blob: a8d073ea1ab9c6d22acec577772a8a934b0f24f0 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2009, 2013 IBM Corp.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* and Eclipse Distribution License v1.0 which accompany this distribution.
* The Eclipse Public License is available at
* and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at
* Contributors:
* Ian Craggs - initial API and implementation and/or initial documentation
* Ian Craggs - updates for the async client
* @file
* \brief functions which apply to linked list structures.
* These linked lists can hold data of any sort, pointed to by the content pointer of the
* ListElement structure. ListElements hold the points to the next and previous items in the
* list.
* */
#include "LinkedList.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "Heap.h"
static int ListUnlink(List* aList, void* content, int(*callback)(void*, void*), int freeContent);
* Sets a list structure to empty - all null values. Does not remove any items from the list.
* @param newl a pointer to the list structure to be initialized
void ListZero(List* newl)
memset(newl, '\0', sizeof(List));
/*newl->first = NULL;
newl->last = NULL;
newl->current = NULL;
newl->count = newl->size = 0;*/
* Allocates and initializes a new list structure.
* @return a pointer to the new list structure
List* ListInitialize(void)
List* newl = malloc(sizeof(List));
return newl;
* Append an already allocated ListElement and content to a list. Can be used to move
* an item from one list to another.
* @param aList the list to which the item is to be added
* @param content the list item content itself
* @param newel the ListElement to be used in adding the new item
* @param size the size of the element
void ListAppendNoMalloc(List* aList, void* content, ListElement* newel, size_t size)
{ /* for heap use */
newel->content = content;
newel->next = NULL;
newel->prev = aList->last;
if (aList->first == NULL)
aList->first = newel;
aList->last->next = newel;
aList->last = newel;
aList->size += size;
* Append an item to a list.
* @param aList the list to which the item is to be added
* @param content the list item content itself
* @param size the size of the element
void ListAppend(List* aList, void* content, size_t size)
ListElement* newel = malloc(sizeof(ListElement));
ListAppendNoMalloc(aList, content, newel, size);
* Insert an item to a list at a specific position.
* @param aList the list to which the item is to be added
* @param content the list item content itself
* @param size the size of the element
* @param index the position in the list. If NULL, this function is equivalent
* to ListAppend.
void ListInsert(List* aList, void* content, size_t size, ListElement* index)
ListElement* newel = malloc(sizeof(ListElement));
if ( index == NULL )
ListAppendNoMalloc(aList, content, newel, size);
newel->content = content;
newel->next = index;
newel->prev = index->prev;
index->prev = newel;
if ( newel->prev != NULL )
newel->prev->next = newel;
aList->first = newel;
aList->size += size;
* Finds an element in a list by comparing the content pointers, rather than the contents
* @param aList the list in which the search is to be conducted
* @param content pointer to the list item content itself
* @return the list item found, or NULL
ListElement* ListFind(List* aList, void* content)
return ListFindItem(aList, content, NULL);
* Finds an element in a list by comparing the content or pointer to the content. A callback
* function is used to define the method of comparison for each element.
* @param aList the list in which the search is to be conducted
* @param content pointer to the content to look for
* @param callback pointer to a function which compares each element (NULL means compare by content pointer)
* @return the list element found, or NULL
ListElement* ListFindItem(List* aList, void* content, int(*callback)(void*, void*))
ListElement* rc = NULL;
if (aList->current != NULL && ((callback == NULL && aList->current->content == content) ||
(callback != NULL && callback(aList->current->content, content))))
rc = aList->current;
ListElement* current = NULL;
/* find the content */
while (ListNextElement(aList, &current) != NULL)
if (callback == NULL)
if (current->content == content)
rc = current;
if (callback(current->content, content))
rc = current;
if (rc != NULL)
aList->current = rc;
return rc;
* Removes and optionally frees an element in a list by comparing the content.
* A callback function is used to define the method of comparison for each element.
* @param aList the list in which the search is to be conducted
* @param content pointer to the content to look for
* @param callback pointer to a function which compares each element
* @param freeContent boolean value to indicate whether the item found is to be freed
* @return 1=item removed, 0=item not removed
static int ListUnlink(List* aList, void* content, int(*callback)(void*, void*), int freeContent)
ListElement* next = NULL;
ListElement* saved = aList->current;
int saveddeleted = 0;
if (!ListFindItem(aList, content, callback))
return 0; /* false, did not remove item */
if (aList->current->prev == NULL)
/* so this is the first element, and we have to update the "first" pointer */
aList->first = aList->current->next;
aList->current->prev->next = aList->current->next;
if (aList->current->next == NULL)
aList->last = aList->current->prev;
aList->current->next->prev = aList->current->prev;
next = aList->current->next;
if (freeContent)
if (saved == aList->current)
saveddeleted = 1;
if (saveddeleted)
aList->current = next;
aList->current = saved;
return 1; /* successfully removed item */
* Removes but does not free an item in a list by comparing the pointer to the content.
* @param aList the list in which the search is to be conducted
* @param content pointer to the content to look for
* @return 1=item removed, 0=item not removed
int ListDetach(List* aList, void* content)
return ListUnlink(aList, content, NULL, 0);
* Removes and frees an item in a list by comparing the pointer to the content.
