title: “Community” menu: main: weight: 3

Apache {{< project-label >}} Team

A successful project requires many people to play many roles. Some write code, others provide project mentorship, and still others author documentation. General contributors provide valuable feedback, submitting patches and suggestions.

The team consists of Project Management Committee Members, Committers, and Contributors.

Project Management Committee Members

Project Management Committee Members are volunteers who responsible for leading the project. PMC members cast binding votes on project direction and software releases.

{{< project-members project=“nifi-pmc” >}}


Committers are the group of volunteers who are responsible for the technical aspects of the Apache NiFi Project. This group has write access to the appropriate source repositories. All committer input is valued. When technical discussions occur, committer input is treated the same as PMC member input. Committers are encouraged to vote on releases and technical discussions, but committer votes are not binding on project decisions.

Membership as a Committer is by invitation only and must be approved by consensus approval of the active Apache NiFi PMC members on a vote open for at least 72 hours. A Committer is considered inactive by their own declaration. Membership can be revoked by a unanimous vote of all the active PMC members, except the member in question if they are a PMC member.

{{< project-members project=“nifi” exclude-project=“nifi-pmc” >}}


Contributors improve the project through submission of patches and suggestions. The number of Contributors to the project is unbounded. Get involved today. All contributions to the project are greatly appreciated.

Emeritus Members

Emeritus members are those that served as PMC members or committers and who have since moved into inactive status. Their contributions and efforts are greatly appreciated in helping the community develop.

Apache UsernameName
bimarguliesBenson Margulies
jbarnabeeJennifer Barnabee
pwicksPeter Wicks
jpercivallJoe Percivall

In Memoriam

Apache UsernameName
jstorckJeff Storck