Apache NiFi - MiNiFi - JNI Readme

This readme defines the configuration parameters to use JNI functionality within MiNiFi C++

Table of Contents


JNI provides the ability to access NiFi processors within MiNiFi C++. By exploding NARs, and coupling the framework JNI jar that exist within the JNI extension, we can replicate the behavior of NiFi processors.

The subdirectory nifi-framework-jni contains the corresponding JNI library that is needed. Place that into the API directory if you are not running make package.

The make package process will build all necessary JARS and NARS if maven is available on the classpath.


To enable JNI capabilities, the following options need to be provided in minifi.properties

in minifi.properties
#directory where base API exists.

# directory where NARs are located
nifi.nar.directory=<nar directory>
# directory where nars will be deployed
nifi.nar.deploy.directory=<deploy directory>

Optionally, you can specify JVM options in a comma separated list

# must be comma separated 