Apache NiFi - MiNiFi - C++ Python Access.

This readme provides a how-to guide on using the Python bindings for MiNiFi C++.

Table of Contents


Apache NiFi MiNiFi C++ can communicate using python bindings. These bindings connect to the existing C API. In doing so, they can utilize the building blocks within the CAPI.

The design is predicated upon a MiNiFi instance. There is a getFile example that shows the usage of this API. A processor can be created and then a flowfile will be output if one is routed to success. Custom routes can be defined in later implementations of the Python API.

An RPG is currently required to define a MiNiFi instance. As per the example, a flow file may be transmitted via HTTP site to site. Presently, raw socket site to site is supported via the CAPI but not the Python library.

To run the getfile example you will need to provide the fullpath to the python-lib shared object created at build time.


At build time you must specify -DENABLE_PYTHON=ON to enable python bindings to be built.

Further, you may have to install CFFI for python bindings.

This can typically be performed through pip, with `pip install cffi`


The python directory contains an example where we use a MiNiFi C++ processor along with a a python processor. The implementation of the python processor requires that a call back method be defined for ontrigger.


Python bindings currently don't build on WIN32.