTimezone = oDateTime.timezone;
if (nTimezone == null)
return null;
return new cXSDayTimeDuration(0, cMath.abs(~~(nTimezone / 60)), cMath.abs(nTimezone % 60), 0, nTimezone < 0);
else {
var nValue = oDateTime[sName];
if (!(oDateTime instanceof cXSDate)) {
if (sName == "hours")
if (nValue == 24)
nValue = 0;
if (!(oDateTime instanceof cXSTime))
nValue *= oDateTime.negative ?-1 : 1;
return sName == "seconds" ? new cXSDecimal(nValue) : new cXSInteger(nValue);
function fFunction_dateTime_adjustTimezone(oDateTime, oTimezone) {
if (oDateTime == null)
return null;
var oValue;
if (oDateTime instanceof cXSDate)
oValue = new cXSDate(oDateTime.year, oDateTime.month,, oDateTime.timezone, oDateTime.negative);
if (oDateTime instanceof cXSTime)
oValue = new cXSTime(oDateTime.hours, oDateTime.minutes, oDateTime.seconds, oDateTime.timezone, oDateTime.negative);
oValue = new cXSDateTime(oDateTime.year, oDateTime.month,, oDateTime.hours, oDateTime.minutes, oDateTime.seconds, oDateTime.timezone, oDateTime.negative);
if (oTimezone == null)
oValue.timezone = null;
else {
var nTimezone = fOperator_dayTimeDuration_toSeconds(oTimezone) / 60;
if (oDateTime.timezone != null) {
var nDiff = nTimezone - oDateTime.timezone;
if (oDateTime instanceof cXSDate) {
if (nDiff < 0);
else {
oValue.minutes += nDiff % 60;
oValue.hours += ~~(nDiff / 60);
oValue.timezone = nTimezone;
return oValue;
fStaticContext_defineSystemFunction("name", [[cXTNode, '?', true]], function(oNode) {
if (!arguments.length) {
if (!this.DOMAdapter.isNode(this.item))
throw new cException("XPTY0004"
, "name() function called when the context item is not a node"
oNode = this.item;
if (oNode == null)
return new cXSString('');
var vValue = hStaticContext_functions["node-name"].call(this, oNode);
return new cXSString(vValue == null ? '' : vValue.toString());
fStaticContext_defineSystemFunction("local-name", [[cXTNode, '?', true]], function(oNode) {
if (!arguments.length) {
if (!this.DOMAdapter.isNode(this.item))
throw new cException("XPTY0004"
, "local-name() function called when the context item is not a node"
oNode = this.item;
if (oNode == null)
return new cXSString('');
return new cXSString(this.DOMAdapter.getProperty(oNode, "localName") || '');
fStaticContext_defineSystemFunction("namespace-uri", [[cXTNode, '?', true]], function(oNode) {
if (!arguments.length) {
if (!this.DOMAdapter.isNode(this.item))
throw new cException("XPTY0004"
, "namespace-uri() function called when the context item is not a node"
oNode = this.item;
if (oNode == null)
return cXSAnyURI.cast(new cXSString(''));
return cXSAnyURI.cast(new cXSString(this.DOMAdapter.getProperty(oNode, "namespaceURI") || ''));
fStaticContext_defineSystemFunction("number", [[cXSAnyAtomicType, '?', true]], function(oItem) {
if (!arguments.length) {
if (!this.item)
throw new cException("XPDY0002");
oItem = fFunction_sequence_atomize([this.item], this)[0];
var vValue = new cXSDouble(nNaN);
if (oItem != null) {
try {
vValue = cXSDouble.cast(oItem);
catch (e) {
return vValue;
fStaticContext_defineSystemFunction("lang", [[cXSString, '?'], [cXTNode, '', true]], function(sLang, oNode) {
if (arguments.length < 2) {
if (!this.DOMAdapter.isNode(this.item))
throw new cException("XPTY0004"
, "lang() function called when the context item is not a node"
oNode = this.item;
var fGetProperty = this.DOMAdapter.getProperty;
if (fGetProperty(oNode, "nodeType") == 2)
oNode = fGetProperty(oNode, "ownerElement");
for (var aAttributes; oNode; oNode = fGetProperty(oNode, "parentNode"))
if (aAttributes = fGetProperty(oNode, "attributes"))
for (var nIndex = 0, nLength = aAttributes.length; nIndex < nLength; nIndex++)
if (fGetProperty(aAttributes[nIndex], "nodeName") == "xml:lang")
return new cXSBoolean(fGetProperty(aAttributes[nIndex], "value").replace(/-.+/, '').toLowerCase() == sLang.valueOf().replace(/-.+/, '').toLowerCase());
return new cXSBoolean(false);
fStaticContext_defineSystemFunction("root", [[cXTNode, '?', true]], function(oNode) {
if (!arguments.length) {
if (!this.DOMAdapter.isNode(this.item))
throw new cException("XPTY0004"
, "root() function called when the context item is not a node"
oNode = this.item;
if (oNode == null)
return null;
var fGetProperty = this.DOMAdapter.getProperty;
if (fGetProperty(oNode, "nodeType") == 2)
oNode = fGetProperty(oNode, "ownerElement");
for (var oParent = oNode; oParent; oParent = fGetProperty(oNode, "parentNode"))
oNode = oParent;
return oNode;
fStaticContext_defineSystemFunction("abs", [[cXSDouble, '?']], function(oValue) {
return new cXSDecimal(cMath.abs(oValue));
fStaticContext_defineSystemFunction("ceiling", [[cXSDouble, '?']], function(oValue) {
return new cXSDecimal(cMath.ceil(oValue));
fStaticContext_defineSystemFunction("floor", [[cXSDouble, '?']], function(oValue) {
return new cXSDecimal(cMath.floor(oValue));
fStaticContext_defineSystemFunction("round", [[cXSDouble, '?']], function(oValue) {
return new cXSDecimal(cMath.round(oValue));
fStaticContext_defineSystemFunction("round-half-to-even", [[cXSDouble, '?'], [cXSInteger, '', true]], function(oValue, oPrecision) {
