
This is the changelog for cxxopts, a C++11 library for parsing command line options. The project adheres to semantic versioning.



  • Options with implicit arguments now require the --option=value form if they are to be specified with an option. This is to remove the ambiguity when a positional argument could follow an option with an implicit value. For example, --foo value, where foo has an implicit value, will be parsed as --foo=implicit and a positional argument value.
  • Fixed an ambiguous overload in the parse_positional function when an initializer_list was directly passed.

Bug Fixes

  • Building against GCC 4.9 was broken due to overly strict shadow warnings.



  • Options::parse returns a ParseResult rather than storing the parse result internally.
  • Options with default values now get counted as appearing once if they were not specified by the user.


  • A new ParseResult object that is the immutable result of parsing. It responds to the same count and operator[] as Options of 1.x did.
  • The function ParseResult::arguments returns a vector of the parsed arguments to iterate through in the order they were provided.
  • The symbol cxxopts::version for the version of the library.
  • Booleans can be specified with various strings and explicitly set false.


The 1.x series was the first major version of the library, with release numbers starting to follow semantic versioning, after 0.x being unstable. It never had a changelog maintained for it. Releases mostly contained bug fixes, with the occasional feature added.