blob: cf29730072ece0687fa7250a8a8fdeb45b3c9dff [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
/* global nf, Slick */
nf.Settings = (function () {
var config = {
node: 'node',
ncm: 'ncm',
filterText: 'Filter',
styles: {
filterList: 'filter-list'
urls: {
controllerConfig: '../nifi-api/controller/config',
controllerArchive: '../nifi-api/controller/archive',
controllerServiceTypes: '../nifi-api/controller/controller-service-types',
controllerServices: '../nifi-api/controller/controller-services',
reportingTaskTypes: '../nifi-api/controller/reporting-task-types',
reportingTasks: '../nifi-api/controller/reporting-tasks'
var gridOptions = {
forceFitColumns: true,
enableTextSelectionOnCells: true,
enableCellNavigation: true,
enableColumnReorder: false,
autoEdit: false,
multiSelect: false
* Initializes the general tab.
var initGeneral = function () {
// update the visibility of the controls
if (nf.Common.isDFM()) {
$('#general-settings div.editable').show();
// register the click listener for the archive link
$('#archive-flow-link').click(function () {
var revision = nf.Client.getRevision();
type: 'POST',
url: config.urls.controllerArchive,
data: {
version: revision.version,
clientId: revision.clientId
dataType: 'json'
}).done(function (response) {
// update the revision
// show the result dialog
dialogContent: 'A new flow archive was successfully created.',
overlayBackground: false
// register the click listener for the save button
$('#settings-save').click(function () {
var revision = nf.Client.getRevision();
// marshal the configuration details
var configuration = marshalConfiguration();
configuration['version'] = revision.version;
configuration['clientId'] = revision.clientId;
// save the new configuration details
type: 'PUT',
url: config.urls.controllerConfig,
data: configuration,
dataType: 'json'
}).done(function (response) {
// update the revision
// update the displayed name
document.title =;
// set the data flow title and close the shell
// close the settings dialog
dialogContent: 'Settings successfully applied.',
overlayBackground: false
} else {
$('#general-settings div.editable').hide();
* Marshals the details to include in the configuration request.
var marshalConfiguration = function () {
// create the configuration
var configuration = {};
configuration['name'] = $('#data-flow-title-field').val();
configuration['comments'] = $('#data-flow-comments-field').val();
configuration['maxTimerDrivenThreadCount'] = $('#maximum-timer-driven-thread-count-field').val();
configuration['maxEventDrivenThreadCount'] = $('#maximum-event-driven-thread-count-field').val();
return configuration;
* Get the text out of the filter field. If the filter field doesn't
* have any text it will contain the text 'filter list' so this method
* accounts for that.
var getControllerServiceTypeFilterText = function () {
var filterText = '';
var filterField = $('#controller-service-type-filter');
if (!filterField.hasClass(config.styles.filterList)) {
filterText = filterField.val();
return filterText;
* Filters the processor type table.
var applyControllerServiceTypeFilter = function () {
// get the dataview
var controllerServiceTypesGrid = $('#controller-service-types-table').data('gridInstance');
// ensure the grid has been initialized
if (nf.Common.isDefinedAndNotNull(controllerServiceTypesGrid)) {
var controllerServiceTypesData = controllerServiceTypesGrid.getData();
// update the search criteria
searchString: getControllerServiceTypeFilterText(),
property: $('#controller-service-type-filter-options').combo('getSelectedOption').value
// need to invalidate the entire table since parent elements may need to be
// rerendered due to changes in their children
* Determines if all of the ancestors of the specified item are expanded.
* @param {type} item
* @returns {Boolean}
var areAncestorsExpanded = function (item) {
var documentedType = item;
while (documentedType.parent !== null) {
if (documentedType.parent.collapsed === true) {
return false;
documentedType = documentedType.parent;
return true;
* Determines if the specified item is an ancestor.
* @param {type} item
* @returns {Boolean}
var isAncestor = function (item) {
return item.children.length > 0;
* Hides the selected controller service.
var clearSelectedControllerService = function () {
$('#controller-service-availability-combo').combo('setSelectedOption', {
value: config.node
* Clears the selected controller service type.
var clearControllerServiceSelection = function () {
// clear the selected row
// clear the active cell the it can be reselected when its included
var controllerServiceTypesGrid = $('#controller-service-types-table').data('gridInstance');
* Performs the filtering.
* @param {object} item The item subject to filtering
* @param {object} args Filter arguments
* @returns {Boolean} Whether or not to include the item
var filterControllerServiceTypes = function (item, args) {
if (!areAncestorsExpanded(item)) {
// if this item is currently selected and its parent is not collapsed
if ($('#selected-controller-service-type').text() === item['type']) {
// update visibility flag
item.visible = false;
return false;
// don't allow ancestors to be filtered out (unless any of their ancestors
// are collapsed)
if (isAncestor(item)) {
// update visibility flag
item.visible = false;
return true;
// determine if the item matches the filter
var matchesFilter = matchesRegex(item, args);
// determine if the row matches the selected tags
var matchesTags = true;
if (matchesFilter) {
var tagFilters = $('#controller-service-tag-cloud').tagcloud('getSelectedTags');
var hasSelectedTags = tagFilters.length > 0;
if (hasSelectedTags) {
matchesTags = matchesSelectedTags(tagFilters, item['tags']);
// determine if this row should be visible
var matches = matchesFilter && matchesTags;
// if this row is currently selected and its being filtered
if (matches === false && $('#selected-controller-service-type').text() === item['type']) {
// update visibility flag
item.visible = matches;
return matches;
* Determines if the item matches the filter.
