
We are always excited to have contributions from the community - especially from new contributors! We are interested in accepting contributions of code, as well as documentation and even artwork that can be applied as icons or styling to the application.

Getting started...

NiFi's JIRA page can be used to find tickets:

NiFi Flow Design System Unassigned Issues

Create a ticket for new bugs or features

Run into a bug or think there is something that would benefit the project? Regardless if you have the time to provide the fix or implementation, we encourage any such items to be filed as an issue at the Apache NiFi JIRA.

Providing contributions

The source is hosted at

Like all Apache projects, a mirror of the git repository is also located on GitHub at which provides ease in forking and generating pull requests (PRs).

Configure your git client

Ensure your git user name and email are configured The following lines ensure your commits are appropriately annotated with your information

git config --global "User Name"
git config --global
Windows Specific configuration

The following options provide handling of long file paths that can be troublesome as well as not using Windows style line returns.

git config --global core.longpaths true
git config --global core.autocrlf false

Clone a copy of the repository

From the Apache Hosted Repository

git clone

From the GitHub Mirror

git clone

From your GitHub Fork

git clone<account name>/nifi-fds.git

Retrieval of upstream changes

Additionally, it is beneficial to add a git remote for the mirror to allow the retrieval of upstream changes

git remote add upstream

The NiFi community uses a modified Gitflow development model. A summary:

  • Use of a central repository
  • Branch per feature similar to the Feature Branch Workflow
  • Work is done locally and then pushed to the central repo
  • ‘master’ branch contains the official release history. Code changes (not code formatting, administrative updates) require Review-Then-Commit (RTC) by another committer to get incorporated.

Apache NIFI has a Review-Then-Commit (RTC) philosophy for handling all contributions. Reviewers first ensure that the code applies and builds appropriately. From here, code is evaluated to ensure best practices within the NiFi FDS are applied and, where applicable, that the user experience of interfacing with the contribution is consistent and any changes are backwards compatible. This process may be iterative but works toward a final product that is then merged into the codebase.

While only committers can actively promote contributions into the repository, feedback on issues, regardless of committer status, is appreciated and valued in the review process.

If you are interested in facilitating the review process, a listing of all code contributions with a patch are available via a JIRA filter, NIFI Patch Available.