var nPrecision = arguments.length > 1 ? oPrecision.valueOf() : 0;
if (nPrecision < 0) {
var oPower = new cXSInteger(cMath.pow(10,-nPrecision)),
nRounded= cMath.round(hStaticContext_operators["numeric-divide"].call(this, oValue, oPower)),
oRounded= new cXSInteger(nRounded);
nDecimal= cMath.abs(hStaticContext_operators["numeric-subtract"].call(this, oRounded, hStaticContext_operators["numeric-divide"].call(this, oValue, oPower)));
return hStaticContext_operators["numeric-multiply"].call(this, hStaticContext_operators["numeric-add"].call(this, oRounded, new cXSDecimal(nDecimal == 0.5 && nRounded % 2 ?-1 : 0)), oPower);
else {
var oPower = new cXSInteger(cMath.pow(10, nPrecision)),
nRounded= cMath.round(hStaticContext_operators["numeric-multiply"].call(this, oValue, oPower)),
oRounded= new cXSInteger(nRounded);
nDecimal= cMath.abs(hStaticContext_operators["numeric-subtract"].call(this, oRounded, hStaticContext_operators["numeric-multiply"].call(this, oValue, oPower)));
return hStaticContext_operators["numeric-divide"].call(this, hStaticContext_operators["numeric-add"].call(this, oRounded, new cXSDecimal(nDecimal == 0.5 && nRounded % 2 ?-1 : 0)), oPower);
fStaticContext_defineSystemFunction("resolve-QName", [[cXSString, '?'], [cXTElement]], function(oQName, oElement) {
if (oQName == null)
return null;
var sQName = oQName.valueOf(),
aMatch = sQName.match(rXSQName);
if (!aMatch)
throw new cException("FOCA0002"
, "Invalid QName '" + sQName + "'"
var sPrefix = aMatch[1] || null,
sLocalName = aMatch[2],
sNameSpaceURI = this.DOMAdapter.lookupNamespaceURI(oElement, sPrefix);
if (sPrefix != null &&!sNameSpaceURI)
throw new cException("FONS0004"
, "Namespace prefix '" + sPrefix + "' has not been declared"
return new cXSQName(sPrefix, sLocalName, sNameSpaceURI || null);
fStaticContext_defineSystemFunction("QName", [[cXSString, '?'], [cXSString]], function(oUri, oQName) {
var sQName = oQName.valueOf(),
aMatch = sQName.match(rXSQName);
if (!aMatch)
throw new cException("FOCA0002"
, "Invalid QName '" + sQName + "'"
return new cXSQName(aMatch[1] || null, aMatch[2] || null, oUri == null ? '' : oUri.valueOf());
fStaticContext_defineSystemFunction("prefix-from-QName", [[cXSQName, '?']], function(oQName) {
if (oQName != null) {
if (oQName.prefix)
return new cXSNCName(oQName.prefix);
return null;
fStaticContext_defineSystemFunction("local-name-from-QName", [[cXSQName, '?']], function(oQName) {
if (oQName == null)
return null;
return new cXSNCName(oQName.localName);
fStaticContext_defineSystemFunction("namespace-uri-from-QName", [[cXSQName, '?']], function(oQName) {
if (oQName == null)
return null;
return cXSAnyURI.cast(new cXSString(oQName.namespaceURI || ''));
fStaticContext_defineSystemFunction("namespace-uri-for-prefix", [[cXSString, '?'], [cXTElement]], function(oPrefix, oElement) {
var sPrefix = oPrefix == null ? '' : oPrefix.valueOf(),
sNameSpaceURI = this.DOMAdapter.lookupNamespaceURI(oElement, sPrefix || null);
return sNameSpaceURI == null ? null : cXSAnyURI.cast(new cXSString(sNameSpaceURI));
fStaticContext_defineSystemFunction("in-scope-prefixes", [[cXTElement]], function(oElement) {
throw "Function '" + "in-scope-prefixes" + "' not implemented";
fStaticContext_defineSystemFunction("boolean", [[cXTItem, '*']], function(oSequence1) {
return new cXSBoolean(fFunction_sequence_toEBV(oSequence1, this));
fStaticContext_defineSystemFunction("index-of", [[cXSAnyAtomicType, '*'], [cXSAnyAtomicType], [cXSString, '', true]], function(oSequence1, oSearch, oCollation) {
if (!oSequence1.length || oSearch == null)
return [];
var vLeft = oSearch;
if (vLeft instanceof cXSUntypedAtomic)
vLeft = cXSString.cast(vLeft);
var oSequence = [];
for (var nIndex = 0, nLength = oSequence1.length, vRight; nIndex < nLength; nIndex++) {
vRight = oSequence1[nIndex];
if (vRight instanceof cXSUntypedAtomic)
vRight = cXSString.cast(vRight);
if (vRight.valueOf() === vLeft.valueOf())
oSequence.push(new cXSInteger(nIndex + 1));
return oSequence;
fStaticContext_defineSystemFunction("empty", [[cXTItem, '*']], function(oSequence1) {
return new cXSBoolean(!oSequence1.length);
fStaticContext_defineSystemFunction("exists", [[cXTItem, '*']], function(oSequence1) {
return new cXSBoolean(!!oSequence1.length);
fStaticContext_defineSystemFunction("distinct-values", [[cXSAnyAtomicType, '*'], [cXSString, '', true]], function(oSequence1, oCollation) {
if (!oSequence1.length)
return null;
var oSequence = [];
for (var nIndex = 0, nLength = oSequence1.length, vLeft; nIndex < nLength; nIndex++) {
vLeft = oSequence1[nIndex];
if (vLeft instanceof cXSUntypedAtomic)
vLeft = cXSString.cast(vLeft);
for (var nRightIndex = 0, nRightLength = oSequence.length, vRight, bFound = false; (nRightIndex < nRightLength) &&!bFound; nRightIndex++) {
vRight = oSequence[nRightIndex];
if (vRight instanceof cXSUntypedAtomic)
vRight = cXSString.cast(vRight);
if (vRight.valueOf() === vLeft.valueOf())
bFound = true;
if (!bFound)
return oSequence;
fStaticContext_defineSystemFunction("insert-before", [[cXTItem, '*'], [cXSInteger], [cXTItem, '*']], function(oSequence1, oPosition, oSequence3) {
