blob: d923b3cbcc01d3d848b6cf51c5a45770f31d1612 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
/* global define, module, require, exports */
(function (root, factory) {
if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
function ($, nfErrorHandler, nfCommon, nfDialog, nfStorage, nfClient, nfCanvasUtils, nfNgBridge, nfProcessor, nfClusterSummary, nfCustomUi, nfVerify, nfUniversalCapture, nfConnection) {
return (nf.ProcessorConfiguration = factory($, nfErrorHandler, nfCommon, nfDialog, nfStorage, nfClient, nfCanvasUtils, nfNgBridge, nfProcessor, nfClusterSummary, nfCustomUi, nfVerify, nfUniversalCapture, nfConnection));
} else if (typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module === 'object') {
module.exports = (nf.ProcessorConfiguration =
} else {
nf.ProcessorConfiguration = factory(root.$,,,,,,,,,,,,,;
}(this, function ($, nfErrorHandler, nfCommon, nfDialog, nfStorage, nfClient, nfCanvasUtils, nfNgBridge, nfProcessor, nfClusterSummary, nfCustomUi, nfVerify, nfUniversalCapture, nfConnection) {
'use strict';
* Configuration option variable for the nfProcessorDetails dialog
var config;
// possible values for a processor's run duration (in millis)
var RUN_DURATION_VALUES = [0, 25, 50, 100, 250, 500, 1000, 2000];
// key paths to the status objects
var ACTIVE_THREAD_COUNT_KEY = 'status.aggregateSnapshot.activeThreadCount',
RUN_STATUS_KEY = 'status.aggregateSnapshot.runStatus',
BULLETINS_KEY = 'bulletins';
// the last submitted referenced attributes
var referencedAttributes = null;
* Gets the available scheduling strategies based on the specified processor.
* @param {object} processor
* @returns {Array}
var getSchedulingStrategies = function (processor) {
var strategies = [{
text: 'Timer driven',
value: 'TIMER_DRIVEN',
description: 'Processor will be scheduled to run on an interval defined by the run schedule.'
// conditionally support event driven based on processor
if (processor.supportsEventDriven === true) {
text: 'Event driven',
value: 'EVENT_DRIVEN',
description: 'Processor will be scheduled to run when triggered by an event (e.g. a FlowFile enters an incoming queue). This scheduling strategy is experimental.'
} else if (processor.config['schedulingStrategy'] === 'EVENT_DRIVEN') {
// the processor was once configured for event driven but no longer supports it
text: 'Event driven',
value: 'EVENT_DRIVEN',
description: 'Processor will be scheduled to run when triggered by an event (e.g. a FlowFile enters an incoming queue). This scheduling strategy is experimental.',
disabled: true
// conditionally support event driven
if (processor.config['schedulingStrategy'] === 'PRIMARY_NODE_ONLY') {
text: 'On primary node',
description: 'Processor will be scheduled on the primary node on an interval defined by the run schedule. This option has been deprecated, please use the Execution setting below.',
disabled: true
// add an option for cron driven
text: 'CRON driven',
value: 'CRON_DRIVEN',
description: 'Processor will be scheduled to run on at specific times based on the specified CRON string.'
return strategies;
* Gets the available execution nodes based on the specified processor.
* @param {object} processor
* @returns {Array}
var getExecutionNodeOptions = function (processor) {
return [{
text: 'All nodes',
value: 'ALL',
description: 'Processor will be scheduled to run on all nodes',
disabled: processor.executionNodeRestricted === true
}, {
text: 'Primary node',
value: 'PRIMARY',
description: 'Processor will be scheduled to run only on the primary node'
* Creates an option for the specified relationship name.
* @argument {object} relationship The relationship
var createRelationshipOption = function (relationship) {
var relationshipLabel = $('<div class="relationship-name nf-checkbox-label ellipsis"></div>').text(;
var relationshipValue = $('<span class="relationship-name-value hidden"></span>').text(;
// build the relationship checkbox element
var relationshipCheckbox = $('<div class="processor-relationship nf-checkbox"></div>');
if (relationship.autoTerminate === true) {
} else {
// build the relationship container element
var relationshipContainerElement = $('<div class="processor-relationship-container"></div>').append(relationshipCheckbox).append(relationshipLabel).append(relationshipValue).appendTo('#auto-terminate-relationship-names');
if (!nfCommon.isBlank(relationship.description)) {
var relationshipDescription = $('<div class="relationship-description"></div>').text(relationship.description);
return relationshipContainerElement;
* Determines whether the user has made any changes to the processor configuration
* that needs to be saved.
