blob: 617ed1d76f926f12afdb814535fb3f8e7e846eac [file] [log] [blame]
Copyright (c) 2016 Jamboree
Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
#include <catch.hpp>
#include <bustache/model.hpp>
#include <boost/unordered_map.hpp>
using namespace bustache;
using context = boost::unordered_map<std::string, format>;
object const empty;
// No Interpolation
CHECK(to_string("Hello from {Mustache}!"_fmt(empty)) == "Hello from {Mustache}!");
// Basic Interpolation
CHECK(to_string("Hello, {{subject}}!"_fmt(object{{"subject", "world"}})) == "Hello, world!");
// HTML Escaping
CHECK(to_string("These characters should be HTML escaped: {{forbidden}}"_fmt(object{{"forbidden", "& \" < >"}}, escape_html))
== "These characters should be HTML escaped: &amp; &quot; &lt; &gt;");
// Triple Mustache
CHECK(to_string("These characters should not be HTML escaped: {{{forbidden}}}"_fmt(object{{"forbidden", "& \" < >"}}, escape_html))
== "These characters should not be HTML escaped: & \" < >");
// Ampersand
CHECK(to_string("These characters should not be HTML escaped: {{&forbidden}}"_fmt(object{{"forbidden", "& \" < >"}}, escape_html))
== "These characters should not be HTML escaped: & \" < >");
// Basic Integer Interpolation
CHECK(to_string(R"("{{mph}} miles an hour!")"_fmt(object{{"mph", 85}})) == R"("85 miles an hour!")");
// Triple Mustache Integer Interpolation
CHECK(to_string(R"("{{{mph}}} miles an hour!")"_fmt(object{{"mph", 85}})) == R"("85 miles an hour!")");
// Ampersand Integer Interpolation
CHECK(to_string(R"("{{&mph}} miles an hour!")"_fmt(object{{"mph", 85}})) == R"("85 miles an hour!")");
// Basic Decimal Interpolation
CHECK(to_string(R"("{{power}} jiggawatts!")"_fmt(object{{"power", 1.21}})) == R"("1.21 jiggawatts!")");
// Triple Decimal Interpolation
CHECK(to_string(R"("{{{power}}} jiggawatts!")"_fmt(object{{"power", 1.21}})) == R"("1.21 jiggawatts!")");
// Ampersand Decimal Interpolation
CHECK(to_string(R"("{{&power}} jiggawatts!")"_fmt(object{{"power", 1.21}})) == R"("1.21 jiggawatts!")");
// Context Misses
// Basic Context Miss Interpolation
CHECK(to_string("I ({{cannot}}) be seen!"_fmt(empty)) == "I () be seen!");
// Triple Mustache Context Miss Interpolation
CHECK(to_string("I ({{{cannot}}}) be seen!"_fmt(empty)) == "I () be seen!");
// Ampersand Context Miss Interpolation
CHECK(to_string("I ({{&cannot}}) be seen!"_fmt(empty)) == "I () be seen!");
// Dotted Names
// Dotted Names - Basic Interpolation
CHECK(to_string(R"("{{}}" == "{{#person}}{{name}}{{/person}}")"_fmt(object{{"person", object{{"name", "Joe"}}}})) == R"("Joe" == "Joe")");
// Dotted Names - Triple Mustache Interpolation
CHECK(to_string(R"("{{{}}}" == "{{#person}}{{name}}{{/person}}")"_fmt(object{{"person", object{{"name", "Joe"}}}})) == R"("Joe" == "Joe")");
// Dotted Names - Ampersand Interpolation
CHECK(to_string(R"("{{&}}" == "{{#person}}{{name}}{{/person}}")"_fmt(object{{"person", object{{"name", "Joe"}}}})) == R"("Joe" == "Joe")");
// Dotted Names - Arbitrary Depth
CHECK(to_string(R"("{{}}" == "Phil")"_fmt(
object{{"a", object{{"b", object{{"c", object{{"d", object{{"e", object{{"name", "Phil"}}}}}}}}}}}}))
== R"("Phil" == "Phil")");
// Dotted Names - Broken Chains
CHECK(to_string(R"("{{a.b.c}}" == "")"_fmt(empty)) == R"("" == "")");
// Dotted Names - Broken Chain Resolution
CHECK(to_string(R"("{{}}" == "")"_fmt(
