title: Apache NiFi Registry containerEnabled: true


Registry - a subproject of Apache NiF - is a complementary application that provides a central location for storage and management of shared resources across one or more instances of NiFi or MiNiFi.

Apache NiFi Registry provides the following features:

  • Implementation of a Flow Registry for storing and managing versioned flows
  • Integration with NiFi to allow storing, retrieving, and upgrading versioned flows from a Flow Registry
  • Administration of the Registry for defining users, groups, and policies


Apache NiFi Project Keys can be used to verify downloads.

Please allow up to 24 hours for mirrors to synchronize following the release of a new version.

{{< param currentProjectVersion >}}




  • {{< youtube-embed id=“X_qhRVChjZY” title=“Getting Started with Apache NiFi Registry” >}}
  • {{< youtube-embed id=“qD03ao3R-a4” title=“Setting Up a Secure Apache NiFi Registry” >}}
  • {{< youtube-embed id=“DSO12fhnZ90” title=“Setting Up a Secure NiFi to Integrate with a Secure NiFi Registry” >}}
  • {{< youtube-embed id=“kK7eVppg9Aw” title=“Storing Versioned Flows in a Git Repository” >}}