var isSaveRequired = function () {
var details = $('#processor-configuration').data('processorDetails');
// determine if any processor settings have changed
// consider auto terminated relationships
var autoTerminatedChanged = false;
var autoTerminated = marshalRelationships();
$.each(details.relationships, function (i, relationship) {
if (relationship.autoTerminate === true) {
// relationship was auto terminated but is no longer selected
if ($.inArray(, autoTerminated) === -1) {
autoTerminatedChanged = true;
return false;
} else if (relationship.autoTerminate === false) {
// relationship was not auto terminated but is now selected
if ($.inArray(, autoTerminated) >= 0) {
autoTerminatedChanged = true;
return false;
if (autoTerminatedChanged) {
return true;
// consider the scheduling strategy
var schedulingStrategy = $('#scheduling-strategy-combo').combo('getSelectedOption').value;
if (schedulingStrategy !== (details.config['schedulingStrategy'] + '')) {
return true;
// only consider the concurrent tasks if appropriate
if (details.supportsParallelProcessing === true) {
// get the appropriate concurrent tasks field
var concurrentTasks;
if (schedulingStrategy === 'EVENT_DRIVEN') {
concurrentTasks = $('#event-driven-concurrently-schedulable-tasks');
} else if (schedulingStrategy === 'CRON_DRIVEN') {
concurrentTasks = $('#cron-driven-concurrently-schedulable-tasks');
} else {
concurrentTasks = $('#timer-driven-concurrently-schedulable-tasks');
// check the concurrent tasks
if (concurrentTasks.val() !== (details.config['concurrentlySchedulableTaskCount'] + '')) {
return true;
// get the appropriate scheduling period field
var schedulingPeriod;
if (schedulingStrategy === 'CRON_DRIVEN') {
schedulingPeriod = $('#cron-driven-scheduling-period');
} else if (schedulingStrategy !== 'EVENT_DRIVEN') {
schedulingPeriod = $('#timer-driven-scheduling-period');
// check the scheduling period
if (nfCommon.isDefinedAndNotNull(schedulingPeriod) && schedulingPeriod.val() !== (details.config['schedulingPeriod'] + '')) {
return true;
if ($('#execution-node-combo').combo('getSelectedOption').value !== (details.config['executionNode'] + '')) {
return true;
if ($('#processor-name').val() !== details['name']) {
return true;
if ($('#processor-enabled').hasClass('checkbox-checked') && details['state'] === 'DISABLED') {
return true;
} else if ($('#processor-enabled').hasClass('checkbox-unchecked') && (details['state'] === 'RUNNING' || details['state'] === 'STOPPED')) {
return true;
if ($('#penalty-duration').val() !== (details.config['penaltyDuration'] + '')) {
return true;
if ($('#yield-duration').val() !== (details.config['yieldDuration'] + '')) {
return true;
if ($('#bulletin-level-combo').combo('getSelectedOption').value !== (details.config['bulletinLevel'] + '')) {
return true;
if ($('#processor-comments').val() !== details.config['comments']) {
return true;
// defer to the property and relationship grids
return $('#processor-properties').propertytable('isSaveRequired');
* Marshals the data that will be used to update the processor's configuration.