* @param aList the list from which the item is to be removed
* @param content pointer to the content to look for
* @return 1=item removed, 0=item not removed
int ListRemove(List* aList, void* content)
return ListUnlink(aList, content, NULL, 1);
* Removes and frees an the first item in a list.
* @param aList the list from which the item is to be removed
* @return 1=item removed, 0=item not removed
void* ListDetachHead(List* aList)
void *content = NULL;
if (aList->count > 0)
ListElement* first = aList->first;
if (aList->current == first)
aList->current = first->next;
if (aList->last == first) /* i.e. no of items in list == 1 */
aList->last = NULL;
content = first->content;
aList->first = aList->first->next;
if (aList->first)
aList->first->prev = NULL;
return content;
* Removes and frees an the first item in a list.
* @param aList the list from which the item is to be removed
* @return 1=item removed, 0=item not removed
int ListRemoveHead(List* aList)
return 0;
* Removes but does not free the last item in a list.
* @param aList the list from which the item is to be removed
* @return the last item removed (or NULL if none was)
void* ListPopTail(List* aList)
void* content = NULL;
if (aList->count > 0)
ListElement* last = aList->last;
if (aList->current == last)
aList->current = last->prev;
if (aList->first == last) /* i.e. no of items in list == 1 */
aList->first = NULL;
content = last->content;
aList->last = aList->last->prev;
if (aList->last)
aList->last->next = NULL;
return content;
* Removes but does not free an element in a list by comparing the content.
* A callback function is used to define the method of comparison for each element.
* @param aList the list in which the search is to be conducted
* @param content pointer to the content to look for
* @param callback pointer to a function which compares each element
* @return 1=item removed, 0=item not removed
int ListDetachItem(List* aList, void* content, int(*callback)(void*, void*))
{ /* do not free the content */
return ListUnlink(aList, content, callback, 0);
* Removes and frees an element in a list by comparing the content.
* A callback function is used to define the method of comparison for each element
* @param aList the list in which the search is to be conducted
* @param content pointer to the content to look for
* @param callback pointer to a function which compares each element
* @return 1=item removed, 0=item not removed
int ListRemoveItem(List* aList, void* content, int(*callback)(void*, void*))
{ /* remove from list and free the content */
return ListUnlink(aList, content, callback, 1);
* Removes and frees all items in a list, leaving the list ready for new items.
* @param aList the list to which the operation is to be applied
void ListEmpty(List* aList)
while (aList->first != NULL)
ListElement* first = aList->first;
if (first->content != NULL)
aList->first = first->next;
aList->count = 0;
aList->size = 0;
aList->current = aList->first = aList->last = NULL;
* Removes and frees all items in a list, and frees the list itself
* @param aList the list to which the operation is to be applied
void ListFree(List* aList)
* Removes and but does not free all items in a list, and frees the list itself
* @param aList the list to which the operation is to be applied
void ListFreeNoContent(List* aList)
while (aList->first != NULL)
ListElement* first = aList->first;
aList->first = first->next;
* Forward iteration through a list
* @param aList the list to which the operation is to be applied
* @param pos pointer to the current position in the list. NULL means start from the beginning of the list
* This is updated on return to the same value as that returned from this function
* @return pointer to the current list element
ListElement* ListNextElement(List* aList, ListElement** pos)
return *pos = (*pos == NULL) ? aList->first : (*pos)->next;
* Backward iteration through a list
* @param aList the list to which the operation is to be applied
* @param pos pointer to the current position in the list. NULL means start from the end of the list
* This is updated on return to the same value as that returned from this function
* @return pointer to the current list element
ListElement* ListPrevElement(List* aList, ListElement** pos)
return *pos = (*pos == NULL) ? aList->last : (*pos)->prev;
* List callback function for comparing integers
* @param a first integer value
* @param b second integer value
* @return boolean indicating whether a and b are equal
int intcompare(void* a, void* b)
return *((int*)a) == *((int*)b);
* List callback function for comparing C strings
* @param a first integer value
* @param b second integer value
* @return boolean indicating whether a and b are equal
int stringcompare(void* a, void* b)
return strcmp((char*)a, (char*)b) == 0;
#if defined(UNIT_TESTS)
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
int i, *ip, *todelete;
ListElement* current = NULL;
List* l = ListInitialize();
printf("List initialized\n");
for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)
ip = malloc(sizeof(int));
*ip = i;
ListAppend(l, (void*)ip, sizeof(int));
if (i==5)
todelete = ip;
printf("List element appended %d\n", *((int*)(l->last->content)));
printf("List contents:\n");
current = NULL;
while (ListNextElement(l, &current) != NULL)
printf("List element: %d\n", *((int*)(current->content)));
printf("List contents in reverse order:\n");
current = NULL;
while (ListPrevElement(l, &current) != NULL)
printf("List element: %d\n", *((int*)(current->content)));
/* if ListFindItem(l, *ip, intcompare)->content */
printf("List contents having deleted element %d:\n", *todelete);
ListRemove(l, todelete);
current = NULL;
while (ListNextElement(l, &current) != NULL)
printf("List element: %d\n", *((int*)(current->content)));
i = 9;
ListRemoveItem(l, &i, intcompare);
printf("List contents having deleted another element, %d, size now %d:\n", i, l->size);
current = NULL;
while (ListNextElement(l, &current) != NULL)
printf("List element: %d\n", *((int*)(current->content)));
printf("List freed\n");