if (!oSequence1.length)
return oSequence3;
if (!oSequence3.length)
return oSequence1;
var nLength = oSequence1.length,
nPosition = oPosition.valueOf();
if (nPosition < 1)
nPosition = 1;
if (nPosition > nLength)
nPosition = nLength + 1;
var oSequence = [];
for (var nIndex = 0; nIndex < nLength; nIndex++) {
if (nPosition == nIndex + 1)
oSequence = oSequence.concat(oSequence3);
if (nPosition == nIndex + 1)
oSequence = oSequence.concat(oSequence3);
return oSequence;
fStaticContext_defineSystemFunction("remove", [[cXTItem, '*'], [cXSInteger]], function(oSequence1, oPosition) {
if (!oSequence1.length)
return [];
var nLength = oSequence1.length,
nPosition = oPosition.valueOf();
if (nPosition < 1 || nPosition > nLength)
return oSequence1;
var oSequence = [];
for (var nIndex = 0; nIndex < nLength; nIndex++)
if (nPosition != nIndex + 1)
return oSequence;
fStaticContext_defineSystemFunction("reverse", [[cXTItem, '*']], function(oSequence1) {
return oSequence1;
fStaticContext_defineSystemFunction("subsequence", [[cXTItem, '*'], [cXSDouble, ''], [cXSDouble, '', true]], function(oSequence1, oStart, oLength) {
var nPosition = cMath.round(oStart),
nLength = arguments.length > 2 ? cMath.round(oLength) : oSequence1.length - nPosition + 1;
return oSequence1.slice(nPosition - 1, nPosition - 1 + nLength);
fStaticContext_defineSystemFunction("unordered", [[cXTItem, '*']], function(oSequence1) {
return oSequence1;
fStaticContext_defineSystemFunction("zero-or-one", [[cXTItem, '*']], function(oSequence1) {
if (oSequence1.length > 1)
throw new cException("FORG0003");
return oSequence1;
fStaticContext_defineSystemFunction("one-or-more", [[cXTItem, '*']], function(oSequence1) {
if (!oSequence1.length)
throw new cException("FORG0004");
return oSequence1;
fStaticContext_defineSystemFunction("exactly-one", [[cXTItem, '*']], function(oSequence1) {
if (oSequence1.length != 1)
throw new cException("FORG0005");
return oSequence1;
fStaticContext_defineSystemFunction("deep-equal", [[cXTItem, '*'], [cXTItem, '*'], [cXSString, '', true]], function(oSequence1, oSequence2, oCollation) {
throw "Function '" + "deep-equal" + "' not implemented";
fStaticContext_defineSystemFunction("count", [[cXTItem, '*']], function(oSequence1) {
return new cXSInteger(oSequence1.length);
fStaticContext_defineSystemFunction("avg", [[cXSAnyAtomicType, '*']], function(oSequence1) {
if (!oSequence1.length)
return null;
try {
var vValue = oSequence1[0];
if (vValue instanceof cXSUntypedAtomic)
vValue = cXSDouble.cast(vValue);
for (var nIndex = 1, nLength = oSequence1.length, vRight; nIndex < nLength; nIndex++) {
vRight = oSequence1[nIndex];
if (vRight instanceof cXSUntypedAtomic)
vRight = cXSDouble.cast(vRight);
vValue = hAdditiveExpr_operators['+'](vValue, vRight, this);
return hMultiplicativeExpr_operators['div'](vValue, new cXSInteger(nLength), this);
catch (e) {
throw e.code != "XPTY0004" ? e : new cException("FORG0006"
, "Input to avg() contains a mix of types"
fStaticContext_defineSystemFunction("max", [[cXSAnyAtomicType, '*'], [cXSString, '', true]], function(oSequence1, oCollation) {
if (!oSequence1.length)
return null;
try {
var vValue = oSequence1[0];
for (var nIndex = 1, nLength = oSequence1.length; nIndex < nLength; nIndex++)
if (hComparisonExpr_ValueComp_operators['ge'](oSequence1[nIndex], vValue, this).valueOf())
vValue = oSequence1[nIndex];
return vValue;
catch (e) {
throw e.code != "XPTY0004" ? e : new cException("FORG0006"
, "Input to max() contains a mix of not comparable values"
fStaticContext_defineSystemFunction("min", [[cXSAnyAtomicType, '*'], [cXSString, '', true]], function(oSequence1, oCollation) {
if (!oSequence1.length)
return null;
try {
var vValue = oSequence1[0];
for (var nIndex = 1, nLength = oSequence1.length; nIndex < nLength; nIndex++)
if (hComparisonExpr_ValueComp_operators['le'](oSequence1[nIndex], vValue, this).valueOf())
vValue = oSequence1[nIndex];
return vValue;
catch (e) {
throw e.code != "XPTY0004" ? e : new cException("FORG0006"
, "Input to min() contains a mix of not comparable values"
fStaticContext_defineSystemFunction("sum", [[cXSAnyAtomicType, '*'], [cXSAnyAtomicType, '?', true]], function(oSequence1, oZero) {
if (!oSequence1.length) {
if (arguments.length > 1)
return oZero;
return new cXSDouble(0);
return null;
try {
var vValue = oSequence1[0];
if (vValue instanceof cXSUntypedAtomic)
vValue = cXSDouble.cast(vValue);
for (var nIndex = 1, nLength = oSequence1.length, vRight; nIndex < nLength; nIndex++) {
vRight = oSequence1[nIndex];
if (vRight instanceof cXSUntypedAtomic)
vRight = cXSDouble.cast(vRight);
vValue = hAdditiveExpr_operators['+'](vValue, vRight, this);
return vValue;
catch (e) {
throw e.code != "XPTY0004" ? e : new cException("FORG0006"
, "Input to sum() contains a mix of types"
fStaticContext_defineSystemFunction("id", [[cXSString, '*'], [cXTNode, '', true]], function(oSequence1, oNode) {
if (arguments.length < 2) {
if (!this.DOMAdapter.isNode(this.item))
throw new cException("XPTY0004"
