tree: ec066bfec6d59df1f2123f002345d1fac22215d4 [path history] [tgz]
  1. breadcrumbs/
  2. bundles/
  3. chips/
  4. common/
  5. data-table/
  6. dialogs/
  7. dynamic-menu/
  8. esm2015/
  9. esm5/
  10. expansion-panel/
  11. fesm2015/
  12. fesm5/
  13. file/
  14. json-formatter/
  15. layout/
  16. loading/
  17. media/
  18. menu/
  19. message/
  20. nav-links/
  21. notifications/
  22. paging/
  23. schematics/
  24. search/
  25. side-sheet/
  26. sidesheet/
  27. steps/
  28. tab-select/
  29. theming/
  30. typography/
  31. user-profile/
  32. virtual-scroll/
  33. covalent-core.d.ts
  34. covalent-core.metadata.json
  35. index.d.ts
  36. package.json
  37. public_api.d.ts


Core Teradata UI Platform for layouts, icons, custom components and themes. This should be added as a dependency for any project that wants to use layouts, icons and themes for Angular Material.

The core will have custom components that enforce standards and best practices through built-in design patterns.


This component can be installed as npm package.

npm i -save @covalent/core


Import the modules from @covalent/core as needed in your NgModule:

import { CovalentLayoutModule } from '@covalent/core/layout';
import { CovalentStepsModule  } from '@covalent/core/steps';
/* and many more */
  imports: [
export class MyModule {}

Styles, Icons and Theming

See theming in the covalent docs for more info

Core Teradata UI Platform comes with a base CSS file @covalent/core/common/platform.css (includes icons).