1. 7b57cc8 MINIFI-216 - Allowing override of nifi.properties values by Bryan Rosander · 7 years ago
  2. ed801f3 MINIFI-185 Updating Copyright statements to reflect the new year. by Aldrin Piri · 7 years ago
  3. bade5d7 MINIFI-178 Updating README and Admin guide to use HTTPS links. by Aldrin Piri · 7 years ago
  4. a2f6e9d MINIFI-128 Adjusting handling of change ingestor configuration and error messaging. by Aldrin Piri · 7 years ago
  5. 2fcf5ec MINIFI-172 Updating last remanents of the 1.1.0 upgrade by Joseph Percivall · 7 years ago
  6. 4514a04 MINIFI-144 Bumping logback version to 1.1.8 by Joseph Percivall · 7 years ago
  7. d3bbb8c MINIFI-157 Adjusting toolkit readme to align with 0.1.0 features by Joseph Percivall · 7 years ago
  8. 4cf2cea MINIFI-170 - Changing FlowStatus report to be JSON based by Andrew Psaltis · 7 years ago
  9. 35dfa69 MINIFI-156 - Windows script fixes from NiFi by Bryan Rosander · 7 years ago
  10. 9486904 MINIFI-153 - Adding proxy settings to remote process group by Bryan Rosander · 7 years ago
  11. cbb2bdd MINIFI-154 Adding support for Controller Services by Joseph Percivall · 7 years ago
  12. b028f5a MINIFI-146-RC1 prepare for next development iteration by Aldrin Piri · 7 years ago
  13. 6e7f05d MINIFI-146-RC1 prepare release minifi-0.1.0-RC1 by Aldrin Piri · 7 years ago minifi-0.1.0-RC1 rel/minifi-0.1.0
  14. 967d402 MINIFI-142 Updating License and Notice information for NiFi 1.1.0 upgrade by Joseph Percivall · 7 years ago
  15. 85d69ea MINIFI-142 Upgrading NiFi dependencies to 1.1.0 and adjusting NAR and ClassLoader code to reflect changes introduced in NiFi. by Aldrin Piri · 7 years ago
  16. bcf6c6c MINIFI-127 In quick start guide, removing processors that are currently unusable due to reliance on Controller Services other than SSL Context by Joseph Percivall · 7 years ago
  17. 9ea13c6 MINIFI-127: Added quick start document. by Sarah Olson · 8 years ago
  18. 5ac121f MINIFI-126 Migrating improvements made in NiFi bootstrap by Joseph Percivall · 7 years ago
  19. 6659577 MINIFI-143 Correcting library classpath for Windows environments to reflect changes in assembly structure. by Aldrin Piri · 7 years ago
  20. d623521 MINIFI-132 Adjusting default log configuration to reduce overall footprint of logs and to enable compression by default. by Aldrin Piri · 7 years ago
  21. 98877d6 MINIFI-137 Adding option to RPGs to transmit via HTTP. Also corrected a typo that had RPGs as 'Remote Processing Groups' instead of 'Remote Process Groups' (extra 'ing'). by Joseph Percivall · 7 years ago
  22. d681f8f MINIFI-126 Adjusting default JVM size and removing bootstrap properties relating to Java 7 by Joseph Percivall · 7 years ago
  23. aeea72b MINIFI-115: Providing handling of ID for Remote Process Groups to use the generated approach created for other components and introducing a RemoteProcessingGroupSchemaV1. Corrected typos, adjusted ProvenanceReportingTask to be the bundled NiFi class, and updating specified NiFi version for the ConfigTransformer. by Aldrin Piri · 7 years ago
  24. 00d6ac0 MINIFI-115 - Changing YAML to use UUIDs by Bryan Rosander · 7 years ago
  25. 5288850 MINIFI-115 Bump NiFi versions to 1.0.0 by Aldrin Piri · 8 years ago
  26. c999f07 MINIFI-135 Removing 'Input Ports' and 'Output Ports' from the root level of the default config by Joseph Percivall · 7 years ago
  27. 374fc10 MINIFI-134 Removing test scope in the root pom from commons-io by Joseph Percivall · 7 years ago
  28. 6f3c567 MINIFI-36 Refactoring config change notifiers and adding Pull config change notifier by Joseph Percivall · 8 years ago
  29. 7954d36 MINIFI-136 - Fixing ordering issue in ConfigTransformer by Bryan Rosander · 7 years ago