, "id() function called when the context item is not a node"
oNode = this.item;
var oDocument = hStaticContext_functions["root"].call(this, oNode);
if (this.DOMAdapter.getProperty(oDocument, "nodeType") != 9)
throw new cException("FODC0001");
var oSequence = [];
for (var nIndex = 0; nIndex < oSequence1.length; nIndex++)
for (var nRightIndex = 0, aValue = fString_trim(oSequence1[nIndex]).split(/\s+/), nRightLength = aValue.length; nRightIndex < nRightLength; nRightIndex++)
if ((oNode = this.DOMAdapter.getElementById(oDocument, aValue[nRightIndex])) && fArray_indexOf(oSequence, oNode) ==-1)
return fFunction_sequence_order(oSequence, this);
fStaticContext_defineSystemFunction("idref", [[cXSString, '*'], [cXTNode, '', true]], function(oSequence1, oNode) {
throw "Function '" + "idref" + "' not implemented";
fStaticContext_defineSystemFunction("doc", [[cXSString, '?', true]], function(oUri) {
throw "Function '" + "doc" + "' not implemented";
fStaticContext_defineSystemFunction("doc-available", [[cXSString, '?', true]], function(oUri) {
throw "Function '" + "doc-available" + "' not implemented";
fStaticContext_defineSystemFunction("collection", [[cXSString, '?', true]], function(oUri) {
throw "Function '" + "collection" + "' not implemented";
fStaticContext_defineSystemFunction("element-with-id", [[cXSString, '*'], [cXTNode, '', true]], function(oSequence1, oNode) {
throw "Function '" + "element-with-id" + "' not implemented";
function fFunction_sequence_toEBV(oSequence1, oContext) {
if (!oSequence1.length)
return false;
var oItem = oSequence1[0];
if (oContext.DOMAdapter.isNode(oItem))
return true;
if (oSequence1.length == 1) {
if (oItem instanceof cXSBoolean)
return oItem.value.valueOf();
if (oItem instanceof cXSString)
return !!oItem.valueOf().length;
if (fXSAnyAtomicType_isNumeric(oItem))
return !(fIsNaN(oItem.valueOf()) || oItem.valueOf() == 0);
throw new cException("FORG0006"
, "Effective boolean value is defined only for sequences containing booleans, strings, numbers, URIs, or nodes"
throw new cException("FORG0006"
, "Effective boolean value is not defined for a sequence of two or more items"
function fFunction_sequence_atomize(oSequence1, oContext) {
var oSequence = [];
for (var nIndex = 0, nLength = oSequence1.length, oItem, vItem; nIndex < nLength; nIndex++) {
oItem = oSequence1[nIndex];
vItem = null;
if (oItem == null)
vItem = null;
if (oContext.DOMAdapter.isNode(oItem)) {
var fGetProperty = oContext.DOMAdapter.getProperty;
switch (fGetProperty(oItem, "nodeType")) {
case 1: vItem = new cXSUntypedAtomic(fGetProperty(oItem, "textContent"));
case 2: vItem = new cXSUntypedAtomic(fGetProperty(oItem, "value"));
case 3: case 4: case 8: vItem = new cXSUntypedAtomic(fGetProperty(oItem, "data"));
case 7: vItem = new cXSUntypedAtomic(fGetProperty(oItem, "data"));
case 9: var oNode = fGetProperty(oItem, "documentElement");
vItem = new cXSUntypedAtomic(oNode ? fGetProperty(oNode, "textContent") : '');
if (oItem instanceof cXSAnyAtomicType)
vItem = oItem;
if (vItem != null)
return oSequence;
function fFunction_sequence_order(oSequence1, oContext) {
return oSequence1.sort(function(oNode, oNode2) {
var nPosition = oContext.DOMAdapter.compareDocumentPosition(oNode, oNode2);
return nPosition & 2 ? 1 : nPosition & 4 ?-1 : 0;
fStaticContext_defineSystemFunction("codepoints-to-string", [[cXSInteger, '*']], function(oSequence1) {
var aValue = [];
for (var nIndex = 0, nLength = oSequence1.length; nIndex < nLength; nIndex++)
return new cXSString(aValue.join(''));
fStaticContext_defineSystemFunction("string-to-codepoints", [[cXSString, '?']], function(oValue) {
if (oValue == null)
return null;
var sValue = oValue.valueOf();
if (sValue == '')
return [];
var oSequence = [];
for (var nIndex = 0, nLength = sValue.length; nIndex < nLength; nIndex++)
oSequence.push(new cXSInteger(sValue.charCodeAt(nIndex)));
return oSequence;
fStaticContext_defineSystemFunction("compare", [[cXSString, '?'], [cXSString, '?'], [cXSString, '', true]], function(oValue1, oValue2, oCollation) {
if (oValue1 == null || oValue2 == null)
return null;
var sCollation = this.staticContext.defaultCollationName,
if (arguments.length > 2)
sCollation = oCollation.valueOf();
vCollation = sCollation == sNS_XPF + "/collation/codepoint" ? oCodepointStringCollator : this.staticContext.getCollation(sCollation);
if (!vCollation)
throw new cException("FOCH0002"
, "Unknown collation " + '{' + sCollation + '}'
return new cXSInteger(, oValue2.valueOf()));
fStaticContext_defineSystemFunction("codepoint-equal", [[cXSString, '?'], [cXSString, '?']], function(oValue1, oValue2) {
if (oValue1 == null || oValue2 == null)
return null;
return new cXSBoolean(oValue1.valueOf() == oValue2.valueOf());
fStaticContext_defineSystemFunction("concat", null, function() {
if (arguments.length < 2)
throw new cException("XPST0017"
, "Function concat() must have at least 2 arguments"
var aValue = [];
for (var nIndex = 0, nLength = arguments.length, oSequence; nIndex < nLength; nIndex++) {
oSequence = arguments[nIndex];
fFunctionCall_assertSequenceCardinality(this, oSequence, '?'