{"a", object{{"b", empty}}},
{"c", object{{"name", "Jim"}}}
})) == R"("" == "")");
// Dotted Names - Initial Resolution
CHECK(to_string(R"("{{#a}}{{}}{{/a}}" == "Phil")"_fmt(
{"a", object{{"b", object{{"c", object{{"d", object{{"e", object{{"name", "Phil"}}}}}}}}}}},
{"c", object{{"c", object{{"d", object{{"e", object{{"name", "Wrong"}}}}}}}}}
})) == R"("Phil" == "Phil")");
// Dotted Names - Context Precedence
CHECK(to_string("{{#a}}{{b.c}}{{/a}}"_fmt(object{{"b", empty}, {"c", "ERROR"}})) == "");
object s{{"string", "---"}};
// Whitespace Sensitivity
// Interpolation - Surrounding Whitespace
CHECK(to_string("| {{string}} |"_fmt(s)) == "| --- |");
// Triple Mustache - Surrounding Whitespace
CHECK(to_string("| {{{string}}} |"_fmt(s)) == "| --- |");
// Ampersand - Surrounding Whitespace
CHECK(to_string("| {{&string}} |"_fmt(s)) == "| --- |");
// Interpolation - Standalone
CHECK(to_string(" {{string}}\n"_fmt(s)) == " ---\n");
// Triple Mustache - Standalone
CHECK(to_string(" {{{string}}}\n"_fmt(s)) == " ---\n");
// Ampersand - Standalone
CHECK(to_string(" {{&string}}\n"_fmt(s)) == " ---\n");
// Whitespace Insensitivity
// Interpolation With Padding
CHECK(to_string("|{{ string }}|"_fmt(s)) == "|---|");
// Triple Mustache With Padding
CHECK(to_string("|{{{ string }}}|"_fmt(s)) == "|---|");
// Ampersand With Padding
CHECK(to_string("|{{& string }}|"_fmt(s)) == "|---|");
object const empty;
// Truthy
CHECK(to_string(R"("{{#boolean}}This should be rendered.{{/boolean}}")"_fmt(object{{"boolean", true}}))
== R"("This should be rendered.")");
// Falsey
CHECK(to_string(R"("{{#boolean}}This should not be rendered.{{/boolean}}")"_fmt(object{{"boolean", false}}))
== R"("")");
// Context
CHECK(to_string(R"("{{#context}}Hi {{name}}.{{/context}}")"_fmt(object{{"context", object{{"name", "Joe"}}}}))
== R"("Hi Joe.")");
// Deeply Nested Contexts
{"a", object{{"one", 1}}},
{"b", object{{"two", 2}}},
{"c", object{{"three", 3}}},
{"d", object{{"four", 4}}},
{"e", object{{"five", 5}}}}))
// List
CHECK(to_string(R"("{{#list}}{{item}}{{/list}}")"_fmt(object{{"list", array{object{{"item", 1}}, object{{"item", 2}}, object{{"item", 3}}}}}))
== R"("123")");
// Empty List
CHECK(to_string(R"("{{#list}}Yay lists!{{/list}}")"_fmt(object{{"list", array{}}})) == R"("")");
// Doubled
"* first\n"
"* {{two}}\n"
"* third\n"
"{{/bool}}"_fmt(object{{"bool", true}, {"two", "second"}}))
"* first\n"
"* second\n"
"* third\n");
// Nested (Truthy)
CHECK(to_string("| A {{#bool}}B {{#bool}}C{{/bool}} D{{/bool}} E |"_fmt(object{{"bool", true}})) == "| A B C D E |");
// Nested (Falsey)
CHECK(to_string("| A {{#bool}}B {{#bool}}C{{/bool}} D{{/bool}} E |"_fmt(object{{"bool", false}})) == "| A E |");
// Context Misses
CHECK(to_string("[{{#missing}}Found key 'missing'!{{/missing}}]"_fmt(empty)) == "[]");
// Implicit Iterators
// Implicit Iterator - String
CHECK(to_string(R"#("{{#list}}({{.}}){{/list}}")#"_fmt(object{{"list", array{1, 2, 3, 4, 5}}})) == R"#("(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)")#");
// Implicit Iterator - Decimal
CHECK(to_string(R"#("{{#list}}({{.}}){{/list}}")#"_fmt(object{{"list", array{1.1, 2.2, 3.3, 4.4, 5.5}}})) == R"#("(1.1)(2.2)(3.3)(4.4)(5.5)")#");
// Implicit Iterator - Array
CHECK(to_string(R"#("{{#list}}({{#.}}{{.}}{{/.}}){{/list}}")#"_fmt(object{{"list", array{array{1, 2, 3}, array{"a", "b", "c"}}}})) == R"#("(123)(abc)")#");