* @param {object} item The item to filter
* @param {object} args The filter criteria
* @returns {boolean} Whether the item matches the filter
var matchesRegex = function (item, args) {
if (args.searchString === '') {
return true;
try {
// perform the row filtering
var filterExp = new RegExp(args.searchString, 'i');
} catch (e) {
// invalid regex
return false;
// determine if the item matches the filter
return item[].search(filterExp) >= 0;
* Determines if the specified tags match all the tags selected by the user.
* @argument {string[]} tagFilters The tag filters
* @argument {string} tags The tags to test
var matchesSelectedTags = function (tagFilters, tags) {
var selectedTags = [];
$.each(tagFilters, function (_, filter) {
// normalize the tags
var normalizedTags = tags.toLowerCase();
var matches = true;
$.each(selectedTags, function (i, selectedTag) {
if (normalizedTags.indexOf(selectedTag) === -1) {
matches = false;
return false;
return matches;
* Formats the type by introducing expand/collapse where appropriate.
* @param {type} row
* @param {type} cell
* @param {type} value
* @param {type} columnDef
* @param {type} dataContext
var expandableTypeFormatter = function (row, cell, value, columnDef, dataContext) {
var markup = '';
var indent = 0;
var documentedType = dataContext;
while (documentedType.parent !== null) {
indent += 10;
documentedType = documentedType.parent;
var padding = 3;
// create the markup for the row
if (dataContext.children.length > 0) {
// determine how to render the expansion button
var expansionStyle = 'expanded';
if (dataContext.collapsed === true) {
expansionStyle = 'collapsed';
// to calculate the number of visible children
var visibleChildren = 0;
$.each(dataContext.children, function (_, child) {
if (child.visible) {
markup += ('<span style="margin-top: 5px; margin-left: ' + indent + 'px;" class="expansion-button ' + expansionStyle + '"></span><span class="ancestor-type" style="margin-left: ' + padding + 'px;">' + value + '</span><span class="ancestor-type-rollup">(' + visibleChildren + ' of ' + dataContext.children.length + ')</span>');
} else {
if (dataContext.parent === null) {
padding = 0;
markup += ('<span style="margin-left: ' + (indent + padding) + 'px;">' + value + '</span>');
return markup;
* Adds a new controller service of the specified type.
* @param {string} controllerServiceType
var addControllerService = function (controllerServiceType) {
var revision = nf.Client.getRevision();
// get the desired availability
var availability;
if (nf.Canvas.isClustered()) {
availability = $('#controller-service-availability-combo').combo('getSelectedOption').value;
} else {
availability = config.node;
// add the new controller service
var addService = $.ajax({
type: 'POST',
url: config.urls.controllerServices + '/' + encodeURIComponent(availability),
data: {
version: revision.version,
clientId: revision.clientId,
type: controllerServiceType
dataType: 'json'
}).done(function (response) {
// update the revision
// add the item
var controllerService = response.controllerService;
var controllerServicesGrid = $('#controller-services-table').data('gridInstance');
var controllerServicesData = controllerServicesGrid.getData();
// resort
// select the new controller service
var row = controllerServicesData.getRowById(;
// hide the dialog
return addService;
* Initializes the new controller service dialog.
var initNewControllerServiceDialog = function () {
// specify the combo options
options: [{
text: 'by type',
value: 'label'
}, {
text: 'by tag',
value: 'tags'
select: function (option) {
// specify the controller service availability
if (nf.Canvas.isClustered()) {
options: [{
text: 'Node',
value: config.node,
description: 'This controller service will be available on the nodes only.'
}, {
text: 'Cluster Manager',
value: config.ncm,
description: 'This controller service will be available on the cluster manager only.'