, "each argument of concat()"
if (oSequence.length)
aValue[aValue.length] = cXSString.cast(fFunction_sequence_atomize(oSequence, this)[0]).valueOf();
return new cXSString(aValue.join(''));
fStaticContext_defineSystemFunction("string-join", [[cXSString, '*'], [cXSString]], function(oSequence1, oValue) {
return new cXSString(oSequence1.join(oValue));
fStaticContext_defineSystemFunction("substring", [[cXSString, '?'], [cXSDouble], [cXSDouble, '', true]], function(oValue, oStart, oLength) {
var sValue = oValue == null ? '' : oValue.valueOf(),
nStart = cMath.round(oStart) - 1,
nEnd = arguments.length > 2 ? nStart + cMath.round(oLength) : sValue.length;
return new cXSString(nEnd > nStart ? sValue.substring(nStart, nEnd) : '');
fStaticContext_defineSystemFunction("string-length", [[cXSString, '?', true]], function(oValue) {
if (!arguments.length) {
if (!this.item)
throw new cException("XPDY0002");
oValue = cXSString.cast(fFunction_sequence_atomize([this.item], this)[0]);
return new cXSInteger(oValue == null ? 0 : oValue.valueOf().length);
fStaticContext_defineSystemFunction("normalize-space", [[cXSString, '?', true]], function(oValue) {
if (!arguments.length) {
if (!this.item)
throw new cException("XPDY0002");
oValue = cXSString.cast(fFunction_sequence_atomize([this.item], this)[0]);
return new cXSString(oValue == null ? '' : fString_trim(oValue).replace(/\s\s+/g, ' '));
fStaticContext_defineSystemFunction("normalize-unicode", [[cXSString, '?'], [cXSString, '', true]], function(oValue, oNormalization) {
throw "Function '" + "normalize-unicode" + "' not implemented";
fStaticContext_defineSystemFunction("upper-case", [[cXSString, '?']], function(oValue) {
return new cXSString(oValue == null ? '' : oValue.valueOf().toUpperCase());
fStaticContext_defineSystemFunction("lower-case", [[cXSString, '?']], function(oValue) {
return new cXSString(oValue == null ? '' : oValue.valueOf().toLowerCase());
fStaticContext_defineSystemFunction("translate", [[cXSString, '?'], [cXSString], [cXSString]], function(oValue, oMap, oTranslate) {
if (oValue == null)
return new cXSString('');
var aValue = oValue.valueOf().split(''),
aMap = oMap.valueOf().split(''),
aTranslate = oTranslate.valueOf().split(''),
nTranslateLength = aTranslate.length,
aReturn = [];
for (var nIndex = 0, nLength = aValue.length, nPosition; nIndex < nLength; nIndex++)
if ((nPosition = aMap.indexOf(aValue[nIndex])) ==-1)
aReturn[aReturn.length] = aValue[nIndex];
if (nPosition < nTranslateLength)
aReturn[aReturn.length] = aTranslate[nPosition];
return new cXSString(aReturn.join(''));
fStaticContext_defineSystemFunction("encode-for-uri", [[cXSString, '?']], function(oValue) {
return new cXSString(oValue == null ? '' : window.encodeURIComponent(oValue));
fStaticContext_defineSystemFunction("iri-to-uri", [[cXSString, '?']], function(oValue) {
return new cXSString(oValue == null ? '' : window.encodeURI(window.decodeURI(oValue)));
fStaticContext_defineSystemFunction("escape-html-uri", [[cXSString, '?']], function(oValue) {
if (oValue == null || oValue.valueOf() == '')
return new cXSString('');
var aValue = oValue.valueOf().split('');
for (var nIndex = 0, nLength = aValue.length, nCode; nIndex < nLength; nIndex++)
if ((nCode = aValue[nIndex].charCodeAt(0)) < 32 || nCode > 126)
aValue[nIndex] = window.encodeURIComponent(aValue[nIndex]);
return new cXSString(aValue.join(''));
fStaticContext_defineSystemFunction("contains", [[cXSString, '?'], [cXSString, '?'], [cXSString, '', true]], function(oValue, oSearch, oCollation) {
return new cXSBoolean((oValue == null ? '' : oValue.valueOf()).indexOf(oSearch == null ? '' : oSearch.valueOf()) >= 0);
fStaticContext_defineSystemFunction("starts-with", [[cXSString, '?'], [cXSString, '?'], [cXSString, '', true]], function(oValue, oSearch, oCollation) {
return new cXSBoolean((oValue == null ? '' : oValue.valueOf()).indexOf(oSearch == null ? '' : oSearch.valueOf()) == 0);
fStaticContext_defineSystemFunction("ends-with", [[cXSString, '?'], [cXSString, '?'], [cXSString, '', true]], function(oValue, oSearch, oCollation) {
var sValue = oValue == null ? '' : oValue.valueOf(),
sSearch = oSearch == null ? '' : oSearch.valueOf();
return new cXSBoolean(sValue.indexOf(sSearch) == sValue.length - sSearch.length);