// Dotted Names
// Dotted Names - Truthy
CHECK(to_string(R"("{{#a.b.c}}Here{{/a.b.c}}" == "Here")"_fmt(object{{"a", object{{"b", object{{"c", true}}}}}})) == R"("Here" == "Here")");
// Dotted Names - Falsey
CHECK(to_string(R"("{{#a.b.c}}Here{{/a.b.c}}" == "")"_fmt(object{{"a", object{{"b", object{{"c", false}}}}}})) == R"("" == "")");
// Dotted Names - Broken Chains
CHECK(to_string(R"("{{#a.b.c}}Here{{/a.b.c}}" == "")"_fmt(object{{"a", empty}})) == R"("" == "")");
object const o{{"boolean", true}};
// Whitespace Sensitivity
// Surrounding Whitespace
CHECK(to_string(" | {{#boolean}}\t|\t{{/boolean}} | \n"_fmt(o)) == " | \t|\t | \n");
// Internal Whitespace
CHECK(to_string(" | {{#boolean}} {{! Important Whitespace }}\n {{/boolean}} | \n"_fmt(o)) == " | \n | \n");
// Indented Inline Sections
CHECK(to_string(" {{#boolean}}YES{{/boolean}}\n {{#boolean}}GOOD{{/boolean}}\n"_fmt(o)) == " YES\n GOOD\n");
// Standalone Lines
"| This Is\n"
"| A Line"_fmt(o))
"| This Is\n"
"| A Line");
// Indented Standalone Lines
"| This Is\n"
" {{#boolean}}\n"
" {{/boolean}}\n"
"| A Line"_fmt(o))
"| This Is\n"
"| A Line");
// Standalone Line Endings
CHECK(to_string("|\r\n{{#boolean}}\r\n{{/boolean}}\r\n|"_fmt(o)) == "|\r\n|");
// Standalone Without Previous Line
CHECK(to_string(" {{#boolean}}\n#{{/boolean}}\n/"_fmt(o)) == "#\n/");
// Standalone Without Newline
CHECK(to_string("#{{#boolean}}\n/\n {{/boolean}}"_fmt(o)) == "#\n/\n");
// Whitespace Insensitivity
CHECK(to_string("|{{# boolean }}={{/ boolean }}|"_fmt(o)) == "|=|");
object const empty;
// Falsey
CHECK(to_string(R"("{{^boolean}}This should be rendered.{{/boolean}}")"_fmt(object{{"boolean", false}})) == R"("This should be rendered.")");
// Truthy
CHECK(to_string(R"("{{^boolean}}This should not be rendered.{{/boolean}}")"_fmt(object{{"boolean", true}})) == R"("")");
// Context
CHECK(to_string(R"("{{^context}}Hi {{name}}.{{/context}}")"_fmt(object{{"context", object{{"name", "Joe"}}}})) == R"("")");
// List
CHECK(to_string(R"("{{^list}}{{n}}{{/list}}")"_fmt(object{{"list", array{object{{"n", 1}}, object{{"n", 2}}, object{{"n", 3}}}}})) == R"("")");
// Empty List
CHECK(to_string(R"("{{^list}}Yay lists!{{/list}}")"_fmt(object{{"list", array{}}})) == R"("Yay lists!")");
// Doubled
"* first\n"
"* {{two}}\n"
"* third\n"
"{{/bool}}"_fmt(object{{"bool", false}, {"two", "second"}}))
"* first\n"
"* second\n"
"* third\n");
// Nested (Falsey)
CHECK(to_string("| A {{^bool}}B {{^bool}}C{{/bool}} D{{/bool}} E |"_fmt(object{{"bool", false}})) == "| A B C D E |");
// Nested (Truthy)
CHECK(to_string("| A {{^bool}}B {{^bool}}C{{/bool}} D{{/bool}} E |"_fmt(object{{"bool", true}})) == "| A E |");
// Context Misses
CHECK(to_string("[{{^missing}}Cannot find key 'missing'!{{/missing}}]"_fmt(empty)) == "[Cannot find key 'missing'!]");
// Dotted Names
// Dotted Names - Truthy
CHECK(to_string(R"("{{^a.b.c}}Not Here{{/a.b.c}}" == "")"_fmt(object{{"a", object{{"b", object{{"c", true}}}}}})) == R"("" == "")");
// Dotted Names - Falsey
CHECK(to_string(R"("{{^a.b.c}}Not Here{{/a.b.c}}" == "Not Here")"_fmt(object{{"a", object{{"b", object{{"c", false}}}}}})) == R"("Not Here" == "Not Here")");
// Dotted Names - Broken Chains
CHECK(to_string(R"("{{^a.b.c}}Not Here{{/a.b.c}}" == "Not Here")"_fmt(object{{"a", empty}})) == R"("Not Here" == "Not Here")");