* @param {object} processor
var marshalDetails = function (processor) {
// create the config dto
var processorConfigDto = {};
// get the scheduling strategy
var schedulingStrategy = $('#scheduling-strategy-combo').combo('getSelectedOption').value;
// get the appropriate concurrent tasks field
var concurrentTasks;
if (schedulingStrategy === 'EVENT_DRIVEN') {
concurrentTasks = $('#event-driven-concurrently-schedulable-tasks');
} else if (schedulingStrategy === 'CRON_DRIVEN') {
concurrentTasks = $('#cron-driven-concurrently-schedulable-tasks');
} else {
concurrentTasks = $('#timer-driven-concurrently-schedulable-tasks');
// get the concurrent tasks if appropriate
if (!':disabled')) {
processorConfigDto['concurrentlySchedulableTaskCount'] = concurrentTasks.val();
// get the appropriate scheduling period field
var schedulingPeriod;
if (schedulingStrategy === 'CRON_DRIVEN') {
schedulingPeriod = $('#cron-driven-scheduling-period');
} else if (schedulingStrategy !== 'EVENT_DRIVEN') {
schedulingPeriod = $('#timer-driven-scheduling-period');
// get the scheduling period if appropriate
if (nfCommon.isDefinedAndNotNull(schedulingPeriod)) {
processorConfigDto['schedulingPeriod'] = schedulingPeriod.val();
processorConfigDto['executionNode'] = $('#execution-node-combo').combo('getSelectedOption').value;
processorConfigDto['penaltyDuration'] = $('#penalty-duration').val();
processorConfigDto['yieldDuration'] = $('#yield-duration').val();
processorConfigDto['bulletinLevel'] = $('#bulletin-level-combo').combo('getSelectedOption').value;
processorConfigDto['schedulingStrategy'] = schedulingStrategy;
processorConfigDto['comments'] = $('#processor-comments').val();
// run duration
if (processor.supportsBatching === true) {
var runDurationIndex = $('#run-duration-slider').slider('value');
processorConfigDto['runDurationMillis'] = RUN_DURATION_VALUES[runDurationIndex];
// relationships
processorConfigDto['autoTerminatedRelationships'] = marshalRelationships();
// properties
var properties = $('#processor-properties').propertytable('marshalProperties');
// set the properties
if ($.isEmptyObject(properties) === false) {
processorConfigDto['properties'] = properties;
// create the processor dto
var processorDto = {};
processorDto['id'] = $('#processor-id').text();
processorDto['name'] = $('#processor-name').val();
processorDto['config'] = processorConfigDto;
// mark the processor disabled if appropriate
if ($('#processor-enabled').hasClass('checkbox-unchecked')) {
processorDto['state'] = 'DISABLED';
} else if ($('#processor-enabled').hasClass('checkbox-checked')) {
processorDto['state'] = 'STOPPED';
// create the processor entity
var processorEntity = {};
processorEntity['component'] = processorDto;
// return the marshaled details
return processorEntity;
* Marshals the relationships that will be auto terminated.
var marshalRelationships = function () {
// get all available relationships
var availableRelationships = $('#auto-terminate-relationship-names');
var selectedRelationships = [];
// go through each relationship to determine which are selected
$.each(availableRelationships.children(), function (i, relationshipElement) {
var relationship = $(relationshipElement);
// get each relationship and its corresponding checkbox
var relationshipCheck = relationship.children('div.processor-relationship');
// see if this relationship has been selected
if (relationshipCheck.hasClass('checkbox-checked')) {
return selectedRelationships;
* Validates the specified details.
* @argument {object} details The details to validate
var validateDetails = function (details) {
var errors = [];
var processor = details['component'];
var config = processor['config'];
// ensure numeric fields are specified correctly
if (nfCommon.isDefinedAndNotNull(config['concurrentlySchedulableTaskCount']) && !$.isNumeric(config['concurrentlySchedulableTaskCount'])) {
errors.push('Concurrent tasks must be an integer value');
if (nfCommon.isDefinedAndNotNull(config['schedulingPeriod']) && nfCommon.isBlank(config['schedulingPeriod'])) {
errors.push('Run schedule must be specified');
if (nfCommon.isBlank(config['penaltyDuration'])) {
errors.push('Penalty duration must be specified');
if (nfCommon.isBlank(config['yieldDuration'])) {
errors.push('Yield duration must be specified');
if (errors.length > 0) {
dialogContent: nfCommon.formatUnorderedList(errors),
headerText: 'Configuration Error'
return false;
} else {
return true;
* Reloads the outgoing connections for the specified processor.
