blob: 2b00a78e9c63924c2b7efb3f17993365b472bcac [file] [log] [blame]
* Error handling macros, assertion macro, error codes.
* There are three level of 'errors':
* 1. Ordinary errors, relative to a thread, cause a longjmp, catchable.
* 2. Fatal errors, relative to a heap, cause fatal handler to be called.
* 3. Panic errors, unrelated to a heap and cause a process exit.
* Panics are used by the default fatal error handler and by debug code
* such as assertions. By providing a proper fatal error handler, user
* code can avoid panics in non-debug builds.
* Error codes: defined in duktape.h
* Error codes are used as a shorthand to throw exceptions from inside
* the implementation. The appropriate Ecmascript object is constructed
* based on the code. Ecmascript code throws objects directly. The error
* codes are defined in the public API header because they are also used
* by calling code.
* Normal error
* Normal error is thrown with a longjmp() through the current setjmp()
* catchpoint record in the duk_heap. The 'curr_thread' of the duk_heap
* identifies the throwing thread.
* Error formatting is usually unnecessary. The error macros provide a
* zero argument version (no formatting) and separate macros for small
* argument counts. Variadic macros are not used to avoid portability
* issues and avoid the need for stash-based workarounds when they're not
* available. Vararg calls are avoided for non-formatted error calls
* because vararg call sites are larger than normal, and there are a lot
* of call sites with no formatting.
* Note that special formatting provided by debug macros is NOT available.
* The _RAW variants allow the caller to specify file and line. This makes
* it easier to write checked calls which want to use the call site of the
* checked function, not the error macro call inside the checked function.
/* Because there are quite many call sites, pack error code (require at most
* 8-bit) into a single argument.
#define DUK_ERROR(thr,err,msg) do { \
duk_errcode_t duk__err = (err); duk_int_t duk__line = (duk_int_t) DUK_LINE_MACRO; \
DUK_ASSERT(duk__err >= 0 && duk__err <= 0xff); DUK_ASSERT(duk__line >= 0 && duk__line <= 0x00ffffffL); \
duk_err_handle_error((thr), DUK_FILE_MACRO, (((duk_uint_t) duk__err) << 24) | ((duk_uint_t) duk__line), (msg)); \
} while (0)
#define DUK_ERROR_RAW(thr,file,line,err,msg) do { \
duk_errcode_t duk__err = (err); duk_int_t duk__line = (duk_int_t) (line); \
DUK_ASSERT(duk__err >= 0 && duk__err <= 0xff); DUK_ASSERT(duk__line >= 0 && duk__line <= 0x00ffffffL); \
duk_err_handle_error((thr), (file), (((duk_uint_t) duk__err) << 24) | ((duk_uint_t) duk__line), (msg)); \
} while (0)
#define DUK_ERROR_FMT1(thr,err,fmt,arg1) do { \
duk_errcode_t duk__err = (err); duk_int_t duk__line = (duk_int_t) DUK_LINE_MACRO; \
DUK_ASSERT(duk__err >= 0 && duk__err <= 0xff); DUK_ASSERT(duk__line >= 0 && duk__line <= 0x00ffffffL); \
duk_err_handle_error_fmt((thr), DUK_FILE_MACRO, (((duk_uint_t) duk__err) << 24) | ((duk_uint_t) duk__line), (fmt), (arg1)); \
} while (0)
#define DUK_ERROR_RAW_FMT1(thr,file,line,err,fmt,arg1) do { \
duk_errcode_t duk__err = (err); duk_int_t duk__line = (duk_int_t) (line); \
DUK_ASSERT(duk__err >= 0 && duk__err <= 0xff); DUK_ASSERT(duk__line >= 0 && duk__line <= 0x00ffffffL); \
duk_err_handle_error_fmt((thr), (file), (((duk_uint_t) duk__err) << 24) | ((duk_uint_t) duk__line), (fmt), (arg1)); \
} while (0)
