blob: 6ff920d0ba43cac362bf573bae4d7cb5f9cea041 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull;
import static;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;
public class OtpServiceTest {
private final static String USER_1 = "user-identity-1";
private final static int CACHE_EXPIRY_TIME = 1;
private final static int WAIT_TIME = 2000;
private OtpService otpService;
public void setUp() throws Exception {
otpService = new OtpService();
public void testGetAuthenticationForValidDownloadToken() throws Exception {
final OtpAuthenticationToken authenticationToken = new OtpAuthenticationToken(USER_1);
final String downloadToken = otpService.generateDownloadToken(authenticationToken);
final String authenticatedUser = otpService.getAuthenticationFromDownloadToken(downloadToken);
assertEquals(USER_1, authenticatedUser);
try {
// ensure the token is no longer valid
} catch (final OtpAuthenticationException oae) {}
public void testGetAuthenticationForValidUiExtensionToken() throws Exception {
final OtpAuthenticationToken authenticationToken = new OtpAuthenticationToken(USER_1);
final String uiExtensionToken = otpService.generateUiExtensionToken(authenticationToken);
final String authenticatedUser = otpService.getAuthenticationFromUiExtensionToken(uiExtensionToken);
assertEquals(USER_1, authenticatedUser);
try {
// ensure the token is no longer valid
} catch (final OtpAuthenticationException oae) {}
@Test(expected = OtpAuthenticationException.class)
public void testGetNonExistentDownloadToken() throws Exception {
otpService.getAuthenticationFromDownloadToken("Not a real download token");
@Test(expected = OtpAuthenticationException.class)
public void testGetNonExistentUiExtensionToken() throws Exception {
otpService.getAuthenticationFromUiExtensionToken("Not a real ui extension token");
@Test(expected = IllegalStateException.class)
public void testMaxDownloadTokenLimit() throws Exception {
// ensure we'll try to loop past the limit
for (int i = 1; i < OtpService.MAX_CACHE_SOFT_LIMIT + 10; i++) {
try {
final OtpAuthenticationToken authenticationToken = new OtpAuthenticationToken("user-identity-" + i);
} catch (final IllegalStateException iae) {
// ensure we failed when we've passed the limit
assertEquals(OtpService.MAX_CACHE_SOFT_LIMIT + 1, i);
throw iae;
@Test(expected = IllegalStateException.class)
public void testMaxUiExtensionTokenLimit() throws Exception {
// ensure we'll try to loop past the limit
for (int i = 1; i < OtpService.MAX_CACHE_SOFT_LIMIT + 10; i++) {
try {
final OtpAuthenticationToken authenticationToken = new OtpAuthenticationToken("user-identity-" + i);
} catch (final IllegalStateException iae) {
// ensure we failed when we've passed the limit
assertEquals(OtpService.MAX_CACHE_SOFT_LIMIT + 1, i);
throw iae;
@Test(expected = NullPointerException.class)
public void testNullTimeUnits() throws Exception {
new OtpService(0, null);
@Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException.class)
public void testNegativeExpiration() throws Exception {
new OtpService(-1, TimeUnit.MINUTES);
@Test(expected = OtpAuthenticationException.class)
public void testUiExtensionTokenExpiration() throws Exception {
final OtpService otpServiceWithTightExpiration = new OtpService(CACHE_EXPIRY_TIME, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
final OtpAuthenticationToken authenticationToken = new OtpAuthenticationToken(USER_1);
final String downloadToken = otpServiceWithTightExpiration.generateUiExtensionToken(authenticationToken);
// sleep for 2 seconds which should sufficiently expire the valid token
// attempt to get the token now that it's expired
@Test(expected = OtpAuthenticationException.class)
public void testDownloadTokenExpiration() throws Exception {
final OtpService otpServiceWithTightExpiration = new OtpService(CACHE_EXPIRY_TIME, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
final OtpAuthenticationToken authenticationToken = new OtpAuthenticationToken(USER_1);
final String downloadToken = otpServiceWithTightExpiration.generateDownloadToken(authenticationToken);
// sleep for 2 seconds which should sufficiently expire the valid token
// attempt to get the token now that it's expired
public void testDownloadTokenIsTheSameForSubsequentRequests() {
final OtpAuthenticationToken authenticationToken = new OtpAuthenticationToken(USER_1);
final String downloadToken = otpService.generateDownloadToken(authenticationToken);
final String secondDownloadToken = otpService.generateDownloadToken(authenticationToken);
assertEquals(downloadToken, secondDownloadToken);
public void testDownloadTokenIsTheSameForSubsequentRequestsUntilUsed() {
final OtpAuthenticationToken authenticationToken = new OtpAuthenticationToken(USER_1);
// generate two tokens
final String downloadToken = otpService.generateDownloadToken(authenticationToken);
final String secondDownloadToken = otpService.generateDownloadToken(authenticationToken);