// define the function for filtering the list
$('#controller-service-type-filter').keyup(function () {
}).focus(function () {
if ($(this).hasClass(config.styles.filterList)) {
}).blur(function () {
if ($(this).val() === '') {
// initialize the processor type table
var controllerServiceTypesColumns = [
{id: 'type', name: 'Type', field: 'label', formatter: expandableTypeFormatter, sortable: false, resizable: true},
{id: 'tags', name: 'Tags', field: 'tags', sortable: false, resizable: true}
// initialize the dataview
var controllerServiceTypesData = new Slick.Data.DataView({
inlineFilters: false
searchString: getControllerServiceTypeFilterText(),
property: $('#controller-service-type-filter-options').combo('getSelectedOption').value
controllerServiceTypesData.getItemMetadata = function (index) {
var item = controllerServiceTypesData.getItem(index);
if (item && item.children.length > 0) {
return {
selectable: false,
columns: {
0: {
colspan: '*'
} else {
return {};
var getVisibleControllerServiceCount = function () {
var count = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < controllerServiceTypesData.getLength(); i++) {
var item = controllerServiceTypesData.getItem(i);
if (item.children.length === 0) {
return count;
// initialize the grid
var controllerServiceTypesGrid = new Slick.Grid('#controller-service-types-table', controllerServiceTypesData, controllerServiceTypesColumns, gridOptions);
controllerServiceTypesGrid.setSelectionModel(new Slick.RowSelectionModel());
controllerServiceTypesGrid.registerPlugin(new Slick.AutoTooltips());
controllerServiceTypesGrid.setSortColumn('type', true);
controllerServiceTypesGrid.onSelectedRowsChanged.subscribe(function (e, args) {
if ($.isArray(args.rows) && args.rows.length === 1) {
var controllerServiceTypeIndex = args.rows[0];
var controllerServiceType = controllerServiceTypesGrid.getDataItem(controllerServiceTypeIndex);
// only allow selection of service implementations
if (controllerServiceType.children.length === 0) {
// set the controller service type description
if (nf.Common.isBlank(controllerServiceType.description)) {
$('#controller-service-type-description').attr('title', '').html('<span class="unset">No description specified</span>');
} else {
// populate the dom
// show the selected controller service
controllerServiceTypesGrid.onClick.subscribe(function (e, args) {
var item = controllerServiceTypesData.getItem(args.row);
if (item && item.children.length > 0) {
// update the grid
item.collapsed = !item.collapsed;
controllerServiceTypesData.updateItem(, item);
// prevent selection within slickgrid
controllerServiceTypesGrid.onDblClick.subscribe(function (e, args) {
var controllerServiceType = controllerServiceTypesGrid.getDataItem(args.row);
// wire up the dataview to the grid
controllerServiceTypesData.onRowCountChanged.subscribe(function (e, args) {
// update the total number of displayed processors
controllerServiceTypesData.onRowsChanged.subscribe(function (e, args) {
controllerServiceTypesData.syncGridSelection(controllerServiceTypesGrid, true);
// hold onto an instance of the grid
$('#controller-service-types-table').data('gridInstance', controllerServiceTypesGrid);
// load the available controller services
type: 'GET',
url: config.urls.controllerServiceTypes,
dataType: 'json'
}).done(function (response) {
var id = 0;
var tags = [];
// begin the update
var addType = function (parentItem, documentedType) {
var item = {
id: id++,
label: nf.Common.substringAfterLast(documentedType.type, '.'),
type: documentedType.type,
description: nf.Common.escapeHtml(documentedType.description),
tags: documentedType.tags.join(', '),
parent: parentItem,
children: [],
collapsed: false,
visible: true
// add the documented type
// count the frequency of each tag for this type
$.each(documentedType.tags, function (i, tag) {
// add each of its children
$.each(documentedType.childTypes, function (_, documentedChildType) {
var childItem = addType(item, documentedChildType);
return item;
// go through each controller service type
$.each(response.controllerServiceTypes, function (i, documentedType) {
addType(null, documentedType);
// end the udpate
// set the total number of processors
$('#total-controller-service-types, #displayed-controller-service-types').text(getVisibleControllerServiceCount());
// create the tag cloud
tags: tags,
select: applyControllerServiceTypeFilter,
remove: applyControllerServiceTypeFilter
// initialize the controller service dialog
headerText: 'Add Controller Service',
overlayBackground: false,
buttons: [{
buttonText: 'Add',
handler: {
click: function () {
var selectedServiceType = $('#selected-controller-service-type').text();
}, {
buttonText: 'Cancel',
handler: {
click: function () {
close: function () {
// clear the selected row
// unselect any current selection
var processTypesGrid = $('#controller-service-types-table').data('gridInstance');
// clear any filter strings
// clear the tagcloud
containment: 'parent',
handle: '.dialog-header'
* Formatter for the type column.
* @param {type} row
* @param {type} cell
* @param {type} value
* @param {type} columnDef
* @param {type} dataContext
* @returns {String}
var typeFormatter = function (row, cell, value, columnDef, dataContext) {
return nf.Common.substringAfterLast(value, '.');
* Formatter for the availability column.
* @param {type} row
* @param {type} cell
* @param {type} value
* @param {type} columnDef
* @param {type} dataContext
* @returns {String}
var availabilityFormatter = function (row, cell, value, columnDef, dataContext) {
if (value === config.node) {
return 'Node';
} else {
return 'Cluster Manager';
* Sorts the specified data using the specified sort details.