fStaticContext_defineSystemFunction("substring-before", [[cXSString, '?'], [cXSString, '?'], [cXSString, '', true]], function(oValue, oSearch, oCollation) {
var sValue = oValue == null ? '' : oValue.valueOf(),
sSearch = oSearch == null ? '' : oSearch.valueOf(),
return new cXSString((nPosition = sValue.indexOf(sSearch)) >= 0 ? sValue.substring(0, nPosition) : '');
fStaticContext_defineSystemFunction("substring-after", [[cXSString, '?'], [cXSString, '?'], [cXSString, '', true]], function(oValue, oSearch, oCollation) {
var sValue = oValue == null ? '' : oValue.valueOf(),
sSearch = oSearch == null ? '' : oSearch.valueOf(),
return new cXSString((nPosition = sValue.indexOf(sSearch)) >= 0 ? sValue.substring(nPosition + sSearch.length) : '');
function fFunction_string_createRegExp(sValue, sFlags) {
var d1 = '\u00C0-\u00D6\u00D8-\u00F6\u00F8-\u02FF',
d2 = '\u0370-\u037D\u037F-\u1FFF\u200C-\u200D',
d3 = '\u2070-\u218F\u2C00-\u2FEF\u3001-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFFD',
c = 'A-Z_a-z\\-.0-9\u00B7' + d1 + '\u0300-\u036F' + d2 + '\u203F-\u2040' + d3,
i = 'A-Z_a-z' + d1 + d2 + d3;
sValue = sValue
.replace(/\[\\i-\[:\]\]/g, '[' + i + ']')
.replace(/\[\\c-\[:\]\]/g, '[' + c + ']')
.replace(/\\i/g, '[:' + i + ']')
.replace(/\\I/g, '[^:' + i + ']')
.replace(/\\c/g, '[:' + c + ']')
.replace(/\\C/g, '[^:' + c + ']');
if (sFlags && !sFlags.match(/^[smix]+$/))
throw new cException("FORX0001");
var bFlagS = sFlags.indexOf('s') >= 0,
bFlagX = sFlags.indexOf('x') >= 0;
if (bFlagS || bFlagX) {
sFlags = sFlags.replace(/[sx]/g, '');
var aValue = [],
rValue = /\s/;
for (var nIndex = 0, nLength = sValue.length, bValue = false, sCharCurr, sCharPrev = ''; nIndex < nLength; nIndex++) {
sCharCurr = sValue.charAt(nIndex);
if (sCharPrev != '\\') {
if (sCharCurr == '[')
bValue = true;
if (sCharCurr == ']')
bValue = false;
if (bValue || !(bFlagX && rValue.test(sCharCurr))) {
if (!bValue && (bFlagS && sCharCurr == '.' && sCharPrev != '\\'))
aValue[aValue.length] = '(?:.|\\s)';
aValue[aValue.length] = sCharCurr;
sCharPrev = sCharCurr;
sValue = aValue.join('');
return new cRegExp(sValue, sFlags + 'g');
fStaticContext_defineSystemFunction("matches", [[cXSString, '?'], [cXSString], [cXSString, '', true]], function(oValue, oPattern, oFlags) {
var sValue = oValue == null ? '' : oValue.valueOf(),
rRegExp = fFunction_string_createRegExp(oPattern.valueOf(), arguments.length > 2 ? oFlags.valueOf() : '');
return new cXSBoolean(rRegExp.test(sValue));
fStaticContext_defineSystemFunction("replace", [[cXSString, '?'], [cXSString], [cXSString], [cXSString, '', true]], function(oValue, oPattern, oReplacement, oFlags) {
var sValue = oValue == null ? '' : oValue.valueOf(),
rRegExp = fFunction_string_createRegExp(oPattern.valueOf(), arguments.length > 3 ? oFlags.valueOf() : '');
return new cXSBoolean(sValue.replace(rRegExp, oReplacement.valueOf()));
fStaticContext_defineSystemFunction("tokenize", [[cXSString, '?'], [cXSString], [cXSString, '', true]], function(oValue, oPattern, oFlags) {
var sValue = oValue == null ? '' : oValue.valueOf(),
rRegExp = fFunction_string_createRegExp(oPattern.valueOf(), arguments.length > 2 ? oFlags.valueOf() : '');
var oSequence = [];
for (var nIndex = 0, aValue = sValue.split(rRegExp), nLength = aValue.length; nIndex < nLength; nIndex++)
oSequence.push(new cXSString(aValue[nIndex]));
return oSequence;
fStaticContext_defineSystemFunction("trace", [[cXTItem, '*'], [cXSString]], function(oSequence1, oLabel) {
var oConsole = window.console;
if (oConsole && oConsole.log)
oConsole.log(oLabel.valueOf(), oSequence1);
return oSequence1;
var oCodepointStringCollator = new cStringCollator;
oCodepointStringCollator.equals = function(sValue1, sValue2) {
return sValue1 == sValue2;
}; = function(sValue1, sValue2) {
return sValue1 == sValue2 ? 0 : sValue1 > sValue2 ? 1 :-1;
var cAttr = function() {
cAttr.prototype.nodeType = 2;
cAttr.prototype.nodeName =
cAttr.prototype.nodeValue =
cAttr.prototype.ownerDocument =
cAttr.prototype.localName =
cAttr.prototype.namespaceURI =
cAttr.prototype.prefix =
cAttr.prototype.attributes =
cAttr.prototype.childNodes =
cAttr.prototype.firstChild =
cAttr.prototype.lastChild =
cAttr.prototype.previousSibling =
