blob: ffb0776e4a6740045effa062a1e5f3f75ad9c9dd [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2016, Facebook, Inc. All rights reserved.
// This source code is licensed under both the GPLv2 (found in the
// COPYING file in the root directory) and Apache 2.0 License
// (found in the LICENSE.Apache file in the root directory).
package org.rocksdb;
* AbstractNativeReference is the base-class of all RocksDB classes that have
* a pointer to a native C++ {@code rocksdb} object.
* <p>
* AbstractNativeReference has the {@link AbstractNativeReference#dispose()}
* method, which frees its associated C++ object.</p>
* <p>
* This function should be called manually, however, if required it will be
* called automatically during the regular Java GC process via
* {@link AbstractNativeReference#finalize()}.</p>
* <p>
* Note - Java can only see the long member variable (which is the C++ pointer
* value to the native object), as such it does not know the real size of the
* object and therefore may assign a low GC priority for it; So it is strongly
* suggested that you manually dispose of objects when you are finished with
* them.</p>
public abstract class AbstractNativeReference implements AutoCloseable {
* Returns true if we are responsible for freeing the underlying C++ object
* @return true if we are responsible to free the C++ object
* @see #dispose()
protected abstract boolean isOwningHandle();
* Frees the underlying C++ object
* <p>
* It is strong recommended that the developer calls this after they
* have finished using the object.</p>
* <p>
* Note, that once an instance of {@link AbstractNativeReference} has been
* disposed, calling any of its functions will lead to undefined
* behavior.</p>
public abstract void close();
* @deprecated Instead use {@link AbstractNativeReference#close()}
public final void dispose() {
* Simply calls {@link AbstractNativeReference#dispose()} to free
* any underlying C++ object reference which has not yet been manually
* released.
* @deprecated You should not rely on GC of Rocks objects, and instead should
* either call {@link AbstractNativeReference#close()} manually or make
* use of some sort of ARM (Automatic Resource Management) such as
* Java 7's <a href="">try-with-resources</a>
* statement
protected void finalize() throws Throwable {
if(isOwningHandle()) {
//TODO(AR) log a warning message... developer should have called close()