  30. 12a58a8 MINIFI-47 - Funnel support by Bryan Rosander · 7 years ago
  31. 31855bb MINIFI-107 - Process group support by Bryan Rosander · 7 years ago
  32. 1bbeedf MINIFI-117 - Maintainable Configuration Versioning by Bryan Rosander · 8 years ago
  33. 8913a90 MINIFI-60 Removing unused configuration files in minifi-resources and removing unused nifi.properties from the minifi-assembly pom. by Aldrin Piri · 8 years ago
  34. 617f1be MINIFI-39 Fixing rollover filename in example appender for Periodic Status Logger in the System Admin Guide by Joseph Percivall · 8 years ago
  35. 4e1363a MINIFI-39 Responding to review comments by Joseph Percivall · 8 years ago
  36. 8d8c263 MINIFI-39: Minor Admin Guide edits. by Sarah Olson · 8 years ago
  37. 291b171 MINIFI-39 Adding PeriodicStatusReporter to the bootstrap process with an implementation to log the FlowStatus by Joseph Percivall · 8 years ago
  38. 09b35f3 Add the PR template to the repository. by Aldrin Piri · 8 years ago
  39. c1f33d5 MINIFI-120 Fixing 'class not found' issues when using the Rest Change Notifier. Also added all the jetty and javax modules that NiFi lists as 'provided' in its pom to the minifi-assembly pom in order to ensure NAR reusability. by Joseph Percivall · 8 years ago
  40. c3abec5 Adding Travis CI build badge. by Aldrin Piri · 8 years ago
  41. d987f0b MINIFI-46 - Supporting multiple relationships for MiNiFi connections by Bryan Rosander · 8 years ago
  42. 974c536 MINIFI-81 Adding a check for a valid command to the config.sh toolkit script by Joseph Percivall · 8 years ago
  43. e6f6b06 MINIFI-86 Adding explicit checks for any unsupported components when transforming a template by Joseph Percivall · 8 years ago
  44. bd842d3 MINIFI-82 Adding support for Processor 'Annotation Data' by Joseph Percivall · 8 years ago
  45. 3b6cf27 MINIFI-110 Adding ' ' (space) to the list of characters that will cause parsing errors when using the 'flowStatus' command by Joseph Percivall · 8 years ago
  46. 61b2fed MINIFI-105 Fixing BootstrapCodec tertiary command order of operations by Joseph Percivall · 8 years ago
  47. ab24def MINIFI-59 Removing exclude statement for Quartz to fix CRON support by Joseph Percivall · 8 years ago
  48. e6cd05a MINIFI-58 Adjusting toolkit assembly name to include toolkit in the resulting binaries. by Aldrin Piri · 8 years ago
  49. 93af87d MINIFI-104 - Making connection ids filesystem friendly, unique by Bryan Rosander · 8 years ago
  50. 8431750 MINIFI-55 Adding links to the downloads for the MiNiFi Toolkit. by Aldrin Piri · 8 years ago
  51. 38c7a8e MINIFI-44 Merge release branch into master for 0.0.1 Release by Aldrin Piri · 8 years ago
  52. 5aabb7b MINIFI-54 - Fixing duplicate validation for connections, remote processing groups by Bryan Rosander · 8 years ago
  53. 8c0350b MINIFI-44-rc1 prepare for next development iteration by Aldrin Piri · 8 years ago MINIFI-44-rc1
  54. d6ebeda MINIFI-44-rc1 prepare release minifi-0.0.1-RC1 by Aldrin Piri · 8 years ago minifi-0.0.1-RC1 rel/minifi-0.0.1
  55. 52d19dd MINIFI-50 * Updating the root project README and providing READMEs for both the minifi and minifi-toolkit assemblies. * Adjusting needed LICENSE and NOTICE files. * Adding System Admin Guide to docs folder in generated minifi-assembly. * Adding KEYS file to repository. by Aldrin Piri · 8 years ago
  56. 264f663 Updating NiFi dependencies to 0.6.1 to incorporate any applicable bugfixes. by Aldrin Piri · 8 years ago
  57. 49defc1 MINIFI-21 MINIFI-24 Excluding duplicated dependencies transitively provided to the assembly. Excluding NiFi specific configuration files that dealt with user facing components removed in MiNiFi. by Aldrin Piri · 8 years ago