#define DUK_ERROR_FMT2(thr,err,fmt,arg1,arg2) do { \
duk_errcode_t duk__err = (err); duk_int_t duk__line = (duk_int_t) DUK_LINE_MACRO; \
DUK_ASSERT(duk__err >= 0 && duk__err <= 0xff); DUK_ASSERT(duk__line >= 0 && duk__line <= 0x00ffffffL); \
duk_err_handle_error_fmt((thr), DUK_FILE_MACRO, (((duk_uint_t) duk__err) << 24) | ((duk_uint_t) duk__line), (fmt), (arg1), (arg2)); \
} while (0)
#define DUK_ERROR_RAW_FMT2(thr,file,line,err,fmt,arg1,arg2) do { \
duk_errcode_t duk__err = (err); duk_int_t duk__line = (duk_int_t) (line); \
DUK_ASSERT(duk__err >= 0 && duk__err <= 0xff); DUK_ASSERT(duk__line >= 0 && duk__line <= 0x00ffffffL); \
duk_err_handle_error_fmt((thr), (file), (((duk_uint_t) duk__err) << 24) | ((duk_uint_t) duk__line), (fmt), (arg1), (arg2)); \
} while (0)
#define DUK_ERROR_FMT3(thr,err,fmt,arg1,arg2,arg3) do { \
duk_errcode_t duk__err = (err); duk_int_t duk__line = (duk_int_t) DUK_LINE_MACRO; \
DUK_ASSERT(duk__err >= 0 && duk__err <= 0xff); DUK_ASSERT(duk__line >= 0 && duk__line <= 0x00ffffffL); \
duk_err_handle_error_fmt((thr), DUK_FILE_MACRO, (((duk_uint_t) duk__err) << 24) | ((duk_uint_t) duk__line), (fmt), (arg1), (arg2), (arg3)); \
} while (0)
#define DUK_ERROR_RAW_FMT3(thr,file,line,err,fmt,arg1,arg2,arg3) do { \
duk_errcode_t duk__err = (err); duk_int_t duk__line = (duk_int_t) (line); \
DUK_ASSERT(duk__err >= 0 && duk__err <= 0xff); DUK_ASSERT(duk__line >= 0 && duk__line <= 0x00ffffffL); \
duk_err_handle_error_fmt((thr), (file), (((duk_uint_t) duk__err) << 24) | ((duk_uint_t) duk__line), (fmt), (arg1), (arg2), (arg3)); \
} while (0)
#define DUK_ERROR_FMT4(thr,err,fmt,arg1,arg2,arg3,arg4) do { \
duk_errcode_t duk__err = (err); duk_int_t duk__line = (duk_int_t) DUK_LINE_MACRO; \
DUK_ASSERT(duk__err >= 0 && duk__err <= 0xff); DUK_ASSERT(duk__line >= 0 && duk__line <= 0x00ffffffL); \
duk_err_handle_error_fmt((thr), DUK_FILE_MACRO, (((duk_uint_t) duk__err) << 24) | ((duk_uint_t) duk__line), (fmt), (arg1), (arg2), (arg3), (arg4)); \
} while (0)
#define DUK_ERROR_RAW_FMT4(thr,file,line,err,fmt,arg1,arg2,arg3,arg4) do { \
duk_errcode_t duk__err = (err); duk_int_t duk__line = (duk_int_t) (line); \
DUK_ASSERT(duk__err >= 0 && duk__err <= 0xff); DUK_ASSERT(duk__line >= 0 && duk__line <= 0x00ffffffL); \
duk_err_handle_error_fmt((thr), (file), (((duk_uint_t) duk__err) << 24) | ((duk_uint_t) duk__line), (fmt), (arg1), (arg2), (arg3), (arg4)); \
} while (0)
#define DUK_ERROR(thr,err,msg) duk_err_handle_error((thr), (err))
#define DUK_ERROR_RAW(thr,file,line,err,msg) duk_err_handle_error((thr), (err))
#define DUK_ERROR_FMT1(thr,err,fmt,arg1) DUK_ERROR((thr),(err),(fmt))
#define DUK_ERROR_RAW_FMT1(thr,file,line,err,fmt,arg1) DUK_ERROR_RAW((thr),(file),(line),(err),(fmt))
#define DUK_ERROR_FMT2(thr,err,fmt,arg1,arg2) DUK_ERROR((thr),(err),(fmt))
#define DUK_ERROR_RAW_FMT2(thr,file,line,err,fmt,arg1,arg2) DUK_ERROR_RAW((thr),(file),(line),(err),(fmt))
#define DUK_ERROR_FMT3(thr,err,fmt,arg1,arg2,arg3) DUK_ERROR((thr),(err),(fmt))
#define DUK_ERROR_RAW_FMT3(thr,file,line,err,fmt,arg1,arg2,arg3) DUK_ERROR_RAW((thr),(file),(line),(err),(fmt))
#define DUK_ERROR_FMT4(thr,err,fmt,arg1,arg2,arg3,arg4) DUK_ERROR((thr),(err),(fmt))
#define DUK_ERROR_RAW_FMT4(thr,file,line,err,fmt,arg1,arg2,arg3,arg4) DUK_ERROR_RAW((thr),(file),(line),(err),(fmt))
* Fatal error
* There are no fatal error macros at the moment. There are so few call
* sites that the fatal error handler is called directly.
