blob: 70169b5248037d52b6652a2401b5c6ea74545bd8 [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
(the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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<!-- NOTE: The providers in this file must be listed in the order defined in providers.xsd which is the following:
1) Flow Persistence Provider (Must occur once and only once)
2) Event Hook Providers (May occur 0 or more times)
3) Bundle Persistence Provider (Must occur once and only once)
<property name="Flow Storage Directory">./flow_storage</property>
<property name="Flow Storage Directory">./flow_storage</property>
<property name="Remote To Push"></property>
<property name="Remote Access User"></property>
<property name="Remote Access Password"></property>
<property name="Remote Clone Repository"></property>
<property name="Script Path"></property>
<property name="Working Directory"></property>
<!-- Optional Whitelist Event types
<property name="Whitelisted Event Type 1">CREATE_FLOW</property>
<property name="Whitelisted Event Type 2">DELETE_FLOW</property>
<!-- This will log all events to a separate file specified by the EVENT_APPENDER in logback.xml -->
<property name="Extension Bundle Storage Directory">./extension_bundles</property>
<!-- Example S3 Bundle Persistence Provider
- Requires nifi-registry-aws-assembly to be added to the classpath via a custom extension dir in
Where "./ext/aws/lib" contains the extracted contents of nifi-registry-aws-assembly
- "Region" - The name of the S3 region where the bucket exists
- "Bucket Name" - The name of an existing bucket to store extension bundles
- "Key Prefix" - An optional prefix that if specified will be added to the beginning of all S3 keys
- "Credentials Provider" - Indicates how credentials will be provided, must be a value of DEFAULT_CHAIN or STATIC
- DEFAULT_CHAIN will consider in order: Java system properties, environment variables, credential profiles (~/.aws/credentials)
- STATIC requires that "Access Key" and "Secret Access Key" be specified directly in this file
- "Access Key" - The access key to use when using STATIC credentials provider
- "Secret Access Key" - The secret access key to use when using STATIC credentials provider
- "Endpoint URL" - An optional URL that overrides the default AWS S3 endpoint URL.
Set this when using an AWS S3 API compatible service hosted at a different URL.
<property name="Region">us-east-1</property>
<property name="Bucket Name">my-bundles</property>
<property name="Key Prefix"></property>
<property name="Credentials Provider">DEFAULT_CHAIN</property>
<property name="Access Key"></property>
<property name="Secret Access Key"></property>
<property name="Endpoint URL"></property>