tree: 719e1b75a7e342268a465926648b1ca46c7a9d2d [path history] [tgz]
  1. src/
  2. build-ivy.xml
  3. build.xml
  4. ivy.xml
  5. plugin.xml

exchange-jexl plugin for Nutch

exchange-jexl plugin decides which index writer a document should be routed to, based on a JEXL expression.


The exchange-jexl plugin must be configured in the exchanges.xml file, included in the official Nutch distribution.

  <exchange id="<exchange_id>" class="">  
      <param name="expr" value="<jexl_expression>" />

Each <exchange> element has two mandatory attributes:

  • <exchange_id> is a unique identification for each configuration. It is used by Nutch to distinguish each one, even when they are for the same exchange implementation and this ID allows to have multiple instances for the same exchange, but with different configurations.

  • corresponds to the canonical name of the class that implements the Exchange extension point. This value must not be modified for the exchange-jexl plugin.

Writers section

The <writers> element is independent for each configuration and contains a list of <writer id="<id>"> elements, where <id> indicates the ID of index writer where the documents should be routed.

Params section

The <params> element is where the parameters that the exchange needs are specified. Each parameter has the form <param name="<name>" value="<value>"/>.

The unique parameter needed by the exchange-jexl plugin has the <name> expr and the <value> is a JEXL expression used to validate each document. The variable doc can be used on the expressions and represents the document itself. For example, the expression doc.getFieldValue('host')=='' will match the documents where the host field has the value

Use case 1

<exchanges xmlns=""
       xsi:schemaLocation=" exchanges.xsd">
  <exchange id="exchange_jexl_1" class="">
      <writer id="indexer_solr_1" />
      <writer id="indexer_rabbit_1" />
      <param name="expr" value="doc.getFieldValue('host')==''" />
  <exchange id="default" class="default">
      <writer id="indexer_dummy_1" />
    <params />

According to this example, the documents which the value of host field is will be sent to indexer_solr_1 and indexer_rabbit_1. The rest of documents where host is different to do not match with exchange_jexl_1 exchange and will be sent where the default exchange says; in this case to indexer_dummy_1.