blob: 48e8804cf16dfc0d2165606fa4698680e6e43130 [file] [log] [blame]
"use strict";
var __createBinding = (this && this.__createBinding) || (Object.create ? (function(o, m, k, k2) {
if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k;
Object.defineProperty(o, k2, { enumerable: true, get: function() { return m[k]; } });
}) : (function(o, m, k, k2) {
if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k;
o[k2] = m[k];
var __setModuleDefault = (this && this.__setModuleDefault) || (Object.create ? (function(o, v) {
Object.defineProperty(o, "default", { enumerable: true, value: v });
}) : function(o, v) {
o["default"] = v;
var __importStar = (this && this.__importStar) || function (mod) {
if (mod && mod.__esModule) return mod;
var result = {};
if (mod != null) for (var k in mod) if (k !== "default" &&, k)) __createBinding(result, mod, k);
__setModuleDefault(result, mod);
return result;
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.isTypeReadonly = exports.readonlynessOptionsDefaults = exports.readonlynessOptionsSchema = void 0;
const utils_1 = require("@typescript-eslint/utils");
const tsutils_1 = require("tsutils");
const ts = __importStar(require("typescript"));
const propertyTypes_1 = require("./propertyTypes");
exports.readonlynessOptionsSchema = {
type: 'object',
additionalProperties: false,
properties: {
treatMethodsAsReadonly: {
type: 'boolean',
exports.readonlynessOptionsDefaults = {
treatMethodsAsReadonly: false,
function hasSymbol(node) {
return, 'symbol');
function isTypeReadonlyArrayOrTuple(checker, type, options, seenTypes) {
function checkTypeArguments(arrayType) {
var _a;
const typeArguments =
// getTypeArguments was only added in TS3.7
? checker.getTypeArguments(arrayType)
: (_a = arrayType.typeArguments) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : [];
// this shouldn't happen in reality as:
// - tuples require at least 1 type argument
// - ReadonlyArray requires at least 1 type argument
/* istanbul ignore if */ if (typeArguments.length === 0) {
return 3 /* Readonly */;
// validate the element types are also readonly
if (typeArguments.some(typeArg => isTypeReadonlyRecurser(checker, typeArg, options, seenTypes) ===
2 /* Mutable */)) {
return 2 /* Mutable */;
return 3 /* Readonly */;
if (checker.isArrayType(type)) {
const symbol = utils_1.ESLintUtils.nullThrows(type.getSymbol(), utils_1.ESLintUtils.NullThrowsReasons.MissingToken('symbol', 'array type'));
const escapedName = symbol.getEscapedName();
if (escapedName === 'Array') {
return 2 /* Mutable */;
return checkTypeArguments(type);
if (checker.isTupleType(type)) {
if (! {
return 2 /* Mutable */;
return checkTypeArguments(type);
return 1 /* UnknownType */;
function isTypeReadonlyObject(checker, type, options, seenTypes) {
function checkIndexSignature(kind) {
const indexInfo = checker.getIndexInfoOfType(type, kind);
if (indexInfo) {
if (!indexInfo.isReadonly) {
return 2 /* Mutable */;
return isTypeReadonlyRecurser(checker, indexInfo.type, options, seenTypes);
return 1 /* UnknownType */;
const properties = type.getProperties();
if (properties.length) {
// ensure the properties are marked as readonly
for (const property of properties) {
if (options.treatMethodsAsReadonly) {
if (property.valueDeclaration !== undefined &&
hasSymbol(property.valueDeclaration) &&
(0, tsutils_1.isSymbolFlagSet)(property.valueDeclaration.symbol, ts.SymbolFlags.Method)) {
const declarations = property.getDeclarations();
const lastDeclaration = declarations !== undefined && declarations.length > 0
? declarations[declarations.length - 1]
: undefined;
if (lastDeclaration !== undefined &&
hasSymbol(lastDeclaration) &&
(0, tsutils_1.isSymbolFlagSet)(lastDeclaration.symbol, ts.SymbolFlags.Method)) {
if ((0, tsutils_1.isPropertyReadonlyInType)(type, property.getEscapedName(), checker)) {
return 2 /* Mutable */;
// all properties were readonly
// now ensure that all of the values are readonly also.
