blob: 635f732b150125ab894aba532317d7fbfb5d7905 [file] [log] [blame]
* @license
* Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at
import { ResolvedResource } from '../../update-tool/component-resource-collector';
import { MigrationRule } from '../../update-tool/migration-rule';
import { InputNameUpgradeData } from '../data';
import { RuleUpgradeData } from '../upgrade-data';
* Rule that walks through every template or stylesheet and replaces outdated input
* names to the new input name. Selectors in stylesheets could also target input
* bindings declared as static attribute. See for example:
* e.g. `<my-component color="primary">` becomes `my-component[color]`
export declare class InputNamesRule extends MigrationRule<RuleUpgradeData> {
/** Change data that upgrades to the specified target version. */
data: InputNameUpgradeData[];
ruleEnabled: boolean;
visitStylesheet(stylesheet: ResolvedResource): void;
visitTemplate(template: ResolvedResource): void;
private _replaceInputName;