* Panic error
* Panic errors are not relative to either a heap or a thread, and cause
* DUK_PANIC() macro to be invoked. Unless a user provides DUK_USE_PANIC_HANDLER,
* DUK_PANIC() calls a helper which prints out the error and causes a process
* exit.
* The user can override the macro to provide custom handling. A macro is
* used to allow the user to have inline panic handling if desired (without
* causing a potentially risky function call).
* Panics are only used in debug code such as assertions, and by the default
* fatal error handler.
/* already defined, good */
#define DUK_PANIC(code,msg) DUK_USE_PANIC_HANDLER((code),(msg))
#define DUK_PANIC(code,msg) duk_default_panic_handler((code),(msg))
* Assert macro: failure causes panic.
/* the message should be a compile time constant without formatting (less risk);
* we don't care about assertion text size because they're not used in production
* builds.
#define DUK_ASSERT(x) do { \
if (!(x)) { \
"assertion failed: " #x \
} \
} while (0)
/* Assertion compatible inside a comma expression, evaluates to void.
* Currently not compatible with DUK_USE_PANIC_HANDLER() which may have
* a statement block.
/* XXX: resolve macro definition issue or call through a helper function? */
#define DUK_ASSERT_EXPR(x) ((void) 0)
#define DUK_ASSERT_EXPR(x) \
((void) ((x) ? 0 : (DUK_PANIC(DUK_ERR_ASSERTION_ERROR, \
"assertion failed: " #x \
#define DUK_ASSERT(x) do { /* assertion omitted */ } while (0)
#define DUK_ASSERT_EXPR(x) ((void) 0)
/* this variant is used when an assert would generate a compile warning by
* being always true (e.g. >= 0 comparison for an unsigned value
#define DUK_ASSERT_DISABLE(x) do { /* assertion disabled */ } while (0)
* Assertion helpers
DUK_ASSERT((h) == NULL || DUK_HEAPHDR_GET_REFCOUNT((duk_heaphdr *) (h)) > 0); \
} while (0)
if ((tv) != NULL && DUK_TVAL_IS_HEAP_ALLOCATED((tv))) { \
} \
} while (0)
#define DUK_ASSERT_REFCOUNT_NONZERO_HEAPHDR(h) /* no refcount check */
#define DUK_ASSERT_REFCOUNT_NONZERO_TVAL(tv) /* no refcount check */
#define DUK_ASSERT_TOP(ctx,n) DUK_ASSERT((duk_idx_t) duk_get_top((ctx)) == (duk_idx_t) (n))
duk_double_union duk__assert_tmp_du; \
duk__assert_tmp_du.d = (dval); \
} while (0)
#define DUK_ASSERT_DOUBLE_IS_NORMALIZED(dval) /* nop */
* Helper for valstack space
* Caller of DUK_ASSERT_VALSTACK_SPACE() estimates the number of free stack entries
* required for its own use, and any child calls which are not (a) Duktape API calls
* or (b) Duktape calls which involve extending the valstack (e.g. getter call).
#define DUK_VALSTACK_ASSERT_EXTRA 5 /* this is added to checks to allow for Duktape
* API calls in addition to function's own use
#define DUK_ASSERT_VALSTACK_SPACE(thr,n) do { \
DUK_ASSERT((thr) != NULL); \
DUK_ASSERT((thr)->valstack_end - (thr)->valstack_top >= (n) + DUK_VALSTACK_ASSERT_EXTRA); \
} while (0)
#define DUK_ASSERT_VALSTACK_SPACE(thr,n) /* no valstack space check */
* Error throwing helpers
* The goal is to provide verbose and configurable error messages. Call
* sites should be clean in source code and compile to a small footprint.
* Small footprint is also useful for performance because small cold paths
* reduce code cache pressure. Adding macros here only makes sense if there
* are enough call sites to get concrete benefits.
/* Verbose errors with key/value summaries (non-paranoid) or without key/value
* summaries (paranoid, for some security sensitive environments), the paranoid
* vs. non-paranoid distinction affects only a few specific errors.