// do this after checking property readonly-ness as a perf optimization,
// as we might be able to bail out early due to a mutable property before
// doing this deep, potentially expensive check.
for (const property of properties) {
const propertyType = utils_1.ESLintUtils.nullThrows((0, propertyTypes_1.getTypeOfPropertyOfType)(checker, type, property), utils_1.ESLintUtils.NullThrowsReasons.MissingToken(`property "${}"`, 'type'));
// handle recursive types.
// we only need this simple check, because a mutable recursive type will break via the above prop readonly check
if (seenTypes.has(propertyType)) {
if (isTypeReadonlyRecurser(checker, propertyType, options, seenTypes) ===
2 /* Mutable */) {
return 2 /* Mutable */;
const isStringIndexSigReadonly = checkIndexSignature(ts.IndexKind.String);
if (isStringIndexSigReadonly === 2 /* Mutable */) {
return isStringIndexSigReadonly;
const isNumberIndexSigReadonly = checkIndexSignature(ts.IndexKind.Number);
if (isNumberIndexSigReadonly === 2 /* Mutable */) {
return isNumberIndexSigReadonly;
return 3 /* Readonly */;
// a helper function to ensure the seenTypes map is always passed down, except by the external caller
function isTypeReadonlyRecurser(checker, type, options, seenTypes) {
if ((0, tsutils_1.isUnionType)(type)) {
// all types in the union must be readonly
const result = (0, tsutils_1.unionTypeParts)(type).every(t => seenTypes.has(t) ||
isTypeReadonlyRecurser(checker, t, options, seenTypes) ===
3 /* Readonly */);
const readonlyness = result ? 3 /* Readonly */ : 2 /* Mutable */;
return readonlyness;
if ((0, tsutils_1.isIntersectionType)(type)) {
// Special case for handling arrays/tuples (as readonly arrays/tuples always have mutable methods).
if (type.types.some(t => checker.isArrayType(t) || checker.isTupleType(t))) {
const allReadonlyParts = type.types.every(t => seenTypes.has(t) ||
isTypeReadonlyRecurser(checker, t, options, seenTypes) ===
3 /* Readonly */);
return allReadonlyParts ? 3 /* Readonly */ : 2 /* Mutable */;
// Normal case.
const isReadonlyObject = isTypeReadonlyObject(checker, type, options, seenTypes);
if (isReadonlyObject !== 1 /* UnknownType */) {
return isReadonlyObject;
if ((0, tsutils_1.isConditionalType)(type)) {
const result = [type.root.node.trueType, type.root.node.falseType]
.every(t => seenTypes.has(t) ||
isTypeReadonlyRecurser(checker, t, options, seenTypes) ===
3 /* Readonly */);
const readonlyness = result ? 3 /* Readonly */ : 2 /* Mutable */;
return readonlyness;
// all non-object, non-intersection types are readonly.
// this should only be primitive types
if (!(0, tsutils_1.isObjectType)(type)) {
return 3 /* Readonly */;
// pure function types are readonly
if (type.getCallSignatures().length > 0 &&
type.getProperties().length === 0) {
return 3 /* Readonly */;
const isReadonlyArray = isTypeReadonlyArrayOrTuple(checker, type, options, seenTypes);
if (isReadonlyArray !== 1 /* UnknownType */) {
return isReadonlyArray;
const isReadonlyObject = isTypeReadonlyObject(checker, type, options, seenTypes);
/* istanbul ignore else */ if (isReadonlyObject !== 1 /* UnknownType */) {
return isReadonlyObject;
throw new Error('Unhandled type');
* Checks if the given type is readonly
function isTypeReadonly(checker, type, options = exports.readonlynessOptionsDefaults) {
return (isTypeReadonlyRecurser(checker, type, options, new Set()) ===
3 /* Readonly */);
exports.isTypeReadonly = isTypeReadonly;