title: Registry menu: main: parent: “Projects” name: Registry weight: 2


Registry - a subproject of Apache NiFi - is a complementary application that provides a central location for storage and management of shared resources across one or more instances of NiFi or MiNiFi.

Apache NiFi Registry provides the following features:

  • Implementation of a Flow Registry for storing and managing versioned flows
  • Integration with NiFi to allow storing, retrieving, and upgrading versioned flows from a Flow Registry
  • Administration of the Registry for defining users, groups, and policies



  • {{< youtube-embed id=“X_qhRVChjZY” title=“Getting Started with Apache NiFi Registry” >}}
  • {{< youtube-embed id=“qD03ao3R-a4” title=“Setting Up a Secure Apache NiFi Registry” >}}
  • {{< youtube-embed id=“DSO12fhnZ90” title=“Setting Up a Secure NiFi to Integrate with a Secure NiFi Registry” >}}
  • {{< youtube-embed id=“kK7eVppg9Aw” title=“Storing Versioned Flows in a Git Repository” >}}