* @param {object} sortDetails
* @param {object} data
var sort = function (sortDetails, data) {
// defines a function for sorting
var comparer = function (a, b) {
var aString = nf.Common.isDefinedAndNotNull(a[sortDetails.columnId]) ? a[sortDetails.columnId] : '';
var bString = nf.Common.isDefinedAndNotNull(b[sortDetails.columnId]) ? b[sortDetails.columnId] : '';
return aString === bString ? 0 : aString > bString ? 1 : -1;
// perform the sort
data.sort(comparer, sortDetails.sortAsc);
* Initializes the controller services tab.
var initControllerServices = function () {
// initialize the new controller service dialog
// more details formatter
var moreControllerServiceDetails = function (row, cell, value, columnDef, dataContext) {
var markup = '<img src="images/iconDetails.png" title="View Details" class="pointer view-controller-service" style="margin-top: 5px; float: left;" />&nbsp;&nbsp;';
if (!nf.Common.isEmpty(dataContext.validationErrors)) {
markup += '<img src="images/iconAlert.png" class="has-errors" style="margin-top: 4px; float: left;" /><span class="hidden row-id">' + nf.Common.escapeHtml( + '</span>';
return markup;
var controllerServiceActionFormatter = function (row, cell, value, columnDef, dataContext) {
var markup = '';
// only DFMs can edit a controller service
if (nf.Common.isDFM()) {
if (dataContext.state === 'ENABLED' || dataContext.state === 'ENABLING') {
markup += '<img src="images/iconDisable.png" title="Disable" class="pointer disable-controller-service" style="margin-top: 2px;" />&nbsp;';
} else if (dataContext.state === 'DISABLED') {
markup += '<img src="images/iconEdit.png" title="Edit" class="pointer edit-controller-service" style="margin-top: 2px;" />&nbsp;';
markup += '<img src="images/iconEnable.png" title="Enable" class="pointer enable-controller-service" style="margin-top: 2px;"/>&nbsp;';
markup += '<img src="images/iconDelete.png" title="Remove" class="pointer delete-controller-service" style="margin-top: 2px;" />&nbsp;';
// always include a button to view the usage
markup += '<img src="images/iconUsage.png" title="Usage" class="pointer controller-service-usage" style="margin-top: 2px;"/>&nbsp;';
return markup;
// define the column model for the controller services table
var controllerServicesColumns = [
{id: 'moreDetails', name: '&nbsp;', resizable: false, formatter: moreControllerServiceDetails, sortable: false, width: 50, maxWidth: 50},
{id: 'name', field: 'name', name: 'Name', sortable: true, resizable: true},
{id: 'type', field: 'type', name: 'Type', formatter: typeFormatter, sortable: true, resizable: true},
{id: 'state', field: 'state', name: 'State', sortable: true, resizeable: true},
{id: 'actions', name: '&nbsp;', resizable: false, formatter: controllerServiceActionFormatter, sortable: false, width: 90, maxWidth: 90}
// only show availability when clustered
if (nf.Canvas.isClustered()) {
controllerServicesColumns.push({id: 'availability', field: 'availability', name: 'Availability', formatter: availabilityFormatter, sortable: true, resizeable: true});
// initialize the dataview
var controllerServicesData = new Slick.Data.DataView({
inlineFilters: false
// initialize the sort
columnId: 'name',
sortAsc: true
}, controllerServicesData);
// initialize the grid
var controllerServicesGrid = new Slick.Grid('#controller-services-table', controllerServicesData, controllerServicesColumns, gridOptions);
controllerServicesGrid.setSelectionModel(new Slick.RowSelectionModel());
controllerServicesGrid.registerPlugin(new Slick.AutoTooltips());
controllerServicesGrid.setSortColumn('name', true);
controllerServicesGrid.onSort.subscribe(function (e, args) {
columnId: args.sortCol.field,
sortAsc: args.sortAsc
}, controllerServicesData);
// configure a click listener
controllerServicesGrid.onClick.subscribe(function (e, args) {
var target = $(;
// get the service at this row
var controllerService = controllerServicesData.getItem(args.row);
// determine the desired action
if (controllerServicesGrid.getColumns()[args.cell].id === 'actions') {
if (target.hasClass('edit-controller-service')) {
} else if (target.hasClass('enable-controller-service')) {
} else if (target.hasClass('disable-controller-service')) {
} else if (target.hasClass('delete-controller-service')) {
} else if (target.hasClass('controller-service-usage')) {
// close the settings dialog
// open the documentation for this reporting task
nf.Shell.showPage('../nifi-docs/documentation?' + $.param({
select: nf.Common.substringAfterLast(controllerService.type, '.')
} else if (controllerServicesGrid.getColumns()[args.cell].id === 'moreDetails') {
if (target.hasClass('view-controller-service')) {
// wire up the dataview to the grid
controllerServicesData.onRowCountChanged.subscribe(function (e, args) {
controllerServicesData.onRowsChanged.subscribe(function (e, args) {
controllerServicesData.syncGridSelection(controllerServicesGrid, true);
// hold onto an instance of the grid
$('#controller-services-table').data('gridInstance', controllerServicesGrid).on('mouseenter', 'div.slick-cell', function (e) {
var errorIcon = $(this).find('img.has-errors');
if (errorIcon.length && !'qtip')) {
var serviceId = $(this).find('span.row-id').text();
// get the service item
var item = controllerServicesData.getItemById(serviceId);
// format the errors
var tooltip = nf.Common.formatUnorderedList(item.validationErrors);
// show the tooltip
if (nf.Common.isDefinedAndNotNull(tooltip)) {
content: tooltip,
position: {
target: 'mouse',
viewport: $(window),
adjust: {
x: 8,
y: 8,
method: 'flipinvert flipinvert'
}, nf.Common.config.tooltipConfig));
* Loads the controller services.