#define DUK_ERROR_REQUIRE_TYPE_INDEX(thr,index,expectname,lowmemstr) do { \
duk_err_require_type_index((thr), DUK_FILE_MACRO, (duk_int_t) DUK_LINE_MACRO, (index), (expectname)); \
} while (0)
#define DUK_ERROR_REQUIRE_TYPE_INDEX(thr,index,expectname,lowmemstr) do { \
duk_err_require_type_index((thr), DUK_FILE_MACRO, (duk_int_t) DUK_LINE_MACRO, (index), (expectname)); \
} while (0)
#define DUK_ERROR_UNIMPLEMENTED(thr,msg) do { \
} while (0)
duk_err_unimplemented_defmsg((thr), DUK_FILE_MACRO, (duk_int_t) DUK_LINE_MACRO); \
} while (0)
#define DUK_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED(thr,msg) do { \
} while (0)
duk_err_unsupported_defmsg((thr), DUK_FILE_MACRO, (duk_int_t) DUK_LINE_MACRO); \
} while (0)
#define DUK_ERROR_INTERNAL(thr,msg) do { \
duk_err_internal((thr), DUK_FILE_MACRO, (duk_int_t) DUK_LINE_MACRO, (msg)); \
} while (0)
#define DUK_ERROR_INTERNAL_DEFMSG(thr) do { \
duk_err_internal_defmsg((thr), DUK_FILE_MACRO, (duk_int_t) DUK_LINE_MACRO); \
} while (0)
#define DUK_ERROR_ALLOC(thr,msg) do { \
duk_err_alloc((thr), DUK_FILE_MACRO, (duk_int_t) DUK_LINE_MACRO, (msg)); \
} while (0)
#define DUK_ERROR_ALLOC_DEFMSG(thr) do { \
} while (0)
/* DUK_ERR_ASSERTION_ERROR: no macros needed */
#define DUK_ERROR_API_INDEX(thr,index) do { \
duk_err_api_index((thr), DUK_FILE_MACRO, (duk_int_t) DUK_LINE_MACRO, (index)); \
} while (0)
#define DUK_ERROR_API(thr,msg) do { \
duk_err_api((thr), DUK_FILE_MACRO, (duk_int_t) DUK_LINE_MACRO, (msg)); \
} while (0)
/* DUK_ERR_UNCAUGHT_ERROR: no macros needed */
/* DUK_ERR_ERROR: no macros needed */
/* DUK_ERR_EVAL: no macros needed */
#define DUK_ERROR_RANGE(thr,msg) do { \
duk_err_range((thr), DUK_FILE_MACRO, (duk_int_t) DUK_LINE_MACRO, (msg)); \
} while (0)
/* DUK_ERR_REFERENCE_ERROR: no macros needed */
#define DUK_ERROR_SYNTAX(thr,msg) do { \
} while (0)
#define DUK_ERROR_TYPE(thr,msg) do { \
DUK_ERROR((thr), DUK_ERR_TYPE_ERROR, (msg)); \
} while (0)
/* DUK_ERR_URI_ERROR: no macros needed */
/* Non-verbose errors for low memory targets: no file, line, or message. */
#define DUK_ERROR_REQUIRE_TYPE_INDEX(thr,index,expectname,lowmemstr) do { \
duk_err_type((thr)); \
} while (0)
#define DUK_ERROR_UNIMPLEMENTED(thr,msg) do { \
duk_err_unimplemented((thr)); \
} while (0)
duk_err_unimplemented((thr)); \
} while (0)
#define DUK_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED(thr,msg) do { \
duk_err_unsupported((thr)); \
} while (0)
duk_err_unsupported((thr)); \
} while (0)
#define DUK_ERROR_INTERNAL(thr,msg) do { \
duk_err_internal((thr)); \
} while (0)
#define DUK_ERROR_INTERNAL_DEFMSG(thr) do { \
duk_err_internal((thr)); \
} while (0)
#define DUK_ERROR_ALLOC(thr,msg) do { \
duk_err_alloc((thr)); \
} while (0)
#define DUK_ERROR_ALLOC_DEFMSG(thr) do { \
duk_err_alloc((thr)); \
} while (0)
#define DUK_ERROR_API_INDEX(thr,index) do { \
duk_err_api((thr)); \
} while (0)
#define DUK_ERROR_API(thr,msg) do { \
duk_err_api((thr)); \
} while (0)
#define DUK_ERROR_RANGE(thr,msg) do { \
duk_err_range((thr)); \
} while (0)
#define DUK_ERROR_SYNTAX(thr,msg) do { \
duk_err_syntax((thr)); \
} while (0)
#define DUK_ERROR_TYPE(thr,msg) do { \
duk_err_type((thr)); \
} while (0)
* Prototypes
DUK_NORETURN(DUK_INTERNAL_DECL void duk_err_handle_error(duk_hthread *thr, const char *filename, duk_uint_t line_and_code, const char *msg));