* @param {object} processor
var reloadProcessorConnections = function (processor) {
var connections = nfConnection.getComponentConnections(;
$.each(connections, function (_, connection) {
if (connection.permissions.canRead) {
if (connection.sourceId === {
* Goes to a service configuration from the property table.
var goToServiceFromProperty = function () {
return $.Deferred(function (deferred) {
// close all fields currently being edited
// determine if changes have been made
if (isSaveRequired()) {
// see if those changes should be saved
headerText: 'Processor Configuration',
dialogContent: 'Save changes before going to this Controller Service?',
noHandler: function () {
yesHandler: function () {
var processor = $('#processor-configuration').data('processorDetails');
saveProcessor(processor).done(function () {
}).fail(function () {
} else {
* @param {type} processor
* @returns {undefined}
var saveProcessor = function (processor) {
// marshal the settings and properties and update the processor
var updatedProcessor = marshalDetails(processor);
// ensure details are valid as far as we can tell
if (validateDetails(updatedProcessor)) {
// set the revision
var d = nfProcessor.get(;
updatedProcessor['revision'] = nfClient.getRevision(d);
updatedProcessor['disconnectedNodeAcknowledged'] = nfStorage.isDisconnectionAcknowledged();
// update the selected component
return $.ajax({
type: 'PUT',
data: JSON.stringify(updatedProcessor),
url: d.uri,
dataType: 'json',
contentType: 'application/json'
}).done(function (response) {
// set the new processor state based on the response
} else {
return $.Deferred(function (deferred) {
* Handles verification results.
var handleVerificationResults = function (verificationResults, referencedAttributeMap) {
// record the most recently submitted referenced attributes
referencedAttributes = referencedAttributeMap;
var verificationResultsContainer = $('#processor-properties-verification-results');
// expand the dialog to make room for the verification result
if (':visible') === false) {
// show the verification results
$('#processor-properties').css('bottom', '40%').propertytable('resetTableSize');
// show borders if appropriate
var verificationResultsListing = $('#processor-properties-verification-results-listing');
if (verificationResultsListing.get(0).scrollHeight > Math.round(verificationResultsListing.innerHeight())) {
verificationResultsListing.css('border-width', '1px');
return {
* Initializes the processor properties tab.
* @param {options} The configuration options object for the dialog
init: function (options) {
//set the configuration options
config = options;
// initialize the properties tabs
tabStyle: 'tab',
selectedTabStyle: 'selected-tab',
scrollableTabContentStyle: 'scrollable',
tabs: [{
name: 'Settings',
tabContentId: 'processor-standard-settings-tab-content'
}, {
name: 'Scheduling',
tabContentId: 'processor-scheduling-tab-content'
}, {
name: 'Properties',
tabContentId: 'processor-properties-tab-content'
}, {
name: 'Comments',
tabContentId: 'processor-comments-tab-content'
select: function () {
// remove all property detail dialogs
// update the processor property table size in case this is the first time its rendered
if ($(this).text() === 'Properties') {
// close all fields currently being edited
// show the border around the processor relationships if necessary
var processorRelationships = $('#auto-terminate-relationship-names');
if (':visible') && processorRelationships.get(0).scrollHeight > Math.round(processorRelationships.innerHeight())) {
processorRelationships.css('border-width', '1px');
// initialize the processor configuration dialog
scrollableContentStyle: 'scrollable',
headerText: 'Configure Processor',
handler: {
close: function () {
// empty the relationship list
$('#auto-terminate-relationship-names').css('border-width', '0').empty();
// cancel any active edits and clear the table
// removed the cached processor details
// clean up an shown verification errors
$('#processor-properties-verification-results-listing').css('border-width', '0').empty();
$('#processor-properties').css('bottom', '0');
// clear most recently submitted referenced attributes
referencedAttributes = null;
//stop any synchronization
if (config.supportsStatusBar){
open: function () {
nfCommon.toggleScrollable($('#' + this.find('.tab-container').attr('id') + '-content').get(0));
//if the status bar is supported, initialize it.