var loadControllerServices = function () {
var services = [];
// get the controller services that are running on the nodes
var nodeControllerServices = $.ajax({
type: 'GET',
url: config.urls.controllerServices + '/' + encodeURIComponent(config.node),
dataType: 'json'
}).done(function (response) {
var nodeServices = response.controllerServices;
if (nf.Common.isDefinedAndNotNull(nodeServices)) {
$.each(nodeServices, function (_, nodeService) {
// get the controller services that are running on the ncm
var ncmControllerServices = $.Deferred(function (deferred) {
if (nf.Canvas.isClustered()) {
type: 'GET',
url: config.urls.controllerServices + '/' + encodeURIComponent(config.ncm),
dataType: 'json'
}).done(function (response) {
var ncmServices = response.controllerServices;
if (nf.Common.isDefinedAndNotNull(ncmServices)) {
$.each(ncmServices, function (_, ncmService) {
}).fail(function () {
} else {
// add all controller services
return $.when(nodeControllerServices, ncmControllerServices).done(function () {
var controllerServicesElement = $('#controller-services-table');
nf.Common.cleanUpTooltips(controllerServicesElement, 'img.has-errors');
var controllerServicesGrid ='gridInstance');
var controllerServicesData = controllerServicesGrid.getData();
// update the controller services
* Get the text out of the filter field. If the filter field doesn't
* have any text it will contain the text 'filter list' so this method
* accounts for that.
var getReportingTaskTypeFilterText = function () {
var filterText = '';
var filterField = $('#reporting-task-type-filter');
if (!filterField.hasClass(config.styles.filterList)) {
filterText = filterField.val();
return filterText;
* Filters the reporting task type table.
var applyReportingTaskTypeFilter = function () {
// get the dataview
var reportingTaskTypesGrid = $('#reporting-task-types-table').data('gridInstance');
// ensure the grid has been initialized
if (nf.Common.isDefinedAndNotNull(reportingTaskTypesGrid)) {
var reportingTaskTypesData = reportingTaskTypesGrid.getData();
// update the search criteria
searchString: getReportingTaskTypeFilterText(),
property: $('#reporting-task-type-filter-options').combo('getSelectedOption').value
// need to invalidate the entire table since parent elements may need to be
// rerendered due to changes in their children
* Hides the selected reporting task.
var clearSelectedReportingTask = function () {
$('#reporting-task-availability-combo').combo('setSelectedOption', {
value: config.node
* Clears the selected reporting task type.
var clearReportingTaskSelection = function () {
// clear the selected row
// clear the active cell the it can be reselected when its included
var reportingTaskTypesGrid = $('#reporting-task-types-table').data('gridInstance');
* Performs the filtering.
* @param {object} item The item subject to filtering
* @param {object} args Filter arguments
* @returns {Boolean} Whether or not to include the item
var filterReportingTaskTypes = function (item, args) {
// determine if the item matches the filter
var matchesFilter = matchesRegex(item, args);
// determine if the row matches the selected tags
var matchesTags = true;
if (matchesFilter) {
var tagFilters = $('#reporting-task-tag-cloud').tagcloud('getSelectedTags');
var hasSelectedTags = tagFilters.length > 0;
if (hasSelectedTags) {
matchesTags = matchesSelectedTags(tagFilters, item['tags']);
// determine if this row should be visible
var matches = matchesFilter && matchesTags;
// if this row is currently selected and its being filtered
if (matches === false && $('#selected-reporting-task-type').text() === item['type']) {
// update visibility flag
item.visible = matches;
return matches;
* Adds a new reporting task of the specified type.
* @param {string} reportingTaskType
var addReportingTask = function (reportingTaskType) {
var revision = nf.Client.getRevision();
// get the desired availability
var availability;
if (nf.Canvas.isClustered()) {
availability = $('#reporting-task-availability-combo').combo('getSelectedOption').value;
} else {
availability = config.node;
// add the new reporting task
var addTask = $.ajax({
type: 'POST',
url: config.urls.reportingTasks + '/' + encodeURIComponent(availability),
data: {
version: revision.version,
clientId: revision.clientId,
type: reportingTaskType
dataType: 'json'
}).done(function (response) {
// update the revision
// add the item
var reportingTask = response.reportingTask;
var reportingTaskGrid = $('#reporting-tasks-table').data('gridInstance');
var reportingTaskData = reportingTaskGrid.getData();
// resort
// select the new reporting task
var row = reportingTaskData.getRowById(;
// hide the dialog
return addTask;
* Initializes the new reporting task dialog.
var initNewReportingTaskDialog = function () {
// specify the combo options
options: [{
text: 'by type',
value: 'label'
}, {
text: 'by tag',
value: 'tags'
select: function (option) {
// specify the reporting task availability
if (nf.Canvas.isClustered()) {
options: [{
text: 'Node',
value: config.node,
description: 'This reporting task will be available on the nodes only.'