cAttr.prototype.nextSibling =
cAttr.prototype.parentNode = =
cAttr.prototype.specified =
cAttr.prototype.value =
cAttr.prototype.ownerElement = null;
function cLXDOMAdapter() {
cLXDOMAdapter.prototype = new cDOMAdapter;
var oLXDOMAdapter_staticContext = new cStaticContext;
cLXDOMAdapter.prototype.getProperty = function(oNode, sName) {
if (sName in oNode)
return oNode[sName];
if (sName == "baseURI") {
var sBaseURI = '',
fResolveUri = oLXDOMAdapter_staticContext.getFunction('{' + "" + '}' + "resolve-uri"),
cXSString = oLXDOMAdapter_staticContext.getDataType('{' + "" + '}' + "string");
for (var oParent = oNode, sUri; oParent; oParent = oParent.parentNode)
if (oParent.nodeType == 1 && (sUri = oParent.getAttribute("xml:base")))
sBaseURI = fResolveUri(new cXSString(sUri), new cXSString(sBaseURI)).toString();
return sBaseURI;
if (sName == "textContent") {
var aText = [];
(function(oNode) {
for (var nIndex = 0, oChild; oChild = oNode.childNodes[nIndex]; nIndex++)
if (oChild.nodeType == 3 || oChild.nodeType == 4 )
if (oChild.nodeType == 1 && oChild.firstChild)
return aText.join('');
cLXDOMAdapter.prototype.compareDocumentPosition = function(oNode, oChild) {
if ("compareDocumentPosition" in oNode)
return oNode.compareDocumentPosition(oChild);
if (oChild == oNode)
return 0;
var oAttr1 = null,
oAttr2 = null,
oAttr, oElement, nIndex, nLength;
if (oNode.nodeType == 2 ) {
oAttr1 = oNode;
oNode = this.getProperty(oAttr1, "ownerElement");
if (oChild.nodeType == 2 ) {
oAttr2 = oChild;
oChild = this.getProperty(oAttr2, "ownerElement");
if (oAttr1 && oAttr2 && oNode && oNode == oChild) {
for (nIndex = 0, aAttributes = this.getProperty(oNode, "attributes"), nLength = aAttributes.length; nIndex < nLength; nIndex++) {
oAttr = aAttributes[nIndex];
if (oAttr == oAttr1)
return 32 | 4 ;
if (oAttr == oAttr2)
return 32 | 2 ;
var aChain1 = [], nLength1, oNode1,
aChain2 = [], nLength2, oNode2;
if (oAttr1)
for (oElement = oNode; oElement; oElement = oElement.parentNode)
if (oAttr2)
for (oElement = oChild; oElement; oElement = oElement.parentNode)
if (((oNode.ownerDocument || oNode) != (oChild.ownerDocument || oChild)) || (aChain1[aChain1.length - 1] != aChain2[aChain2.length - 1]))
return 32 | 1 ;
for (nIndex = cMath.min(nLength1 = aChain1.length, nLength2 = aChain2.length); nIndex; --nIndex)
if ((oNode1 = aChain1[--nLength1]) != (oNode2 = aChain2[--nLength2])) {
if (oNode1.nodeType == 2 )
return 4 ;
if (oNode2.nodeType == 2 )
return 2 ;
if (!oNode2.nextSibling)
return 4 ;
if (!oNode1.nextSibling)
return 2 ;
for (oElement = oNode2.previousSibling; oElement; oElement = oElement.previousSibling)
if (oElement == oNode1)
return 4 ;
return 2 ;
return nLength1 < nLength2 ? 4 | 16 : 2 | 8 ;
cLXDOMAdapter.prototype.lookupNamespaceURI = function(oNode, sPrefix) {
if ("lookupNamespaceURI" in oNode)
return oNode.lookupNamespaceURI(sPrefix);
for (; oNode && oNode.nodeType != 9 ; oNode = oNode.parentNode)
if (sPrefix == this.getProperty(oChild, "prefix"))
return this.getProperty(oNode, "namespaceURI");
if (oNode.nodeType == 1) for (var oAttributes = this.getProperty(oNode, "attributes"), nIndex = 0, nLength = oAttributes.length, sName = "xmlns" + ':' + sPrefix; nIndex < nLength; nIndex++)
if (this.getProperty(oAttributes[nIndex], "nodeName") == sName)
return this.getProperty(oAttributes[nIndex], "value");
return null;
cLXDOMAdapter.prototype.getElementsByTagNameNS = function(oNode, sNameSpaceURI, sLocalName) {
if ("getElementsByTagNameNS" in oNode)
return oNode.getElementsByTagNameNS(sNameSpaceURI, sLocalName);
var aElements = [],
bNameSpaceURI = '*' == sNameSpaceURI,
bLocalName = '*' == sLocalName;
(function(oNode) {
for (var nIndex = 0, oChild; oChild = oNode.childNodes[nIndex]; nIndex++)
if (oChild.nodeType == 1) { if ((bLocalName || sLocalName == this.getProperty(oChild, "localName")) && (bNameSpaceURI || sNameSpaceURI == this.getProperty(oChild, "namespaceURI")))
aElements[aElements.length] = oChild;
if (oChild.firstChild)
return aElements;
var oL2DOMAdapter = new cLXDOMAdapter;
var oL2HTMLDOMAdapter = new cLXDOMAdapter;
oL2HTMLDOMAdapter.getProperty = function(oNode, sName) {
if (sName == "localName") {
if (oNode.nodeType == 1)
return oNode.localName.toLowerCase();
if (sName == "namespaceURI")