object const o{{"boolean", false}};
// Whitespace Sensitivity
// Surrounding Whitespace
CHECK(to_string(" | {{^boolean}}\t|\t{{/boolean}} | \n"_fmt(o)) == " | \t|\t | \n");
// Internal Whitespace
CHECK(to_string(" | {{^boolean}} {{! Important Whitespace }}\n {{/boolean}} | \n"_fmt(o)) == " | \n | \n");
// Indented Inline Sections
CHECK(to_string(" {{^boolean}}YES{{/boolean}}\n {{^boolean}}GOOD{{/boolean}}\n"_fmt(o)) == " YES\n GOOD\n");
// Standalone Lines
"| This Is\n"
"| A Line"_fmt(o))
"| This Is\n"
"| A Line");
// Indented Standalone Lines
"| This Is\n"
" {{^boolean}}\n"
" {{/boolean}}\n"
"| A Line"_fmt(o))
"| This Is\n"
"| A Line");
// Standalone Line Endings
CHECK(to_string("|\r\n{{^boolean}}\r\n{{/boolean}}\r\n|"_fmt(o)) == "|\r\n|");
// Standalone Without Previous Line
CHECK(to_string(" {{^boolean}}\n#{{/boolean}}\n/"_fmt(o)) == "#\n/");
// Standalone Without Newline
CHECK(to_string("#{{^boolean}}\n/\n {{/boolean}}"_fmt(o)) == "#\n/\n");
// Whitespace Insensitivity
CHECK(to_string("|{{^ boolean }}={{/ boolean }}|"_fmt(o)) == "|=|");
// Pair Behavior
CHECK(to_string("{{=<% %>=}}(<%text%>)"_fmt(object{{"text", "Hey!"}})) == "(Hey!)");
// Special Characters
CHECK(to_string("({{=[ ]=}}[text])"_fmt(object{{"text", "It worked!"}})) == "(It worked!)");
// Sections
" {{data}}\n"
" |data|\n"
"{{= | | =}}\n"
" {{data}}\n"
" |data|\n"
"]"_fmt(object{{"section", true}, {"data", "I got interpolated."}}))
" I got interpolated.\n"
" |data|\n"
" {{data}}\n"
" I got interpolated.\n"
// Inverted Sections
" {{data}}\n"
" |data|\n"
"{{= | | =}}\n"
" {{data}}\n"
" |data|\n"
"]"_fmt(object{{"section", false},{"data", "I got interpolated."}}))
" I got interpolated.\n"
" |data|\n"
" {{data}}\n"
" I got interpolated.\n"
// Partial Inheritence
"[ {{>include}} ]\n"
"{{= | | =}}\n"
"[ |>include| ]"_fmt(object{{"value", "yes"}}, context{{"include", ".{{value}}."_fmt}}))
"[ .yes. ]\n"
"[ .yes. ]");
// Post-Partial Behavior
"[ {{>include}} ]\n"
"[ .{{value}}. .|value|. ]"_fmt(object{{"value", "yes"}}, context{{"include", ".{{value}}. {{= | | =}} .|value|."_fmt}}))
"[ .yes. .yes. ]\n"
"[ .yes. .|value|. ]");
object const empty;
// Whitespace Sensitivity
// Surrounding Whitespace
CHECK(to_string("| {{=@ @=}} |"_fmt(empty)) == "| |");
// Outlying Whitespace (Inline)
CHECK(to_string(" | {{=@ @=}}\n"_fmt(empty)) == " | \n");
// Standalone Tag
"{{=@ @=}}\n"
// Indented Standalone Tag
" {{=@ @=}}\n"
// Standalone Line Endings
CHECK(to_string("|\r\n{{= @ @ =}}\r\n|"_fmt(empty)) == "|\r\n|");
// Standalone Without Previous Line
CHECK(to_string(" {{=@ @=}}\n="_fmt(empty)) == "=");
// Standalone Without Newline
CHECK(to_string("=\n {{=@ @=}}"_fmt(empty)) == "=\n");
// Whitespace Insensitivity
// Pair with Padding
CHECK(to_string("|{{= @ @ =}}|"_fmt(empty)) == "||");
object const empty;
// Inline
CHECK(to_string("12345{{! Comment Block! }}67890"_fmt(empty)) == "1234567890");
// Multiline
" This is a\n"
" multi-line comment...\n"
// Standalone
"{{! Comment Block! }}\n"
// Indented Standalone
" {{! Comment Block! }}\n"
// Standalone Line Endings
CHECK(to_string("|\r\n{{! Standalone Comment }}\r\n|"_fmt(empty)) == "|\r\n|");
// Standalone Without Previous Line
CHECK(to_string(" {{! I'm Still Standalone }}\n!"_fmt(empty)) == "!");
// Standalone Without Newline