}, {
text: 'Cluster Manager',
value: config.ncm,
description: 'This reporting task will be available on the cluster manager only.'
// define the function for filtering the list
$('#reporting-task-type-filter').keyup(function () {
}).focus(function () {
if ($(this).hasClass(config.styles.filterList)) {
}).blur(function () {
if ($(this).val() === '') {
// initialize the processor type table
var reportingTaskTypesColumns = [
{id: 'type', name: 'Type', field: 'label', sortable: false, resizable: true},
{id: 'tags', name: 'Tags', field: 'tags', sortable: false, resizable: true}
// initialize the dataview
var reportingTaskTypesData = new Slick.Data.DataView({
inlineFilters: false
searchString: getReportingTaskTypeFilterText(),
property: $('#reporting-task-type-filter-options').combo('getSelectedOption').value
// initialize the grid
var reportingTaskTypesGrid = new Slick.Grid('#reporting-task-types-table', reportingTaskTypesData, reportingTaskTypesColumns, gridOptions);
reportingTaskTypesGrid.setSelectionModel(new Slick.RowSelectionModel());
reportingTaskTypesGrid.registerPlugin(new Slick.AutoTooltips());
reportingTaskTypesGrid.setSortColumn('type', true);
reportingTaskTypesGrid.onSelectedRowsChanged.subscribe(function (e, args) {
var reportingTaskTypeIndex = args.rows[0];
var reportingTaskType = reportingTaskTypesGrid.getDataItem(reportingTaskTypeIndex);
// set the reporting task type description
if (nf.Common.isBlank(reportingTaskType.description)) {
$('#reporting-task-type-description').attr('title', '').html('<span class="unset">No description specified</span>');
} else {
// populate the dom
// show the selected reporting task
reportingTaskTypesGrid.onDblClick.subscribe(function (e, args) {
var reportingTaskType = reportingTaskTypesGrid.getDataItem(args.row);
// wire up the dataview to the grid
reportingTaskTypesData.onRowCountChanged.subscribe(function (e, args) {
// update the total number of displayed processors
reportingTaskTypesData.onRowsChanged.subscribe(function (e, args) {
reportingTaskTypesData.syncGridSelection(reportingTaskTypesGrid, true);
// hold onto an instance of the grid
$('#reporting-task-types-table').data('gridInstance', reportingTaskTypesGrid);
// load the available reporting tasks
type: 'GET',
url: config.urls.reportingTaskTypes,
dataType: 'json'
}).done(function (response) {
var id = 0;
var tags = [];
// begin the update
// go through each reporting task type
$.each(response.reportingTaskTypes, function (i, documentedType) {
// add the documented type
id: id++,
label: nf.Common.substringAfterLast(documentedType.type, '.'),
type: documentedType.type,
description: nf.Common.escapeHtml(documentedType.description),
tags: documentedType.tags.join(', '),
children: [],
collapsed: false,
visible: true
// count the frequency of each tag for this type
$.each(documentedType.tags, function (i, tag) {
// end the udpate
// set the total number of processors
$('#total-reporting-task-types, #displayed-reporting-task-types').text(response.reportingTaskTypes.length);
// create the tag cloud
tags: tags,
select: applyReportingTaskTypeFilter,
remove: applyReportingTaskTypeFilter
// initialize the reporting task dialog
headerText: 'Add Reporting Task',
overlayBackground: false,
buttons: [{
buttonText: 'Add',
handler: {
click: function () {
var selectedTaskType = $('#selected-reporting-task-type').text();
}, {
buttonText: 'Cancel',
handler: {
click: function () {
close: function () {
// clear the selected row
// unselect any current selection
var reportingTaskTypesGrid = $('#reporting-task-types-table').data('gridInstance');
// clear any filter strings
// clear the tagcloud
containment: 'parent',
handle: '.dialog-header'
* Initializes the reporting tasks tab.
