tree: 1eac1f4a07e820c456be845eb679c7b20213df05 [path history] [tgz]
  1. _message-theme.scss
  2. covalent-core-message.d.ts
  3. covalent-core-message.metadata.json
  4. index.d.ts
  5. message.component.d.ts
  6. message.component.scss
  7. message.module.d.ts
  8. package.json
  9. public-api.d.ts


td-message element generates an inline message with an icon, color, label and sublabel.

color can be either with any theme color (primary, accent or warn) But you can also set a color from our lib and it can be applied in the component to get any material color not in the theme. (blue, red, etc)

API Summary


  • label?: string
    • Sets the label of the message.
  • sublabel?: string
    • Sets the sublabel of the message.
  • icon?: string
    • The icon to be displayed before the title. Defaults to info_outline icon.
  • color?: ‘primary’ | ‘accent’ | ‘warn’
    • Sets the color of the message. Can also use any material color: purple, light-blue, etc.
  • opened?: boolean
    • Shows or hides the message depending on its value. Defaults to ‘true’.


  • open: function
    • Renders the message on screen.
  • close: function
    • Removes the message content from screen.
  • toggle: function
    • Toggles between open and close depending on state.


Import the [CovalentMessageModule] in your NgModule:

import { CovalentMessageModule } from '@covalent/core/message';
  imports: [
export class MyModule {}


Example for HTML usage:

<td-message #messageDemo color="primary" class="pad-sm" label="Hide me!" sublabel="You can toggle my visibility & add a class!">
  <button td-message-actions mat-icon-button (click)="messageDemo.close()"><mat-icon>cancel</mat-icon></button>
<button mat-button color="accent" (click)="messageDemo.toggle()">
  Toggle Visibility