CHECK(to_string("!\n {{! I'm Still Standalone }}"_fmt(empty)) == "!\n");
// Multiline Standalone
"Something's going on here...\n"
// Indented Multiline Standalone
" {{!\n"
" Something's going on here...\n"
" }}\n"
// Indented Inline
CHECK(to_string(" 12 {{! 34 }}\n"_fmt(empty)) == " 12 \n");
// Surrounding Whitespace
CHECK(to_string("12345 {{! Comment Block! }} 67890"_fmt(empty)) == "12345 67890");
object const empty;
// Basic Behavior
CHECK(to_string(R"("{{>text}}")"_fmt(empty, context{{"text", "from partial"_fmt}})) == R"("from partial")");
// Failed Lookup
CHECK(to_string(R"("{{>text}}")"_fmt(empty)) == R"("")");
// Context
CHECK(to_string(R"("{{>partial}}")"_fmt(object{{"text", "content"}}, context{{"partial", "*{{text}}*"_fmt}})) == R"("*content*")");
// Recursion
{"content", "X"},
{"nodes", array{object{{"content", "Y"}, {"nodes", array{}}}}}
}, context{{"node", "{{content}}<{{#nodes}}{{>node}}{{/nodes}}>"_fmt}})) == "X<Y<>>");
// Whitespace Sensitivity
// Surrounding Whitespace
CHECK(to_string("| {{>partial}} |"_fmt(empty, context{{"partial", "\t|\t"_fmt}})) == "| \t|\t |");
// Inline Indentation
CHECK(to_string(" {{data}} {{> partial}}\n"_fmt(object{{"data", "|"}}, context{{"partial", ">\n>"_fmt}})) == " | >\n>\n");
// Standalone Line Endings
CHECK(to_string("|\r\n{{>partial}}\r\n|"_fmt(empty, context{{"partial", ">"_fmt}})) == "|\r\n>|");
// Standalone Without Previous Line
CHECK(to_string(" {{>partial}}\n>"_fmt(empty, context{{"partial", ">\n>"_fmt}})) == " >\n >>");
// Standalone Without Newline
CHECK(to_string(">\n {{>partial}}"_fmt(empty, context{{"partial", ">\n>"_fmt}})) == ">\n >\n >");
// Standalone Indentation
" {{>partial}}\n"
"/"_fmt(object{{"content", "<\n->"}},
" |\n"
" <\n"
" |\n"
// Whitespace Insensitivity
// Padding Whitespace
CHECK(to_string("|{{> partial }}|"_fmt(empty, context{{"partial", "[]"_fmt}})) == "|[]|");
// Interpolation
CHECK(to_string("Hello, {{lambda}}!"_fmt(object{{"lambda", [] { return "world"; }}})) == "Hello, world!");
// Interpolation - Expansion
"Hello, {{lambda}}!"_fmt(object{
{"lambda", [] { return "{{planet}}"_fmt; }},
{"planet", "world"}}))
"Hello, world!");
// Interpolation - Alternate Delimiters
"{{= | | =}}\nHello, (|&lambda|)!"_fmt(object{
{"lambda", [] { return "|planet| => {{planet}}"_fmt; }},
{"planet", "world"}}))
"Hello, (|planet| => world)!");
// Interpolation - Multiple Calls
"{{lambda}} == {{{lambda}}} == {{lambda}}"_fmt(object{
{"lambda", [n = 0]() mutable { return ++n; }}}))
"1 == 2 == 3");
// Escaping
CHECK(to_string("<{{lambda}}{{{lambda}}}"_fmt(object{{"lambda", [] { return ">"; }}}, escape_html)) == "<&gt;>");
// Section - Expansion
{"lambda", [](ast::content_list const& contents) {
ast::content_list list;
list.insert(list.end(), contents.begin(), contents.end());
list.insert(list.end(), contents.begin(), contents.end());
return format(std::move(list), false);
{"planet", "Earth"}}))
// Section - Multiple Calls
CHECK(to_string("{{#lambda}}FILE{{/lambda}} != {{#lambda}}LINE{{/lambda}}"_fmt(object{
{"lambda", [](ast::content_list const& contents) {
ast::content_list list;
list.insert(list.end(), contents.begin(), contents.end());
return format(std::move(list), false);
"__FILE__ != __LINE__");
// Inverted Section
{"lambda", [](ast::content_list const&) { return false; }},
{"static", "static"}}))