var initReportingTasks = function () {
// initialize the new reporting task dialog
var moreReportingTaskDetails = function (row, cell, value, columnDef, dataContext) {
var markup = '<img src="images/iconDetails.png" title="View Details" class="pointer view-reporting-task" style="margin-top: 5px; float: left;" />&nbsp;&nbsp;';
if (!nf.Common.isEmpty(dataContext.validationErrors)) {
markup += '<img src="images/iconAlert.png" class="has-errors" style="margin-top: 4px; float: left;" /><span class="hidden row-id">' + nf.Common.escapeHtml( + '</span>';
return markup;
var reportingTaskRunStatusFormatter = function (row, cell, value, columnDef, dataContext) {
// determine the appropriate label
var label;
if (!nf.Common.isEmpty(dataContext.validationErrors)) {
label = 'Invalid';
} else {
if (value === 'STOPPED') {
label = 'Stopped';
} else if (value === 'RUNNING') {
label = 'Running';
} else {
label = 'Disabled';
// include the active thread count if appropriate
var activeThreadCount = '';
if (nf.Common.isDefinedAndNotNull(dataContext.activeThreadCount) && dataContext.activeThreadCount > 0) {
activeThreadCount = '(' + dataContext.activeThreadCount + ')';
// format the markup
var formattedValue = '<div class="' + nf.Common.escapeHtml(label.toLowerCase()) + '" style="margin-top: 3px;"></div>';
return formattedValue + '<div class="status-text" style="margin-top: 2px; margin-left: 4px; float: left;">' + nf.Common.escapeHtml(label) + '</div><div style="float: left; margin-left: 4px;">' + nf.Common.escapeHtml(activeThreadCount) + '</div>';
var reportingTaskActionFormatter = function (row, cell, value, columnDef, dataContext) {
var markup = '';
// only DFMs can edit reporting tasks
if (nf.Common.isDFM()) {
if (dataContext.state === 'RUNNING') {
markup += '<img src="images/iconStop.png" title="Stop" class="pointer stop-reporting-task" style="margin-top: 2px;" />&nbsp;';
} else if (dataContext.state === 'STOPPED' || dataContext.state === 'DISABLED') {
markup += '<img src="images/iconEdit.png" title="Edit" class="pointer edit-reporting-task" style="margin-top: 2px;" />&nbsp;';
markup += '<img src="images/iconRun.png" title="Start" class="pointer start-reporting-task" style="margin-top: 2px;"/>&nbsp;';
markup += '<img src="images/iconDelete.png" title="Remove" class="pointer delete-reporting-task" style="margin-top: 2px;" />&nbsp;';
// always include a button to view the usage
markup += '<img src="images/iconUsage.png" title="Usage" class="pointer reporting-task-usage" style="margin-top: 2px;"/>&nbsp;';
return markup;
// define the column model for the reporting tasks table
var reportingTasksColumnModel = [
{id: 'moreDetails', field: 'moreDetails', name: '&nbsp;', resizable: false, formatter: moreReportingTaskDetails, sortable: true, width: 50, maxWidth: 50},
{id: 'name', field: 'name', name: 'Name', sortable: true, resizable: true},
{id: 'type', field: 'type', name: 'Type', sortable: true, resizable: true, formatter: typeFormatter},
{id: 'state', field: 'state', name: 'State', sortable: true, resizeable: true, formatter: reportingTaskRunStatusFormatter},
{id: 'actions', name: '&nbsp;', resizable: false, formatter: reportingTaskActionFormatter, sortable: false, width: 90, maxWidth: 90}
// only show availability when clustered
if (nf.Canvas.isClustered()) {
reportingTasksColumnModel.push({id: 'availability', field: 'availability', name: 'Availability', formatter: availabilityFormatter, sortable: true, resizeable: true});
// initialize the dataview
var reportingTasksData = new Slick.Data.DataView({
inlineFilters: false
// initialize the sort
columnId: 'name',
sortAsc: true
}, reportingTasksData);
// initialize the grid
var reportingTasksGrid = new Slick.Grid('#reporting-tasks-table', reportingTasksData, reportingTasksColumnModel, gridOptions);
reportingTasksGrid.setSelectionModel(new Slick.RowSelectionModel());
reportingTasksGrid.registerPlugin(new Slick.AutoTooltips());
reportingTasksGrid.setSortColumn('name', true);
reportingTasksGrid.onSort.subscribe(function (e, args) {
columnId: args.sortCol.field,
sortAsc: args.sortAsc
}, reportingTasksData);
// configure a click listener
reportingTasksGrid.onClick.subscribe(function (e, args) {
var target = $(;
// get the service at this row
var reportingTask = reportingTasksData.getItem(args.row);
// determine the desired action
if (reportingTasksGrid.getColumns()[args.cell].id === 'actions') {
if (target.hasClass('edit-reporting-task')) {
} else if (target.hasClass('start-reporting-task')) {
} else if (target.hasClass('stop-reporting-task')) {
} else if (target.hasClass('delete-reporting-task')) {
} else if (target.hasClass('reporting-task-usage')) {
// close the settings dialog
// open the documentation for this reporting task
nf.Shell.showPage('../nifi-docs/documentation?' + $.param({
select: nf.Common.substringAfterLast(reportingTask.type, '.')