DUK_NORETURN(DUK_INTERNAL_DECL void duk_err_handle_error_fmt(duk_hthread *thr, const char *filename, duk_uint_t line_and_code, const char *fmt, ...));
DUK_NORETURN(DUK_INTERNAL_DECL void duk_err_handle_error(duk_hthread *thr, duk_errcode_t code));
DUK_NORETURN(DUK_INTERNAL_DECL void duk_err_create_and_throw(duk_hthread *thr, duk_errcode_t code, const char *msg, const char *filename, duk_int_t line));
DUK_NORETURN(DUK_INTERNAL_DECL void duk_err_create_and_throw(duk_hthread *thr, duk_errcode_t code));
DUK_NORETURN(DUK_INTERNAL_DECL void duk_error_throw_from_negative_rc(duk_hthread *thr, duk_ret_t rc));
DUK_INTERNAL_DECL void duk_err_augment_error_create(duk_hthread *thr, duk_hthread *thr_callstack, const char *filename, duk_int_t line, duk_bool_t noblame_fileline);
DUK_INTERNAL_DECL void duk_err_augment_error_throw(duk_hthread *thr);
DUK_NORETURN(DUK_INTERNAL_DECL void duk_err_require_type_index(duk_hthread *thr, const char *filename, duk_int_t linenumber, duk_idx_t index, const char *expect_name));
DUK_NORETURN(DUK_INTERNAL_DECL void duk_err_require_type_index(duk_hthread *thr, const char *filename, duk_int_t linenumber, duk_idx_t index, const char *expect_name));
DUK_NORETURN(DUK_INTERNAL_DECL void duk_err_api_index(duk_hthread *thr, const char *filename, duk_int_t linenumber, duk_idx_t index));
DUK_NORETURN(DUK_INTERNAL_DECL void duk_err_api(duk_hthread *thr, const char *filename, duk_int_t linenumber, const char *message));
DUK_NORETURN(DUK_INTERNAL_DECL void duk_err_range(duk_hthread *thr, const char *filename, duk_int_t linenumber, const char *message));
DUK_NORETURN(DUK_INTERNAL_DECL void duk_err_unimplemented_defmsg(duk_hthread *thr, const char *filename, duk_int_t linenumber));
DUK_NORETURN(DUK_INTERNAL_DECL void duk_err_unsupported_defmsg(duk_hthread *thr, const char *filename, duk_int_t linenumber));
DUK_NORETURN(DUK_INTERNAL_DECL void duk_err_internal_defmsg(duk_hthread *thr, const char *filename, duk_int_t linenumber));
DUK_NORETURN(DUK_INTERNAL_DECL void duk_err_internal(duk_hthread *thr, const char *filename, duk_int_t linenumber, const char *message));
DUK_NORETURN(DUK_INTERNAL_DECL void duk_err_alloc(duk_hthread *thr, const char *filename, duk_int_t linenumber, const char *message));
DUK_NORETURN(DUK_INTERNAL_DECL void duk_err_range(duk_hthread *thr));
DUK_NORETURN(DUK_INTERNAL_DECL void duk_err_syntax(duk_hthread *thr));
DUK_NORETURN(DUK_INTERNAL_DECL void duk_err_type(duk_hthread *thr));
DUK_NORETURN(DUK_INTERNAL_DECL void duk_err_api(duk_hthread *thr));
DUK_NORETURN(DUK_INTERNAL_DECL void duk_err_unimplemented(duk_hthread *thr));
DUK_NORETURN(DUK_INTERNAL_DECL void duk_err_unsupported(duk_hthread *thr));
DUK_NORETURN(DUK_INTERNAL_DECL void duk_err_internal(duk_hthread *thr));
DUK_NORETURN(DUK_INTERNAL_DECL void duk_err_alloc(duk_hthread *thr));
DUK_NORETURN(DUK_INTERNAL_DECL void duk_err_longjmp(duk_hthread *thr));
DUK_NORETURN(DUK_INTERNAL_DECL void duk_default_fatal_handler(duk_context *ctx, duk_errcode_t code, const char *msg));
DUK_NORETURN(DUK_INTERNAL_DECL void duk_default_panic_handler(duk_errcode_t code, const char *msg));
DUK_INTERNAL_DECL void duk_err_setup_heap_ljstate(duk_hthread *thr, duk_small_int_t lj_type);
DUK_INTERNAL_DECL duk_hobject *duk_error_prototype_from_code(duk_hthread *thr, duk_errcode_t err_code);