  58. ec04ec9 MINIFI-48 - Omitting queuePrioritizerClass from flow if it isn't set in schema by Bryan Rosander · 8 years ago
  59. 2d1e43e MINIFI-41 - CLI utility for template.xml -> YAML and YAML validation by Bryan Rosander · 8 years ago
  60. 3370cac MINIFI-49 Made TestRestChangeNotifier upload file system independent. by Joseph Percivall · 8 years ago
  61. c92c552 MINIFI-22 Removing lingering parts of UI by Joseph Percivall · 8 years ago
  62. 9982051 MINIFI-38 Removing reliance on JettyServer in order to add a flow status reporting end point. This also removes the UI and adds a 'flowstatus' option to minifi.sh to get information on the current flow from the terminal. by Joseph Percivall · 8 years ago
  63. 0689ac9 MINIFI-42 Adjusting handling of the remote process group ID when locating its parent group. by Aldrin Piri · 8 years ago
  64. 8c47fb4 MINIFI-43 Fixing provenance instantiation and removing some default constructors to prevent same problem in other classes by Joseph Percivall · 8 years ago
  65. 47cf220 MINIFI-40 - Defaulting to empty string for keystore, truststore, sslProtocol, keystoreType, keystorePassword, keyPassword, truststoreType by Bryan Rosander · 8 years ago
  66. 6f528bb MINIFI-30 Added changes to the config transformer to support multiple processors, multiple RPGs, multiple Input Ports in RPGS, and greater validation on the config yaml by Joseph Percivall · 8 years ago
  67. fb55481 MINIFI-23 Providing base implementation of a non-indexed, persistent by Aldrin Piri · 8 years ago
  68. 66dbda9 MINIFI-17 Adding error handling of configurations that fail to start and a couple other small changes by Joseph Percivall · 8 years ago
  69. 0c04fbb MINIFI-27 adding debug statements to BootstrapCodec by Joseph Percivall · 8 years ago
  70. 2b570ad MINIFI-26 Establishing specific handling of RELOAD events such that notifiers are not closed on configuration changes. by Aldrin Piri · 8 years ago
  71. a1d2fd3 MINIFI-12 initial commit of http config change notifier by Joseph Percivall · 8 years ago
  72. 11f220d MINIFI-19 Adding a shutdown command for the MiNiFi instance to communicate with the bootstrap process to provide an opportunity for shutdown of components. by Aldrin Piri · 8 years ago
  73. 1f48fcc MINIFI-18 Moving initialization of configuration notifier/listener from by Aldrin Piri · 8 years ago
  74. 3a967be MINIFI-14 Incorporating Listener/Notifier Logic to RunMiNiFi and performing some refactoring of how the FileChangeNotifier is handled. by Aldrin Piri · 8 years ago
  75. 3bbd391 MINIFI-15 Created a config file format with documentation, and a Util class to transform prospective config.yml into flow.xml and nifi.properties by Joseph Percivall · 8 years ago
  76. 61e3a92 MINIFI-13 created a provenance reporting task to send provenance information via S2S by Joseph Percivall · 8 years ago
  77. 59f2d44 MINIFI-2 MINIFI-4 Establishing a base implementation of the configuration change listener and notification services as well as a File implementation. by Aldrin Piri · 8 years ago
  78. 5751e23 MINIFI-5: Creating a base MiNiFi project to serve as a basis for further extension and design reusing NiFi libraries by Aldrin Piri · 8 years ago
  79. 302ae7c MINIFI-9 initial commit for bootstrapping/init process by Joseph Percivall · 8 years ago
  80. bf22d35 MINIFI-10 init commit of minifi-assembly by Joseph Percivall · 8 years ago
  81. 6e7a147 MINIFI-8 Adding a .travis.yml to provide GitHub integration with Travis CI. by Aldrin Piri · 8 years ago
  82. 359cc0c Establishing base Maven project layout. by Aldrin Piri · 8 years ago
  83. 891f175 Initializing repository with a README by Aldrin Piri · 8 years ago