// initialize the bulletin combo
options: [{
text: 'DEBUG',
value: 'DEBUG'
}, {
text: 'INFO',
value: 'INFO'
}, {
text: 'WARN',
value: 'WARN'
}, {
text: 'ERROR',
value: 'ERROR'
}, {
text: 'NONE',
value: 'NONE'
// initialize the run duration slider
min: 0,
max: RUN_DURATION_VALUES.length - 1,
change: function (event, ui) {
var processor = $('#processor-configuration').data('processorDetails');
if (ui.value > 0 && (processor.inputRequirement === 'INPUT_FORBIDDEN' || processor.inputRequirement === 'INPUT_ALLOWED')) {
} else {
// initialize the property table
readOnly: false,
supportsGoTo: true,
dialogContainer: '#new-processor-property-container',
descriptorDeferred: function (propertyName) {
var processor = $('#processor-configuration').data('processorDetails');
var d = nfProcessor.get(;
return $.ajax({
type: 'GET',
url: d.uri + '/descriptors',
data: {
propertyName: propertyName
dataType: 'json'
parameterDeferred: function (propertyDescriptor, groupId) {
return $.Deferred(function (deferred) {
if (nfCommon.isDefinedAndNotNull(groupId)) {
// processors being configured must be in the current group
var parameterContext = nfCanvasUtils.getParameterContext();
if (nfCommon.isDefinedAndNotNull(parameterContext)) {
type: 'GET',
url: '../nifi-api/parameter-contexts/' + encodeURIComponent(,
data: {
includeInheritedParameters: 'true'
dataType: 'json'
}).done(function (response) {
var sensitive = nfCommon.isSensitiveProperty(propertyDescriptor);
deferred.resolve( (parameterEntity) {
return parameterEntity.parameter;
}).filter(function (parameter) {
return parameter.sensitive === sensitive;
}).fail(function () {
} else {
} else {
goToServiceDeferred: goToServiceFromProperty,
getParameterContext: function (groupId) {
// processors being configured must be in the current group
return nfCanvasUtils.getParameterContext();
* Shows the configuration dialog for the specified processor.
* @argument {selection} selection The selection
* @argument {cb} callback The callback function to execute after the dialog is displayed
showConfiguration: function (selection, cb) {
if (nfCanvasUtils.isProcessor(selection)) {
var selectionData = selection.datum();
// get the processor details
var processor = selectionData.component;
var requests = [];
// reload the processor in case an property descriptors have updated
// get the processor history
type: 'GET',
url: '../nifi-api/flow/history/components/' + encodeURIComponent(,
dataType: 'json'
// once everything is loaded, show the dialog
$.when.apply(window, requests).done(function (processorResult, historyResult) {
// get the updated processor'
var processorResponse = processorResult[0];
processor = processorResponse.component;
// get the processor history
var processorHistory = historyResult[0].componentHistory;
// record the processor details
$('#processor-configuration').data('processorDetails', processor);
// determine if the enabled checkbox is checked or not
var processorEnableStyle = 'checkbox-checked';
if (processor['state'] === 'DISABLED') {
processorEnableStyle = 'checkbox-unchecked';
// populate the processor settings
$('#processor-configuration').modal('setSubtitle', nfCommon.formatType(processor));
$('#processor-enabled').removeClass('checkbox-unchecked checkbox-checked').addClass(processorEnableStyle);
// set the run duration if applicable
if (processor.supportsBatching === true) {
// set the run duration slider value
var runDuration = RUN_DURATION_VALUES.indexOf(processor.config['runDurationMillis']);
$('#run-duration-slider').slider('value', runDuration);
} else {
// select the appropriate bulletin level
$('#bulletin-level-combo').combo('setSelectedOption', {
value: processor.config['bulletinLevel']
var schedulingStrategy = processor.config['schedulingStrategy'];
// initialize the scheduling strategy
options: getSchedulingStrategies(processor),
selectedOption: {
value: schedulingStrategy
select: function (selectedOption) {
// show the appropriate panel
if (selectedOption.value === 'EVENT_DRIVEN') {
} else {
if (selectedOption.value === 'CRON_DRIVEN') {
} else {
var executionNode = processor.config['executionNode'];
// initialize the execution node combo
options: getExecutionNodeOptions(processor),
selectedOption: {
value: executionNode
// initialize the concurrentTasks
var defaultConcurrentTasks = processor.config['defaultConcurrentTasks'];
// get the appropriate concurrent tasks field
var concurrentTasks;
if (schedulingStrategy === 'EVENT_DRIVEN') {
concurrentTasks = $('#event-driven-concurrently-schedulable-tasks').val(processor.config['concurrentlySchedulableTaskCount']);
} else if (schedulingStrategy === 'CRON_DRIVEN') {
concurrentTasks = $('#cron-driven-concurrently-schedulable-tasks').val(processor.config['concurrentlySchedulableTaskCount']);
