
Two examples show how to embed civetweb into a C (embedded_c) or a C++ (embedded_cpp) application. The C++ wrapper only offers a subset of the full C API, thus the C example is more complete than the C++ example. These examples were not designed with security in mind, but to show how the API can be used in principle. For more information, see the documentation. Some examples can also be found in the test folder (but they are less documented and adapted to the needs of the test framework).

In addition, there is one example how to configure a HTTPS server, to comply with modern security standards (https). It does not hold any source, but only a configuration file and some documentation how to use it.

Some no longer maintained examples can be found in the “obsolete” folder. It is not guaranteed that they work in the current version - they are kept for reference, but might be removed in the future.

All examples are subject to the MIT license (unless noted otherwise) - they come without warranty of any kind.