assertEquals(downloadToken, secondDownloadToken);
// use the token
// make sure the next token is now different
final String thirdDownloadToken = otpService.generateDownloadToken(authenticationToken);
assertNotEquals(downloadToken, thirdDownloadToken);
public void testDownloadTokenIsValidForSubsequentGenerateAndUse() {
final OtpAuthenticationToken authenticationToken = new OtpAuthenticationToken(USER_1);
// generate a token
final String downloadToken = otpService.generateDownloadToken(authenticationToken);
// use the token
final String auth = otpService.getAuthenticationFromDownloadToken(downloadToken);
assertEquals(USER_1, auth);
// generate a new token, make sure it's different, then authenticate with it
final String secondDownloadToken = otpService.generateDownloadToken(authenticationToken);
assertNotEquals(downloadToken, secondDownloadToken);
final String secondAuth = otpService.getAuthenticationFromDownloadToken(secondDownloadToken);
assertEquals(USER_1, secondAuth);
public void testSingleUserCannotGenerateTooManyUIExtensionTokens() throws Exception {
// ensure we'll try to loop past the limit
for (int i = 1; i < OtpService.MAX_CACHE_SOFT_LIMIT + 10; i++) {
final OtpAuthenticationToken authenticationToken = new OtpAuthenticationToken("user-identity-1");
// make sure other users can still generate tokens
final OtpAuthenticationToken anotherAuthenticationToken = new OtpAuthenticationToken("user-identity-2");
final String auth = otpService.generateUiExtensionToken(anotherAuthenticationToken);
public void testSingleUserCannotGenerateTooManyDownloadTokens() throws Exception {
// ensure we'll try to loop past the limit
for (int i = 1; i < OtpService.MAX_CACHE_SOFT_LIMIT + 10; i++) {
final OtpAuthenticationToken authenticationToken = new OtpAuthenticationToken("user-identity-1");
// make sure other users can still generate tokens
final OtpAuthenticationToken anotherAuthenticationToken = new OtpAuthenticationToken("user-identity-2");
final String auth = otpService.generateDownloadToken(anotherAuthenticationToken);
@Test(expected = OtpAuthenticationException.class)
public void testDownloadTokenNotValidAfterUse() throws Exception {
final OtpAuthenticationToken authenticationToken = new OtpAuthenticationToken(USER_1);
final String downloadToken = otpService.generateDownloadToken(authenticationToken);
// use the token
final String authenticatedUser = otpService.getAuthenticationFromDownloadToken(downloadToken);
// check we authenticated successfully
assertEquals(USER_1, authenticatedUser);
// check authentication fails with the used token
final String failedAuthentication = otpService.getAuthenticationFromDownloadToken(downloadToken);
@Test(expected = OtpAuthenticationException.class)
public void testUIExtensionTokenNotValidAfterUse() throws Exception {
final OtpAuthenticationToken authenticationToken = new OtpAuthenticationToken(USER_1);
final String downloadToken = otpService.generateDownloadToken(authenticationToken);
// use the token
final String authenticatedUser = otpService.getAuthenticationFromUiExtensionToken(downloadToken);
// check we authenticated successfully
assertEquals(USER_1, authenticatedUser);
// check authentication fails with the used token
final String failedAuthentication = otpService.getAuthenticationFromUiExtensionToken(downloadToken);
public void testShouldGenerateNewDownloadTokenAfterExpiration() throws Exception {
final OtpService otpServiceWithTightExpiration = new OtpService(CACHE_EXPIRY_TIME, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
final OtpAuthenticationToken authenticationToken = new OtpAuthenticationToken(USER_1);
final String downloadToken = otpServiceWithTightExpiration.generateDownloadToken(authenticationToken);
// sleep for 2 seconds which should sufficiently expire the valid token
// get a new token and make sure the previous one had expired
final String secondDownloadToken = otpServiceWithTightExpiration.generateDownloadToken(authenticationToken);
assertNotEquals(downloadToken, secondDownloadToken);
public void testDownloadTokenRemainsTheSameBeforeExpirationButNotAfter() throws Exception {
final OtpService otpServiceWithTightExpiration = new OtpService(CACHE_EXPIRY_TIME, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
final OtpAuthenticationToken authenticationToken = new OtpAuthenticationToken(USER_1);
final String downloadToken = otpServiceWithTightExpiration.generateDownloadToken(authenticationToken);
final String secondDownloadToken = otpServiceWithTightExpiration.generateDownloadToken(authenticationToken);
assertEquals(downloadToken, secondDownloadToken);
// sleep for 2 seconds which should sufficiently expire the valid token
// get a new token and make sure the previous one had expired
final String thirdDownloadToken = otpServiceWithTightExpiration.generateDownloadToken(authenticationToken);
assertNotEquals(downloadToken, thirdDownloadToken);