return oNode.nodeType == 1 ? "" : null;
return, oNode, sName);
var oMSHTMLDOMAdapter = new cLXDOMAdapter;
oMSHTMLDOMAdapter.getProperty = function(oNode, sName) {
if (sName == "localName") {
if (oNode.nodeType == 1)
return oNode.nodeName.toLowerCase();
if (sName == "prefix")
return null;
if (sName == "namespaceURI")
return oNode.nodeType == 1 ? "" : null;
if (sName == "textContent")
return oNode.innerText;
if (sName == "attributes" && oNode.nodeType == 1) {
var aAttributes = [];
for (var nIndex = 0, oAttributes = oNode.attributes, nLength = oAttributes.length, oNode2, oAttribute; nIndex < nLength; nIndex++) {
oNode2 = oAttributes[nIndex];
if (oNode2.specified) {
oAttribute = new cAttr;
oAttribute.ownerElement = oNode;
oAttribute.ownerDocument= oNode.ownerDocument;
oAttribute.specified = true;
oAttribute.value =
oAttribute.nodeValue = oNode2.nodeValue; =
oAttribute.nodeName =
oAttribute.localName = oNode2.nodeName.toLowerCase();
aAttributes[aAttributes.length] = oAttribute;
return aAttributes;
return, oNode, sName);
var oMSXMLDOMAdapter = new cLXDOMAdapter;
oMSXMLDOMAdapter.getProperty = function(oNode, sName) {
if (sName == "localName") {
if (oNode.nodeType == 7)
return null;
if (oNode.nodeType == 1)
return oNode.baseName;
if (sName == "prefix" || sName == "namespaceURI")
return oNode[sName] || null;
if (sName == "textContent")
return oNode.text;
if (sName == "attributes" && oNode.nodeType == 1) {
var aAttributes = [];
for (var nIndex = 0, oAttributes = oNode.attributes, nLength = oAttributes.length, oNode2, oAttribute; nIndex < nLength; nIndex++) {
oNode2 = oAttributes[nIndex];
if (oNode2.specified) {
oAttribute = new cAttr;
oAttribute.nodeType = 2;
oAttribute.ownerElement = oNode;
oAttribute.ownerDocument= oNode.ownerDocument;
oAttribute.specified = true;
oAttribute.value =
oAttribute.nodeValue = oNode2.nodeValue; =
oAttribute.nodeName = oNode2.nodeName;
oAttribute.localName = oNode2.baseName;
oAttribute.prefix = oNode2.prefix || null;
oAttribute.namespaceURI = oNode2.namespaceURI || null;
aAttributes[aAttributes.length] = oAttribute;
return aAttributes;
return, oNode, sName);
oMSXMLDOMAdapter.getElementById = function(oDocument, sId) {
return oDocument.nodeFromID(sId);
var cHTMLDocument = window.HTMLDocument,
cQuery = window.jQuery,
oDocument = window.document,
bOldMS = !!oDocument.namespaces && !oDocument.createElementNS, bOldW3 = !bOldMS && oDocument.documentElement.namespaceURI != "";
var oHTMLStaticContext = new cStaticContext,
oXMLStaticContext = new cStaticContext;
oHTMLStaticContext.baseURI = oDocument.location.href;
oHTMLStaticContext.defaultFunctionNamespace = "";
oHTMLStaticContext.defaultElementNamespace = "";
oXMLStaticContext.defaultFunctionNamespace = oHTMLStaticContext.defaultFunctionNamespace;
function fXPath_evaluate(oQuery, sExpression, fNSResolver) {
if (typeof sExpression == "undefined" || sExpression === null)
sExpression = '';
var oNode = oQuery[0];
if (typeof oNode == "undefined")
oNode = null;
var oStaticContext = oNode && (oNode.nodeType == 9 ? oNode : oNode.ownerDocument).createElement("div").tagName == "DIV" ? oHTMLStaticContext : oXMLStaticContext;
oStaticContext.namespaceResolver = fNSResolver;
var oExpression = new cExpression(cString(sExpression), oStaticContext);
oStaticContext.namespaceResolver = null;
var aSequence,
oSequence = new cQuery,
oAdapter = oL2DOMAdapter;
if (bOldMS)
oAdapter = oStaticContext == oHTMLStaticContext ? oMSHTMLDOMAdapter : oMSXMLDOMAdapter;
if (bOldW3 && oStaticContext == oHTMLStaticContext)
oAdapter = oL2HTMLDOMAdapter;
aSequence = oExpression.evaluate(new cDynamicContext(oStaticContext, oNode, null, oAdapter));
for (var nIndex = 0, nLength = aSequence.length, oItem; nIndex < nLength; nIndex++)
oSequence.push(oAdapter.isNode(oItem = aSequence[nIndex]) ? oItem : cStaticContext.xs2js(oItem));
return oSequence;
var oObject = {};
oObject.xpath = function(oQuery, sExpression, fNSResolver) {
return fXPath_evaluate(oQuery instanceof cQuery ? oQuery : new cQuery(oQuery), sExpression, fNSResolver);
cQuery.extend(cQuery, oObject);
oObject = {};
oObject.xpath = function(sExpression, fNSResolver) {
return fXPath_evaluate(this, sExpression, fNSResolver);
cQuery.extend(cQuery.prototype, oObject);