} else if (reportingTasksGrid.getColumns()[args.cell].id === 'moreDetails') {
if (target.hasClass('view-reporting-task')) {
// wire up the dataview to the grid
reportingTasksData.onRowCountChanged.subscribe(function (e, args) {
reportingTasksData.onRowsChanged.subscribe(function (e, args) {
reportingTasksData.syncGridSelection(reportingTasksGrid, true);
// hold onto an instance of the grid
$('#reporting-tasks-table').data('gridInstance', reportingTasksGrid).on('mouseenter', 'div.slick-cell', function (e) {
var errorIcon = $(this).find('img.has-errors');
if (errorIcon.length && !'qtip')) {
var taskId = $(this).find('span.row-id').text();
// get the service item
var item = reportingTasksData.getItemById(taskId);
// format the errors
var tooltip = nf.Common.formatUnorderedList(item.validationErrors);
// show the tooltip
if (nf.Common.isDefinedAndNotNull(tooltip)) {
content: tooltip,
position: {
target: 'mouse',
viewport: $(window),
adjust: {
x: 8,
y: 8,
method: 'flipinvert flipinvert'
}, nf.Common.config.tooltipConfig));
* Loads the reporting tasks.
var loadReportingTasks = function () {
var tasks = [];
// get the reporting tasks that are running on the nodes
var nodeReportingTasks = $.ajax({
type: 'GET',
url: config.urls.reportingTasks + '/' + encodeURIComponent(config.node),
dataType: 'json'
}).done(function (response) {
var nodeTasks = response.reportingTasks;
if (nf.Common.isDefinedAndNotNull(nodeTasks)) {
$.each(nodeTasks, function (_, nodeTask) {
// get the reporting tasks that are running on the ncm
var ncmReportingTasks = $.Deferred(function (deferred) {
if (nf.Canvas.isClustered()) {
type: 'GET',
url: config.urls.reportingTasks + '/' + encodeURIComponent(config.ncm),
dataType: 'json'
}).done(function (response) {
var ncmTasks = response.reportingTasks;
if (nf.Common.isDefinedAndNotNull(ncmTasks)) {
$.each(ncmTasks, function (_, ncmTask) {
}).fail(function () {
} else {
// add all reporting tasks
return $.when(nodeReportingTasks, ncmReportingTasks).done(function () {
var reportingTasksElement = $('#reporting-tasks-table');
nf.Common.cleanUpTooltips(reportingTasksElement, 'img.has-errors');
var reportingTasksGrid ='gridInstance');
var reportingTasksData = reportingTasksGrid.getData();
// update the reporting tasks
return {
* Initializes the status page.
init: function () {
// initialize the settings tabs
tabStyle: 'settings-tab',
selectedTabStyle: 'settings-selected-tab',
tabs: [{
name: 'General',
tabContentId: 'general-settings-tab-content'
}, {
name: 'Controller Services',
tabContentId: 'controller-services-tab-content'
}, {
name: 'Reporting Tasks',
tabContentId: 'reporting-tasks-tab-content'
select: function () {
var tab = $(this).text();
if (tab === 'General') {
} else {
// update the tooltip on the button
$('#new-service-or-task').attr('title', function () {
if (tab === 'Controller Services') {
return 'Create a new controller service';
} else if (tab === 'Reporting Tasks') {
return 'Create a new reporting task';
// resize the table
// setup the tooltip for the refresh icon
content: 'This flow has been modified by another user. Please refresh.'
}, nf.CanvasUtils.config.systemTooltipConfig));
// refresh the system diagnostics when clicked
nf.Common.addHoverEffect('#settings-refresh-button', 'button-refresh', 'button-refresh-hover').click(function () {
if ($('#settings-refresh-required-icon').is(':visible')) {
} else {
// create a new controller service or reporting task
$('#new-service-or-task').on('click', function () {
var selectedTab = $('li.settings-selected-tab').text();
if (selectedTab === 'Controller Services') {
// reset the canvas size after the dialog is shown
var controllerServiceTypesGrid = $('#controller-service-types-table').data('gridInstance');
if (nf.Common.isDefinedAndNotNull(controllerServiceTypesGrid)) {
} else if (selectedTab === 'Reporting Tasks') {
// reset the canvas size after the dialog is shown
var reportingTaskTypesGrid = $('#reporting-task-types-table').data('gridInstance');
if (nf.Common.isDefinedAndNotNull(reportingTaskTypesGrid)) {
// initialize each tab
* Update the size of the grid based on its container's current size.
resetTableSize: function () {
var controllerServicesGrid = $('#controller-services-table').data('gridInstance');
if (nf.Common.isDefinedAndNotNull(controllerServicesGrid)) {
var reportingTasksGrid = $('#reporting-tasks-table').data('gridInstance');
if (nf.Common.isDefinedAndNotNull(reportingTasksGrid)) {
* Shows the settings dialog.
showSettings: function () {
return nf.Settings.loadSettings().done(function () {
// show the settings dialog
nf.Shell.showContent('#settings').done(function () {
// reset button state
* Loads the settings.
loadSettings: function () {
var settings = $.ajax({
type: 'GET',
url: config.urls.controllerConfig,
dataType: 'json'
}).done(function (response) {
// ensure the config is present
if (nf.Common.isDefinedAndNotNull(response.config)) {
// set the header
$('#settings-header-text').text( + ' Settings');
// populate the controller settings
if (nf.Common.isDFM()) {
} else {
// load the controller services
var controllerServices = loadControllerServices();
// load the reporting tasks
var reportingTasks = loadReportingTasks();
// return a deferred for all parts of the settings
return $.when(settings, controllerServices, reportingTasks).fail(nf.Common.handleAjaxError);