} else {
concurrentTasks = $('#timer-driven-concurrently-schedulable-tasks').val(processor.config['concurrentlySchedulableTaskCount']);
// conditionally allow the user to specify the concurrent tasks
if (nfCommon.isDefinedAndNotNull(concurrentTasks)) {
if (processor.supportsParallelProcessing === true) {
concurrentTasks.prop('disabled', false);
} else {
concurrentTasks.prop('disabled', true);
// initialize the schedulingStrategy
var defaultSchedulingPeriod = processor.config['defaultSchedulingPeriod'];
// set the scheduling period as appropriate
if (processor.config['schedulingStrategy'] === 'CRON_DRIVEN') {
} else if (processor.config['schedulingStrategy'] !== 'EVENT_DRIVEN') {
// load the relationship list
if (!nfCommon.isEmpty(processor.relationships)) {
$.each(processor.relationships, function (i, relationship) {
} else {
$('#auto-terminate-relationship-names').append('<div class="unset">This processor has no relationships.</div>');
var buttons = [{
buttonText: 'Apply',
color: {
base: '#728E9B',
hover: '#004849',
text: '#ffffff'
disabled : function() {
return !nfCanvasUtils.supportsModification(selection);
handler: {
click: function () {
// close all fields currently being edited
// save the processor
saveProcessor(processor).done(function (response) {
// reload the processor's outgoing connections
// close the details panel
// inform Angular app values have changed
buttonText: 'Cancel',
color: {
base: '#E3E8EB',
hover: '#C7D2D7',
text: '#004849'
handler: {
click: function () {
// determine if we should show the advanced button
if (nfCommon.isDefinedAndNotNull(processor.config.customUiUrl) && processor.config.customUiUrl !== '') {
buttonText: 'Advanced',
clazz: 'fa fa-cog button-icon',
color: {
base: '#E3E8EB',
hover: '#C7D2D7',
text: '#004849'
handler: {
click: function () {
var openCustomUi = function () {
// reset state and close the dialog manually to avoid hiding the faded background
// show the custom ui
nfCustomUi.showCustomUi(processorResponse, processor.config.customUiUrl, true).done(function () {
// once the custom ui is closed, reload the processor
// and reload the processor's outgoing connections
// close all fields currently being edited
// determine if changes have been made
if (isSaveRequired()) {
// see if those changes should be saved
headerText: 'Save',
dialogContent: 'Save changes before opening the advanced configuration?',
noHandler: openCustomUi,
yesHandler: function () {
saveProcessor(processor).done(function (deferred) {
// open the custom ui
} else {
// if there were no changes, simply open the custom ui
//Synchronize the current component canvas attributes in the status bar
//initialize the canvas synchronization
$("#processor-configuration-status-bar").statusbar('observe',, function(){
//if there are active threads, add the terminate button to the status bar
if(nfCommon.isDefinedAndNotNull(config.nfActions) &&
nfCommon.getKeyValue(processorResponse,ACTIVE_THREAD_COUNT_KEY) != 0){
buttonText: 'Terminate',
clazz: 'fa fa-hourglass-end button-icon',
color: {
hover: '#C7D2D7',
base: 'transparent',
text: '#004849'
disabled : function() {
return nfCanvasUtils.supportsModification(selection);
handler: {
click: function() {
var cb = function(){
var p = nfProcessor.get(;
if(nfCommon.getKeyValue(p,ACTIVE_THREAD_COUNT_KEY) != 0){
dialogContent: 'Terminate threads request was processed, but active threads still persist. Please try again later.',
headerText: 'Unable to Terminate'
else {
//refresh the dialog
//execute the terminate call
// set the button model
$('#processor-configuration').modal('setButtonModel', buttons);
// load the property table
.propertytable('setGroupId', processor.parentGroupId)
.propertytable('loadProperties',, processor.config.descriptors, processorHistory.propertyHistory)
.propertytable('setPropertyVerificationCallback', function (proposedProperties) {
nfVerify.verify(processor['id'], processorResponse['uri'], proposedProperties, referencedAttributes, handleVerificationResults, $('#processor-properties-verification-results-listing'));
// show the details
// add ellipsis if necessary
$('#processor-configuration div.relationship-name').ellipsis();
// show the border if necessary
var processorRelationships = $('#auto-terminate-relationship-names');
if (':visible') && processorRelationships.get(0).scrollHeight > Math.round(processorRelationships.innerHeight())) {
processorRelationships.css('border-width', '1px');
// Ensure the properties table has rendered correctly if initially selected
if ($('#processor-configuration-tabs').find('.selected-tab').text() === 'Properties') {
// execute the callback if one was provided
if (typeof cb == 'function'){